from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.config import getConfigListEntry, config, ConfigSubsection, ConfigText, ConfigSelection, ConfigInteger, ConfigClock, NoSave from Components.ConfigList import ConfigListScreen from Components.Console import Console from Components.Label import Label from Components.Sources.List import List from Components.Pixmap import Pixmap from Screens.Screen import Screen from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Tools.Directories import fileExists from os import system, listdir, rename, path, mkdir from time import sleep from boxbranding import getMachineBrand, getMachineName class CronTimers(Screen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) if not path.exists('/usr/script'): mkdir('/usr/script', 0755) Screen.setTitle(self, _("Cron Manager")) self.onChangedEntry = [ ] self['lab1'] = Label(_("Autostart:")) self['labactive'] = Label(_(_("Active"))) self['labdisabled'] = Label(_(_("Disabled"))) self['lab2'] = Label(_("Current Status:")) self['labstop'] = Label(_("Stopped")) self['labrun'] = Label(_("Running")) self['labrun'].hide() self['labactive'].hide() self.summary_running = '' self['key'] = Label(_("H: = Hourly / D: = Daily / W: = Weekly / M: = Monthly")) self.Console = Console() self.my_crond_active = False self.my_crond_run = False self['key_red'] = Label(_("Delete")) self['key_green'] = Label(_("Add")) self['key_yellow'] = Label(_("Start")) self['key_blue'] = Label(_("Autostart")) self.list = [] self['list'] = List(self.list) self['actions'] = ActionMap(['WizardActions', 'ColorActions', "MenuActions"], {'ok':, 'back': self.UninstallCheck, 'red': self.delcron, 'green': self.addtocron, 'yellow': self.CrondStart, 'blue': self.autostart, "menu": self.closeRecursive}) if not self.selectionChanged in self["list"].onSelectionChanged: self["list"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged) self.service_name = 'busybox-cron' self.InstallCheck() def InstallCheck(self): self.Console.ePopen('/usr/bin/opkg list_installed ' + self.service_name, self.checkNetworkState) def checkNetworkState(self, str, retval, extra_args): if not str: self.feedscheck =,_('Please wait whilst feeds state is checked.'), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, enable_input = False) self.feedscheck.setTitle(_('Checking Feeds')) cmd1 = "opkg update" self.CheckConsole = Console() self.CheckConsole.ePopen(cmd1, self.checkNetworkStateFinished) else: self.updateList() def checkNetworkStateFinished(self, result, retval,extra_args=None): if 'bad address' in result: self.session.openWithCallback(self.InstallPackageFailed, MessageBox, _("Your %s %s is not connected to the internet, please check your network settings and try again.") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=10, close_on_any_key=True) elif ('wget returned 1' or 'wget returned 255' or '404 Not Found') in result: self.session.openWithCallback(self.InstallPackageFailed, MessageBox, _("Sorry feeds are down for maintenance, please try again later."), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=10, close_on_any_key=True) else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.InstallPackage, MessageBox, _('Ready to install "%s" ?') % self.service_name, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO) def InstallPackage(self, val): if val: self.doInstall(self.installComplete, self.service_name) else: self.feedscheck.close() self.close() def InstallPackageFailed(self, val): self.feedscheck.close() self.close() def doInstall(self, callback, pkgname): self.message =,_("please wait..."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, enable_input = False) self.message.setTitle(_('Installing Service')) self.Console.ePopen('/usr/bin/opkg install ' + pkgname, callback) def installComplete(self,result = None, retval = None, extra_args = None): self.message.close() self.feedscheck.close() self.updateList() def UninstallCheck(self): if not self.my_crond_run: self.Console.ePopen('/usr/bin/opkg list_installed ' + self.service_name, self.RemovedataAvail) else: self.close() def RemovedataAvail(self, str, retval, extra_args): if str: self.session.openWithCallback(self.RemovePackage, MessageBox, _('Ready to remove "%s" ?') % self.service_name) else: self.close() def RemovePackage(self, val): if val: self.doRemove(self.removeComplete, self.service_name) else: self.close() def doRemove(self, callback, pkgname): self.message =,_("please wait..."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, enable_input = False) self.message.setTitle(_('Removing Service')) self.Console.ePopen('/usr/bin/opkg remove ' + pkgname + ' --force-remove --autoremove', callback) def removeComplete(self, result = None, retval = None, extra_args = None): self.message.close() self.close() def createSummary(self): from Screens.PluginBrowser import PluginBrowserSummary return PluginBrowserSummary def selectionChanged(self): try: if self["list"].getCurrent(): name = str(self["list"].getCurrent()[0]) else: name = "" except: name = "" desc = _("Current Status:") + ' ' +self.summary_running for cb in self.onChangedEntry: cb(name, desc) def CrondStart(self): if not self.my_crond_run: self.Console.ePopen('/etc/init.d/busybox-cron start', self.StartStopCallback) elif self.my_crond_run: self.Console.ePopen('/etc/init.d/busybox-cron stop', self.StartStopCallback) def StartStopCallback(self, result = None, retval = None, extra_args = None): sleep(3) self.updateList() def autostart(self): if fileExists('/etc/rc2.d/S20busybox-cron'): self.Console.ePopen('update-rc.d -f busybox-cron remove') else: self.Console.ePopen('update-rc.d -f busybox-cron defaults') sleep(3) self.updateList() def addtocron(self): self.session.openWithCallback(self.updateList, CronTimersConfig) def updateList(self, result = None, retval = None, extra_args = None): import process p = process.ProcessList() crond_process = str(p.named('crond')).strip('[]') self['labrun'].hide() self['labstop'].hide() self['labactive'].hide() self['labdisabled'].hide() self.my_crond_active = False self.my_crond_run = False if path.exists('/etc/rc3.d/S20busybox-cron'): self['labdisabled'].hide() self['labactive'].show() self.my_crond_active = True else: self['labactive'].hide() self['labdisabled'].show() if crond_process: self.my_crond_run = True if self.my_crond_run: self['labstop'].hide() self['labrun'].show() self['key_yellow'].setText(_("Stop")) self.summary_running = _("Running") else: self['labstop'].show() self['labrun'].hide() self['key_yellow'].setText(_("Start")) self.summary_running = _("Stopped") self.list = [] if path.exists('/etc/cron/crontabs/root'): f = open('/etc/cron/crontabs/root', 'r') for line in f.readlines(): parts = line.strip().split() if len(parts)>5 and not parts[0].startswith("#"): if parts[1] == '*': line2 = 'H: 00:' + parts[0].zfill(2) + '\t' for i in range(5, len(parts)-1): line2 = line2 + parts[i] + ' ' res = (line2, line) self.list.append(res) elif parts[2] == '*' and parts[4] == '*': line2 = 'D: ' + parts[1].zfill(2) + ':' + parts[0].zfill(2) + '\t' for i in range(5, len(parts)-1): line2 = line2 + parts[i] + ' ' res = (line2, line) self.list.append(res) elif parts[3] == '*': if parts[4] == "*": line2 = 'M: Day ' + parts[2] + ' ' + parts[1].zfill(2) + ':' + parts[0].zfill(2) + '\t' for i in range(5, len(parts)-1): line2 = line2 + parts[i] + ' ' header = 'W: ' day = "" if str(parts[4]).find('0') >= 0: day = 'Sun ' if str(parts[4]).find('1') >= 0: day += 'Mon ' if str(parts[4]).find('2') >= 0: day += 'Tues ' if str(parts[4]).find('3') >= 0: day += 'Wed ' if str(parts[4]).find('4') >= 0: day += 'Thurs ' if str(parts[4]).find('5') >= 0: day += 'Fri ' if str(parts[4]).find('6') >= 0: day += 'Sat ' if day: line2 = header + day + parts[1].zfill(2) + ':' + parts[0].zfill(2) + '\t' for i in range(5, len(parts)-1): line2 = line2 + parts[i] + ' ' res = (line2, line) self.list.append(res) f.close() self['list'].list = self.list self["actions"].setEnabled(True) def delcron(self): self.sel = self['list'].getCurrent() if self.sel: parts = self.sel[0] parts = parts.split('\t') message = _("Are you sure you want to delete this:\n ") + parts[1] ybox = self.session.openWithCallback(self.doDelCron, MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO) ybox.setTitle(_("Remove Confirmation")) def doDelCron(self, answer): if answer: mysel = self['list'].getCurrent() if mysel: myline = mysel[1] file('/etc/cron/crontabs/root.tmp', 'w').writelines([l for l in file('/etc/cron/crontabs/root').readlines() if myline not in l]) rename('/etc/cron/crontabs/root.tmp','/etc/cron/crontabs/root') rc = system('crontab /etc/cron/crontabs/root -c /etc/cron/crontabs') self.updateList() def info(self): mysel = self['list'].getCurrent() if mysel: myline = mysel[1], _(myline), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def closeRecursive(self): self.close(True) config.crontimers = ConfigSubsection() config.crontimers.commandtype = NoSave(ConfigSelection(choices = [ ('custom',_("Custom")),('predefined',_("Predefined")) ])) config.crontimers.cmdtime = NoSave(ConfigClock(default=0)) config.crontimers.cmdtime.value, mytmpt = ([0, 0], [0, 0]) config.crontimers.user_command = NoSave(ConfigText(fixed_size=False)) config.crontimers.runwhen = NoSave(ConfigSelection(default='Daily', choices = [('Hourly', _("Hourly")),('Daily', _("Daily")),('Weekly', _("Weekly")),('Monthly', _("Monthly"))])) config.crontimers.dayofweek = NoSave(ConfigSelection(default='Monday', choices = [('Monday', _("Monday")),('Tuesday', _("Tuesday")),('Wednesday', _("Wednesday")),('Thursday', _("Thursday")),('Friday', _("Friday")),('Saturday', _("Saturday")),('Sunday', _("Sunday"))])) config.crontimers.dayofmonth = NoSave(ConfigInteger(default=1, limits=(1, 31))) class CronTimersConfig(Screen, ConfigListScreen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) Screen.setTitle(self, _("Cron Manager")) self.skinName = "Setup" self.onChangedEntry = [ ] self.list = [] ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.list, session = self.session, on_change = self.changedEntry) self['key_red'] = Label(_("Close")) self['key_green'] = Label(_("Save")) self['actions'] = ActionMap(['WizardActions', 'ColorActions', 'VirtualKeyboardActions', "MenuActions"], {'red': self.close,'green': self.checkentry, 'back': self.close, 'showVirtualKeyboard': self.KeyText, "menu": self.closeRecursive}) self["HelpWindow"] = Pixmap() self["HelpWindow"].hide() self.createSetup() def createSetup(self): predefinedlist = [] f = listdir('/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/LDteam/scripts') if f: for line in f: parts = line.split() path = "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/LDteam/scripts/" pkg = parts[0] description = path + parts[0] if pkg.find('.sh') >= 0: predefinedlist.append((description, pkg)) predefinedlist.sort() config.crontimers.predefined_command = NoSave(ConfigSelection(choices = predefinedlist)) self.editListEntry = None self.list = [] self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Run how often ?"), config.crontimers.runwhen)) if config.crontimers.runwhen.value != 'Hourly': self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Time to execute command or script"), config.crontimers.cmdtime)) if config.crontimers.runwhen.value == 'Weekly': self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("What Day of week ?"), config.crontimers.dayofweek)) if config.crontimers.runwhen.value == 'Monthly': self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("What date of month ?"), config.crontimers.dayofmonth)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Command type"), config.crontimers.commandtype)) if config.crontimers.commandtype.value == 'custom': self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Command To Run"), config.crontimers.user_command)) else: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Command To Run"), config.crontimers.predefined_command)) self["config"].list = self.list self["config"].setList(self.list) # for summary: def changedEntry(self): if self["config"].getCurrent()[0] == _("Run how often ?") or self["config"].getCurrent()[0] == _("Command type"): self.createSetup() for x in self.onChangedEntry: x() def getCurrentEntry(self): return self["config"].getCurrent()[0] def KeyText(self): sel = self['config'].getCurrent() if sel: self.vkvar = sel[0] if self.vkvar == _("Command To Run"): from Screens.VirtualKeyBoard import VirtualKeyBoard self.session.openWithCallback(self.VirtualKeyBoardCallback, VirtualKeyBoard, title = self["config"].getCurrent()[0], text = self["config"].getCurrent()[1].value) def VirtualKeyBoardCallback(self, callback = None): if callback is not None and len(callback): self["config"].getCurrent()[1].setValue(callback) self["config"].invalidate(self["config"].getCurrent()) def checkentry(self): msg = '' if (config.crontimers.commandtype.value == 'predefined' and config.crontimers.predefined_command.value == '') or config.crontimers.commandtype.value == 'custom' and config.crontimers.user_command.value == '': msg = 'You must set at least one Command' if msg:, msg, MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) else: self.saveMycron() def saveMycron(self): hour = '%02d' % config.crontimers.cmdtime.value[0] minutes = '%02d' % config.crontimers.cmdtime.value[1] if config.crontimers.commandtype.value == 'predefined' and config.crontimers.predefined_command.value != '': command = config.crontimers.predefined_command.value else: command = config.crontimers.user_command.value if config.crontimers.runwhen.value == 'Hourly': newcron = minutes + ' ' + ' * * * * ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.runwhen.value == 'Daily': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * * ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.runwhen.value == 'Weekly': if config.crontimers.dayofweek.value == 'Sunday': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * 0 ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.dayofweek.value == 'Monday': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * 1 ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.dayofweek.value == 'Tuesday': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * 2 ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.dayofweek.value == 'Wednesday': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * 3 ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.dayofweek.value == 'Thursday': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * 4 ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.dayofweek.value == 'Friday': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * 5 ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.dayofweek.value == 'Saturday': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' * * 6 ' + command.strip() + '\n' elif config.crontimers.runwhen.value == 'Monthly': newcron = minutes + ' ' + hour + ' ' + str(config.crontimers.dayofmonth.value) + ' * * ' + command.strip() + '\n' else: command = config.crontimers.user_command.value out = open('/etc/cron/crontabs/root', 'a') out.write(newcron) out.close() rc = system('crontab /etc/cron/crontabs/root -c /etc/cron/crontabs') config.crontimers.predefined_command.value = 'None' config.crontimers.user_command.value = 'None' config.crontimers.runwhen.value = 'Daily' config.crontimers.dayofweek.value = 'Monday' config.crontimers.dayofmonth.value = 1 config.crontimers.cmdtime.value, mytmpt = ([0, 0], [0, 0]) self.close()