--- published: true slug: consantius-ii title: 'Consantius II' subtitle: 'CAESAR FLAVIVS IVLIVS CONSTANTIVS AVGVSTVS' date: '0317-08-07 00:00:28' date_format: 'l jS of F Y' locale: en image: consantius-ii.jpg --- Reigned from {{ dt('0337-05-22T00:53:28+00:53', 'l jS of F Y', 'en') }} to {{ dt('0361-11-03T00:53:28+00:53', 'l jS of F Y', 'en') }}, rose by Birthright. Ruled in the Constantinian dynasty, in the Dominate era. Reign ended by Natural Causes from Disease. Born {{ dt('0317-08-07T00:53:28+00:53', 'l jS of F Y', 'en') }} in Sirmium, Pannonia. Died {{ dt('0361-11-03T00:53:28+00:53', 'l jS of F Y', 'en') }}.