Summary: Common RPM Macros for building EFI-related packages Name: efi-rpm-macros Version: 4 Release: 1 License: GPLv3+ URL:{name}/ BuildRequires: git sed BuildArch: noarch Source0:{name}/releases/download/%{version}/%{name}-4.tar.bz2 %global debug_package %{nil} %global _efi_vendor_ %(eval echo $(. /etc/os-release && echo $ID)) %description %{name} provides a set of RPM macros for use in EFI-related packages. %package -n efi-srpm-macros Summary: Common SRPM Macros for building EFI-related packages BuildArch: noarch Requires: rpm %description -n efi-srpm-macros efi-srpm-macros provides a set of SRPM macros for use in EFI-related packages. %package -n efi-filesystem Summary: The basic directory layout for EFI machines BuildArch: noarch Requires: filesystem %description -n efi-filesystem The efi-filesystem package contains the basic directory layout for EFI machine bootloaders and tools. %prep %autosetup -S git -n %{name}-4 git config --local --add efi.vendor "%{_efi_vendor_}" git config --local --add efi.esp-root /boot/efi git config --local --add efi.arches "x86_64 aarch64 %{arm} %{ix86}" %build %make_build clean all %install %make_install %files -n efi-srpm-macros %{!?_licensedir:%global license %%doc} %license LICENSE %doc README %{_rpmmacrodir}/macros.efi-srpm %{_rpmconfigdir}/brp-boot-efi-times %files -n efi-filesystem %defattr(0700,root,root,-) %dir /boot/efi %dir /boot/efi/EFI %dir /boot/efi/EFI/BOOT %dir /boot/efi/EFI/%{_efi_vendor_}