Check your Administration --> Panel Settings --> Github username and branch settings.  These settings should have no value (be blank) unless you\'re a developer and know how to use these settings!'); } } if( file_exists(RSS_LOCAL_PATH) ) { try { $feedXml = new SimpleXMLElement(file_get_contents(RSS_LOCAL_PATH), LIBXML_NOCDATA); $seed = basename( (string) $feedXml->entry[0]->link['href'] ); unlink(RSS_LOCAL_PATH); } catch (Exception $e) { print_failure('Unable to update: '.$e->getMessage()); return; } } else { print_failure('Unable to read : ' . RSS_LOCAL_PATH); return; } if(isset($seed)) { /// Checking for changes in the main update files: $main_update_files = array( 'includes/functions.php' => '' . $gitHubOrganization . '/'.REPONAME.'/'.$seed.'/includes/functions.php', 'includes/helpers.php' => '' . $gitHubOrganization . '/'.REPONAME.'/'.$seed.'/includes/helpers.php', 'modules/update/update.php' => '' . $gitHubOrganization . '/'.REPONAME.'/'.$seed.'/modules/update/update.php', 'modules/update/updating.php' => '' . $gitHubOrganization . '/'.REPONAME.'/'.$seed.'/modules/update/updating.php', 'modules/update/unzip.php' => '' . $gitHubOrganization . '/'.REPONAME.'/'.$seed.'/modules/update/unzip.php' ); $refresh = False; foreach($main_update_files as $local_path => $remote_url) { $result = check_file($local_path, $remote_url); if ($result === 'nochange') { continue; } elseif($result) { $refresh = True; } else { return; } } if($refresh) { header("Refresh:0"); return; } echo "


"; $pversion = $settings['ogp_version']; echo ''.get_lang('blacklist_files')." ".get_lang('blacklist_files_info')."

"; echo get_lang('panel_version').": ".$pversion."

"; echo get_lang('latest_version').": $seed

"; if ( $seed != $pversion ) { $dwl = $gitHubURL . REPONAME . '/archive/'.$seed.'.zip'; $dwlHeaders = get_headers($dwl); if($dwlHeaders[0] != 'HTTP/1.1 302 Found') print_failure('The generated URL for the download returned a bad response code: ' . $dwlHeaders[0]); else echo "
\n". "

\n"; if(function_exists('curl_version')){ echo "

Latest Changes

"; $commitsStart = 0; $commitsToShow = 5; $gitHubUpdateName = (!empty($settings['custom_github_update_username']) && $gitHubURL != OGP_GITHUB_MAIN_URL ? $settings['custom_github_update_username'] : 'OpenGamePanel'); if($gitHubBranchName != "master"){ $commitsUrl = ''.$gitHubUpdateName.'/'.REPONAME.'/commits/' . $gitHubBranchName; }else{ $commitsUrl = ''.$gitHubUpdateName.'/'.REPONAME.'/commits'; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $commitsUrl); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); $data = curl_exec($ch); if ($data) { $json = json_decode($data, true); if(array_key_exists("0", $json)){ if (!empty($json[0]['commit'])) { echo 'View more commits...'; } }else{ if (!empty($json['commit'])) { echo ''; } } } } } else { print_success(get_lang('the_panel_is_up_to_date')); } } } ?>