### Nginx, Consul and other common settings ### # The base url of the OpenLMIS distribution. Will be used for communication between services. # In case of generated links pointing to the distribution, the PUBLIC_URL should be used instead. BASE_URL= # The virtual host for the nginx server - nginx will make services available under this host. VIRTUAL_HOST= # The public url of the OpenLMIS distribution. Should be used in generated links pointing to the distribution. # If this variable is not set, the BASE_URL will be used for the generated links. PUBLIC_URL= ############################################################################################################ # Profile: use one of the desired deployment profiles below by uncommenting one (and only one) line below ############################################################################################################ ## Production - doesn't wipe the database - WARNING unless this profile is active, your database is wiped ## every time the application starts # spring_profiles_active=production ## Demo data - the default, loads a basic set of demo data on startup ## Refresh DB - refreshes some necessary DB tables as services start, outside of Hibernate management ## (notably referencedata.right_assignments). spring_profiles_active=demo-data,refresh-db ## Performance testing - optionally load more junk data on top of the demo data for performance testing purposes # spring_profiles_active=demo-data,performance-data,refresh-db ############################################################################################################ # Identifies the IP address or DNS name of the Consul server. Most deployments should leave this unset by leaving it commented out. # Otherwise, if needed, set this to the host or IP under which the distribution is available. # CONSUL_HOST=consul # The port used by the Consul server - change this setting if you can't or don't want to use the default (8500). CONSUL_PORT=8500 # The tag used to mark openlmis services (those exposing public endpoints) and distinguish them from other services in Consul # (like postgres, or consul itself) in service discovery mechanism. Default: openlmis-service. SERVICE_TAG=openlmis-service # Whether SSL is required for all communications with services. If true, all HTTP connections will be redirected to HTTPS by nginx. REQUIRE_SSL=false # System time zone ID # This should either be UTC, or a location in the tz database (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tz_database) # Examples: America/Los_Angeles, Europe/Warsaw, Africa/Maputo TIME_ZONE_ID=UTC # Default language LOCALE=en # For integration with OneNetwork purposes # Country (used by integration with OneNetwork) # Example: MW COUNTRY=MW TIME_ZONE_ID_ONE_NETWORK=Africa/Blantyre # Default currency settings CURRENCY_CODE=USD CURRENCY_SYMBOL=$ CURRENCY_SYMBOL_SIDE=left CURRENCY_DECIMAL_PLACES=2 CURRENCY_LOCALE=US # Default number settings GROUPING_SEPARATOR=, GROUPING_SIZE=3 DECIMAL_SEPARATOR=. # Default datetime settings # DATE_FORMAT AND DATE_TIME_FORMAT follow the AngularJS format for date filters (https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/filter/date) # DATEPICKER_FORMAT follows Bootstrap's datepicker format (https://bootstrap-datepicker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/options.html#format) # # Detailed explanation: # Datepicker uses different syntax, i.e. "dd MM yyyy" as date format returns 06 09 2018 but as datepicker format it, returns 06 September 2018, # because "MM" means month's name. In date format, "MMMM" means the name of month, so "dd MMMM yyyy" returns 06 September 2018 # but as datepicker format, it returns 06 SeptemberSeptember 2018. # On the other hand, "dd/mm/yyyy" as date format returns minutes on the second place instead of months but as datepicker format, it returns 06/09/2018. DATE_FORMAT=dd/MM/yyyy DATE_TIME_FORMAT=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss DATEPICKER_FORMAT=dd/mm/yyyy # Offline time out that represents the maximum latency before the UI considers the network offline. # This will allow implementers to easily tune how the UI behaves in low connectivity environment OFFLINE_CHECK_TIME_OUT=20000 # Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body, specified in the “Content-Length” request header field. CLIENT_MAX_BODY_SIZE=1m # Defines a timeout for establishing a connection with a proxied server. # PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT=60s # Sets a timeout for transmitting a request to the proxied server. # PROXY_SEND_TIMEOUT=60s # Defines a timeout for reading a response from the proxied server. # PROXY_READ_TIMEOUT=60s # Sets a timeout for transmitting a response to the client. # SEND_TIMEOUT=60s # This property set the same value for PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, PROXY_SEND_TIMEOUT, PROXY_READ_TIMEOUT and SEND_TIMEOUT NGINX_TIMEOUT=300s # A list of origins that are allowed. Comment out to disable CORS. # CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=* # A list of methods that are allowed for the above origins. CORS_ALLOWED_METHODS=HEAD,GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS ### PostgreSQL Database ### # The url under which the database server used by services accepts connections. DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/open_lmis # The database username that services will use. POSTGRES_USER=postgres # The database password that services will use. POSTGRES_PASSWORD=p@ssw0rd ### Auth Service ### # The period of inactivity in seconds after which authentication tokens from the auth service will expire. (1800 seconds = 30 minutes) TOKEN_DURATION=1800 ### Notification Service ### # The hostname or IP of the SMTP server - used for sending outgoing e-mail by the notification service. MAIL_HOST=localhost # The SMTP port to use for sending outgoing e-mail by the notification service. MAIL_PORT=25 # The SMTP username to use for sending outgoing e-mail by the notification service. MAIL_USERNAME=noreply@openlmis.org # The SMTP password to use for sending outgoing e-mail by the notification service. MAIL_PASSWORD= # The sender email address that will be used for sending all outgoing e-mail messages by the notification service. MAIL_ADDRESS=noreply@openlmis.org # The API URL used for sending outgoing SMS messages by the notification service. SMS_SEND_API_URL=https://textit.in/api/v2/broadcasts.json # The API token used for sending outgoing SMS messages by the notification service. SMS_SEND_API_TOKEN=your-api-token ### Requisition Service ### # URI for viewing a requisition on UI, used in emails REQUISITION_URI=/#!/requisition/{0}/fullSupply ### Fulfillment Service ### # Whether the CSV file created by Export Order operation should include products which have a requested-quantity of zero. ORDER_EXPORT_INCLUDE_ZERO_QUANTITY=false ### FTP Server ### # The FTP username for the FTP container we start with the ref distribution. # This is a test FTP server that can be used by the fulfillment service. FTP_USERNAME=admin # The FTP password for the FTP container we start with the ref distribution. # This is a test FTP server that can be used by the fulfillment service. FTP_PASSWORD=p@ssw0rd ### Service building commons ### # Push local translations to transifex repository upon service build TRANSIFEX_PUSH=false # Pull translations from transifex repository upon service build TRANSIFEX_PULL=true # The ID of the reason in Stock Management that should be used to create consumption inventory entries. Used by requisitions. CONSUMED_REASON_ID=b5c27da7-bdda-4790-925a-9484c5dfb594 # The ID of the reason in Stock Management that should be used to create reeceipts inventory entries. Used by requisitions. RECEIPTS_REASON_ID=313f2f5f-0c22-4626-8c49-3554ef763de3 # The ID of the reason in Stock Management that should be used for unpacking a kit. KIT_UNPACK_REASON_ID=9b4b653a-f319-4a1b-bb80-8d6b4dd6cc12 # The ID of the reason in Stock Management that should be used to increment stock of constituents of an unpacked kit. UNPACKED_FROM_KIT_REASON_ID=0676fdea-9ba8-4e6d-ae26-bb14f0dcfecd # Schedule database table clustering, based on a cron expression. DB_CLUSTERING_ENABLED=true DB_CLUSTERING_CRON_EXP=0 0 0 * * ? ### Scalyr Service ### # The Scalyr log write API key to use SCALYR_API_KEY=replaceme # Schedule stock management to check for lots that are near expiry LOT_NEAR_EXPIRY_CRON=0 0 0 * * ? # Note: Comment out this variable if you use the reporting stack # Set the URL to Superset instance # SUPERSET_URL=https://superset.uat.openlmis.org # Hikari config spring.datasource.hikari.maxLifetime=180000 spring.datasource.hikari.idleTimeout=90000