swagger: '2.0' info: title: Event Notification API Specification - ASPSP Endpoints description: Swagger for Event Notification API Specification - ASPSP Endpoints termsOfService: 'https://www.openbanking.org.uk/terms' contact: name: Service Desk email: ServiceDesk@openbanking.org.uk license: name: open-licence url: 'https://www.openbanking.org.uk/open-licence' version: v3.1.1-draft1 basePath: /open-banking/v3.1 schemes: - https consumes: - application/json; charset=utf-8 produces: - application/json; charset=utf-8 paths: /callback-urls: post: summary: Create a callback URL tags: - Callback URLs parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/OBCallbackUrl1Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-financial-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-interaction-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/AuthorizationParam' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-jws-signature-Param' responses: '201': $ref: '#/responses/201CallbackUrlsCreated' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '401': $ref: '#/responses/401ErrorResponse' '403': $ref: '#/responses/403ErrorResponse' '405': $ref: '#/responses/405ErrorResponse' '406': $ref: '#/responses/406ErrorResponse' '415': $ref: '#/responses/415ErrorResponse' '429': $ref: '#/responses/429ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' security: - TPPOAuth2Security: - accounts - fundsconfirmation - payments get: summary: Read all callback URLs tags: - Callback URLs parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-financial-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-interaction-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/AuthorizationParam' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200CallbackUrlsRead' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '401': $ref: '#/responses/401ErrorResponse' '403': $ref: '#/responses/403ErrorResponse' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponse' '405': $ref: '#/responses/405ErrorResponse' '406': $ref: '#/responses/406ErrorResponse' '429': $ref: '#/responses/429ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' security: - TPPOAuth2Security: - accounts - fundsconfirmation - payments '/callback-urls/{CallbackUrlId}': put: summary: Amend a callback URI tags: - Callback URLs parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/CallbackUrlId' - $ref: '#/parameters/OBCallbackUrl1Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-financial-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-interaction-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/AuthorizationParam' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-jws-signature-Param' responses: '200': $ref: '#/responses/200CallbackUrlsChanged' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '401': $ref: '#/responses/401ErrorResponse' '403': $ref: '#/responses/403ErrorResponse' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponse' '405': $ref: '#/responses/405ErrorResponse' '406': $ref: '#/responses/406ErrorResponse' '415': $ref: '#/responses/415ErrorResponse' '429': $ref: '#/responses/429ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' security: - TPPOAuth2Security: - accounts - fundsconfirmation - payments delete: summary: Delete a callback URI tags: - Callback URLs parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/CallbackUrlId' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-financial-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-interaction-id-Param' - $ref: '#/parameters/AuthorizationParam' responses: '204': $ref: '#/responses/204CallbackUrlsDeleted' '400': $ref: '#/responses/400ErrorResponse' '401': $ref: '#/responses/401ErrorResponse' '403': $ref: '#/responses/403ErrorResponse' '404': $ref: '#/responses/404ErrorResponse' '405': $ref: '#/responses/405ErrorResponse' '406': $ref: '#/responses/406ErrorResponse' '429': $ref: '#/responses/429ErrorResponse' '500': $ref: '#/responses/500ErrorResponse' security: - TPPOAuth2Security: - accounts - fundsconfirmation - payments parameters: OBCallbackUrl1Param: in: body name: OBCallbackUrl1Param description: Create an Callback URI required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrl1' CallbackUrlId: name: CallbackUrlId in: path description: CallbackUrlId required: true type: string x-fapi-financial-id-Param: in: header name: x-fapi-financial-id type: string required: true description: >- The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB. x-fapi-interaction-id-Param: in: header name: x-fapi-interaction-id type: string required: false description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id. AuthorizationParam: in: header name: Authorization type: string required: true description: 'An Authorisation Token as per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750' x-jws-signature-Param: in: header name: x-jws-signature type: string required: true description: Header containing a detached JWS signature of the body of the payload. responses: 200CallbackUrlsRead: description: An array of callback URLs schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrlsResponse1' headers: x-jws-signature: type: string description: Header containing a detached JWS signature of the body of the payload. 201CallbackUrlsCreated: description: Callback URL created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrlResponse1' headers: x-jws-signature: type: string description: Header containing a detached JWS signature of the body of the payload. 200CallbackUrlsChanged: description: Callback URL changed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrlResponse1' headers: x-jws-signature: type: string description: Header containing a detached JWS signature of the body of the payload. 204CallbackUrlsDeleted: description: Callback URL changed 400ErrorResponse: description: Bad request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBErrorResponse1' 401ErrorResponse: description: Unauthorized 403ErrorResponse: description: Forbidden 404ErrorResponse: description: Not found 405ErrorResponse: description: Method Not Allowed 406ErrorResponse: description: Not Acceptable 415ErrorResponse: description: Unsupported Media Type 429ErrorResponse: description: Too Many Requests headers: Retry-After: description: Number in seconds to wait type: integer 500ErrorResponse: description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBErrorResponse1' securityDefinitions: TPPOAuth2Security: type: oauth2 flow: application tokenUrl: 'https://authserver.example/token' scopes: accounts: Ability to read Accounts information fundsconfirmation: Ability to confirm funds payments: Generic payment scope description: TPP client credential authorisation flow with the ASPSP definitions: OBCallbackUrl1: type: object properties: Data: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrlData1' required: - Data additionalProperties: false OBCallbackUrlData1: type: object properties: Url: description: >- Callback URL for a TPP hosted service. Will be used by ASPSPs, in conjunction with the resource name, to construct a URL to send event notifications to. type: string Version: description: Version for the event notification. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 required: - Url - Version additionalProperties: false OBCallbackUrlResponse1: type: object properties: Data: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrlResponseData1' Links: $ref: '#/definitions/Links' Meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Meta' required: - Data - Links - Meta additionalProperties: false OBCallbackUrlResponseData1: type: object properties: CallbackUrlId: description: >- Unique identification as assigned by the ASPSP to uniquely identify the callback url resource. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Url: description: >- Callback URL for a TPP hosted service. Will be used by ASPSPs, in conjunction with the resource name, to construct a URL to send event notifications to. type: string Version: description: Version for the event notification. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 10 required: - CallbackUrlId - Url - Version additionalProperties: false OBCallbackUrlsResponse1: type: object properties: Data: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrlsResponseData1' Links: $ref: '#/definitions/Links' Meta: $ref: '#/definitions/Meta' required: - Data - Links - Meta additionalProperties: false OBCallbackUrlsResponseData1: type: object properties: CallbackUrl: items: $ref: '#/definitions/OBCallbackUrlResponseData1' type: array additionalProperties: false OBError1: type: object properties: ErrorCode: description: 'Low level textual error code, e.g., UK.OBIE.Field.Missing' type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 128 Message: description: >- A description of the error that occurred. e.g., 'A mandatory field isn't supplied' or 'RequestedExecutionDateTime must be in future' OBIE doesn't standardise this field type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 Path: description: >- Recommended but optional reference to the JSON Path of the field with error, e.g., Data.Initiation.InstructedAmount.Currency type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 Url: description: >- URL to help remediate the problem, or provide more information, or to API Reference, or help etc type: string required: - ErrorCode - Message additionalProperties: false minProperties: 1 OBErrorResponse1: description: >- An array of detail error codes, and messages, and URLs to documentation to help remediation. type: object properties: Code: description: 'High level textual error code, to help categorize the errors.' type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Id: description: >- A unique reference for the error instance, for audit purposes, in case of unknown/unclassified errors. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Message: description: >- Brief Error message, e.g., 'There is something wrong with the request parameters provided' type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 Errors: items: $ref: '#/definitions/OBError1' type: array minItems: 1 required: - Code - Message - Errors additionalProperties: false ISODateTime: description: >- All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone. An example is below: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00 type: string format: date-time Links: type: object description: Links relevant to the payload properties: Self: type: string format: uri First: type: string format: uri Prev: type: string format: uri Next: type: string format: uri Last: type: string format: uri additionalProperties: false required: - Self Meta: title: MetaData type: object description: Meta Data relevant to the payload properties: TotalPages: type: integer format: int32 FirstAvailableDateTime: $ref: '#/definitions/ISODateTime' LastAvailableDateTime: $ref: '#/definitions/ISODateTime' additionalProperties: false