#Module-Specific definitions %define apache_version 2.2.8 %define mod_name mod_xhtml_neg %define mod_conf B39_%{mod_name}.conf %define mod_so %{mod_name}.so Summary: An XHTML content negotiation module for Apache Name: apache-%{mod_name} Version: 1.0a Release: 10 Group: System/Servers License: Apache License URL: http://mod-xhtml-neg.sourceforge.net/ Source0: http://dfn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mod-xhtml-neg/%{mod_name}2-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: %{mod_conf} Requires(pre): rpm-helper Requires(postun): rpm-helper Requires(pre): apache-conf >= %{apache_version} Requires(pre): apache >= %{apache_version} Requires: apache-conf >= %{apache_version} Requires: apache >= %{apache_version} BuildRequires: apache-devel >= %{apache_version} BuildRequires: dos2unix %description This module provides content negotiation facilities for XHTML documents that conform to Appendix C compatibility requirements of the XHTML 1.0 specification. This allows compatible browsers to view XHTML content as XML-compliant documents, and older or less compatible clients to view XHTML content as text/html documents. %prep %setup -q -n %{mod_name}-2.0 cp %{SOURCE1} %{mod_conf} find -type f -exec dos2unix {} \; %build %{_bindir}/apxs -c mod_xhtml_neg.c lookupa.c %install install -d %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/apache-extramodules install -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/modules.d install -m0755 .libs/%{mod_so} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/apache-extramodules/ install -m0644 %{mod_conf} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/modules.d/%{mod_conf} %post if [ -f %{_var}/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then %{_initrddir}/httpd restart 1>&2; fi %postun if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then if [ -f %{_var}/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then %{_initrddir}/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %clean %files %doc LICENSE README mod_xhtml_neg.html %attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/modules.d/%{mod_conf} %attr(0755,root,root) %{_libdir}/apache-extramodules/%{mod_so} %changelog * Sat Feb 11 2012 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-9mdv2012.0 + Revision: 773241 - rebuild * Tue May 24 2011 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-8 + Revision: 678445 - mass rebuild * Sun Oct 24 2010 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-7mdv2011.0 + Revision: 588091 - rebuild * Mon Mar 08 2010 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-6mdv2010.1 + Revision: 516274 - rebuilt for apache-2.2.15 * Sat Aug 01 2009 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-5mdv2010.0 + Revision: 406685 - rebuild * Tue Jan 06 2009 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-4mdv2009.1 + Revision: 326278 - rebuild * Mon Jul 14 2008 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-3mdv2009.0 + Revision: 235133 - rebuild * Thu Jun 05 2008 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-2mdv2009.0 + Revision: 215676 - fix rebuild * Sun May 18 2008 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-1mdv2009.0 + Revision: 208663 - import apache-mod_xhtml_neg * Sun May 18 2008 Oden Eriksson 1.0a-1mdv2009.0 - initial Mandriva package