%define major 6 %define libname %mklibname %{name} %define devel %mklibname %{name} -d %ifarch %{x86_64} %global optflags %{optflags} -O3 %endif %define _disable_lto 1 %define snapshot 20220112 Name: dav1d Version: 0.9.3 Release: %{?snapshot:0.%{snapshot}.}1 License: BSD Group: System/Libraries Summary: AV1 cross-platform Decoder URL: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d %if 0%{?snapshot:1} Source0: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d/-/archive/master/dav1d-master.tar.bz2#/dav1d-%{snapshot}.tar.gz %else Source0: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d/-/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz %endif BuildRequires: doxygen %ifarch %{ix86} %{x86_64} BuildRequires: nasm %endif BuildRequires: ninja BuildRequires: meson BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxxhash) %description dav1d is a new AV1 cross-platform Decoder, open-source, and focused on speed and correctness. %package -n %{libname} Summary: Library files for dav1d Group: System/Libraries %description -n %{libname} Library files for dav1d, the AV1 cross-platform Decoder %package -n %{devel} Summary: Development files for dav1d Group: Development/C Requires: %{libname} = %{EVRD} %description -n %{devel} Development files for dav1d, the AV1 cross-platform Decoder. %prep %autosetup -p1 -n %{name}-%{?snapshot:master}%{!?snapshot:%{version}} %build # As of 0.5.0 release both arm failed to build on gcc due to a lot of issues like: #error: undefined reference to 'checkasm_fail_func' #/src/arm/64/ipred.S:876: error: undefined reference to 'dav1d_sm_weights' # Using clang gives, error: unknown directive .endfunc #:55:1: note: while in macro instantiation endfunc # Solution is disable LTO and use Clanh for ARM. #-- #ARM use GCC because Clang failed to build. #ifarch %{arm} %{armx} #global ldflags %{ldflags} -fuse-ld=gold #export CC=gcc #export CXX=g++ #endif %meson %ninja -C build %install %ninja_install -C build %files %license COPYING %doc CONTRIBUTING.md README.md THANKS.md NEWS %{_bindir}/%{name} %files -n %{devel} %{_includedir}/%{name}/ %{_libdir}/libdav1d.so %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/%{name}.pc %files -n %{libname} %{_libdir}/libdav1d.so.%{major}*