%define major %define libestbase %mklibname estbase %{major} %define libestools %mklibname estools %{major} %define stringmajor 1.2 %define libeststring %mklibname eststring %{stringmajor} %define oldlibname %mklibname speech_tools 1 %define devname %mklibname speech_tools -d %global optflags %{optflags} -fPIC %define debug_package %{nil} Summary: A free speech synthesizer Name: speech_tools Version: 2.5.0 Release: 3 License: BSD Group: Sound Url: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/ Source0: http://festvox.org/packed/festival/%(echo %{version} |cut -d. -f1-2)/%{name}-%{version}-release.tar.gz # (fc) 1.2.96-4mdv Link libs with libm, libtermcap, and libesd (RH bug #198190) (Fedora) # (ahmad) 2.1-2.mga1 modify this patch so that we don't link against libesd, # as esound is being phased out of the distro Patch6: festival-2.1-speechtools-linklibswithotherlibs.patch # (fc) 1.2.96-5mdv build speech_tools as shared libraries (Fedora) Patch8: festival-1.96-speechtools-shared-build.patch # (fc) 1.96-5mdv Build main library as shared, not just speech-tools (Fedora) Patch11: festival-1.96-main-shared-build.patch # (fc) 1.2.96-5mdv improve soname (Fedora) Patch12: festival-2.1-bettersonamehack.patch BuildRequires: perl BuildRequires: pkgconfig(ncurses) BuildRequires: gomp-devel %description Miscellaneous utilities from the Edinburgh Speech Tools. Unless you have a specific need for one of these programs, you probably don't need to install this. %package -n %{libestbase} Summary: Shared libraries for festival text to speech Group: System/Libraries %rename %{_lib}speech_tools2.1.1 %description -n %{libestbase} This package contains the libraries and includes files necessary for applications that use %{name}. %package -n %{libestools} Summary: Shared libraries for festival text to speech Group: System/Libraries %description -n %{libestools} This package contains the libraries and includes files necessary for applications that use %{name}. %package -n %{libeststring} Summary: Shared libraries for festival text to speech Group: System/Libraries %description -n %{libeststring} This package contains the libraries and includes files necessary for applications that use %{name}. %package -n %{devname} Summary: Development libraries and headers for %{name} Group: Development/C++ #Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{libestbase} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{libestools} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: %{libeststring} = %{version}-%{release} Provides: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{devname} This package contains the libraries and includes files necessary to develop applications using %{name}. %prep %setup -qn %{name} %apply_patches # (gb) lib64 fixes, don't bother with a patch for now perl -pi -e '/^REQUIRED_LIBRARY_DIR/ and s,/usr/lib,%{_libdir},' config/project.mak %build %global optflags %{optflags} -Ofast # build speech tools (and libraries) export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd)/speech_tools/lib %configure make LDFLAGS="%{ldflags}" CFLAGS="%{optflags}" CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}" SHARED_LINKFLAGS="%{ldflags}" %check # all tests must pass #make CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing" \ # CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing" test | grep -v INCORRECT %install make INSTALLED_LIB=%{buildroot}%{_libdir} make_installed_lib_shared # no thanks, static libs. rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.a make INSTALLED_BIN=%{buildroot}%{_bindir} make_installed_bin_static # this list of the useful programs in speech_tools comes from # upstream developer Alan W. Black; the other stuff is to be removed. pushd %{buildroot}%{_bindir} ls | grep -Evw "ch_wave|ch_track|na_play|na_record|wagon|wagon_test" | grep -Evw "make_wagon_desc|pitchmark|pm|sig2fv|wfst_build" | grep -Evw "wfst_run|wfst_run" | xargs rm popd pushd include for header in $(find . -type f -name \*.h | grep -v win32 ); do install -m644 "$header" -D "%{buildroot}%{_includedir}/EST/$header" done popd %files %{_bindir}/ch_track %{_bindir}/ch_wave %{_bindir}/make_wagon_desc %{_bindir}/na_play %{_bindir}/na_record %{_bindir}/pitchmark %{_bindir}/pm %{_bindir}/sig2fv %{_bindir}/wagon %{_bindir}/wagon_test %{_bindir}/wfst_run %{_bindir}/wfst_build %files -n %{libestbase} %{_libdir}/libestbase.so.%{major}* %files -n %{libestools} %{_libdir}/libestools.so.%{major}* %files -n %{libeststring} %{_libdir}/libeststring.so.%{stringmajor}* %files -n %{devname} %{_includedir}/EST %{_libdir}/libestbase.so %{_libdir}/libestools.so %{_libdir}/libeststring.so