============================== Notes: ============================== - Dirty flash available from previous build - Encryption disabled (FDE builds) - GApps already included - Safetynet passes by default (without root) - Report bugs with logs else you will be ignored ============================== Device: ============================== - Bumped to 7.9.2 - Sync with latest source changes - Disable Bluetooth APCF Extended features - Enable LTE_CA workaround - Import Charger blobs from LA.UM.9.6.2.r1-04200-89xx.0 - Update wcnss_service from LA.UM.10.6.2.r1-01600-89xx.0 ============================== Rom: ============================== - hwui: Introduce optimized glass blur effect - renderengine: Introduce optimized glass blur effect - renderengine: skia: switch to glass blur effect - Allow provisioning of multiple work profiles - Evolver: Fix Media notification artwork fade and blur filter options - Evolver: Import QS panel layout settings - Evolver: Set reticker_status default value to true - Firewall: Support a greater number of apps/uids - Implement firewall status bar indicator - Launcher3: fix crash - PowerStatsService: Prevent NPE in BatteryTrigger. - ProcessList: Catch Security exception when starting a frozen package - Settings: Add support for allowing/disallowing apps on cellular, vpn and wifi networks - Settings: Add support for allowing/disallowing apps on restricted networks - Settings: Add support for global cleartext penalties - SystemUI: Bring in drawable for statusbar firewall toggle - SystemUI: Fix reticker notification background - SystemUI: fix tuner enabling aod on first open - SystemUI: Handle more exceptions for firewall - SystemUI: Refactor notification reticker - SystemUI: Update reticker specs to latest OneUI brief pop up style - UserManager app installation restrictions - UserManager unknown source app installation restrictions - VncFlinger: fix null crash - VncFlinger: sometimes we are fast, sometimes framework is - adb_root: Simplify the way we parse enabled state file - config: Support many users/work profiles - fixup! Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation - services: fix weird launcher3 crash - version: Update to 7.9.2 (Pancit) - vibrator: fix log format and level issue - wm: hacky fix for system_server crash - Evolver: Import newer QS panel layout settings impl - Include build manifest on target - Remove previous Ambient on wake gesture impls - Settings: Allow setting wake for notification separately from doze - Settings: Allow showing Ambient instead of fully waking - SystemUI: Avoid using null Context in onTuningChanged() - SystemUI: Fix QS column count on landscape mode - SystemUI: Fix horizontal scrolling issues - SystemUI: Fix inconsistent secondary label text size - SystemUI: Increase QS brightness slider margins - wm: Fix menu in legacy apps with multiple activities - EasterEgg: allow using toy without unlocking - Launcher3: Add customization to set hotseat background opacity - Launcher3: Add light theme support for translucent hotseat background - Launcher3: Allow to control parallax effect and center wallpaper - Launcher3: recents: Disable lens perf if package is not installed - VncFlinger: delay sending surface for a bit - VncFlinger: fix us being too fast for framework - fixup! SystemUI: Adjust qqs top margin dimension - wm: block custom activity transit animations - wm: block task transitions from displaying in freeform - wm: do not show keyguard windows when mirroring due to dream - wm: never consume statusbar in freeform mode