Sublime-Rebol ============= **Sublime Text** package for REBOL ([]( It's recommened to use it with included [Rebol.sublime-color-scheme](Rebol.sublime-color-scheme). colorized code example # Installation ## via Package Control 1. Make sure you already have [Package Control]( installed. 2. Choose Install Package from the Command Palette (via Tools > Coomand Palette from the main menu). 3. Select **REBOL** package and press Enter. ## or Manual Installation 1. Download the desired **REBOL** package. 2. Browse Packages from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux, ⇧⌘P on Mac) 3. Copy the **REBOL** packgage folder to `Packages/`. # Credits * The old [.tmLanguage](Rebol.tmLanguage) syntax file is based on [RG-Chris TextMate Bundle]( * The new [.sublime-syntax](Rebol.sublime-syntax) version was made based on [Nelo Mitranim's work](