/* Autosplitter v1.0 2018-04-09 SlayTheSpire Autosplitter by ClownFiesta AKA FresherDenimAll Hosted on https://github.com/ClownFiesta/AutoSplitters Please notify the author before attempting to publish a new AutoSplitter for the game, I might be working on a new version already locally. Honorable mention: Phantom. He created the previous Autosplitter for the game which you can see at: https://github.com/Phxntxm/Slay-The-Spire-Autosplitter */ state("SlayTheSpire") { } state("javaw") { } /* init { //Get the path for the logs vars.stsLogPath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(modules.First().FileName).FullName + "\\sendToDevs\\logs\\SlayTheSpire.log"; //Open the logs and set the position to the end of the file vars.reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(vars.stsLogPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)); vars.reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); vars.lastPointerPosition = vars.reader.BaseStream.Position; //Set the command to "UPDATE" vars.command = "UPDATE"; } */ init { //Get the path for the logs if (game.ProcessName == "javaw"){ vars.stsLogPath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(modules.First().FileName).FullName + "\\..\\..\\sendToDevs\\logs\\SlayTheSpire.log"; } else{ vars.stsLogPath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(modules.First().FileName).FullName + "\\sendToDevs\\logs\\SlayTheSpire.log"; } //vars.stsLogPath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(modules.First().FileName).FullName + "\\..\\..\\sendToDevs\\logs\\SlayTheSpire.log"; //Open the logs and set the position to the end of the file vars.reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(vars.stsLogPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)); vars.reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); vars.lastPointerPosition = vars.reader.BaseStream.Position; //Set the command to "UPDATE" vars.command = "UPDATE"; } update { if (vars.reader.BaseStream.Length == vars.lastPointerPosition){ //If the logs haven't changed, skip the rest of the code (update, reset, split, start, etc.). We place it first to lessen the load on the computer return false; } else if (vars.reader.BaseStream.Length < vars.lastPointerPosition){ //If the logs have been reset, then place the pointer at the end and update vars.lastPointerPosition and skip the rest of the code. vars.reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); vars.lastPointerPosition = vars.reader.BaseStream.Position; return false; } string line = ""; while((line = vars.reader.ReadLine()) != null){ //Read the log until its end //Updates vars.lastPointerPosition to its new position. vars.lastPointerPosition = vars.reader.BaseStream.Position; //Changes the value of vars.command depending on the content of line and returns true if a command needs to be issued. if(line.Contains("Generating seeds")){ vars.command = "START"; return true; } else if (timer.CurrentPhase == TimerPhase.Running & System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(line, @"(Hard Unlock: )(GUARDIAN|GHOST|SLIME|CHAMP|AUTOMATON|COLLECTOR|CROW|DONUT|WIZARD)")){ vars.command = "SPLIT"; return true; } else if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(line, @"(PLAYTIME:)")){ vars.command = "RESET"; return true; } } } reset { if (vars.command == "RESET"){ vars.command = "UPDATE"; return true; } } split { if (vars.command == "SPLIT"){ vars.command = "UPDATE"; return true; } } start { if (vars.command == "START"){ vars.command = "UPDATE"; return true; } } exit { // Resets the timer if the game closes (either from a bug or manually) new TimerModel() { CurrentState = timer }.Reset(); vars.reader.Close(); vars.lastPointerPosition = 0; } shutdown { // Closing the reader (Only useful when you close LiveSplit before closing SlayTheSpire) vars.reader.Close(); } isLoading { // Blank isLoading to avoid any warnings } gameTime { // Blank gameTime to avoid any warnings }