{ "version": "2", "templates": [ { "type": 1, "title": "Jupyter notebook", "description": "Minimal Jupyter notebook server", "platform": "linux", "image": "ouvocl/vce-jupyter-base", "name": "jupyterminimalserver", "note": "Minimal Jupyter notebook server.", "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "ports": [ ":8888/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "Jupyter notebook with pandas data tools", "description": "Jupyter notebook server with pandas data tools", "platform": "linux", "image": "ouvocl/vce-jupyter-pandas", "name": "jupyterpandasserver", "note": "Jupyter notebook server with preinstalled pandas environment.", "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "ports": [ ":8888/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "Jupyter notebook with scipy tools", "description": "Jupyter notebook server with scipy tools", "platform": "linux", "image": "ouvocl/vce-jupyter-scipy", "name": "jupyterscipyserver", "note": "Minimal Jupyter notebook server with preinstalled scipy environment.", "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "ports": [ ":8888/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "OpenRefine", "description": "OpenRefine server: data cleaning application", "platform": "linux", "image": "ouvocl/openrefine", "name": "openrefine", "categories": [ "OpenRefine", "OU-VCE", "ouseful-course-container" ], "ports": [ ":3333/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "RStudio", "description": "RStudio server", "platform": "linux", "image": "ouvocl/vce-rstudio", "name": "rstudio", "categories": [ "RStudio", "OU-VCE", "editor" ], "ports": [ ":8787/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "Code (browser version of VSCode)", "description": "Code editor server", "platform": "linux", "image": "linuxserver/code-server", "name": "linuxservercode", "categories": [ "VS Code", "OU-VCE", "editor" ], "ports": [ ":8443/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "TM351 Jupyter environment (no databases, no OpenRefine)", "description": "TM351 Virtual Computing Environment (Jupyter notebook enviornment only)", "platform": "linux", "image": "ouvocl/vce-tm351", "name": "tm351vcejupyter", "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "env": [ { "name": "JUPYTER_TOKEN", "default": "letmein", "preset": true } ], "categories": [ "TM351", "OU-VCE", "ouseful-course-container" ], "ports": [ ":8888/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "TM351 VCE (single container) [desktop (x86_64) only]", "description": "TM351 Virtual Computing Environment (all-on-one)", "platform": "linux", "image": "ousefulcoursecontainers/ou-tm351:current", "name": "tm351vcefull", "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "env": [ { "name": "JUPYTER_TOKEN", "default": "letmein", "preset": true } ], "categories": [ "TM351", "OU-VCE", "ouseful-course-container" ], "ports": [ ":8888/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "TM129 Robotics VCE [desktop (x86_64) only]", "description": "TM219 Robotics Block Virtual Computing Environment", "platform": "linux", "image": "ousefulcoursecontainers/ou-tm129:current", "name": "tm129vcedesktop", "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "env": [ { "name": "JUPYTER_TOKEN", "default": "letmein", "preset": true } ], "categories": [ "TM129", "OU-VCE", "ouseful-course-container" ], "ports": [ ":8888/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "type": 1, "title": "TM129 VCE ", "description": "TM129 Robotics Block Virtual Computing Environment ", "platform": "linux", "image": "ouvocl/vce-tm129", "name": "tm129vce", "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "env": [ { "name": "JUPYTER_TOKEN", "default": "letmein", "preset": true } ], "categories": [ "TM129", "RPi", "arm32v7", "OU-VCE", "ouseful-course-container" ], "ports": [ ":8888/tcp" ], "restart_policy": "always" }, { "categories": [ "TM351", "VCE", "Jupyter", "PostgreSQL", "Database", "notebook" ], "description": "TM351 Jupyter environment and PostgreSQL database.", "env": [ { "default": "letmein", "label": "JUPYTER_TOKEN", "name": "JUPYTER_TOKEN" }, { "default": "PGPass", "label": "POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "name": "POSTGRES_PASSWORD" }, { "label": "PORT", "name": "PORT" } ], "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "name": "jupyterpg", "note": "The default database password is: PGPass", "platform": "linux", "repository": { "stackfile": "stack/jupyter_postgres.yml", "url": "https://github.com/OpenComputingLab/locl-templates" }, "title": "Jupyter Postgres", "type": 3 }, { "categories": [ "TM351", "VCE", "Jupyter", "Database", "notebook" ], "description": "TM351 Jupyter environment and Mongo 32 bit database [RPi 32bit o/s only].", "env": [ { "default": "letmein", "label": "JUPYTER_TOKEN", "name": "JUPYTER_TOKEN" }, { "label": "PORT", "name": "PORT" } ], "logo": "https://github.com/innovationOUtside/tm129-robotics2020/raw/master/.jupyter/custom/OU-logo-83x65.png", "name": "jupytermongo", "note": "This runs a very old version of Mongo. Current versions don't support 32 bit o/s.", "platform": "linux", "repository": { "stackfile": "stack/jupyter_mongo32.yml", "url": "https://github.com/OpenComputingLab/locl-templates" }, "title": "Jupyter Mongo 32 [RPi only]", "type": 3 } ] }