function Install-PowerShellPackageManagement { <# .Synopsis This Function will Check and see if PowerShellGet (aka PowerShellPackageManagement) is installed on your system .DESCRIPTION This uses System.Net.WebRequest & System.Net.WebClient to download the specific version of PowerShellPackageManager for your OS version (x64/x86) and then uses msiexec to install it. .EXAMPLE Install-PowerShellPackageManagement #> #Requires -Version 3.0 if (!(Get-command -Module PowerShellGet).count -gt 0) { $x86 = '' $x64 = '' switch ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) { 'x86' {$version = $x86} 'AMD64' {$version = $x64} } $Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($version) $Request.Timeout = "100000000" $URL = $Request.GetResponse() $Filename = $URL.ResponseUri.OriginalString.Split("/")[-1] $url.close() $WC = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient $WC.DownloadFile($version,"$env:TEMP\$Filename") $WC.Dispose() msiexec.exe /package "$env:TEMP\$Filename" Start-Sleep 80 Remove-Item "$env:TEMP\$Filename" } } Install-PowerShellPackageManagement