# --with xmms, default off %bcond_with xmms Summary: A tool for adjusting the volume of wave files Name: normalize Version: 0.7.7 Release: 23 Group: Sound License: GPLv2 Url: http://normalize.nongnu.org/ Source0: http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: compressed-wav-files.dpatch Patch1: fix-flac.dpatch Patch2: normalize-0.7.7-audiofile-pkgconfig.patch Patch3: %{name}-%{version}-m4.patch Patch4: normalize-automake-1.13.patch %if %with xmms BuildRequires: xmms-devel %endif BuildRequires: gettext-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig(audiofile) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mad) %description normalize is an overly complicated tool for adjusting the volume of wave files to a standard volume level. This is useful for things like creating mp3 mixes, where different recording levels on different albums can cause the volume to vary greatly from song to song. %prep %autosetup -p1 touch ./AUTHORS ./ABOUT-NLS ./ChangeLog autoreconf -fi %build %configure \ --with-audiofile \ %if %with xmms --enable-xmms %else --disable-xmms %endif sed -i -e 's/mkinstalldirs\s+=.*/mkinstalldirs = mkdir -p /' po/Makefile %make_build %install %make_install %find_lang %{name} rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/xmms/Effect/librva.la %files -f %{name}.lang %doc README NEWS THANKS TODO %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/normalize* %if %with xmms %{_libdir}/xmms/Effect/librva.so %endif