%define modname Encode-Detect %define modver 1.01 Summary: An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data Name: perl-%{modname} Version: %perl_convert_version %{modver} Release: 23 License: GPLv2 Group: Development/Perl Url: http://search.cpan.org/dist/%{modname} Source0: http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/Encode/%{modname}-%{modver}.tar.bz2 Buildrequires: perl(Test::More) Buildrequires: perl-devel Buildrequires: perl(Module::Build) Buildrequires: perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder) Buildrequires: perl(Data::Dump) %description This Perl module is an Encode::Encoding subclass that uses Encode::Detect::Detector to determine the charset of the input data and then decodes it using the encoder of the detected charset. It is similar to Encode::Guess, but does not require the configuration of a set of expected encodings. Like Encode::Guess, it only supports decoding--it cannot encode. %prep %setup -qn %{modname}-%{modver} %build %{__perl} Build.PL installdirs=vendor ./Build %check ./Build test %install ./Build install destdir=%{buildroot} %files %doc Changes LICENSE %{perl_vendorarch}/Encode %{perl_vendorarch}/auto/Encode %{_mandir}/man3/*