%define _enable_debug_packages %{nil} %define debug_package %{nil} # NOTE: as of version 0.50-2, the wordlist isn't using accents; # so we fix that with a small script in %setup section; that should # be removed once an accented wordlist is included %define src_ver 2.1.20000225a-2 %define fname aspell6-%{languagecode} %define aspell_ver 0.60 %define languagelocal esperanto %define languageeng esperanto %define languageenglazy Esperanto %define languagecode eo %define lc_ctype eo_XX Summary: %{languageenglazy} files for aspell Name: aspell-%{languagecode} Version: 2.1.20000225a.2 Release: 15 Group: System/Internationalization License: GPLv2 Url: http://aspell.sourceforge.net/ Source0: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/aspell/dict/%{languagecode}/%{fname}-%{src_ver}.tar.bz2 BuildRequires: aspell Requires: aspell # Mandriva Stuff Requires: locales-%{languagecode} # aspell = 1, myspell = 2, lang-specific = 3 Provides: enchant-dictionary = 1 Provides: aspell-dictionary Provides: spell-eo Autoreqprov: no %description A %{languageenglazy} dictionary for use with aspell, a spelling checker. %prep %setup -qn %{fname}-%{src_ver} %build ./configure #%make # the word list doesn't use accents; fixing that cat << EOF > fixaccents.sh #!/bin/bash cat - | \ sed 's/C[Xx]/ĉ/g' | sed 's/cx/ĉ/g' | \ sed 's/G[Xx]/Ĝ/g' | sed 's/gx/ĝ/g' | \ sed 's/H[Xx]/Ĥ/g' | sed 's/hx/ĥ/g' | \ sed 's/J[Xx]/Ĵ/g' | sed 's/jx/ĵ/g' | \ sed 's/S[Xx]/Ŝ/g' | sed 's/sx/ŝ/g' | \ sed 's/U[Xx]/Ŭ/g' | sed 's/ux/ŭ/g' | \ iconv -f utf-8 -t iso-8859-3 EOF preunzip -c eo.cwl | sh ./fixaccents.sh | (LC_ALL=C sort) > eo.wl aspell --lang=eo create master ./eo.rws < eo.wl %install %makeinstall_std # fix doc perms chmod 644 README %files %doc README %{_libdir}/aspell-%{aspell_ver}/*