Summary: Point and click selection of X11 font names Name: xfontsel Version: 1.0.6 Release: 3 Group: Development/X11 Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 License: MIT BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xt) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xaw7) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xorg-macros) %description The xfontsel application provides a simple way to display the fonts known to your X server, examine samples of each, and retrieve the X Logical Font Description ("XLFD") full name for a font. %prep %setup -q %build %configure2_5x %make %install %makeinstall_std %files %{_bindir}/xfontsel %{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults/XFontSel %{_mandir}/man1/xfontsel.1*