//// Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 IBM Corporation and others. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ Contributors: IBM Corporation //// == Additional prerequisites Before you begin, you need a containerization software for building containers. {kube} supports various container runtimes. You will use `Docker` in this guide. For Docker installation instructions, refer to the official https://docs.docker.com/install/[Docker documentation^]. [.tab_link.windows_link] `*WINDOWS*` [.tab_link.mac_link] `*MAC*` [.tab_link.linux_link] `*LINUX*` [.tab_content.windows_section] -- Use Docker Desktop, where a local {kube} environment is pre-installed and enabled. If you do not see the _{kube}_ tab, then upgrade to the latest version of Docker Desktop. Complete the setup for your operating system: - Set up https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/#kubernetes[Docker for Windows^]. After you complete the Docker setup instructions for your operating system, ensure that {kube} (not Swarm) is selected as the orchestrator in Docker Preferences. -- [.tab_content.mac_section] -- Use Docker Desktop, where a local {kube} environment is pre-installed and enabled. If you do not see the _{kube}_ tab, then upgrade to the latest version of Docker Desktop. Complete the setup for your operating system: - Set up https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/#kubernetes[Docker for Mac^]. After you complete the Docker setup instructions for your operating system, ensure that {kube} (not Swarm) is selected as the orchestrator in Docker Preferences. -- [.tab_content.linux_section] -- You will use `Minikube` as a single-node {kube} cluster that runs locally in a virtual machine. Make sure you have `kubectl` installed. If you need to install `kubectl`, see the https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#install-kubectl-on-linux[kubectl installation instructions^]. For Minikube installation instructions, see the https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube#installation[Minikube documentation^]. --