#define _disable_lto 1 %define beta %{nil} %define scmrev %{nil} Name: cups-filters Version: 2.0.1 %if "%{beta}" == "" %if "%{scmrev}" == "" Release: 1 Source0: https://github.com/OpenPrinting/cups-filters/releases/download/%{version}/cups-filters-%{version}.tar.xz %else Release: 0.%{scmrev}1 Source0: %{name}-%{scmrev}.tar.xz %endif %else %if "%{scmrev}" == "" Release: 0.%{beta}1 Source0: %{name}-%{version}%{beta}.tar.bz2 %else Release: 0.%{scmrev}1 Source0: %{name}-%{scmrev}.tar.xz %endif %endif Source100: %{name}.rpmlintrc Patch0: cups-filters-1.28.11-clangwarnings.patch # Can't use C++17 string_view in C++11 mode with clang 16... #Patch1: cups-filters-c++17.patch Summary: Print filters for use with CUPS URL: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting/cups-filters Group: System/Printing BuildRequires: pkgconfig(com_err) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dbus-1) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libqpdf) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(poppler) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(poppler-cpp) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(lcms2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(freetype2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(fontconfig) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ijs) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(krb5) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libtiff-4) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(avahi-client) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libexif) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcupsfilters) >= 2.0.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libppd) BuildRequires: font(dejavusans) BuildRequires: ghostscript-devel >= 9.14 BuildRequires: cups-devel BuildRequires: gettext-devel BuildRequires: python-cups # pdftops needs to be found BuildRequires: poppler BuildRequires: mupdf Requires: font(dejavusans) # For a breakdown of the licensing, see COPYING file # GPLv2: filters: commandto*, imagetoraster, pdftops, rasterto*, # imagetopdf, pstopdf, texttopdf # backends: parallel, serial # GPLv2+: filters: gstopxl, textonly, texttops, imagetops # GPLv3: filters: bannertopdf # GPLv3+: filters: urftopdf # MIT: filters: gstoraster, pdftoijs, pdftoopvp, pdftopdf, pdftoraster License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and GPLv3 and GPLv3+ and MIT # For pdftops Requires: poppler Requires: bc Conflicts: cups < 1.7-0.rc1.2 Requires(post,postun): cups %description This project provides backends, filters, and other software that was once part of the core CUPS distribution but is no longer maintained by Apple Inc. In addition, it contains additional filters and software developed independently of Apple, especially filters for the PDF-centric printing workflow introduced by OpenPrinting and a daemon to browse Bonjour broadcasts of remote CUPS printers to make these printers available locally and to provide backward compatibility to the old CUPS broadcasting and browsing of CUPS 1.5.x and older. %prep %if "%{scmrev}" == "" %autosetup -p1 -n %{name}-%{version}%{beta} %else %autosetup -p1 -n %{name} %endif ./autogen.sh %configure \ --disable-static \ --with-pdftops=pdftops \ --without-rcdir \ --enable-avahi \ --with-browseremoteprotocols=DNSSD,CUPS \ --enable-auto-setup-driverless %build %make_build %install %make_install # Symlink for legacy ppds trying to talk to foomatic 2.x ln -s foomatic-rip %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic %post # Restart the CUPS daemon when it is running, but do not start it when it # is not running. /bin/systemctl try-restart --quiet cups.socket ||: /bin/systemctl try-restart --quiet cups.path ||: /bin/systemctl try-restart --quiet cups.service ||: %postun if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then /bin/systemctl try-restart --quiet cups.socket ||: /bin/systemctl try-restart --quiet cups.path ||: /bin/systemctl try-restart --quiet cups.service ||: fi %files %doc %{_docdir}/%{name} %{_bindir}/foomatic-rip %{_bindir}/driverless %{_bindir}/driverless-fax %{_prefix}/lib/cups/backend/* %{_prefix}/lib/cups/driver/* %{_prefix}/lib/cups/filter/* %{_datadir}/ppd/cupsfilters %{_datadir}/cups/mime/cupsfilters-universal* %{_datadir}/cups/mime/cupsfilters.* %{_datadir}/cups/drv/* %{_mandir}/man1/foomatic-rip.1* %{_mandir}/man1/driverless.1* %{_datadir}/ppdc