//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SRPG_ShowPath_MZ.js // Copyright (c) 2020 SRPG Team. All rights reserved. // Released under the MIT license. // http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php //============================================================================= /*: * @target MZ * @plugindesc SRPG move path indicator, edited by OhisamaCraft. * @author Dr. Q * @base SRPG_core_MZ * * @param Path Blend Mode * @desc Blend mode for the move path * @type select * @option Normal * @value 0 * @option Add * @value 1 * @option Multiply * @value 2 * @option Screen * @value 3 * @default 0 * * @param Path Opacity * @desc Opacity for the move path * @type number * @min 0 * @max 255 * @default 255 * * @param Path Layer * @desc Whether the path appears above or below events * @type select * @option Below All Events * @value 0 * @option Below Player * @value 2 * @option Above Player * @value 4 * @option Above All Events * @value 6 * @default 2 * * @param Max Path Length * @desc Maximum length for the move path * Unless your move ranges are >99, you can leave it alone * @type number * @default 99 * * * @help * copyright 2020 SRPG Team. all rights reserved. * Released under the MIT license. * ============================================================================ * Draw an arrow to indicate the movement path in SRPG battles. * Images used for the paths go in the img/system/ folder. * /!/ caution /!/ * Since the RPG maker MZ specification does not support * encryption and unused file deletion tools, * srpgPath image file is specified in SRPG core MZ.js. * * Look at srpgPath_Arrows.png for a clear example of how each piece * is used to make the path. * */ /*:ja * @target MZ * @plugindesc SRPG戦闘でアクターの移動経路を表示します。おひさまクラフトによる改変あり。 * @author Dr. Q * @base SRPG_core_MZ * * @param Path Blend Mode * @desc 移動経路の画像のブレンドモード * @type select * @option 通常 * @value 0 * @option 加算 * @value 1 * @option 乗算 * @value 2 * @option スクリーン * @value 3 * @default 0 * * @param Path Opacity * @desc 移動経路の画像の透明度 * @type number * @min 0 * @max 255 * @default 255 * * @param Path Layer * @desc 移動経路の画像をイベントに対してどの位置に表示するか * @type select * @option 全てのイベントの下 * @value 0 * @option プレイヤーの下 * @value 2 * @option プレイヤーの上 * @value 4 * @option 全てのイベントの上 * @value 6 * @default 2 * * @param Max Path Length * @desc 移動経路の画像の最大表示距離 * 移動範囲が 99 を超えない限り、変更しなくても大丈夫です。 * @type number * @default 99 * * * @help * copyright 2020 SRPG Team. all rights reserved. * Released under the MIT license. * ============================================================================ * SRPG戦闘で、移動経路を示す矢印を描きます。 * srpgPathの画像はimg/system/フォルダにあります。 * /!/ 注意 /!/ * RPGツクールMZの仕様により暗号化および未使用ファイル削除ツールに対応できないため * srpgPathの画像ファイルはSRPG core MZ.jsで指定しています。 * * 自分で画像を作成する場合、パーツの配置はsrpgPath.pngを参考にして下さい。 * */ //==================================================================== // ●Function Declaration //==================================================================== function Sprite_SrpgMovePath() { this.initialize(...arguments); } Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.constructor = Sprite_SrpgMovePath; //==================================================================== // ●Plugin //==================================================================== (function(){ var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('SRPG_ShowPath_MZ'); var coreParameters = PluginManager.parameters('SRPG_core_MZ'); var _fileName = coreParameters['Path Image'] || "srpgPath"; var _blendMode = Number(parameters['Path Blend Mode']) || 0; var _opacity = Number(parameters['Path Opacity']) || 0; var _layer = Number(parameters['Path Layer']) || 0; var _maxLength = Number(parameters['Max Path Length']) || 99; //==================================================================== // show the move path while choosing a destination //==================================================================== // highlight the route to the chosen destination Game_Temp.prototype.showRoute = function(destX, destY) { this._activeRoute = []; if (destX == undefined || destY == undefined) return; if (destX < 0 || destX >= $gameMap.width() || destY < 0 || destY >= $gameMap.height()) return; var moveTable = $gameTemp.MoveTable(destX, destY); var list = $gameTemp.moveList(); if (!moveTable || !list || !list[0]) return; if (!$gameSystem.areTheyNoUnits(destX, destY, 'actor')) return; if (!$gameSystem.areTheyNoUnits(destX, destY, 'enemy')) return; var directions = moveTable[1]; var x = list[0][0]; var y = list[0][1]; for (var i = 1; i < directions.length; i++) { this._activeRoute.push([x, y, directions[i], directions[i-1]]); x = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(x, directions[i]); y = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(y, directions[i]); } if (directions.length) this._activeRoute.push([x, y, 0, directions[i-1]]); }; // clear out the highlighted route Game_Temp.prototype.clearRoute = function() { this._activeRoute = null; }; // update route when you move var _startMapEvent = Game_Player.prototype.startMapEvent; Game_Player.prototype.startMapEvent = function(x, y, triggers, normal) { _startMapEvent.call(this, x, y, triggers, normal); if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'actor_move') { if (triggers.contains(1)) $gameTemp.showRoute(x, y); } else { $gameTemp.clearRoute(); } } // clear the route/AoE once you start moving/targeting var _triggerAction = Game_Player.prototype.triggerAction; Game_Player.prototype.triggerAction = function() { _triggerAction.call(this); if ($gameSystem.isSRPGMode() && $gameSystem.isSubBattlePhase() === 'actor_command_window') { $gameTemp.clearRoute(); } } // clear the route/AoE when you cancel movement/targeting const _srpg_showPath_srpgCancelActorMove = Scene_Map.prototype.srpgCancelActorMove; Scene_Map.prototype.srpgCancelActorMove = function(){ _srpg_showPath_srpgCancelActorMove.call(this); $gameTemp.clearRoute(); } // restore the route when you cancel the actor command var _selectPreviousActorCommand = Scene_Map.prototype.selectPreviousActorCommand; Scene_Map.prototype.selectPreviousActorCommand = function() { var x = $gameTemp.activeEvent().posX(); var y = $gameTemp.activeEvent().posY(); $gameTemp.showRoute(x, y); _selectPreviousActorCommand.call(this); }; //==================================================================== // Sprite_SrpgMovePath //==================================================================== Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.initialize = function() { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.anchor.x = 0.5; this.anchor.y = 0.5; this._frameCount = 0; this._posX = -1; this._posY = -1; this.z = _layer; this._dir = 0; this._lastDir = 0; this.visible = false; }; Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.isPathActive = function() { return this._posX >= 0 && this._posY >= 0; }; Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.setPath = function(x, y, d, ld) { this._posX = x; this._posY = y; this._dir = d; this._lastDir = ld; this.blendMode = _blendMode; this.opacity = _opacity; }; Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.clearPath = function() { this._posX = -1; this._posY = -1; }; Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.update = function() { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); if (this.isPathActive()){ this.updatePosition(); this.visible = true; } else { this.visible = false; } }; Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.updatePosition = function() { var tileWidth = $gameMap.tileWidth(); var tileHeight = $gameMap.tileHeight(); this.setDirection(this._dir, this._lastDir); this.x = ($gameMap.adjustX(this._posX) + 0.5) * tileWidth; this.y = ($gameMap.adjustY(this._posY) + 0.5) * tileHeight; }; Sprite_SrpgMovePath.prototype.setDirection = function(d2, d1) { //this.bitmap = Sprite_SrpgMovePath._bitmap; this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem(_fileName); var w = this.bitmap.width / 5; var h = this.bitmap.height / 4; var col = -1; var row = -1; if (!d1) { // start pieces col = 0; row = d2/2-1; } if (!d2) { // end pieces col = 1 row = d1/2-1; } if (d1 == d2) { // straight pieces col = 2; row = d1/2-1; } if (row >= 0 && col >= 0) { this.setFrame(col*w, row*h, w, h); return; } // corners col = 3; if (d1 == 4 || d1 == 6) { // standardize the corners var d_ = d1; d1 = 10-d2; d2 = 10-d_; col = 4; } if (d1 == 2 && d2 == 4) row = 0; // down -> left if (d1 == 2 && d2 == 6) row = 1; // down -> right if (d1 == 8 && d2 == 4) row = 2; // up -> left if (d1 == 8 && d2 == 6) row = 3; // up -> right this.setFrame(col*w, row*h, w, h); }; //==================================================================== // Spriteset_Map //==================================================================== var _Spriteset_Map_createTilemap = Spriteset_Map.prototype.createTilemap; Spriteset_Map.prototype.createTilemap = function() { _Spriteset_Map_createTilemap.call(this); this._srpgPath = []; for (var i = 0; i < _maxLength; i++) { this._srpgPath[i] = new Sprite_SrpgMovePath(); this._tilemap.addChild(this._srpgPath[i]); } }; var _Spriteset_Map_update = Spriteset_Map.prototype.update; Spriteset_Map.prototype.update = function() { _Spriteset_Map_update.call(this); this.updateSrpgMovePath(); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateSrpgMovePath = function() { var route = $gameTemp._activeRoute; for (var i = 0; i < _maxLength; i++) { if (route && i < route.length) { this._srpgPath[i].setPath(route[i][0], route[i][1], route[i][2], route[i][3]); } else { this._srpgPath[i].clearPath(); } } }; })();