program idHighlighting; {$i ogLib\lib\core\core.simba} {ogLib ID Highlight Tool} {written by Clarity} {TOOL OPTIONS} var {RETINA/4K MONITOR SETTINGS (PERCENTAGE)} DISPLAY_SCALING = 100; OLD_SCHOOL_MS = false; {Distance for tool to hover, delay (ms) between scans loops} MOUSE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 30; DELAY_TIME = 5; STACK_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 20; {Insert IDs that you want the tool to ignore} DISCARD_TEXTURE_IDs = [88625, 3786240, 3084480, 65081, 13812, 11772, 386460, 63750, 11605, 13600, 9900, 11220, 360740, 1372214, 3573, 112455, 2875552]; DISCARD_MODEL_IDs = [4390934, 65536]; {END OF OPTIONS} {TOOL CODE BELOW} label mouseInBounds; var CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT: integer; HIGHLIGHT_MODELS, HIGHLIGHT_TEXTURES: boolean; lastDebuggedModels: glModelArray; lastDebuggedModelsIDs: tIntegerArray; previousPositions: tPointArray; x, y, heightMod, widthMod, maxTextWidth, maxTextWidthMemory, smartPIDEx, smartPIDIndex, ldmIndex, clickedIndex, stackedMod, currentMode, previousMode: integer; scaleModifier: extended; currentTP, previousTP: TPoint; windowTitle: string; dotDelay: tCountDown; infoBounds: tBox; trackButtonBounds, allButtonBounds: tboxarray; trackMode, prepareTrack, showOthersMode, overrideE, hasClicked, hasCtrl, beganPreparing, didClear: boolean; {ported from SRL-6} procedure getRealMousePos(var X, Y : Integer); var KMTarget, ITarget : Integer; begin KMTarget := getKeyMouseTarget(); ITarget := getImageTarget(); system.getMousePos(X, Y); setKeyMouseTarget(KMTarget); setImageTarget(ITarget); X := round(X * scaleModifier) - widthMod; Y := round(Y * scaleModifier) - round(heightMod * scaleModifier); end; procedure getRealMousePos(var P : TPoint); overload; begin getRealMousePos(P.X, P.Y); end; {/ported from SRL-6} procedure updateMaxWidth(text, font: string); var w, h: Integer; tpa: array of tPoint; begin tpa := tpaFromText(text, font, w, h); if w > maxTextWidth then maxTextWidth := w; end; procedure drawModeChange(); var modelColor, textureColor: integer; modelBox, textureBox: tBox; begin case ogl.getDebugMode() of 0: begin modelColor := 7829367; textureColor := 7829367; HIGHLIGHT_MODELS := false; HIGHLIGHT_TEXTURES := true; end; 1: begin modelColor := 7829367; textureColor := 4502394; HIGHLIGHT_MODELS := false; HIGHLIGHT_TEXTURES := true; end; 2: begin modelColor := 4502394; textureColor := 7829367; HIGHLIGHT_MODELS := true; HIGHLIGHT_TEXTURES := false; end; end; modelBox := IntToBox(20, 20, 83, 50); textureBox := IntToBox(20, 60, 83, 90); overrideE := true;, 20, 83, 50), true, 1);, 22, 82, 48), true, modelColor);'MODELS', 'smallChars', point(32, 29), 1);'MODELS', 'smallChars', point(31, 28), clWhite);, 60, 83, 90), true, 1);, 62, 82, 88), true, textureColor);'TEXTURES', 'smallChars', point(28, 69), 1);'TEXTURES', 'smallChars', point(27, 68), clWhite);'Mode Changed', 'bigChars', point(98, 49), 1);'Mode Changed', 'bigChars', point(97, 48), clWhite); overrideE := false; wait(500); end; procedure updateDebugMode(); begin if isKeyDown(9) then begin repeat wait(1); until (not isKeyDown(9)); if (ogl.getDebugMode() = 2) then begin glxDebug(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT); oglDebugMode := 0; end else begin glxDebug(ogl.getDebugMode() + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT); oglDebugMode := oglDebugMode + 1; end; end; currentMode := ogl.getDebugMode(); if (currentMode = previousMode) then exit(); drawModeChange(); previousMode := currentMode; end; procedure tGraphics.drawTPA(tpa: array of tPoint; colour: tColor = clRed; erase: boolean = false); override; var i, j: integer; begin j := high(tpa); if (not overrideE) then begin for i := 0 to j do begin if pointInBox(tpa[i], infoBounds) then begin tpa[i].X := 1; tpa[i].Y := 1; end; end; end; if (erase) then self.clear; self.__bmp.drawTPA(tpa, colour); end; function pointInBoxArray(pnt: tPoint; tba: tBoxArray): boolean; var i: integer; begin result := false; for i := 0 to high(tba) do begin if pointInBox(pnt, tba[i]) then begin clickedIndex := i; exit(true); end; end; end; procedure highlightModels; var allModels, displayModels: glModelArray; modelLocs: TPointArray; mouseLoc: TPoint; i, j, k, r, o: cardinal; firstWidth, trackingColor, btnColor: integer; begin k := 1; allModels := ogl.getModels(); if length(allModels) then begin for i := 0 to allModels.maxIndex() do begin if trackMode then begin for r := 0 to (high(lastDebuggedModels) - 1) do begin case r of 0: trackingColor := clRed; 1: trackingColor := clOrange; 2: trackingColor := clYellow; 3: trackingColor := clGreen; 4: trackingColor := clAqua; end; if (lastDebuggedModels[r].ID = allModels[i].ID) and (distance(allModels[i].X, allModels[i].Y, previousPositions[r].X, previousPositions[r].Y) > 20) then begin try[i].X, allModels[i].Y), 8, 1, false);[i].X, allModels[i].Y), 7, trackingColor, true); + 1), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 1, allModels[i].Y - 4), 1); + 1), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 2, allModels[i].Y - 5), clWhite); except end; previousPositions[r] := allModels[i].toPoint(); end; end; end; getRealMousePos(mouseLoc); if (not trackMode) and ((distance(allModels[i].X + (length(toStr(allModels[i].ID)) * 3), allModels[i].Y - 10, mouseLoc.X, mouseLoc.Y) < MOUSE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD)) and (not inIntArray(DISCARD_MODEL_IDs, allModels[i].ID)) and ((not pointInBox(mouseLoc, infoBounds)) or prepareTrack) then begin currentTP := allModels[i].toPoint(); if ((currentTP.X <> previousTP.X) or (currentTP.Y <> previousTP.Y)) then begin infoBounds := IntToBox(-1, -1, -1, -1); smart.Graphics.Clear(); try if prepareTrack then begin'TRACKING MODE (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 6, allModels[i].Y - 33), 65536);'TRACKING MODE (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 7, allModels[i].Y - 34), clWhite); end; updateMaxWidth('Model ID: ' + toStr(allModels[i].ID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Triangle Count: ' + toStr(allModels[i].TID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Position: ' + 'X: ' + toStr(allModels[i].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allModels[i].Y), 'statChars'); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 4, allModels[i].Y - 17, allModels[i].X + round(6 * scaleModifier * length(toStr(allModels[i].ID))) + 3, allModels[i].Y + 7), false, clRed); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 7, allModels[i].Y - 20, allModels[i].X + round(6 * scaleModifier * length(toStr(allModels[i].ID))) + 6, allModels[i].Y + 10), false, clAqua); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 21, allModels[i].Y + 15, allModels[i].X, allModels[i].Y + 60), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 20, allModels[i].Y + 16, allModels[i].X, allModels[i].Y + 59), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 7, allModels[i].Y + 15, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allModels[i].Y + 60), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 6, allModels[i].Y + 16, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth, allModels[i].Y + 59), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth, allModels[i].Y + 15, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 41, allModels[i].Y + 60), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allModels[i].Y + 16, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 40, allModels[i].Y + 59), true, 6579300); btnColor := clOrange; if inIntArray(lastDebuggedModelsIDs, allModels[i].ID) and (prepareTrack) then btnColor := clRed; trackButtonBounds[0] := IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 5, allModels[i].Y + 20, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 36, allModels[i].Y + 34); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(trackButtonBounds[0], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allModels[i].Y + 21, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allModels[i].Y + 33), true, btnColor);'TRK', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allModels[i].Y + 23), 65536);'TRK', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 11, allModels[i].Y + 22), clWhite); maxTextWidthMemory := maxTextWidth; allButtonBounds[0] := IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 5, allModels[i].Y + 40, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 36, allModels[i].Y + 55); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(allButtonBounds[0], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allModels[i].Y + 41, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allModels[i].Y + 54), true, clGreen);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 13, allModels[i].Y + 43), 65536);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allModels[i].Y + 42), clWhite);'Model ID:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 2, allModels[i].Y + 21), 65536);'Model ID:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 3, allModels[i].Y + 20), clWhite);[i].ID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 45, allModels[i].Y + 21), 65536);[i].ID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 44, allModels[i].Y + 20), clAqua);, 'smallChars', point(allModels[i].X - 16, allModels[i].Y + 32), 65536);, 'smallChars', point(allModels[i].X - 17, allModels[i].Y + 31), clWhite);'Triangle Count:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 2, allModels[i].Y + 34), 65536);'Triangle Count:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 3, allModels[i].Y + 33), clWhite);[i].TID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 76, allModels[i].Y + 34), 65536);[i].TID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 75, allModels[i].Y + 33), clAqua);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 2, allModels[i].Y + 47), 65536);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 3, allModels[i].Y + 46), clWhite);'X: ' + toStr(allModels[i].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allModels[i].Y), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 44, allModels[i].Y + 47), 65536);'X: ' + toStr(allModels[i].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allModels[i].Y), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 43, allModels[i].Y + 46), clAqua); except end; infoBounds := IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 31, allModels[i].Y - 40, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 51, allModels[i].Y + 70); ogl.debug('glModel at (' + toStr(allModels[i].X) + ', ' + toStr(allModels[i].Y) + ') has an ID of ' + toStr(allModels[i].ID) + ' and a TID of ' + toStr(allModels[i].TID) + '.'); if isKeyDown(16) then begin for j := 0 to allModels.maxIndex() do begin if (distance(allModels[i].X, allModels[i].Y, allModels[j].X, allModels[j].Y) < STACK_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) and (allModels[i].ID <> allModels[j].ID) then begin setLength(trackButtonBounds, k + 2); setLength(allButtonBounds, k + 2); try overrideE := true; updateMaxWidth('Model ID: ' + toStr(allModels[j].ID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Triangle Count: ' + toStr(allModels[j].TID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Position: ' + 'X: ' + toStr(allModels[j].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allModels[j].Y), 'statChars'); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 21, allModels[i].Y + 15 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X, allModels[i].Y + 60 + (k * stackedMod)), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 20, allModels[i].Y + 16 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X, allModels[i].Y + 59 + (k * stackedMod)), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 7, allModels[i].Y + 15 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allModels[i].Y + 60 + (k * stackedMod)), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 6, allModels[i].Y + 16 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth, allModels[i].Y + 59 + (k * stackedMod)), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth, allModels[i].Y + 15 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 41, allModels[i].Y + 60 + (k * stackedMod)), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allModels[i].Y + 16 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 40, allModels[i].Y + 59 + (k * stackedMod)), true, 6579300); btnColor := 3156509; if inIntArray(lastDebuggedModelsIDs, allModels[i].ID) and (prepareTrack) then btnColor := clRed; trackButtonBounds[k + 1] := IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 5, allModels[i].Y + 20 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 36, allModels[i].Y + 34 + (k * stackedMod)); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(trackButtonBounds[k + 1], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allModels[i].Y + 21 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allModels[i].Y + 33 + (k * stackedMod)), true, btnColor);'TRK', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allModels[i].Y + 23 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'TRK', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 11, allModels[i].Y + 22 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite); allButtonBounds[k + 1] := IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 5, allModels[i].Y + 40 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 36, allModels[i].Y + 55 + (k * stackedMod)); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(allButtonBounds[k + 1], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allModels[i].Y + 41 + (k * stackedMod), allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allModels[i].Y + 54 + (k * stackedMod)), true, btnColor);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 13, allModels[i].Y + 43 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allModels[i].Y + 42 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);'Model ID:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 2, allModels[i].Y + 21 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'Model ID:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 3, allModels[i].Y + 20 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);[j].ID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 45, allModels[i].Y + 21 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);[j].ID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 44, allModels[i].Y + 20 + (k * stackedMod)), clAqua); + 1), 'smallChars', point(allModels[i].X - 16, allModels[i].Y + 32 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536); + 1), 'smallChars', point(allModels[i].X - 17, allModels[i].Y + 31 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);'Triangle Count:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 2, allModels[i].Y + 34 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'Triangle Count:', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X - 3, allModels[i].Y + 33 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);[j].TID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 76, allModels[i].Y + 34 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);[j].TID), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 75, allModels[i].Y + 33 + (k * stackedMod)), clAqua);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 2, allModels[i].Y + 47 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 3, allModels[i].Y + 46 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);'X: ' + toStr(allModels[j].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allModels[j].Y), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 44, allModels[i].Y + 47 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'X: ' + toStr(allModels[j].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allModels[j].Y), 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + 43, allModels[i].Y + 46 + (k * stackedMod)), clAqua); inc(k); overrideE := false; except end; infoBounds := IntToBox(allModels[i].X - 31, allModels[i].Y - 40, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 51, allModels[i].Y + 70 + ((k - 1) * stackedMod)); ogl.debug('glModel (STACKED) at (' + toStr(allModels[j].X) + ', ' + toStr(allModels[j].Y) + ') has an ID of ' + toStr(allModels[j].ID) + ' and a TID of ' + toStr(allModels[j].TID) + '.'); end; end; end; previousTP := currentTP; if (not prepareTrack) then begin lastDebuggedModels[0] := allModels[i]; lastDebuggedModelsIDs[0] := allModels[i].ID; end; mouseInBounds: getRealMousePos(mouseLoc); if (pointInBox(mouseLoc, infoBounds)) then begin hasCtrl := false; hasClicked := false; repeat wait(1); getRealMousePos(mouseLoc); hasClicked := isMouseButtonDown(1); hasCtrl := isKeyDown(17); until (not (pointInBox(mouseLoc, infoBounds))) or (hasCtrl) or (hasClicked); if hasCtrl then repeat wait(1); until (not isKeyDown(17)); if (hasClicked) and (pointInBox(mouseLoc, allButtonBounds[0])) then begin hasClicked := false; overrideE := true; smart.Graphics.DrawBox(allButtonBounds[0], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allModels[i].Y + 41, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allModels[i].Y + 54), true, clLime);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 13, allModels[i].Y + 43), 65536);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allModels[i].Y + 42), clWhite); ogl.debug('Now displaying all models of ID: [' + toStr(allModels[i].ID) + ']. Press CTRL to abort.'); overrideE := false; ogl.setDebugMode('n'); drawModeChange(); repeat displayModels := ogl.getModels(allModels[i].ID); for o := 0 to high(displayModels) do begin[o].X, displayModels[o].Y), 8, 1, false);[o].X, displayModels[o].Y), 7, clRed, true); end; wait(250);; until isKeyDown(17); repeat wait(1); until (not isKeyDown(17)); ogl.debug('Display ALL aborted. Restoring debug mode.'); glxDebug(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT); oglDebugMode := 2; drawModeChange(); exit(); end; if (hasClicked) and (pointInBox(mouseLoc, trackButtonBounds[0])) and (not beganPreparing) then begin prepareTrack := true; exit(); end; if hasCtrl then exit(); end; if (prepareTrack) and (hasClicked) and (not inIntArray(lastDebuggedModelsIDs, allModels[i].ID)) then begin getRealMousePos(mouseLoc); if pointInBox(mouseLoc, trackButtonBounds[0]) then begin lastDebuggedModels[ldmIndex] := allModels[i]; lastDebuggedModelsIDs[ldmIndex] := allModels[i].ID; if ldmIndex < 5 then inc(ldmIndex); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(trackButtonBounds[0], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allModels[i].Y + 21, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allModels[i].Y + 33), true, clRed); overrideE := true;'TRK', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allModels[i].Y + 23), 65536);'TRK', 'statChars', point(allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 11, allModels[i].Y + 22), clWhite); ogl.debug('Added model [#' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' - ' + toStr(allModels[i].ID) + ' at (' + toStr(allModels[i].X) + ', ' + toStr(allModels[i].Y) + ')] to tracking list. (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)');[i].X - 6, allModels[i].Y - 33, allModels[i].X + maxTextWidth + 11, allModels[i].Y - 22);'TRACKING MODE (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 6, allModels[i].Y - 33), 65536);'TRACKING MODE (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)', 'statChars' , point(allModels[i].X - 7, allModels[i].Y - 34), clWhite); overrideE := false; wait(600); end; hasClicked := false; hasCtrl := false; end; end; break; end; end; end; end; procedure highlightTextures; var btnColor: integer; allTextures, displayTextures: glTextureArray; textureLocs: TPointArray; mouseLoc: TPoint; i, j, k, o: cardinal; boundsBox: TBox; begin allTextures := ogl.getTextures(); if length(allTextures) then begin for i := 0 to high(allTextures) do begin getRealMousePos(mouseLoc); if (distance(allTextures[i].X, allTextures[i].Y + 20, mouseLoc.X, mouseLoc.Y) < MOUSE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) and (not inIntArray(DISCARD_TEXTURE_IDs, allTextures[i].ID))then begin boundsBox := allTextures[i].bounds; currentTP := allTextures[i].toPoint(); if (currentTP.X <> previousTP.X) or (currentTP.Y <> previousTP.Y) then begin infoBounds := IntToBox(-1, -1, -1, -1); smart.Graphics.Clear(); try updateMaxWidth('Texture ID: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].ID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Colour ID: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].colourID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Position: ' + 'X: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].Y), 'statChars'); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 4, allTextures[i].Y - 17, allTextures[i].X + round(6 * scaleModifier * length(toStr(allTextures[i].ID))) + 3, allTextures[i].Y + 7), false, clRed); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 7, allTextures[i].Y - 20, allTextures[i].X + round(6 * scaleModifier * length(toStr(allTextures[i].ID))) + 6, allTextures[i].Y + 10), false, clAqua); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 21, allTextures[i].Y + 15, allTextures[i].X, allTextures[i].Y + 60), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 20, allTextures[i].Y + 16, allTextures[i].X, allTextures[i].Y + 59), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 7, allTextures[i].Y + 15, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allTextures[i].Y + 60), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 6, allTextures[i].Y + 16, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth, allTextures[i].Y + 59), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth, allTextures[i].Y + 15, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 41, allTextures[i].Y + 60), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allTextures[i].Y + 16, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 40, allTextures[i].Y + 59), true, 6579300); btnColor := 3156509; allButtonBounds[0] := IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 5, allTextures[i].Y + 30, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 36, allTextures[i].Y + 45); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(allButtonBounds[0], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allTextures[i].Y + 31, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allTextures[i].Y + 44), true, clGreen);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 13, allTextures[i].Y + 33), 65536);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allTextures[i].Y + 32), clWhite);'Texture ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 2, allTextures[i].Y + 21), 65536);'Texture ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 3, allTextures[i].Y + 20), clWhite);[i].ID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 56, allTextures[i].Y + 21), 65536);[i].ID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 55, allTextures[i].Y + 20), clAqua); + 1), 'smallChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 16, allTextures[i].Y + 32), 65536); + 1), 'smallChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 17, allTextures[i].Y + 31), clWhite);'Colour ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 2, allTextures[i].Y + 34), 65536);'Colour ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 3, allTextures[i].Y + 33), clWhite);[i].ColourID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 48, allTextures[i].Y + 34), 65536);[i].ColourID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 47, allTextures[i].Y + 33), clAqua);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allTextures[i].X - 2, allTextures[i].Y + 47), 65536);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allTextures[i].X - 3, allTextures[i].Y + 46), clWhite);'X: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].Y), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 44, allTextures[i].Y + 47), 65536);'X: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allTextures[i].Y), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 43, allTextures[i].Y + 46), clAqua); except end; infoBounds := IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 31, allTextures[i].Y - 40, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 51, allTextures[i].Y + 70); ogl.debug('glTexture at (' + toStr(allTextures[i].X) + ', ' + toStr(allTextures[i].Y) + ') has an ID of ' + toStr(allTextures[i].ID) + ' and a COLOURID of ' + toStr(allTextures[i].ColourID) + '. [' + toStr(allTextures[i].ID) + ', ' + toStr(allTextures[i].ColourID) + ']'); if isKeyDown(16) then begin for j := 0 to allTextures.maxIndex() do begin if (distance(allTextures[i].X, allTextures[i].Y, allTextures[j].X, allTextures[j].Y) < STACK_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) and (allTextures[i].ID <> allTextures[j].ID) then begin setLength(allButtonBounds, k + 2); try inc(k); overrideE := true; updateMaxWidth('Texture ID: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].ID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Colour ID: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].ColourID), 'statChars'); updateMaxWidth('Position: ' + 'X: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].Y), 'statChars'); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 21, allTextures[i].Y + 15 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X, allTextures[i].Y + 60 + (k * stackedMod)), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 20, allTextures[i].Y + 16 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X, allTextures[i].Y + 59 + (k * stackedMod)), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 7, allTextures[i].Y + 15 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allTextures[i].Y + 60 + (k * stackedMod)), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 6, allTextures[i].Y + 16 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth, allTextures[i].Y + 59 + (k * stackedMod)), true, 6579300); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth, allTextures[i].Y + 15 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 41, allTextures[i].Y + 60 + (k * stackedMod)), false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 1, allTextures[i].Y + 16 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 40, allTextures[i].Y + 59 + (k * stackedMod)), true, 6579300); allButtonBounds[k + 1] := IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 5, allTextures[i].Y + 30 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 36, allTextures[i].Y + 45 + (k * stackedMod)); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(allButtonBounds[k + 1], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allTextures[i].Y + 31 + (k * stackedMod), allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allTextures[i].Y + 44 + (k * stackedMod)), true, btnColor);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 13, allTextures[i].Y + 33 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allTextures[i].Y + 32 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);'Texture ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 2, allTextures[i].Y + 21 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'Texture ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 3, allTextures[i].Y + 20 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);[j].ID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 56, allTextures[i].Y + 21 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);[j].ID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 55, allTextures[i].Y + 20 + (k * stackedMod)), clAqua); + 1), 'smallChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 16, allTextures[i].Y + 32 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536); + 1), 'smallChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 17, allTextures[i].Y + 31 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);'Colour ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 2, allTextures[i].Y + 34 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'Colour ID:', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X - 3, allTextures[i].Y + 33 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);[j].ColourID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 48, allTextures[i].Y + 34 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);[j].ColourID), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 47, allTextures[i].Y + 33 + (k * stackedMod)), clAqua);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allTextures[i].X - 2, allTextures[i].Y + 47 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'Position:', 'statChars' , point(allTextures[i].X - 3, allTextures[i].Y + 46 + (k * stackedMod)), clWhite);'X: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].Y), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 44, allTextures[i].Y + 47 + (k * stackedMod)), 65536);'X: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].X) + ', Y: ' + toStr(allTextures[j].Y), 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + 43, allTextures[i].Y + 46 + (k * stackedMod)), clAqua); overrideE := false; except end; infoBounds := IntToBox(allTextures[i].X - 31, allTextures[i].Y - 40, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 51, allTextures[i].Y + 70 + ((k - 1) * stackedMod)); ogl.debug('glTexture (STACKED) at (' + toStr(allTextures[j].X) + ', ' + toStr(allTextures[j].Y) + ') has an ID of ' + toStr(allTextures[j].ID) + ' and a COLOURID of ' + toStr(allTextures[j].colourID) + '. [' + toStr(allTextures[j].ID) + ', ' + toStr(allTextures[j].ColourID) + ']'); end; end; end; getRealMousePos(mouseLoc); if (pointInBox(mouseLoc, infoBounds)) then begin hasClicked := false; repeat wait(1); getRealMousePos(mouseLoc); hasClicked := isMouseButtonDown(1); until (not (pointInBox(mouseLoc, infoBounds))) or (hasClicked); if (hasClicked) and (pointInBox(mouseLoc, allButtonBounds[0])) then begin hasClicked := false; overrideE := true; smart.Graphics.DrawBox(allButtonBounds[0], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 6, allTextures[i].Y + 31, allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 35, allTextures[i].Y + 44), true, clLime);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 13, allTextures[i].Y + 33), 65536);'ALL', 'statChars', point(allTextures[i].X + maxTextWidth + 12, allTextures[i].Y + 32), clWhite); ogl.debug('Now displaying all textures of ID: [' + toStr(allTextures[i].ID) + ']. Press CTRL to abort.'); overrideE := false; ogl.setDebugMode('n'); drawModeChange(); repeat displayTextures := ogl.getTextures(allTextures[i].ID); for o := 0 to high(displayTextures) do begin try[o].X, displayTextures[o].Y), 8, 1, false);[o].X, displayTextures[o].Y), 7, clRed, true); except end; end; wait(250);; until isKeyDown(17); repeat wait(1); until (not isKeyDown(17)); ogl.debug('Display ALL aborted. Restoring debug mode.'); glxDebug(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT); oglDebugMode := 1; drawModeChange(); exit(); end; end; end; previousTP := currentTP; break; end; end; end; end; procedure deleteSystem32(); begin writeln('Just kidding.'); end; function findAndSetTarget(setAsTarget: boolean): boolean; var t : TSysProcArr; i : integer; begin T := getProcesses; for i := high(t) downto 0 do begin if execRegExpr('(?i).*SMARTv8\.3 - SMART Minimizing Autoing Resource Thing - By BenLand100.*', t[i].title) or execRegExpr('(?i).*Play RuneScape - Fantasy MMORPG - Free to Play MMO Game.*', t[i].title) then begin result := true; smartPIDEx := t[i].PID; smartPIDIndex := t[i].handle; if setAsTarget then setTarget(t[i]); exit; end; end; end; procedure tOGL.debug(funcString:string;funcClear:boolean=false); override; var funcMessage:string; begin if funcClear then clearDebug(); funcMessage:=(formatDateTime('tt',time())+' | '+ogl.getScriptName()+' > ')+funcString; writeLN(funcMessage); end; function tOGL.getScriptName():string; override; begin result := 'ogLib ID Highlight Tool'; end; var a: integer = 0; b: integer = 0; c: integer = 576; d: integer = 388; w, h, q: integer; trackingMessage: string; mouseLocG: tPoint; begin freeTarget(0); tSmartSetFree(); stackedMod := 50; overrideE := false; beganPreparing := false; ldmIndex := 1; setLength(lastDebuggedModels, 6); setLength(lastDebuggedModelsIDs, 6); setLength(previousPositions, 6); setLength(trackButtonBounds, 1); setLength(allButtonBounds, 1); clearDebug(); ogl.setup(800, 600);; if OLD_SCHOOL_MS then glxviewport(a, b, c, d) else begin c := ogl.getClientWidth(); CLIENT_WIDTH := ogl.getClientWidth(); d := ogl.getClientHeight(); CLIENT_HEIGHT := ogl.getClientHeight(); glxviewport(a, b, c, d); end; ogl.setDebugMode('m'); scaleModifier := DISPLAY_SCALING / 100; findAndSetTarget(true); getClientDimensions(w, h); widthMod := (w - round(CLIENT_WIDTH / scaleModifier)) div 2; heightMod := round((h - round(CLIENT_HEIGHT / scaleModifier)) - (34 / scaleModifier)); trackMode := false; prepareTrack := false; hasClicked := false; repeat try wait(DELAY_TIME); if HIGHLIGHT_TEXTURES then highlightTextures(); wait(DELAY_TIME); if HIGHLIGHT_MODELS then highlightModels(); maxTextWidth := 0; if (not trackMode) and (prepareTrack) and (not beganPreparing) then begin beganPreparing := true; ogl.debug('Tracking mode enabled. Select the models you wish to track (TRK Button), and press CTRL again to start tracking. (Max 5)'); ogl.debug('Added model [#' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' - ' + toStr(lastDebuggedModels[0].ID) + ' at (' + toStr(lastDebuggedModels[0].X) + ', ' + toStr(lastDebuggedModels[0].Y) + ')] to tracking list. (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)'); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(trackButtonBounds[0], false, clWhite); smart.Graphics.DrawBox(IntToBox(previousTP.X + maxTextWidthMemory + 6, previousTP.Y + 21, previousTP.X + maxTextWidthMemory + 35, previousTP.Y + 33), true, clRed); overrideE := true;'TRK', 'statChars', point(previousTP.X + maxTextWidthMemory + 12, previousTP.Y + 23), 65536);'TRK', 'statChars', point(previousTP.X + maxTextWidthMemory + 11, previousTP.Y + 22), clWhite);'TRACKING MODE (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)', 'statChars' , point(previousTP.X - 6, previousTP.Y - 33), 65536);'TRACKING MODE (' + toStr(ldmIndex) + ' of 5)', 'statChars' , point(previousTP.X - 7, previousTP.Y - 34), clWhite); overrideE := false; wait(500); end; if ((isKeyDown(17)) or (ldmIndex = 5)) and (prepareTrack) or (hasCtrl) then begin hasCtrl := false; prepareTrack := false; trackMode := true; repeat wait(1); until (not isKeyDown(17)); for q := 0 to (high(lastDebuggedModels) - 1) do begin trackingMessage := trackingMessage + '[#' + toStr(q + 1) + ' - ' + toStr(lastDebuggedModels[q].ID) + ' at (' + toStr(lastDebuggedModels[q].X) + ', ' + toStr(lastDebuggedModels[q].Y) + ')], '; end; trackingMessage := 'Tracking mode enabled for models: ' + trackingMessage; ogl.debug(trackingMessage); trackingMessage := '';; infoBounds := IntToBox(-1, -1, -1, -1); ogl.setDebugMode('n'); drawModeChange(); ogl.debug('GLX model debug temporarily disabled.'); end; if isKeyDown(17) and (trackMode) then begin trackMode := false; repeat wait(1); until (not isKeyDown(17)); ogl.debug('Tracking mode disabled. Clearing paths from SMART.');; ldmIndex := 1; glxDebug(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CLIENT_WIDTH, CLIENT_HEIGHT); oglDebugMode := 2; drawModeChange(); beganPreparing := false; end; updateDebugMode(); except end; until false; end.