%define debug_package %{nil} Name: cowpatty Summary: Brute-force dictionary attack against WPA-PSK Version: 4.6 Release: 2 Source0: http://wirelessdefence.org/Contents/Files/%{name}-%{version}.tgz Patch0: cowpatty-4.6-parallel-build.patch Group: Networking/Other URL: http://cowpatty.sf.net BuildRequires: openssl-devel BuildRequires: libpcap-devel License: GPLv2 %description coWPAtty is designed to audit the pre-shared key (PSK) selection for WPA networks based on the TKIP protocol. Supply a libpcap file that includes the TKIP four-way handshake to mount an offline dictionary attack with a supplied wordlist. %prep %setup -q %apply_patches %build %make CFLAGS="-DOPENSSL" %install # make install is broken install -D -pm 755 cowpatty %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{name} install -D -pm 755 genpmk %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/genpmk %files %doc AUTHORS COPYING README FAQ TODO CHANGELOG %{_bindir}/*