Summary: Shell scripts to manage DocBook documents Name: docbook-utils Version: 0.6.14 Release: 25 Group: Publishing License: GPLv2+ Url: Source0: Source1: db2html Source2: Patch0: docbook-utils-spaces.patch Patch1: docbook-utils-2ndspaces.patch Patch2: docbook-utils-w3mtxtconvert.patch Patch3: docbook-utils-grepnocolors.patch Patch4: docbook-utils-sgmlinclude.patch Patch5: docbook-utils-rtfmanpage.patch Patch6: docbook-utils-papersize.patch Patch7: docbook-utils-nofinalecho.patch Patch8: docbook-utils-newgrep.patch BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: docbook-style-dsssl >= 1.72 BuildRequires: docbook-dtd31-sgml Requires: docbook-style-dsssl >= 1.72 Requires: perl-SGMLSpm >= 1.03ii Requires: gawk Requires: grep Provides: sgml-tools Requires: which %Description This package contains scripts are for easy conversion from DocBook files to other formats (for example, HTML, RTF, and PostScript), and for comparing SGML files. %package pdf Requires: tetex-dvips Requires: jadetex >= 2.5 Requires: docbook-utils = %{version} Group: Publishing Provides: stylesheets-db2pdf Summary: A script for converting DocBook documents to PDF format URL: Conflicts: %{name} < 0.6.14-13 %description pdf This package contains a script for converting DocBook documents to PDF format. %prep %setup -q %autopatch -p1 %build %configure %make %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man{1,7} for sec in 1 7; do cp -af doc/man/*.$sec %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man$sec; done %makeinstall_std for util in dvi html pdf ps rtf man do ln -s docbook2$util %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/db2$util ln -s jw.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/db2$util.1 done ln -s jw.1 %{buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/docbook2txt.1 # db2html is not just a symlink, as it has to create the output directory rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/db2html install -c -m 775 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/db2html install -p -m 755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/sgml/docbook/utils-%{version}/helpers/ # clean install html files rm -rf %{buildroot}/%_prefix/doc %files %doc README COPYING TODO doc/HTML/*.html %{_bindir}/jw %{_bindir}/docbook2html %{_bindir}/docbook2man %{_bindir}/docbook2rtf %{_bindir}/docbook2tex %{_bindir}/docbook2texi %{_bindir}/docbook2txt %{_bindir}/db2html %{_bindir}/db2rtf %{_bindir}/db2man %{_bindir}/sgmldiff %{_datadir}/sgml/docbook/utils-%{version} %{_mandir}/*/db2dvi.* %{_mandir}/*/db2html.* %{_mandir}/*/db2man.* %{_mandir}/*/db2ps.* %{_mandir}/*/db2rtf.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2html.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2rtf.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2man.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2tex.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2texi.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2txt.* %{_mandir}/*/jw.* %{_mandir}/*/sgmldiff.* %{_mandir}/*/*-spec.* %files pdf %{_bindir}/docbook2pdf %{_bindir}/docbook2dvi %{_bindir}/docbook2ps %{_bindir}/db2dvi %{_bindir}/db2pdf %{_bindir}/db2ps %{_mandir}/*/db2pdf.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2pdf.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2dvi.* %{_mandir}/*/docbook2ps.*