Define the JRE needed to compile and run the Java projects of ${scope.project.label}
Set the heap space needed to work with the projects of ${scope.project.label}
Initialize JDT's package explorer to show working sets as its root objects
Initialize the Sirius "formatter", "cleanup" and "importorder" as activated ones.
Target Platform used for new install. You can then use another umldesigner_* predefined target platform existing in project.
${scope.project.label} Github repository
${scope.project.label}-UI-Tests Github repository
Install the tools needed in the IDE to work with the source code for ${scope.project.label}
The dynamic working sets for ${scope.project.label}
Target Platform used for the new install. It should be one of the available predefined TP in project
Ignore "Plug-in Development/API Baselines"
UML Designer provides a set of common diagrams to work with UML 2.5 models. The intent is to provide an easy way to make the transition from UML to domain specific modeling. This way users can continue to manipulate legacy UML models and start working with DSL. Users can even re-use the provided representations and work in a total transparence on both UML and DSL models at the same time.
These plugins are released under the EPL Open-Source License.
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