Digital Input Generic digital input for non-specific sensors 3200 urn:oma:lwm2m:ext:3200:1.1 1.0 1.1 Multiple Optional Digital Input State R Single Mandatory Boolean The current state of a digital input. Digital Input Counter R Single Optional Integer The cumulative value of active state detected. Digital Input Polarity RW Single Optional Boolean The polarity of the digital input as a Boolean (False = Normal, True = Reversed). Digital Input Debounce RW Single Optional Integer ms The debounce period in ms. Digital Input Edge Selection RW Single Optional Integer 1..3 The edge selection as an integer (1 = Falling edge, 2 = Rising edge, 3 = Both Rising and Falling edge). Digital Input Counter Reset E Single Optional Reset the Counter value. Application Type RW Single Optional String The application type of the sensor or actuator as a string depending on the use case. Sensor Type R Single Optional String The type of the sensor (for instance PIR type). Timestamp R Single Optional Time The timestamp of when the measurement was performed. Fractional Timestamp R Single Optional Float 0..1 s Fractional part of the timestamp when sub-second precision is used (e.g., 0.23 for 230 ms).