//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SRPG_AoE_MZ.js // Copyright (c) 2020 SRPG Team. All rights reserved. // Released under the MIT license. // http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php //============================================================================= /*: * @target MZ * @plugindesc SRPG area-of-effect skills, edited by OhisamaCraft. * @author Dr. Q + アンチョビ, Boomy, Shoukang * @base SRPG_core_MZ * * @param AoE Color * @desc CSS Color for AoE squares * https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp * @type string * @default DarkOrange * * @param Show One Square AoE * @desc Show AoE indicator for single target effects? * @type boolean * @on Show * @off Hide * @default false * * @param standard X * @desc The center X position in battle scene, default Graphics.boxWidth / 2 * @default Graphics.boxWidth / 2 * * @param standard Y * @desc The center Y position in battle scene, default Graphics.boxHeight / 2 * @default Graphics.boxHeight / 2 * * @param x range * @desc x direction battler placement range in battle scene, default Graphics.width - 360 * @default Graphics.width - 360 * * @param y range * @desc y direction battler placement range in battle scene, default Graphics.height / 3.5 * @default Graphics.height / 3.5 * * @param tilt * @desc parameter that tilt x direction placement to simulate a 3D view, default 0.2 * @default 0.2 * * @param allow surrounding * @desc if disabled skill user will never be surrounded by targets. See help for detail * @type boolean * @default true * * @noteParam faceName * @noteDir img/faces/ * @noteType file * @noteData enemies * * @help * copyright 2020 SRPG Team. all rights reserved. * Released under the MIT license. * ============================================================================ * Allows you to define an area of effect for attacks * Based on SRPG_AreaAttack.js by アンチョビ * * Note: SRPG_AreaAttack and SRPG_AoE define many of the same features in * different ways, and are incompatible if you try to use both. * * When using an AoE skill, you can target an empty cell as long as there is at least * one valid target within the area. AI units (such as auto-controlled actors or enemies) * will not use this feature and will always try to target a unit directly, * potentially hitting other targets within the area by chance. * However, if you use the SRPG_AIControl plugin, * AI units will also be able to target empty cells. * * By default, AI units are not allowed to use AoE effects with a minimum range * of 1 or more because they don't understand how to aim them, but other * plugins that improve the AI can include the following line to reenable them: * Game_System.prototype.srpgAIUnderstandsAoE = true; * * Note: .SRPGActionTimesAdd(X) will only work during the first target of a * skill if it has an AoE. If you want to modify action times manually, use * ._SRPGActionTimes += X instead. * * AoE is ignored in the counter action (action by the defender). * only fights against the attacker. * * Skill / item notetags: * creates an AoE of size x * adjusts the minimum AoE size, creating a hole * set the maximum number of targets the skill can hit * changes the shape of the AoE * type defaults to 'circle' if not specified * * select targets from nearest to furthest (default) * select targets from furthest to nearets * select targets randomly within the AoE * * * The following shapes are available, shown at a size of 2, min size of 0 * The number shows what distance it is at * * circle: hits a circle around the target cell * 2 * 2 1 2 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 2 1 2 * 2 * * square - hits a square around the target cell * 2 2 2 2 2 * 2 1 1 1 2 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 2 1 1 1 2 * 2 2 2 2 2 * * line - hits a straight line behind of the target cell * * 0 * 1 * 2 * (facing down) * * cone - hits a 90 degree cone behind the target cell * * * 0 * 1 1 1 * 2 2 2 2 2 * (facing down) * * split - hits a v shape behind the target cell * * * 0 * 1 1 * 2 2 * (facing down) * * arc - hits a v shape coming back from the target cell * 2 2 * 1 1 * 0 * * * (facing down) * * side - hits a line to either side of the target cell * * * 2 1 0 1 2 * * * (facing down) * * tee - hits behind and to the sides of the target * * * 2 1 0 1 2 * 1 * 2 * (facing down) * * plus - hits a + shape around the target cell * 2 * 1 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 1 * 2 * * cross - hits an x shape around the target cell * 2 2 * 1 1 * 0 * 1 1 * 2 2 * * star - hits a + and an x shape around the target cell * 2 2 2 * 1 1 1 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 1 1 1 * 2 2 2 * * checker - hits every other cell in a square * 2 2 2 * 1 1 * 2 0 2 * 1 1 * 2 2 2 * * allActor - All actors on the map * * allEnemy - All enemies on the map * * allFriend - All allied units on the map (if actors, then actors) * * allOpponent - All opposing units on the map (if actors, then enemies) * * When using allActor, allEnemy, allFriend, or allOpponent to target the entire group, * must be set to 1 or higher. * * TIPS * - How to create a skill that targets the entire map: * Set to 1 or higher and combine it with * allActor, allEnemy, allFriend, or allOpponent. * In versions after Ver.1.18Q, there is no need to combine this with . * * Note: * allActor and allEnemy directly specify actors and enemies, * while allFriend and allOpponent specify allied or opposing factions. * * - How to create a skill that targets the area around the user: * In versions prior to Ver.1.18Q, setting to allActor or allEnemy * allowed the skill's range to act as the AoE range directly. * However, this feature was removed in Ver.1.18Q and later. * To create a skill that targets the area around the user, * design it as an AoE skill with a range of 0. * * When targeting opposing factions (opponent): * Since it is necessary to target an empty cell, * AI units (auto-controlled actors or enemies) will need to use the SRPG_AIControl plugin * to accurately use this feature. * * Script calls for advanced users: * yourEvent.battlersNear(size, minSize, 'shape', [direction]) * yourEvent.enemiesNear(size, minSize, 'shape', [direction]) * yourEvent.actorsNear(size, minSize, 'shape', [direction]) * * Returns a list of actors/enemies/both near the specified event, supporting * the same AoE shapes listed above. If you use a directional AoE shape and no * direction is specified, it will point where your event is facing * ================================================================================ * AoE Animation help * ================================================================================ * When an AoE spell is cast and more than 1 target is selected ($gameTemp.areaTargets), * each target is added to a queue and then the game will execute each battle individually 1 on 1 * This script will collect all targets and add them into one battle for a 1 vs many scenario * Works best with animations set to SCREEN though animations that target individuals still work * (they just happened sequentially on the same battle field) * * AoE rules in this plugin: * 1. If an enemy cast AoE to actors, the battle exp will be shared by all actors in battle equally. * 2. If you use AGI attack, AoE skill will hit every target first, then targets will do counter attacks. * * Important Tips: * If you allow surrounding and you use dynamic motion, actor sprite priority may become weird * while casting skills, to avoid this, set the plugin parameter 'usePriority' in dynamic motion to false. * Once you find anything weird, try to turn of this plugin and see if it happens again. * This will help us identify which plugin causes the error. * ================================================================================================== * Positions battlers in Battle scene: * All battlers will be placed based on their relative positions. For example in this map position: * [ . T .] Battle scene will look like: [ . T .] [ . T .] * [ T C T] ========================> [ T . U] when user is actor, [ U . T] when user is enemy. * [ . U .] [ . T .] [ . T .] * * U: skill user, T: target, C; AoE center * * The battle scene will look like: * [ C T .] Battle scene will look like: [ T . .] [ . . T] * [ T U .] ========================> [ . . U] when user is actor, [ U . .] when user is enemy. * [ . . .] [ T . .] [ . . T] * * The placement will automatically adjust battlers' distance to make them reasonable.(within the defined x and y range) * =================================================================================================== * Credits to: Dopan, Dr. Q, Traverse, SoulPour777 * =================================================================================================== * * ================================================================================ * Note / Modification by Ohisama Craft * ================================================================================ * -Add SRPG_AoEAnimation.js * -Corrected cost consumption (changed from gameTemp to gameBattler to counter action) * -Added allActor / allEnemy to AoE shape (targets all actors / enemies within range) * -Supports Game_Player.prototype.triggerAction for SRPGgearMV * -Japanese translation of help * */ /*:ja * @target MZ * @plugindesc SRPG戦闘で範囲攻撃(スキル)を実装します(SRPG_gearMZ用) * @author Dr. Q + アンチョビ, Boomy, Shoukang, おひさまクラフト * @base SRPG_core_MZ * * @param AoE Color * @desc 範囲表示のための CSS Color を設定します * https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp * @type string * @default DarkOrange * * @param Show One Square AoE * @desc 単体(1マス)が対象の時も AoE の範囲表示を行うか * @type boolean * @on Show * @off Hide * @default false * * @param standard X * @desc 戦闘シーンで中心となるX座標 デフォルト Graphics.boxWidth / 2 * @default Graphics.boxWidth / 2 * * @param standard Y * @desc 戦闘シーンで中心となるY座標 デフォルト Graphics.boxHeight / 2 * @default Graphics.boxHeight / 2 * * @param x range * @desc 戦闘シーンでバトラーを配置するX方向の範囲 デフォルト Graphics.width - 360 * @default Graphics.width - 360 * * @param y range * @desc 戦闘シーンでバトラーを配置するY方向の範囲 デフォルト Graphics.height / 3.5 * @default Graphics.height / 3.5 * * @param tilt * @desc 戦闘シーンで3D表示らしい配置にするためのX方向の傾き値 デフォルト 0.2 * @default 0.2 * * @param allow surrounding * @desc スキルの使用者がターゲットに囲まれることを許可するか。詳細はヘルプ参照。 * @type boolean * @default true * * @noteParam faceName * @noteDir img/faces/ * @noteType file * @noteData enemies * * @help * copyright 2020 SRPG Team. all rights reserved. * Released under the MIT license. * ============================================================================ * 範囲効果のあるスキル・アイテムを作成できるようにします * アンチョビ氏による SRPG_AreaAttack.js をベースにしています * * 注:SRPG_AreaAttackとSRPG_AoEは、同じ機能の多くをさまざまな方法で定義しており、 * 両方を同時に使用しようとすることはできません。 * * AoEスキルを使用する場合、エリア内に少なくとも1つの有効なターゲットがある限り、 * 空のセルをターゲットにすることができます。 * AIユニット(自動行動アクターやエネミー)はこれを利用せず、 * 常にユニットを直接ターゲットにしようとし、偶然に他のターゲットを範囲内に巻き込みます * (SRPG_AIControlを併用する場合は、AIユニットも空のセルをターゲットに出来ます)。 * * デフォルトでは、AIユニットは、照準を合わせる方法がわからないため、 * 最小範囲が1以上のAoEエフェクトを使用しません。 * AIを改善する他のプラグインを作成する場合、次の行を用いることで有効にすることができます: * Game_System.prototype.srpgAIUnderstandsAoE = true; * * 注:.SRPGActionTimesAdd(X) は、AoEスキルの最初のターゲットにのみ機能します。 * 行動回数を実際にターゲットに使用した回数だけ繰り返して増やしたい場合は、 * 代わりに._SRPGActionTimes +=X を使用してください。 * * 応戦(防御側による行動)では AoE が無視されます(攻撃者に対してのみ応戦します)。 * * スキル / アイテムのメモ: * : サイズxのAoEを作成します(下記も参照) * : 最小AoEサイズを設定します。範囲の真ん中に穴を作成します。 * : スキルが発動するターゲットの最大数を設定します。 * : AoEの形状を変更します。 * 特に指定しない場合、'circle'に設定されます。 * * :AoEの中心に近い側のターゲットから行動を実行します(デフォルト)。 * :AoEの中心から遠い側のターゲットから行動を実行します。 * :AoEの中のターゲットにランダムな順番で行動を実行します。 * * では、次の形状が設定できます。 * 0 がカーソルの位置、数字はそこからの距離になります(で設定)。 * 下記は、で例示しています。 * * circle: ターゲットセルを中心に円形 * 2 * 2 1 2 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 2 1 2 * 2 * * square - ターゲットセルを中心に四角形 * 2 2 2 2 2 * 2 1 1 1 2 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 2 1 1 1 2 * 2 2 2 2 2 * * line - ターゲットセルから直線(例は使用者が下向きの場合) * * 0 * 1 * 2 * (下向き) * * cone - ターゲットセルから扇状(例は使用者が下向きの場合) * * * 0 * 1 1 1 * 2 2 2 2 2 * (下向き) * * split - ターゲットセルからV字(例は使用者が下向きの場合) * * * 0 * 1 1 * 2 2 * (下向き) * * arc - ターゲットセルから円弧上(例は使用者が下向きの場合) * 2 2 * 1 1 * 0 * * * (下向き) * * side - ターゲットセルから横一列 * * * 2 1 0 1 2 * * * (下向き) * * tee - ターゲットセルから下+横一列(T字) * * * 2 1 0 1 2 * 1 * 2 * (下向き) * * plus - ターゲットセルから十字(+型) * 2 * 1 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 1 * 2 * * cross - ターゲットセルから斜め(X型) * 2 2 * 1 1 * 0 * 1 1 * 2 2 * * star - ターゲットセルから十字+斜め(星型) * 2 2 2 * 1 1 1 * 2 1 0 1 2 * 1 1 1 * 2 2 2 * * checker - ターゲットセルを中心に格子状 * 2 2 2 * 1 1 * 2 0 2 * 1 1 * 2 2 2 * * allActor - マップ上の全てのアクター * * allEnemy - マップ上の全てのエネミー * * allFriend - マップ上の全ての味方陣営のユニット(アクターであればアクター) * * allOpponent - マップ上の全ての対立陣営のユニット(アクターであればエネミー) * * 全体をターゲットとするallActor, allEnemy, allFriend, allOpponentは、 * は 1 以上に設定してください。 * * TIPS * - 全体スキルの作成方法 * を 1 以上に設定し、 * allActor, allEnemy, allFriend, allOpponentを組み合わせます。 * Ver.1.18Q以降のバージョンではと組みわせる必要はありません。 * * allActor, allEnemyは、アクターとエネミーを直接指定することに注意してください。 * allFriend, allOpponentは味方陣営・対立陣営を指定できます。 * * - 自分の周囲を対象とするスキルの作成方法 * Ver.1.18Q以前のバージョンでは、をallActor, allEnemyにすると * 射程範囲をそのままAoE範囲とすることが出来ましたが、 * Ver.1.18Q以降ではこの機能が廃止されました。 * 自分の周囲を対象とするスキルは、射程 0 のAoEスキルとして作成します。 * * opponent(対立陣営)を対象にする場合、空のセルをターゲットにする必要があるため、 * AIユニット(自動行動アクターやエネミー)が正確に使用するためには * SRPG_AIControlを併用する必要があります。 * * - 慣れた人向け:スクリプトで使用できるコマンド: * yourEvent.battlersNear(size, minSize, 'shape', [direction]) * yourEvent.enemiesNear(size, minSize, 'shape', [direction]) * yourEvent.actorsNear(size, minSize, 'shape', [direction]) * * 指定したイベントを中心としたAoEの範囲内にいるアクター/エネミー/両方のリストを返します。 * 指向性のあるAoEを使用し、directionが指定されていない場合、イベントの向きをdirectionとします。 * * ================================================================================ * SRPG_AoE Animationのヘルプ * ================================================================================ * AoEによって効果範囲のあるスキルが使用され、複数のターゲットが存在する場合($gameTemp.areaTargets)、 * それぞれのターゲットはキューに追加され、1対1の戦闘シーンとして順次実行されます。 * AoE Animationは、全てのターゲットを1つの戦闘シーンにまとめ、1対多数の戦闘シーンを実現します。 * 表示位置が『画面』に設定されたアニメーションに適していますが、 * 個別に表示されるアニメーションでも問題なく使用することが出来ます(順次表示されます)。 * * このプラグイン内でのAoEルール: * 1. エネミーが複数のアクターに行動を行った場合、経験値は戦闘に参加したアクター全員で均等に分配します。 * 2. 敏捷に応じて行動する場合でも、AoEスキルは始めにターゲット全体に使用され、次いでターゲットが応戦します。 * * 重要なTips: * 周囲を囲むことを許可してdynamic motion.jsを使用すると、アクターのスプライトの優先順位がおかしくなることがあります。 * これを避けるには、dynamic motionのプラグインパラメータ'usePriority'をfalseに設定します。 * 不具合が生じた場合は、いったんこのプラグインをOFFにして問題が再現されるか確認してください。 * このような方法は、どのプラグインがエラーの原因か推測するのに役立ちます。 * ================================================================================================== * 戦闘シーンでのバトラーの配置: * 全てのバトラーは相対的な位置に基づいて配置されます。 * 例: * [ . T .] 戦闘シーンでは : [ . T .] [ . T .] * [ T C T] ========================> [ T . U] ユーザーがアクター , [ U . T] ユーザーがエネミー * [ . U .] [ . T .] [ . T .] * * U: skill user, T: target, C; AoE center * * 例2: * [ C T .] 戦闘シーンでは : [ T . .] [ . . T] * [ T U .] ========================> [ . . U] ユーザーがアクター , [ U . .] ユーザーがエネミー * [ . . .] [ T . .] [ . . T] * * 配置の際は自動的にバトラーとの距離を調整します。 * =================================================================================================== * Credits to: Dopan, Dr. Q, Traverse, SoulPour777 * =================================================================================================== * * ================================================================================ * 注 / おひさまクラフトによる改変内容 ('modified by OhisamaCraft'で検索) * ================================================================================ * ・SRPG_AoEAnimation.jsを統合 * ・コスト消費の修正(応戦に対応するためgameTempからgameBattlerに変更) * ・ (AoE shape) に allActor, allEnemy を追加(射程範囲内のすべてのactor/enemyを対象とする) * ・Game_Player.prototype.triggerActionをSRPGgearMVに対応 * ・ヘルプの和訳 * */ //==================================================================== // ●Function Declaration //==================================================================== function Sprite_SrpgAoE() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.constructor = Sprite_SrpgAoE; //==================================================================== // ●Plugin //==================================================================== (function(){ var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('SRPG_AoE_MZ'); var _oneSquare = !!eval(parameters['Show One Square AoE']); var _areaColor = parameters['AoE Color']; var _standardX = parameters['standard X'] || 'Graphics.boxWidth / 2'; var _standardY = parameters['standard Y'] || 'Graphics.boxHeight / 2'; var _xRange = parameters['x range'] || 'Graphics.width - 360'; var _yRange = parameters['y range'] || 'Graphics.height / 3.5'; var _tilt = Number(parameters['tilt'] || 0.2); var _surround = !!eval(parameters['allow surrounding']); var coreParameters = PluginManager.parameters('SRPG_core_MZ'); var _srpgPredictionWindowMode = Number(coreParameters['srpgPredictionWindowMode'] || 1); //==================================================================== // Compatibility with plugins expecting SRPG_AreaAttack.js //==================================================================== // modified by OhisamaCraft Game_Temp.prototype.isFirstAction = function(action) { //return !!(battler.shouldPayCost()); return !action.isHideAnimation(); }; Game_Temp.prototype.isLastAction = function() { return !!(this.areaTargets().length < 1); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.srpgSkillAreaRange = function(item) { return Number(item.meta.srpgAreaRange); }; //==================================================================== // Get AoE data for the skill //==================================================================== // get AoE properties Game_Action.prototype.area = function() { if (this.item()) return Number(this.item().meta.srpgAreaRange) || 0; return 0; }; Game_Action.prototype.minArea = function() { if (this.item()) return Number(this.item().meta.srpgAreaMinRange) || 0; return 0; }; Game_Action.prototype.areaType = function() { var type = ''; if (this.item()) type = this.item().meta.srpgAreaType || ''; type = type.toLowerCase(); return type; }; Game_Action.prototype.areaTargetLimit = function() { if (this.item()) return Number(this.item().meta.srpgAreaTargets) || 0; return 0; }; Game_Action.prototype.areaOrder = function() { var order = ''; if (this.item()) return this.item().meta.srpgAreaOrder || ''; order = order.toLowerCase(); return order; }; // (utility) find the direction to a fixed point, discounting obstacles Game_Character.prototype.dirTo = function(x, y) { var dir = 5; var dx = this.posX() - x; var dy = this.posY() - y; // account for looping maps if ($gameMap.isLoopHorizontal()) { if (dx > $gameMap.width() / 2) dx -= $gameMap.width(); if (dx < -$gameMap.width() / 2) dx += $gameMap.width(); } if ($gameMap.isLoopVertical()) { if (dy > $gameMap.height() / 2) dy -= $gameMap.height(); if (dy < -$gameMap.height() / 2) dy += $gameMap.height(); } if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) { dir = dx > 0 ? 4 : 6; } else if (dy !== 0) { dir = dy > 0 ? 8 : 2; } return dir; }; // (utility) find the distance to a fixed point, discounting obstacles Game_Character.prototype.distTo = function(x, y) { var dx = Math.abs(this.posX() - x); var dy = Math.abs(this.posY() - y); if ($gameMap.isLoopHorizontal()) dx = Math.min(dx, $gameMap.width() - dx); if ($gameMap.isLoopVertical()) dy = Math.min(dy, $gameMap.height() - dy); return dx + dy; }; // (utility) checks if a position is within the current skill's range Game_System.prototype.positionInRange = function(x, y) { var range = $gameTemp.moveList(); for (var i = 0; i < range.length; i++) { if (range[i][0] == x && range[i][1] == y) return true; } return false; }; //==================================================================== // Game_Temp (store lists of multiple targets) //==================================================================== var _Game_Temp_initialize = Game_Temp.prototype.initialize; Game_Temp.prototype.initialize = function() { _Game_Temp_initialize.call(this); this._activeAoE = null; this._areaTargets = []; }; // easy access to the origin of the AoE Game_Temp.prototype.areaX = function() { return this._activeAoE ? this._activeAoE.x : -1; }; Game_Temp.prototype.areaY = function() { return this._activeAoE ? this._activeAoE.y : -1; }; // check if an event is in the area of the current skill // modified by OhisamaCraft Game_Temp.prototype.inArea = function(event) { if (!this._activeAoE || this._activeAoE.size <= 0) return false; // all tiles in skill range if ((event.isType() === 'actor' && this._activeAoE.shape === 'allactor') || (event.isType() === 'enemy' && this._activeAoE.shape === 'allenemy')) { for (var i = 0; i < $gameTemp.rangeList().length; i++) { var xy = $gameTemp.rangeList()[i]; if (xy[0] === event.posX() && xy[1] === event.posY()) return true; } return false; } // default AoE var dx = event.posX() - this._activeAoE.x; var dy = event.posY() - this._activeAoE.y; if ($gameMap.isLoopHorizontal()) { if (dx > $gameMap.width() / 2) dx -= $gameMap.width(); if (dx < -$gameMap.width() / 2) dx += $gameMap.width(); } if ($gameMap.isLoopVertical()) { if (dy > $gameMap.height() / 2) dy -= $gameMap.height(); if (dy < -$gameMap.height() / 2) dy += $gameMap.height(); } return $gameMap.inArea(dx, dy, this._activeAoE.size, this._activeAoE.minSize, this._activeAoE.shape, this._activeAoE.dir); }; // to attack multiple targets, you queue up a target list Game_Temp.prototype.clearAreaTargets = function() { this._areaTargets = []; }; Game_Temp.prototype.addAreaTarget = function(action) { this._areaTargets.push(action); }; Game_Temp.prototype.areaTargets = function() { return this._areaTargets; }; // when repeating actions, the cost/item is only paid once // modified by OhisamaCraft /* Game_Battler.prototype.setShouldPayCost = function(flag) { this._shouldPaySkillCost = flag; }; Game_Battler.prototype.shouldPayCost = function() { return this._shouldPaySkillCost; }; var _useItem = Game_Battler.prototype.useItem; Game_Battler.prototype.useItem = function(skill) { if (!$gameSystem.isSRPGMode() || this.shouldPayCost()) { _useItem.call(this, skill); } }; var _actionTimesAdd = Game_Battler.prototype.SRPGActionTimesAdd; Game_Battler.prototype.SRPGActionTimesAdd = function(num) { if (this.shouldPayCost()) { _actionTimesAdd.call(this, num); } }; */ //==================================================================== // Check what's in an area //==================================================================== // get a list of battlers near another battler Game_Character.prototype.battlersNear = function(size, minSize, shape, dir, type) { var x = this.posX(); var y = this.posY(); dir = dir || this.direction(); var battlers = []; $gameMap.events().forEach(function (event) { if (event.isErased() || !event.inArea(x, y, size, minSize, shape, dir)) return; var unitAry = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(enemyEvent.eventId()); if (unitAry && (unitAry[0] === type || type === null)) battlers.push(unitAry[1]); }); return battlers; }; Game_Character.prototype.enemiesNear = function(size, minSize, shape, dir) { return this.battlersNear(size, minSize, shape, dir, 'enemy'); }; Game_Character.prototype.actorsNear = function(size, minSize, shape, dir) { return this.battlersNear(size, minSize, shape, dir, 'actor'); }; // check if a character is within a specified AoE // modified by OhisamaCraft Game_Character.prototype.inArea = function(x, y, size, minSize, shape, dir) { if (size <= 0) return false; // one-square AoEs don't count as AoEs // all tiles in skill range if ((this.isType() === 'actor' && shape === 'allactor') || (this.isType() === 'enemy' && shape === 'allenemy')) { for (var i = 0; i < $gameTemp.rangeList().length; i++) { var xy = $gameTemp.rangeList()[i]; if (xy[0] === this.posX() && xy[1] === this.posY()) return true; } return false; } // default AoE var dx = this.posX() - x; var dy = this.posY() - y; // account for looping maps if ($gameMap.isLoopHorizontal()) { if (dx > $gameMap.width() / 2) dx -= $gameMap.width(); if (dx < -$gameMap.width() / 2) dx += $gameMap.width(); } if ($gameMap.isLoopVertical()) { if (dy > $gameMap.height() / 2) dy -= $gameMap.height(); if (dy < -$gameMap.height() / 2) dy += $gameMap.height(); } return $gameMap.inArea(dx, dy, size, minSize, shape, dir); }; // check if a given position is within an area Game_Map.prototype.inArea = function(x, y, size, minSize, shape, dir) { var _fx = [0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1][dir]; var _fy = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1][dir]; var ry = x*_fx + y*_fy; // forward var rx = x*_fy - y*_fx; // sideways // apply default shape shape = shape || 'circle'; // outside drawing boundary, doesn't count if (x > size || x < -size || y > size || y < -size) return false; switch (shape) { case 'line': if (rx != 0) return false; if (ry > size || ry < minSize) return false; return true; case 'cone': if (ry > size || ry < minSize) return false; if (Math.abs(rx) > Math.abs(ry)) return false; return true; case 'split': if (ry > size || ry < minSize) return false; if (Math.abs(rx) != Math.abs(ry)) return false; return true; case 'arc': if (ry < -size || ry > -minSize) return false; if (Math.abs(rx) != Math.abs(ry)) return false; return true; case 'side': if (ry != 0) return false; if (Math.abs(rx) > size || Math.abs(rx) < minSize) return false; return true; case 'tee': if (ry < 0) return false; if (x != 0 && y != 0) return false; if (Math.abs(x) > size || Math.abs(y) > size) return false; if (Math.abs(x) < minSize && Math.abs(y) < minSize) return false; return true; case 'plus': if (x != 0 && y != 0) return false; if (Math.abs(x) > size || Math.abs(y) > size) return false; if (Math.abs(x) < minSize && Math.abs(y) < minSize) return false; return true; case 'cross': if (Math.abs(x) != Math.abs(y)) return false; if (Math.abs(x) > size || Math.abs(x) < minSize) return false; return true; case 'star': if (Math.abs(x) != Math.abs(y) && x != 0 && y != 0) return false; if (Math.abs(x) > size || Math.abs(y) > size) return false if (Math.abs(x) < minSize && Math.abs(y) < minSize) return false return true; case 'checker': if ((x + y) % 2 != 0) return false; if (Math.abs(x) > size || Math.abs(y) > size) return false if (Math.abs(x) < minSize && Math.abs(y) < minSize) return false return true; case 'square': if (Math.abs(x) > size || Math.abs(y) > size) return false; if (Math.abs(x) < minSize && Math.abs(y) < minSize) return false return true; case 'circle': if (Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y) > size || Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y) < minSize) return false; return true; default: // support extension from other plugins return this.extraAreas(shape, x, y, rx, ry, size, minSize); } }; // plugins can override this to add more shapes Game_Map.prototype.extraAreas = function(shape, x, y, rx, ry, size, minSize) { return false; }; //==================================================================== // Using AoE skills //==================================================================== // update the active AoE when you move the cursor var _startMapEvent = Game_Player.prototype.startMapEvent; Game_Player.prototype.startMapEvent = function(x, y, triggers, normal) { if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && triggers.contains(1)) { if ($gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'actor_target' && $gameSystem.positionInRange(x, y)) { $gameTemp.showArea(x, y); } else if ($gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() !== 'invoke_action' && $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() !== 'battle_window' && $gameSystem.isBattlePhase() == 'actor_phase') { //shoukang add && $gameSystem.isBattlePhase() == 'actor_phase' $gameTemp.clearArea(); } } if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'actor_target' && $gameTemp.isSkillAoE()) { return; } _startMapEvent.call(this, x, y, triggers, normal); }; // show the AoE when you start targeting var _AoE_startActorTargetting = Scene_Map.prototype.startActorTargetting; Scene_Map.prototype.startActorTargetting = function() { _AoE_startActorTargetting.call(this); var x = $gamePlayer.posX(); var y = $gamePlayer.posY(); if ($gameSystem.positionInRange(x, y)) { $gameTemp.showArea(x, y); } }; // check if the skill currently selected has an AoE Game_Temp.prototype.isSkillAoE = function() { var unit = $gameTemp.activeEvent(); var actor = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(unit.eventId())[1]; if (!actor) return false; var skill = actor.currentAction(); if (!skill) return false; if (skill.area() <= 0) return false; return true; }; // highlight the area of effect for an AoE Game_Temp.prototype.showArea = function(x, y, dir) { const unit = $gameTemp.activeEvent(); const actor = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(unit.eventId())[1]; if (!actor) return; const skill = actor.currentAction(); if (!skill) return; const size = skill.area(); const minSize = skill.minArea(); const shape = this.correctShape(actor, skill.areaType()); var dir = dir || unit.dirTo(x, y); this._activeAoE = { x: x, y: y, size: size, minSize: minSize, shape: shape, dir: dir }; }; // To correct the shape Game_Temp.prototype.correctShape = function(actor, shape) { if (actor.isActor()) { if (shape === 'allfriend') return 'allactor'; if (shape === 'allopponent') return 'allenemy'; } else { if (shape === 'allfriend') return 'allenemy'; if (shape === 'allopponent') return 'allactor'; } return shape; }; // clear out the highlighted area Game_Temp.prototype.clearArea = function() { this._activeAoE = null; }; // AoE skills can select empty cells // modified by OhisamaCraft var _triggerAction = Game_Player.prototype.triggerAction; Game_Player.prototype.triggerAction = function() { if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'actor_target') { if (Input.isTriggered('ok') || TouchInput.isTriggered()) { var userArray = $gameSystem.EventToUnit($gameTemp.activeEvent().eventId()); var skill = userArray[1].currentAction(); if ($gameTemp.selectArea(userArray[1], skill)) { //SoundManager.playOk(); var action = $gameTemp.areaTargets().shift(); var targetArray = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(action.event.eventId()); // 戦闘開始ウィンドウを開始する(canUseの判定のため、先にsub phase設定する) $gameSystem.setSubBattlePhase('battle_window'); // ターゲットイベントを設定する $gameTemp.setTargetEvent(action.event); //$gameTemp.setSrpgDistance($gameSystem.unitDistance($gameTemp.activeEvent(), action.event)); // setup battle scene $gameSystem.setupSrpgBattleScene(userArray, targetArray); // special range isn't set, because the AoE will override it anyway // バトルウィンドウをスキップする設定で行動出来ない場合はターゲット選択に戻す var skill = userArray[1].currentAction().item(); if (_srpgPredictionWindowMode === 3 && !userArray[1].canUse(skill)) { // actionの初期化 targetArray[1].clearActions(); // 行動タイミングと攻撃射程の初期化 userArray[1].setActionTiming(-1); targetArray[1].setActionTiming(-1); userArray[1].clearSrpgRangeListForBattle(); targetArray[1].clearSrpgRangeListForBattle(); // 対象と距離の初期化 $gameTemp.clearTargetEvent(); $gameTemp.setSrpgDistance(0); // ターゲット選択に戻す $gameSystem.setSubBattlePhase('actor_target'); return; } else { SoundManager.playOk(); $gameSystem.clearSrpgActorCommandStatusWindowNeedRefresh(); if (_srpgPredictionWindowMode !== 3) $gameSystem.setSrpgStatusWindowNeedRefresh(userArray); $gameSystem.setSrpgBattleWindowNeedRefresh(userArray, targetArray); return true; } } } } return _triggerAction.call(this); }; // Clear AoE targets when cancelling the big target var _selectPreviousSrpgBattleStart = Scene_Map.prototype.selectPreviousSrpgBattleStart; Scene_Map.prototype.selectPreviousSrpgBattleStart = function() { _selectPreviousSrpgBattleStart.call(this); $gameTemp.clearAreaTargets(); }; // Apply AoEs for auto units as well Scene_Map.prototype.setupAoEforAutoUnits = function() { // set up the AoE if it hasn't already been prepared if (!$gameTemp._activeAoE) { let mainTarget = $gameTemp.targetEvent(); if (mainTarget && $gameSystem.positionInRange(mainTarget.posX(), mainTarget.posY())) { let userArray = $gameSystem.EventToUnit($gameTemp.activeEvent().eventId()); let skill = userArray[1].currentAction(); if (skill.area() > 0) { $gameTemp.showArea(mainTarget.posX(), mainTarget.posY()); $gameTemp.selectArea(userArray[1], skill); // the original target may not be who we end up hitting $gameTemp.setTargetEvent($gameTemp.areaTargets().shift().event); } } } else { // AI controlで事前にAoEが設定されている場合に対応する let userArray = $gameSystem.EventToUnit($gameTemp.activeEvent().eventId()); let user = userArray[1]; let skill = userArray[1].currentAction(); $gameTemp.selectArea(user, skill); $gameTemp.setTargetEvent($gameTemp.areaTargets().shift().event); } }; // Find all the targets within the current AoE Game_Temp.prototype.selectArea = function(user, skill) { if (!user || !skill) return false; this.clearAreaTargets(); var friends = (user.isActor()) ? 'actor' : 'enemy'; var opponents = (user.isActor()) ? 'enemy' : 'actor'; // check if the targets are limited var limit = skill.areaTargetLimit(); // identify targets var targets = $gameMap.events().filter(function (event) { if (event.isErased()) return false; if ((event.isType() === friends && skill.isForFriend()) || (event.isType() === opponents && skill.isForOpponent())) { return $gameTemp.inArea(event); } }); // there are no targets! if (targets.length === 0) return false; // sort by distance var sortFunction; switch (skill.areaOrder()) { case 'random': // random order sortFunction = function (a, b) { return Math.random() - 0.5; }; break; case 'far': // outside-in sortFunction = function (a, b) { var aDist = a.distTo($gameTemp.areaX(), $gameTemp.areaY()); var bDist = b.distTo($gameTemp.areaX(), $gameTemp.areaY()); return bDist - aDist; }; break; case 'near': // inside-out (default) default: sortFunction = function (a, b) { var aDist = a.distTo($gameTemp.areaX(), $gameTemp.areaY()); var bDist = b.distTo($gameTemp.areaX(), $gameTemp.areaY()); return aDist - bDist; }; break; } targets = targets.sort(sortFunction); // reduce the limit to fit if needed (0 or less means "no limit") if (limit <= 0 || limit > targets.length) limit = targets.length; // queue up actions on each target for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) { this.addAreaTarget({ item: skill.item(), event: targets[i] }); } return true; }; /* // work through the queue of actions // modified by OhisamaCraft var _srpgAfterAction = Scene_Map.prototype.srpgAfterAction; Scene_Map.prototype.srpgAfterAction = function() { var actionArray = $gameSystem.EventToUnit($gameTemp.activeEvent().eventId()); if (actionArray[1].canMove() && $gameTemp.areaTargets().length > 0) { this.srpgBattlerDeadAfterBattle(); var nextaction = $gameTemp.areaTargets().shift(); user.srpgMakeNewActions(); user.action(0).setItemObject(nextaction.item); var targetArray = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(nextaction.event.eventId()); $gameTemp.setTargetEvent(nextaction.event); $gameTemp.setSrpgDistance($gameSystem.unitDistance($gameTemp.activeEvent(), nextaction.event));//shoukang refresh distance if (_refocus) { $gameTemp.setAutoMoveDestinationValid(true); $gameTemp.setAutoMoveDestination($gameTemp.targetEvent().posX(), $gameTemp.targetEvent().posY()); } user.setShouldPayCost(false); $gameSystem.setSubBattlePhase('invoke_action'); this.srpgBattleStart(userArray, targetArray); } else { $gameTemp.clearArea(); $gameTemp.clearAreaTargets(); this.allBattlerSetShouldPayCost(true); _srpgAfterAction.call(this); } }; Scene_Map.prototype.allBattlerSetShouldPayCost = function(flag) { $gameMap.events().forEach(function(event) { if (event.isType() === 'actor' || event.isType() === 'enemy') { var battler = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(event.eventId())[1]; battler.setShouldPayCost(flag); } }); }; */ // override this to allow the AI to use fancy AoEs Game_System.prototype.srpgAIUnderstandsAoE = false; // AoE skills can be used as long as you're in the targeted area // SRPG_coreに統合 /* var _canUse = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canUse; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canUse = function(item) { if (item && $gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && this._srpgActionTiming !== 1 && Number(item.meta.srpgAreaRange) > 0) { // stop default AI from using AoEs with holes if (!$gameSystem.srpgAIUnderstandsAoE && $gameSystem.isBattlePhase() !== "actor_phase" && Number(item.meta.srpgAreaMinRange) > 0) { return false; } if ($gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'invoke_action' || $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'auto_actor_action' || $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'enemy_action' || $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'battle_window') { return $gameTemp.inArea($gameTemp.targetEvent()) || item.meta.cellTarget; //shoukang edit: check cellTarget tag } } return _canUse.call(this, item); }; */ var _srpgBattle_isEnabled = Window_SrpgBattle.prototype.isEnabled; Window_SrpgBattle.prototype.isEnabled = function(item) { if (item && Number(item.meta.srpgAreaRange) > 0) { return this._actor && this._actor.canUse(item); } return _srpgBattle_isEnabled.call(this, item); }; // fix bug for not clearing area after searching targets. var _Scene_Map_prototype_srpgAICommand = Scene_Map.prototype.srpgAICommand Scene_Map.prototype.srpgAICommand = function() { var result = _Scene_Map_prototype_srpgAICommand.call(this); if (!result){ $gameTemp.clearAreaTargets(); $gameTemp.clearArea(); } return result; }; //==================================================================== // Sprite_SrpgAoE //==================================================================== Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.initialize = function() { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 0.5; this._frameCount = 0; this._posX = -1; this._posY = -1; this.z = 0; this.visible = false; }; Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.isActive = function() { return this._posX >= 0 && this._posY >= 0; }; Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.update = function() { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); if (this.isActive()){ this.updatePosition(); this.updateAnimation(); this.visible = true; } else { this.visible = false; } }; Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.setAoE = function(x, y, size, minSize, type, dir) { if (this._posX != x || this._posY != y) { this._posX = x; this._posY = y; this.blendMode = 1; if (this._size != size || this._minSize != minSize || this._type != type || this._dir != dir) { this._size = size; this._type = type; this._dir = dir; this.redrawArea(size, minSize, type, dir); } } }; Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.redrawArea = function(size, minSize, type, dir) { var tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); var tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); this.bitmap = new Bitmap(tileWidth*(1+size*2), tileHeight*(1+size*2)); if (!_oneSquare && size <= 0) return; for (var x = 0; x < 1+size*2; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < 1+size*2; y++) { if ($gameMap.inArea(x-size, y-size, size, minSize, type, dir)) { this.drawCell(this.bitmap, x*tileWidth, y*tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight); } } } }; Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.drawCell = function(bitmap, x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight) { bitmap.fillRect(x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight, _areaColor); }; // modified by OhisamaCraft Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.clearArea = function() { $gameTemp.setSrpgAllTargetInRange(false); this._posX = -1; this._posY = -1; }; Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.updatePosition = function() { var tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); var tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); this.x = ($gameMap.adjustX(this._posX) + 0.5) * tileWidth; this.y = ($gameMap.adjustY(this._posY) + 0.5) * tileHeight; }; Sprite_SrpgAoE.prototype.updateAnimation = function() { this._frameCount++; this._frameCount %= 40; this.opacity = (40 - this._frameCount) * 3; }; Sprite_SrpgMoveTile.prototype.setThisMoveTile = function(x, y, attackFlag) { this._frameCount = 0; this._posX = x; this._posY = y; if ($gameTemp.isSrpgAllTargetInRange() === true) { this.bitmap.fillAll(_areaColor); } else { if (attackFlag === true) { this.bitmap.fillAll('red'); } else { this.bitmap.fillAll('blue'); } } } //==================================================================== // Spriteset_Map //==================================================================== // add the AoE sprite to the list var _Spriteset_Map_createTilemap = Spriteset_Map.prototype.createTilemap; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createTilemap = function() { _Spriteset_Map_createTilemap.call(this); this._srpgAoE = new Sprite_SrpgAoE(); this._tilemap.addChild(this._srpgAoE); }; var _Spriteset_Map_update = Spriteset_Map.prototype.update; Spriteset_Map.prototype.update = function() { _Spriteset_Map_update.call(this); if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() || this._srpgAoE.isActive()) { this.updateSrpgAoE(); } }; // refresh the AoE sprite Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateSrpgAoE = function() { const aoe = $gameTemp._activeAoE; if (aoe) { this._srpgAoE.setAoE(aoe.x, aoe.y, aoe.size, aoe.minSize, aoe.shape, aoe.dir); } else { this._srpgAoE.clearArea(); } }; //============================================================================================ //Battler position in AoE(when there are areaTargets) scene battle //============================================================================================ // remove actor sprite limit const _Spriteset_Battle_createActors = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createActors Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createActors = function() { if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && $gameTemp.areaTargets().length > 0){ this._actorSprites = []; for (var i = 0; i < $gameParty.SrpgBattleActors().length; i++) { const sprite = new Sprite_Actor(); this._actorSprites.push(sprite); this._battleField.addChild(sprite); } } else{ _Spriteset_Battle_createActors.call(this); } }; //sort to get priority right /* const _Spriteset_Battle_createLowerLayer = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createLowerLayer; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.createLowerLayer = function() { _Spriteset_Battle_createLowerLayer.call(this); if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && $gameTemp.areaTargets().length > 0){ this._battleField.children.sort(this.compareEnemySprite.bind(this)); } }; */ const _Spriteset_Battle_updateBattleback = Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateBattleback; Spriteset_Battle.prototype.updateBattleback = function() { if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && $gameTemp.areaTargets().length > 0){ if (!this._battlebackLocated) { this._back1Sprite.adjustPosition(); this._back2Sprite.adjustPosition(); this._battleField.children.sort(this.compareEnemySprite.bind(this)); this._battlebackLocated = true; } } else { _Spriteset_Battle_updateBattleback.call(this); } }; var _SRPG_Sprite_Actor_setActorHome = Sprite_Actor.prototype.setActorHome; Sprite_Actor.prototype.setActorHome = function (index) { if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() == true && !$gameSystem.useMapBattle() && $gameTemp.areaTargets().length > 0) { var param = $gameTemp._aoePositionParameters; var battler = this._battler; this.setHome(eval(_standardX) + (battler.aoeSceneX() - param.midX) * param.amplifyX, eval(_standardY) + (battler.aoeSceneY() - param.midY) * param.amplifyY); this.moveToStartPosition(); } else { _SRPG_Sprite_Actor_setActorHome.call(this, index); } }; //Set enemy positions const _SRPGAoE_Game_Troop_setup = Game_Troop.prototype.setup; Game_Troop.prototype.setup = function(troopId) { if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() == true && !$gameSystem.useMapBattle() && $gameTemp.areaTargets().length > 0) { this.clear(); this._troopId = troopId; this._enemies = []; var param = $gameTemp._aoePositionParameters; for (var i = 0; i < this.SrpgBattleEnemys().length; i++) { var battler = this.SrpgBattleEnemys()[i]; battler.setScreenXy(eval(_standardX) + (battler.aoeSceneX() - param.midX) * param.amplifyX, eval(_standardY) + (battler.aoeSceneY() - param.midY) * param.amplifyY); this._enemies.push(battler); } //this.makeUniqueNames(); } else { _SRPGAoE_Game_Troop_setup.call(this, troopId); } }; // shoukang: complicated vector calculation to determine the battler placement parameters and relative position. Game_System.prototype.setBattlerPosition = function(){ var activeEvent = $gameTemp.activeEvent(); var allEvents = [activeEvent, $gameTemp.targetEvent()].concat($gameTemp.getAreaEvents()); var vector = this.createSrpgAoEVector(); var vectorX = vector[0]; var vectorY = vector[1]; var vectorLen = Math.sqrt(vectorX * vectorX + vectorY * vectorY); var minX = 0; var maxX = 0.5; var minY = -1.25; var maxY = 1.25; var targetMinX = 0.5; for (var i = 0; i < allEvents.length; i++){ var battler = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(allEvents[i].eventId())[1]; var posX = allEvents[i].posX() - activeEvent.posX(); var posY = allEvents[i].posY() - activeEvent.posY(); var projectionY = (vectorY * posX - vectorX * posY) / vectorLen; var projectionX = _tilt * projectionY + (vectorX * posX + vectorY * posY) / vectorLen; //0.2 * sin helps to make a better veiw. battler.setAoEScenePosition(projectionX, projectionY); if (i > 0) targetMinX = Math.min(projectionX, targetMinX); minX = Math.min(projectionX, minX); minY = Math.min(projectionY, minY); maxX = Math.max(projectionX, maxX); maxY = Math.max(projectionY, maxY); } if (!_surround && targetMinX < 0.5){ minX -= Math.max((maxX - targetMinX) / 2, 0.5); $gameSystem.EventToUnit(activeEvent.eventId())[1].setAoEScenePosition(minX, 0); } var direction = $gameSystem.EventToUnit(activeEvent.eventId())[0] === 'actor' ? -1 : 1; var amplifyX = direction * eval(_xRange) / Math.max((maxX - minX), 2); var amplifyY = eval(_yRange) / (maxY - minY); $gameTemp.setAoEPositionParameters((minX + maxX) / 2, (minY + maxY) / 2, amplifyX, amplifyY); } Game_System.prototype.createSrpgAoEVector = function(){ var activeEvent = $gameTemp.activeEvent(); var vectorX = $gameTemp.areaX() - activeEvent.posX(); var vectorY = $gameTemp.areaY() - activeEvent.posY(); // if aoe center overlap with active event, use active event direction as vector. if (Math.abs(vectorX) + Math.abs(vectorY) === 0){ var dir = activeEvent.direction(); vectorX = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(0, dir); vectorY = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(0, dir); } return [vectorX, vectorY] } Game_Battler.prototype.setAoEScenePosition = function(x, y){ this._aoeSceneX = x; this._aoeSceneY = y; } Game_Battler.prototype.aoeSceneX = function(){ return this._aoeSceneX; } Game_Battler.prototype.aoeSceneY = function(){ return this._aoeSceneY; } Game_Temp.prototype.setAoEPositionParameters = function(midX, midY, amplifyX, amplifyY){ this._aoePositionParameters = { midX : midX, midY : midY, amplifyX : amplifyX, amplifyY : amplifyY, } } // ========================================================================== // repeated AoE action that doesn't show animation and doesn't cost tp, mp // ========================================================================== Game_Action.prototype.setHideAnimation = function(val){ this._hideAnimation = val; } // only work with my bugfixed srpg_DynamicAction // Also used for log window display in map battles (Ohisama Craft) Game_Action.prototype.isHideAnimation = function(){ return this._hideAnimation; } Game_Action.prototype.setEditedItem = function(item){ this._editedItem = item; } // set up Action that and item that has no animation and no cost for repetation Game_Action.prototype.createAoERepeatedAction = function(){ var hiddenAction = new Game_Action(this.subject()); var noCostItem = { ...this.item() } noCostItem.mpCost = 0; noCostItem.tpCost = 0; noCostItem.srpgDataClass = this._item._dataClass; hiddenAction.setItemObject(this.item()); hiddenAction.setEditedItem(noCostItem); hiddenAction.setHideAnimation(true); return hiddenAction; } var _Game_Action_item = Game_Action.prototype.item; Game_Action.prototype.item = function() { if (this._editedItem) return this._editedItem; return _Game_Action_item.call(this); }; Game_Action.prototype.canAgiAttack = function(action){ return this.isForOpponent() && !this.item().meta.doubleAction; } //============================================================================================ //A hack way to get AoE counter attack distance correct. //============================================================================================ /* Game_Battler.prototype.setAoEDistance = function(val){ this._AoEDistance = val; } Game_Battler.prototype.AoEDistance = function(){ return this._AoEDistance; } Game_Battler.prototype.clearAoEDistance = function(){ this._AoEDistance = undefined; } */ //let our faked skill item considered as skill var _DataManager_isSkill = DataManager.isSkill; DataManager.isSkill = function(item) { return _DataManager_isSkill.call(this, item) || (item && item.srpgDataClass === 'skill'); }; })();