%define major 0 %define libname %mklibname xmlrpc-epi %{major} %define develname %mklibname xmlrpc-epi -d Summary: An implementation of the XML-RPC protocol in C Name: xmlrpc-epi Version: 0.54.2 Release: 13 License: BSD Group: System/Libraries URL: http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net Source0: http://sunet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/xmlrpc-epi/xmlrpc-epi-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: xmlrpc-epi-0.51-format_not_a_string_literal_and_no_format_arguments.diff Patch1: xmlrpc-epi-0.54-no_samples.diff Patch2: xmlrpc-epi-clang7.patch BuildRequires: expat-devel %description xmlrpc-epi is an implementation of the xmlrpc protocol in C. It provides an easy to use API for developers to serialize RPC requests to and from XML. It does *not* include a transport layer, such as HTTP. The API is primarily based upon proprietary code written for internal usage at Epinions.com, and was later modified to incorporate concepts from the xmlrpc protocol. %package -n %{libname} Summary: Library providing XMLPC support in C Group: System/Libraries %description -n %{libname} xmlrpc-epi is an implementation of the xmlrpc protocol in C. It provides an easy to use API for developers to serialize RPC requests to and from XML. It does *not* include a transport layer, such as HTTP. The API is primarily based upon proprietary code written for internal usage at Epinions.com, and was later modified to incorporate concepts from the xmlrpc protocol. %package -n %{develname} Summary: Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications Group: Development/C Requires: %{libname} >= %{version}-%{release} Provides: libxmlrpc-devel = %{version}-%{release} Provides: xmlrpc-epi-devel = %{version}-%{release} %description -n %{develname} xmlrpc-epi is an implementation of the xmlrpc protocol in C. It provides an easy to use API for developers to serialize RPC requests to and from XML. It does *not* include a transport layer, such as HTTP. The API is primarily based upon proprietary code written for internal usage at Epinions.com, and was later modified to incorporate concepts from the xmlrpc protocol. %prep %autosetup -p1 # Make it lib64 aware find . -name "Makefile.*" | xargs perl -pi -e "s,-L\@prefix\@/lib,,g" perl -pi -e "s,-L/usr/local/lib\b,," configure* perl -pi -e "s|withval/lib|withval/%{_lib}|g" configure* %build autoreconf -fi export CC=gcc %configure \ --with-expat=%{_prefix} #don't use parallel compilation, it is broken # (tpg) this is better ;) %(echo %make|perl -pe 's/-j\d+/-j1/g') %install rm -rf %{buildroot} %makeinstall_std # fix file conflicts install -d %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/xmlrpc-epi mv %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/*.h %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/xmlrpc-epi/ # cleanup rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/*.*a %files -n %{libname} %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog README %{_libdir}/lib*.so.%{major}* %files -n %{develname} %doc INSTALL %dir %{_includedir}/xmlrpc-epi %{_includedir}/xmlrpc-epi/* %{_libdir}/lib*.so %changelog * Sun Jan 29 2012 Oden Eriksson 0.54.2-1 + Revision: 769633 - 0.54.2 * Thu Dec 08 2011 Oden Eriksson 0.54.1-3 + Revision: 739018 - drop the static lib and the libtool *.la file - various fixes * Sat May 07 2011 Oden Eriksson 0.54.1-2 + Revision: 671350 - mass rebuild * Mon Aug 09 2010 Oden Eriksson 0.54.1-1mdv2011.0 + Revision: 568118 - 0.54.1 * Sun Mar 14 2010 Oden Eriksson 0.54-3mdv2010.1 + Revision: 519082 - rebuild * Fri Jun 12 2009 Oden Eriksson 0.54-2mdv2010.0 + Revision: 385409 - use the correct libname - don't build the samples - move the header files to the correct place - cleanup the spec file some * Wed Jun 10 2009 Oden Eriksson 0.54-1mdv2010.0 + Revision: 384837 - 0.54 - nuke redundant patches - rediffed the format string patch * Thu Dec 25 2008 Oden Eriksson 0.51-16mdv2009.1 + Revision: 319111 - fix build with -Werror=format-security (P3) * Thu Jun 19 2008 Thierry Vignaud 0.51-15mdv2009.0 + Revision: 226067 - rebuild + Pixel - do not call ldconfig in %%post/%%postun, it is now handled by filetriggers * Wed Mar 05 2008 Oden Eriksson 0.51-14mdv2008.1 + Revision: 179490 - rebuild + Olivier Blin - restore BuildRoot + Thierry Vignaud - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request * Thu Jun 14 2007 Oden Eriksson 0.51-13mdv2008.0 + Revision: 39325 - fix provides (thanks blino!) * Thu Jun 14 2007 Oden Eriksson 0.51-12mdv2008.0 + Revision: 39288 - rebuild * Wed Jun 13 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc 0.51-11mdv2008.0 + Revision: 38418 - fix building (spturtle :) - use hack for parallel build - drop br on automake1.4 - fix mixture of tabs and spaces - spec file clean * Mon Apr 23 2007 Frederic Crozat 0.51-10mdv2008.0 + Revision: 17465 - Fix buildrequires - Patch2 (Linden Labs): link to system expat lib, don't use internal copy * Tue Oct 31 2006 Oden Eriksson 0.51-9mdv2007.0 + Revision: 74648 - bunzip patches - Import xmlrpc-epi * Tue May 23 2006 Per Øyvind Karlsen 0.51-8mdk - rebuild * Wed Aug 10 2005 Gwenole Beauchesne 0.51-7mdk - gcc4 & mklibname fixes - drop provides libxmlrpc * Sat Aug 14 2004 Pixel 0.51-6mdk - rebuild