import os, datetime, time from OmegaExpansion import oledExp from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # find current time currentTime = # measure and format battery voltage program = Popen("power-dock2", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) output, err = program.communicate() battery_text = "Battery(V): " + output[-7:] # converting a string value of the battery to a float value Vcurrent = float(output[-7:-2]) # math function to determine the battery percentage Vmax = 4.2 Vmin = 3.5 battery_percentage = ((Vcurrent-Vmin)/(Vmax-Vmin))*100 battery_percentage =int(battery_percentage) # initialize the oled status = oledExp.driverInit() # write content to oled oledExp.write("Current date and time ") oledExp.write(currentTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) oledExp.setCursor(3, 0) oledExp.write(battery_text) oledExp.setCursor(5, 0) oledExp.write('Battery(%): ' + str(battery_percentage) + '%')