# Description # Connect to either a Windows API server or Linux API server # Connect to chassis and ports # Verify port state # Create 2 BGP Topologies # Start all protocols # Start traffic # Get stats # # Prerequisites # - If connecting to a Linux API server: # - The Linux API server is a secured access device. # - Uses SSL (HTTPS). # - You must install: # - OpenSSL for your Linux OS if running this script from Linux: openssl-devel # - TLS for TCL in order to connect to a Linux API server. # Download from: https://sourceforge.net/projects/tls/files/tls # # - If you're using IxNetwork 8.40, read README_LinuxApiServer file to download IxTclNetwork. # - If you're using IxNetwork 8.50+, do nothing. # - TCL must have Tclx package # # Suports Windows API server and Linux API server # package req Tclx source api.tcl # If using IxNetwork 8.40 and follow instructions in README_LinuxApiServer #package req IxTclNetworkLinuxApiServer # IxNetwork 8.50+ package req IxTclNetwork set osPlatform windows;# windows|linux if {$osPlatform == "windows"} { set apiServerIp } if {$osPlatform == "linux"} { set apiServerIp } set ixNetworkVersion 9.00 set licenseServerIp ;# This could be on an ixChassisIp or a remote Windows PC. set licenseMode subscription set licenseTier tier3 set ixChassisIp set portList [list "$ixChassisIp 1 1" "$ixChassisIp 2 1"] set port1 [list $ixChassisIp 1 1] set port2 [list $ixChassisIp 2 1] if {$osPlatform == "linux"} { if {[Connect -apiServerIp $apiServerIp -ixNetworkVersion $ixNetworkVersion -osPlatform linux -username admin -password admin]} { exit } set sessions [ixNet getSessionInfo] puts "\nSessionId: $sessions" } if {$osPlatform == "windows"} { package req IxTclNetwork if {[Connect -apiServerIp $apiServerIp -ixNetworkVersion $ixNetworkVersion -osPlatform windows]} { exit } } if {[NewBlankConfig]} { exit } ConnectToIxChassis $ixChassisIp if {[ReleasePorts $portList]} { exit } if {[ClearPortOwnership $portList]} { exit } # Configuring the license server details are optional. If you need to configure them, # this is the spot to do it. NOte: You need to release the ports before you could configure them # which is done above. if {[ConfigLicenseServer $licenseServerIp $licenseMode $licenseTier]} { exit } if {[AssignPorts $ixChassisIp $portList]} { exit } if {[VerifyPortState]} { exit } set topology1Obj [CreateTopology -name Topo-1 -portList [list $port1]] set topology2Obj [CreateTopology -name Topo-2 -portList [list $port2]] set deviceGroup1Obj [CreateDeviceGroup -topologyObj $topology1Obj -name DG-1 -multiplier 3] set deviceGroup2Obj [CreateDeviceGroup -topologyObj $topology2Obj -name DG-2 -multiplier 3] set ethernet1Obj [CreateEthernetNgpf \ -deviceGroupObj $deviceGroup1Obj \ -name Eth-1 \ -macAddress 00:01:01:01:00:01 -direction increment -step 00:00:00:00:00:01 \ ] set ethernet2Obj [CreateEthernetNgpf \ -deviceGroupObj $deviceGroup2Obj \ -name Eth-2 \ -macAddress 00:01:02:01:00:01 -direction increment -step 00:00:00:00:00:01 \ ] set ipv4Obj1 [CreateIpv4Ngpf -ethernetObj $ethernet1Obj -name IPv4-1 -ipAddress -direction increment -step] set ipv4Obj2 [CreateIpv4Ngpf -ethernetObj $ethernet2Obj -name IPv4-2 -ipAddress -direction increment -step] ConfigIpv4GatewayIpNgpf -ipv4Obj $ipv4Obj1 -gatewayIp -direction increment -step ConfigIpv4GatewayIpNgpf -ipv4Obj $ipv4Obj2 -gatewayIp -direction increment -step ConfigBgpNgpf -ipv4Obj $ipv4Obj1 -dutIp -direction increment -step ConfigBgpNgpf -ipv4Obj $ipv4Obj2 -dutIp -direction increment -step StartAllProtocols if {[VerifyAllProtocolSessionsNgpf]} { exit } set trafficItemObj [CreateTrafficItem \ -name bgpTraffic \ -trafficType ipv4 \ -biDirection True \ -trackBy {trackingenabled0} \ ] CreateEndpoints -trafficItemObj $trafficItemObj -name flowGroup-1 -srcEndpoint $topology1Obj -dstEndpoint $topology2Obj set configElementObj [GetConfigElementObj $trafficItemObj] ConfigFrameSize -configElementObj $configElementObj -type increment -incrementFrom 68 -incrementTo 512 -incrementStep 1 ConfigFrameRate -configElementObj $configElementObj -type percentLineRate -rate 25 ConfigFramePayload -configElementObj $configElementObj -type custom -customRepeat True -customPattern ff ConfigTrafficTransmissionControl -configElementObj ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1 -type fixedFrameCount -frameCount 80000 #ConfigTrafficTransmissionControl -configElementObj ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1 -type continuous RegenerateAllTrafficItems if {[StartTraffic]} { exit } set stats [GetStats "Port Statistics"] puts [KeylPrint stats] set stats [GetStats] puts [KeylPrint stats] set txFrames [keylget stats flow.1.Tx_Frames] set rxFrames [keylget stats flow.1.Rx_Frames] set delta [expr $txFrames - $rxFrames] puts "\nTxFrames: $txFrames RxFrames: $rxFrames Delta: $delta" ixNet disconnect