Summary: Taglib support for other formats Name: taglib-extras Version: 1.0.1 Release: 17 Group: Sound License: LGPLv2 URL: Source0:{version}.tar.gz Source100: taglib-extras.rpmlintrc Patch1: taglib-1.10.patch BuildRequires: taglib-devel BuildRequires: cmake %description Taglib-extras delivers support for reading and editing the meta-data of audio formats not supported by taglib, including: asf, mp4v2, rmff, wav. %files %doc COPYING.LGPL %{_libdir}/* #-------------------------------------------------------------------- %package devel Summary: Development files for %{name} Group: Development/C++ Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: pkgconfig Requires: taglib-devel %description devel %{summary}. %files devel %{_bindir}/taglib-extras-config %{_includedir}/taglib-extras/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/taglib-extras.pc #-------------------------------------------------------------------- %prep %setup -q %autopatch -p1 %build %{cmake} .. %make %install make -C build DESTDIR=%buildroot install