{ "name": "energy-data-ch", "title": "Datasets related to Energy with a focus on Switzerland", "format": "csv", "datapackage_version": "1.1.0", "last_modified": "2022-09-16", "licenses": [{ "name": "CC0-1.0", "title": "CC0 1.0", "path": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/" }], "resources": [ { "path": "data/energy-datasets.csv", "profile": "tabular-data-resource", "encoding": "utf-8", "name": "datasets", "format": "csv", "mediatype": "text/csv", "schema": { "fields": [ { "name": "ID", "description": "A numeric identifier for us to keep track of unique submissions", "type": "integer", "format": "default" },{ "name": "Title", "description": "A short, concise title", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Description", "description": "An overview of this dataset and the context in which it was made", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Topic", "description": "Any keywords, comma delimited, which help us to sort through the datasets. Include an ISO country code (ch, uk, ...), if it is country-specific.", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Type", "description": "dataset / geodata / service / code / literature / portal", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Link", "description": "A webpage which describes the data and provides download URLs", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Formats", "description": "List of data formats available, comma delimited", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Permissions", "description": "Brief description of the terms of use, along with detailed links to any License or such", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Organisation", "description": "The current data owner or maintainer", "type": "string" },{ "name": "Contact", "description": "Whom to contact for further information", "type": "string" } ] } } ], "contributors":[{ "title": "Opendata.ch - Swiss chapter of Open Knowledge", "email": "info@opendata.ch", "web": "https://datahub.io/opendatach" }], "maintainers":[{ "name": "Oleg Lavrovsky", "web": "https://github.com/loleg/" }] }