%define xdm_libdir %{_datadir}/X11/xdm Name: xdm Version: 1.1.12 Release: 1 Summary: X Display Manager with support for XDMCP Group: System/X11 License: MIT URL: http://xorg.freedesktop.org Source0: http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/app/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: xdm.pamd Patch4: 0004-Support-kdm-extended-syntax-to-reserve-a-server-for.patch #Patch5: 0005-Initialize-the-greeter-only-after-checking-if-the-th.patch Patch8: xdm-1.1.11-fix-service-file.patch BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11) >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xau) >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xaw7) >= 1.0.1 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xdmcp) >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xmu) >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xorg-macros) >= 1.3.0 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xt) >= 1.0.0 BuildRequires: pam-devel BuildRequires: systemd-macros BuildRequires: rpm-helper Requires: xinitrc > 2.4.19-9 Requires: xrdb Requires: sessreg Conflicts: xorg-x11 < 7.0 Requires(post,postun,preun): rpm-helper %description Xdm manages a collection of X displays, which may be on the local host or remote servers. The design of xdm was guided by the needs of X terminals as well as The Open Group standard XDMCP, the X Display Manager Control Protocol. Xdm provides services similar to those provided by init, getty and login on character terminals: prompting for login name and password, authenticating the user, and running a session. %prep %autosetup -p1 %build %configure \ --x-includes=%{_includedir}\ --x-libraries=%{_libdir} \ --with-xdmlibdir=%{xdm_libdir} \ --with-pam \ --with-systemdsystemunitdir=%{_unitdir} \ --enable-xdmshell %make_build %install %make_install LC_ALL=C LANG=C export LC_ALL LANG # remove files that are in xinitrc rm -rf %{buildroot}%{xdm_libdir}/{[A-Z]*,xdm-config} # remove unused devel files rm -rf %{buildroot}%{xdm_libdir}/*.{a,la} # install PAM file mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/etc/pam.d/xdm install -d %{buildroot}/var/lib/xdm ln -sf /var/lib/xdm %{buildroot}%{xdm_libdir}/authdir # logrotate mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d cat << EOF > %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/xdm /var/log/xdm-error.log { notifempty missingok nocompress } EOF %pre if [ -d %{xdm_libdir}/authdir ]; then # this is now a symlink rm -rf %{xdm_libdir}/authdir fi %files %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/xdm %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/xdm %dir /var/lib/xdm %{_bindir}/xdm %{_bindir}/xdmshell %{_mandir}/man8/xdm.* %{_mandir}/man8/xdmshell.* %{xdm_libdir}/* %{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults/Chooser %{_unitdir}/xdm.service