{ "data_format": 1, "project": { "name": "OSMaPaaralan", "description": "Mapping Philippine public schools (paaralan) in OpenStreetMap", "project_url": "https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/9413", "doc_url": "https://hackmd.io/@osmph?tags=%5B%22OSMaPaaralan%22%5D", "contact_name": "Erwin Olario for MapAmore", "contact_email": "govvin@gmail.com" }, "tags": [{ "key": "amenity", "description": "The primary tag for all items mapped in the project", "value": "school" }, { "key": "ref", "description": "The official DepEd reference id for the school" }, { "key": "old_ref", "description": "The historical DepEd reference id for the school. (e.g. after a school is merged or upgraded)" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The official name of the school" }, { "key": "old_name", "description": "The historical name of the school" }, { "key": "name:abbr", "description": "The abbreviated name of the school" }, { "key": "alt_name", "description": "The alternative name(s) of the school" }, { "key": "isced:level", "description": "identify the level of education offered by a school based on the ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) scale" }, { "key": "operator", "description": "The local school division office of the Department of Educatoin with supervising authority over the school" }, { "key": "operator:type", "description": "The type of operator=* for a feature, and set to 'public' for all project items. ", "value": "public" }, { "key": "population:pupils:2012", "description": "School population data for CY 2012" }, { "key": "population:pupils:2015", "description": "School population data for CY 2015" }, { "key": "start_date", "description": "The date the school started operating" }, { "key": "source", "description": "The data source", "value": "Department of Education, Philippines" }, { "key": "addr:place", "description": "The name of the closest territorial zone (neighbourhood, hamlet, village, etc.) when addr:street information is unavailable." }, { "key": "addr:province", "description": "The province address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:city", "description": "The city address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:town", "description": "The town address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:quarter", "description": "The quarter address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:suburb", "description": "The village address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:village", "description": "The village address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:hamlet", "description": "The hamlet address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:neighbourhood", "description": "The neighbourhood address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:street", "description": "The street name address of the school." }, { "key": "addr:street:corner", "description": "The secondary street address of the school (i.e. school is located on a corner)" }, { "key": "addr:housenumber", "description": "The housenumber address of the school." }, { "key": "education_program", "description": "The curriculum program implemented by a school. Unused for schools implementing the general curriculum." }, { "key": "specialized_education", "description": "The specific, special curriculum program implemented by a school (e.g. special needs, culture and arts, etc.)" } ] }