# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright 2002-2016, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # # a copy of the License at # # # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # # limitations under the License. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if !ONE_LOCATION LOG_LOCATION = "/var/log/one" else LOG_LOCATION = ONE_LOCATION + "/var" end LOG = LOG_LOCATION + "/onedb-fsck.log" require "rexml/document" include REXML require 'ipaddr' require 'set' require 'nokogiri' module OneDBFsck VERSION = "4.90.0" LOCAL_VERSION = "4.90.0" def check_db_version() db_version = read_db_version() if ( db_version[:version] != VERSION || db_version[:local_version] != LOCAL_VERSION ) raise <<-EOT Version mismatch: fsck file is for version Shared: #{VERSION}, Local: #{LOCAL_VERSION} Current database is version Shared: #{db_version[:version]}, Local: #{db_version[:local_version]} EOT end end def one_version "OpenNebula #{VERSION}" end def db_version one_version() end IMAGE_STATES=%w{INIT READY USED DISABLED LOCKED ERROR CLONE DELETE USED_PERS} VM_BIN = 0x0000001000000000 NET_BIN = 0x0000004000000000 VROUTER_BIN = 0x0004000000000000 HOLD = 0xFFFFFFFF def fsck ######################################################################## # Acl ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Users # # USER/GNAME ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Datastore # # DATASTORE/UID # DATASTORE/UNAME # DATASTORE/GID # DATASTORE/GNAME # DATASTORE/SYSTEM ?? ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # VM Template # # VMTEMPLATE/UID # VMTEMPLATE/UNAME # VMTEMPLATE/GID # VMTEMPLATE/GNAME ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Documents # # DOCUMENT/UID # DOCUMENT/UNAME # DOCUMENT/GID # DOCUMENT/GNAME ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # VM # # VM/UID # VM/UNAME # VM/GID # VM/GNAME # # VM/STATE <--- Check transitioning states? # VM/LCM_STATE <---- Check consistency state/lcm_state ? ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Image # # IMAGE/UID # IMAGE/UNAME # IMAGE/GID # IMAGE/GNAME ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # VNet # # VNET/UID # VNET/UNAME # VNET/GID # VNET/GNAME ######################################################################## init_log_time() @errors = 0 @repaired_errors = 0 @unrepaired_errors = 0 puts db_version = read_db_version() ######################################################################## # pool_control ######################################################################## tables = ["group_pool", "user_pool", "acl", "image_pool", "host_pool", "network_pool", "template_pool", "vm_pool", "cluster_pool", "datastore_pool", "document_pool", "zone_pool", "secgroup_pool", "vdc_pool", "vrouter_pool", "marketplace_pool", "marketplaceapp_pool"] federated_tables = ["group_pool", "user_pool", "acl", "zone_pool", "vdc_pool", "marketplace_pool", "marketplaceapp_pool"] tables.each do |table| max_oid = -1 @db.fetch("SELECT MAX(oid) FROM #{table}") do |row| max_oid = row[:"MAX(oid)"].to_i end # max(oid) will return 0 if there is none, # or if the max is actually 0. Check this: if ( max_oid == 0 ) max_oid = -1 @db.fetch("SELECT oid FROM #{table} WHERE oid=0") do |row| max_oid = 0 end end control_oid = -1 @db.fetch("SELECT last_oid FROM pool_control WHERE tablename='#{table}'") do |row| control_oid = row[:last_oid].to_i end if ( max_oid > control_oid ) msg = "pool_control for table #{table} has last_oid #{control_oid}, but it is #{max_oid}" if control_oid != -1 if db_version[:is_slave] && federated_tables.include?(table) log_error(msg, false) log_msg("^ Needs to be fixed in the master OpenNebula") else log_error(msg) @db.run("UPDATE pool_control SET last_oid=#{max_oid} WHERE tablename='#{table}'") end else @db[:pool_control].insert( :tablename => table, :last_oid => max_oid) end end end log_time() ######################################################################## # Groups # # GROUP/USERS/ID ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # Users # # USER/GID ######################################################################## group = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid FROM group_pool") do |row| group[row[:oid]] = [] end users_fix = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body,gid FROM user_pool") do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} gid = doc.root.at_xpath('GID').text.to_i user_gid = gid user_gids = Set.new if group[gid].nil? log_error("User #{row[:oid]} has primary group #{gid}, but it does not exist", !db_version[:is_slave]) user_gid = 1 doc.root.xpath('GID').each do |e| e.content = "1" end doc.root.xpath('GNAME').each do |e| e.content = "users" end doc.root.xpath("GROUPS").each { |e| e.xpath("ID[.=#{gid}]").each{|x| x.remove} e.add_child(doc.create_element("ID")).content = user_gid.to_s } users_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s, :gid => user_gid} end doc.root.xpath("GROUPS/ID").each { |e| user_gids.add e.text.to_i } if !user_gids.include?(user_gid) log_error("User #{row[:oid]} does not have his primary group #{user_gid} in the list of secondary groups", !db_version[:is_slave]) doc.root.xpath("GROUPS").each { |e| e.add_child(doc.create_element("ID")).content = user_gid.to_s } user_gids.add user_gid.to_i users_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s, :gid => user_gid} end user_gids.each do |secondary_gid| if group[secondary_gid].nil? log_error("User #{row[:oid]} has secondary group #{secondary_gid}, but it does not exist", !db_version[:is_slave]) doc.root.xpath("GROUPS").each { |e| e.xpath("ID[.=#{secondary_gid}]").each{|x| x.remove} } users_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s, :gid => user_gid} else group[secondary_gid] << row[:oid] end end if gid != row[:gid] log_error( "User #{row[:oid]} is in group #{gid}, but the DB "<< "table has GID column #{row[:gid]}", !db_version[:is_slave]) users_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s, :gid => user_gid} end end if !db_version[:is_slave] @db.transaction do users_fix.each do |id, user| @db[:user_pool].where(:oid => id).update( :body => user[:body], :gid => user[:gid]) end end elsif !users_fix.empty? log_msg("^ User errors need to be fixed in the master OpenNebula") end log_time() groups_fix = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body from group_pool") do |row| gid = row[:oid] doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} users_elem = doc.root.at_xpath("USERS") users_elem.remove if !users_elem.nil? users_new_elem = doc.create_element("USERS") doc.root.add_child(users_new_elem) error_found = false group[gid].each do |id| id_elem = users_elem.at_xpath("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error("User #{id} is missing from Group #{gid} users id list", !db_version[:is_slave]) error_found = true else id_elem.remove end users_new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("ID")).content = id.to_s end users_elem.xpath("ID").each do |id_elem| log_error("User #{id_elem.text} is in Group #{gid} users id list, but it should not", !db_version[:is_slave]) error_found = true end if error_found groups_fix[row[:oid]] = doc.root.to_s end end if !db_version[:is_slave] @db.transaction do groups_fix.each do |id, body| @db[:group_pool].where(:oid => id).update( :body => body) end end elsif !groups_fix.empty? log_msg("^ Group errors need to be fixed in the master OpenNebula") end log_time() ######################################################################## # Clusters # # CLUSTER/SYSTEM_DS # CLUSTER/HOSTS/ID # CLUSTER/DATASTORES/ID # CLUSTER/VNETS/ID ######################################################################## # Datastore # # DATASTORE/CLUSTER_ID # DATASTORE/CLUSTER ######################################################################## # VNet # # VNET/CLUSTER_ID # VNET/CLUSTER ######################################################################## # Hosts # # HOST/CLUSTER_ID # HOST/CLUSTER ######################################################################## cluster = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid, name FROM cluster_pool") do |row| cluster[row[:oid]] = {} cluster[row[:oid]][:name] = row[:name] cluster[row[:oid]][:hosts] = [] cluster[row[:oid]][:datastores] = Set.new cluster[row[:oid]][:vnets] = Set.new end hosts_fix = {} datastores_fix = {} vnets_fix = {} @db.transaction do @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body,cid FROM host_pool") do |row| doc = Document.new(row[:body]) cluster_id = doc.root.get_text('CLUSTER_ID').to_s.to_i cluster_name = doc.root.get_text('CLUSTER') if cluster_id != row[:cid] log_error("Host #{row[:oid]} is in cluster #{cluster_id}, but cid column has cluster #{row[:cid]}") hosts_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => row[:body], :cid => cluster_id} end if cluster_id != -1 cluster_entry = cluster[cluster_id] if cluster_entry.nil? log_error("Host #{row[:oid]} is in cluster #{cluster_id}, but it does not exist") doc.root.each_element('CLUSTER_ID') do |e| e.text = "-1" end doc.root.each_element('CLUSTER') do |e| e.text = "" end hosts_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s, :cid => -1} else if cluster_name != cluster_entry[:name] log_error("Host #{row[:oid]} has a wrong name for cluster #{cluster_id}, #{cluster_name}. It will be changed to #{cluster_entry[:name]}") doc.root.each_element('CLUSTER') do |e| e.text = cluster_entry[:name] end hosts_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s, :cid => cluster_id} end cluster_entry[:hosts] << row[:oid] end end end hosts_fix.each do |id, entry| @db[:host_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => entry[:body], :cid => entry[:cid]) end log_time() @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM datastore_pool") do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} doc.root.xpath("CLUSTERS/ID").each do |e| cluster_id = e.text.to_i cluster_entry = cluster[cluster_id] if cluster_entry.nil? log_error("Datastore #{row[:oid]} is in cluster #{cluster_id}, but it does not exist") e.remove datastores_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s} else cluster_entry[:datastores] << row[:oid] end end end datastores_fix.each do |id, entry| @db[:datastore_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => entry[:body]) end log_time() @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM network_pool") do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} doc.root.xpath("CLUSTERS/ID").each do |e| cluster_id = e.text.to_i cluster_entry = cluster[cluster_id] if cluster_entry.nil? log_error("VNet #{row[:oid]} is in cluster #{cluster_id}, but it does not exist") e.remove vnets_fix[row[:oid]] = {:body => doc.root.to_s} else cluster_entry[:vnets] << row[:oid] end end end vnets_fix.each do |id, entry| @db[:network_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => entry[:body]) end end log_time() @db.run "CREATE TABLE cluster_pool_new (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(128), body MEDIUMTEXT, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, owner_u INTEGER, group_u INTEGER, other_u INTEGER, UNIQUE(name));" @db.transaction do @db.fetch("SELECT * from cluster_pool") do |row| cluster_id = row[:oid] doc = Document.new(row[:body]) # Hosts hosts_elem = doc.root.elements.delete("HOSTS") hosts_new_elem = doc.root.add_element("HOSTS") cluster[cluster_id][:hosts].each do |id| id_elem = hosts_elem.elements.delete("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error("Host #{id} is missing from Cluster #{cluster_id} host id list") end hosts_new_elem.add_element("ID").text = id.to_s end hosts_elem.each_element("ID") do |id_elem| log_error("Host #{id_elem.text} is in Cluster #{cluster_id} host id list, but it should not") end # Datastores ds_elem = doc.root.elements.delete("DATASTORES") ds_new_elem = doc.root.add_element("DATASTORES") cluster[cluster_id][:datastores].each do |id| id_elem = ds_elem.elements.delete("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error("Datastore #{id} is missing from Cluster #{cluster_id} datastore id list") end ds_new_elem.add_element("ID").text = id.to_s if @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM cluster_datastore_relation WHERE cid=#{cluster_id} AND oid=#{id}").empty? log_error("Table cluster_datastore_relation is missing relation cluster #{cluster_id}, datastore #{id}") @db[:cluster_datastore_relation].insert(:cid => cluster_id, :oid => id) end end ds_elem.each_element("ID") do |id_elem| log_error("Datastore #{id_elem.text} is in Cluster #{cluster_id} datastore id list, but it should not") end # VNets vnets_elem = doc.root.elements.delete("VNETS") vnets_new_elem = doc.root.add_element("VNETS") cluster[cluster_id][:vnets].each do |id| id_elem = vnets_elem.elements.delete("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error("VNet #{id} is missing from Cluster #{cluster_id} vnet id list") end vnets_new_elem.add_element("ID").text = id.to_s if @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM cluster_network_relation WHERE cid=#{cluster_id} AND oid=#{id}").empty? log_error("Table cluster_network_relation is missing relation cluster #{cluster_id}, vnet #{id}") @db[:cluster_network_relation].insert(:cid => cluster_id, :oid => id) end end vnets_elem.each_element("ID") do |id_elem| log_error("VNet #{id_elem.text} is in Cluster #{cluster_id} vnet id list, but it should not") end row[:body] = doc.root.to_s # commit @db[:cluster_pool_new].insert(row) end end # Rename table @db.run("DROP TABLE cluster_pool") @db.run("ALTER TABLE cluster_pool_new RENAME TO cluster_pool") log_time() @db.transaction do @db.run "CREATE TABLE cluster_datastore_relation_new (cid INTEGER, oid INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(cid, oid));" @db.fetch("SELECT * from cluster_datastore_relation") do |row| if (cluster[row[:cid]][:datastores].count(row[:oid]) != 1) log_error("Table cluster_datastore_relation contains relation cluster #{row[:cid]}, datastore #{row[:oid]}, but it should not") else @db[:cluster_datastore_relation_new].insert(row) end end @db.run("DROP TABLE cluster_datastore_relation") @db.run("ALTER TABLE cluster_datastore_relation_new RENAME TO cluster_datastore_relation") end log_time() @db.transaction do @db.run "CREATE TABLE cluster_network_relation_new (cid INTEGER, oid INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(cid, oid));" @db.fetch("SELECT * from cluster_network_relation") do |row| if (cluster[row[:cid]][:vnets].count(row[:oid]) != 1) log_error("Table cluster_network_relation contains relation cluster #{row[:cid]}, vnet #{row[:oid]}, but it should not") else @db[:cluster_network_relation_new].insert(row) end end @db.run("DROP TABLE cluster_network_relation") @db.run("ALTER TABLE cluster_network_relation_new RENAME TO cluster_network_relation") end log_time() ######################################################################## # Datastore # # DATASTORE/IMAGES/ID ######################################################################## # Image # # IMAGE/DATASTORE_ID # IMAGE/DATASTORE ######################################################################## datastore = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid, name FROM datastore_pool") do |row| datastore[row[:oid]] = {:name => row[:name], :images => []} end images_fix = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM image_pool") do |row| doc = Document.new(row[:body]) ds_id = doc.root.get_text('DATASTORE_ID').to_s.to_i ds_name = doc.root.get_text('DATASTORE') if ds_id != -1 ds_entry = datastore[ds_id] if ds_entry.nil? log_error("Image #{row[:oid]} has datastore #{ds_id}, but it does not exist. The image is probably unusable, and needs to be deleted manually:\n"<< " * The image contents should be deleted manually:\n"<< " #{doc.root.get_text('SOURCE')}\n"<< " * The DB entry can be then deleted with the command:\n"<< " DELETE FROM image_pool WHERE oid=#{row[:oid]};\n"<< " * Run fsck again.\n", false) else if ds_name != ds_entry[:name] log_error("Image #{row[:oid]} has a wrong name for datastore #{ds_id}, #{ds_name}. It will be changed to #{ds_entry[:name]}") doc.root.each_element('DATASTORE') do |e| e.text = ds_entry[:name] end images_fix[row[:oid]] = doc.root.to_s end ds_entry[:images] << row[:oid] end end end @db.transaction do images_fix.each do |id, body| @db[:image_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => body) end end log_time() @db.run "CREATE TABLE datastore_pool_new (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(128), body MEDIUMTEXT, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, owner_u INTEGER, group_u INTEGER, other_u INTEGER);" @db.transaction do @db.fetch("SELECT * from datastore_pool") do |row| ds_id = row[:oid] doc = Document.new(row[:body]) images_elem = doc.root.elements.delete("IMAGES") images_new_elem = doc.root.add_element("IMAGES") datastore[ds_id][:images].each do |id| id_elem = images_elem.elements.delete("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error( "Image #{id} is missing from Datastore #{ds_id} "<< "image id list") end images_new_elem.add_element("ID").text = id.to_s end images_elem.each_element("ID") do |id_elem| log_error( "Image #{id_elem.text} is in Datastore #{ds_id} "<< "image id list, but it should not") end row[:body] = doc.root.to_s # commit @db[:datastore_pool_new].insert(row) end end # Rename table @db.run("DROP TABLE datastore_pool") @db.run("ALTER TABLE datastore_pool_new RENAME TO datastore_pool") log_time() ######################################################################## # VM Counters for host, image and vnet usage ######################################################################## counters = {} counters[:host] = {} counters[:image] = {} counters[:vnet] = {} counters[:vrouter] = {} # Initialize all the host counters to 0 @db.fetch("SELECT oid, name FROM host_pool") do |row| counters[:host][row[:oid]] = { :name => row[:name], :memory => 0, :cpu => 0, :rvms => Set.new } end log_time() # Init image counters @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM image_pool") do |row| if counters[:image][row[:oid]].nil? counters[:image][row[:oid]] = { :vms => Set.new, :clones => Set.new, :app_clones => Set.new } end doc = Document.new(row[:body]) doc.root.each_element("CLONING_ID") do |e| img_id = e.text.to_i if counters[:image][img_id].nil? counters[:image][img_id] = { :vms => Set.new, :clones => Set.new, :app_clones => Set.new } end counters[:image][img_id][:clones].add(row[:oid]) end end log_time() # Init vnet counters @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM network_pool") do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} ar_leases = {} doc.root.xpath("AR_POOL/AR/AR_ID").each do |ar_id| ar_leases[ar_id.text.to_i] = {} end counters[:vnet][row[:oid]] = { :ar_leases => ar_leases, :no_ar_leases => {} } end log_time() # Initialize all the vrouter counters to 0 @db.fetch("SELECT oid FROM vrouter_pool") do |row| counters[:vrouter][row[:oid]] = { :vms => Set.new } end log_time() vms_fix = {} cluster_vnc = {} # Aggregate information of the RUNNING vms @db.transaction do @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM vm_pool WHERE state<>6") do |row| vm_doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} state = vm_doc.root.at_xpath('STATE').text.to_i lcm_state = vm_doc.root.at_xpath('LCM_STATE').text.to_i # VNC ports per cluster cid = vm_doc.root.at_xpath("HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY[last()]/CID").text.to_i rescue nil port = vm_doc.root.at_xpath('TEMPLATE/GRAPHICS[translate(TYPE,"vnc","VNC")="VNC"]/PORT').text.to_i rescue nil if cid && port cluster_vnc[cid] ||= Set.new cluster_vnc[cid] << port end # Images used by this VM vm_doc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/DISK/IMAGE_ID").each do |e| img_id = e.text.to_i if counters[:image][img_id].nil? log_error("VM #{row[:oid]} is using Image #{img_id}, but "<< "it does not exist", false) else counters[:image][img_id][:vms].add(row[:oid]) end end # VNets used by this VM vm_doc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/NIC").each do |nic| net_id = nil nic.xpath("NETWORK_ID").each do |nid| net_id = nid.text.to_i end if !net_id.nil? if counters[:vnet][net_id].nil? log_error("VM #{row[:oid]} is using VNet #{net_id}, "<< "but it does not exist", false) else mac = nic.at_xpath("MAC").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("MAC").text ar_id_e = nic.at_xpath('AR_ID') if ar_id_e.nil? if !counters[:vnet][net_id][:no_ar_leases][mac_s_to_i(mac)].nil? log_error("VNet #{net_id} has more than one lease with the same MAC address (#{mac}). "<< "FSCK can't handle this, and consistency is not guaranteed", false) end counters[:vnet][net_id][:no_ar_leases][mac_s_to_i(mac)] = { :ip => nic.at_xpath("IP").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP").text, :ip6_global => nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").text, :ip6_link => nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").text, :ip6_ula => nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").text, :mac => mac, :vm => row[:oid], :vnet => nil, :vrouter => nil } else ar_id = ar_id_e.text.to_i if counters[:vnet][net_id][:ar_leases][ar_id].nil? log_error("VM #{row[:oid]} is using VNet #{net_id}, AR #{ar_id}, "<< "but the AR does not exist", false) else counters[:vnet][net_id][:ar_leases][ar_id][mac_s_to_i(mac)] = { :ip => nic.at_xpath("IP").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP").text, :ip6_global => nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").text, :ip6_link => nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").text, :ip6_ula => nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").text, :mac => mac, :vm => row[:oid], :vnet => nil, :vrouter => nil } end end end end end # See if it's part of a Virtual Router vrouter_e = vm_doc.root.at_xpath("TEMPLATE/VROUTER_ID") if !vrouter_e.nil? vr_id = vrouter_e.text.to_i counters_vrouter = counters[:vrouter][vr_id] if counters_vrouter.nil? log_error("VM #{row[:oid]} is part of VRouter #{vr_id}, but "<< "it does not exist", false) else counters_vrouter[:vms].add(row[:oid]) end end # Host resources # Only states that add to Host resources consumption are # ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, POWEROFF next if !([3,5,8].include? state) # Get memory (integer) memory = vm_doc.root.at_xpath("TEMPLATE/MEMORY").text.to_i # Get CPU (float) cpu = vm_doc.root.at_xpath("TEMPLATE/CPU").text.to_f # Get hostid, hostname hid = -1 vm_doc.root.xpath("HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY[last()]/HID").each { |e| hid = e.text.to_i } hostname = "" vm_doc.root.xpath("HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY[last()]/HOSTNAME").each { |e| hostname = e.text } counters_host = counters[:host][hid] if counters_host.nil? log_error("VM #{row[:oid]} is using Host #{hid}, "<< "but it does not exist", false) else if counters_host[:name] != hostname log_error("VM #{row[:oid]} has a wrong hostname for "<< "Host #{hid}, #{hostname}. It will be changed to "<< "#{counters_host[:name]}") vm_doc.root.xpath( "HISTORY_RECORDS/HISTORY[last()]/HOSTNAME").each { |e| e.content = counters_host[:name] } vms_fix[row[:oid]] = vm_doc.root.to_s end counters_host[:memory] += memory counters_host[:cpu] += cpu counters_host[:rvms].add(row[:oid]) end @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM history WHERE vid=#{row[:oid]}") do |hrow| hdoc = Nokogiri::XML(hrow[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} found = false # Rename VMMMAD -> VM_MAD and TMMAD -> TM_MAD hdoc.root.xpath("VMMMAD").each {|e| e.name = "VM_MAD" found = true } hdoc.root.xpath("TMMAD").each {|e| e.name = "TM_MAD" found = true } if found @db[:history].where(:vid => hrow[:vid], :seq => hrow[:seq]).update( :body => hdoc.root.to_s) end end end end @db.transaction do vms_fix.each do |id, body| @db[:vm_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => body) end end log_time() # VNC Bitmap # Re-create cluster_vnc_bitmap table @db.run("ALTER TABLE cluster_vnc_bitmap RENAME TO old_cluster_vnc_bitmap") @db.run("CREATE TABLE cluster_vnc_bitmap (id INTEGER, map LONGTEXT, PRIMARY KEY(id));") vnc_pool_size = 65536 @db.transaction do @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM cluster_pool") do |row| cluster_id = row[:oid] if cluster_vnc[cluster_id] map = "" vnc_pool_size.times.each do |i| map << (cluster_vnc[cluster_id].include?(vnc_pool_size - 1 - i) ? "1" : "0") end map_encoded = Base64::strict_encode64(Zlib::Deflate.deflate(map)) else map_encoded = "eJztwYEAAAAAgCCl/ekWqQoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABqFo8C0Q==" end old_map_encoded = @db[:old_cluster_vnc_bitmap].first(:id => cluster_id)[:map] rescue nil if old_map_encoded != map_encoded log_error("Cluster #{cluster_id} has not the proper reserved VNC ports") end @db[:cluster_vnc_bitmap].insert( :id => cluster_id, :map => map_encoded ) end end @db.run("DROP TABLE old_cluster_vnc_bitmap") log_time() # Bug #4000 may cause history records with etime=0 when they should # be closed. The last history can be fixed with the VM etime, but # previous history entries need to be fixed manually # Query to select history elements that: # - have etime = 0 # - are not the last seq @db.fetch("SELECT vid,seq FROM history WHERE (etime = 0 AND seq <> (SELECT MAX(seq) FROM history AS subhistory WHERE history.vid = subhistory.vid) )") do |row| log_error("History record for VM #{row[:vid]} seq # #{row[:seq]} is not closed (etime = 0)", false) end log_time() history_fix = [] # Query to select history elements that have: # - etime = 0 # - is last seq # - VM is DONE @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM history WHERE (etime = 0 AND vid IN (SELECT oid FROM vm_pool WHERE state=6) AND seq = (SELECT MAX(seq) FROM history AS subhistory WHERE history.vid=subhistory.vid))") do |row| log_error("History record for VM #{row[:vid]} seq # #{row[:seq]} is not closed (etime = 0), but the VM is in state DONE") etime = 0 @db.fetch("SELECT body FROM vm_pool WHERE oid=#{row[:vid]}") do |vm_row| vm_doc = Nokogiri::XML(vm_row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} etime = vm_doc.root.at_xpath("ETIME").text.to_i end history_doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} ["RETIME", "ESTIME", "EETIME", "ETIME"].each do |att| elem = history_doc.root.at_xpath(att) if (elem.text == "0") elem.content = etime end end row[:body] = history_doc.root.to_s row[:etime] = etime history_fix.push(row) end @db.transaction do history_fix.each do |row| @db[:history].where({:vid => row[:vid], :seq => row[:seq]}).update(row) end end log_time() ######################################################################## # Virtual Routers # # VROUTER/VMS/ID ######################################################################## vrouters_fix = {} # Aggregate information of the RUNNING vms @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM vrouter_pool") do |row| vrouter_doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} # VNets used by this Virtual Router vrouter_doc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/NIC").each do |nic| net_id = nil nic.xpath("NETWORK_ID").each do |nid| net_id = nid.text.to_i end floating = false nic.xpath("FLOATING_IP").each do |floating_e| floating = (floating_e.text.upcase == "YES") end if !net_id.nil? && floating if counters[:vnet][net_id].nil? log_error("VRouter #{row[:oid]} is using VNet #{net_id}, "<< "but it does not exist", false) else mac = nic.at_xpath("MAC").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("MAC").text ar_id_e = nic.at_xpath('AR_ID') if ar_id_e.nil? if !counters[:vnet][net_id][:no_ar_leases][mac_s_to_i(mac)].nil? log_error("VNet #{net_id} has more than one lease with the same MAC address (#{mac}). "<< "FSCK can't handle this, and consistency is not guaranteed", false) end counters[:vnet][net_id][:no_ar_leases][mac_s_to_i(mac)] = { :ip => nic.at_xpath("IP").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP").text, :ip6_global => nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").text, :ip6_link => nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").text, :ip6_ula => nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").text, :mac => mac, :vm => nil, :vnet => nil, :vrouter => row[:oid], } else ar_id = ar_id_e.text.to_i if counters[:vnet][net_id][:ar_leases][ar_id].nil? log_error("VRouter #{row[:oid]} is using VNet #{net_id}, AR #{ar_id}, "<< "but the AR does not exist", false) else counters[:vnet][net_id][:ar_leases][ar_id][mac_s_to_i(mac)] = { :ip => nic.at_xpath("IP").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP").text, :ip6_global => nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_GLOBAL").text, :ip6_link => nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_LINK").text, :ip6_ula => nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").nil? ? nil : nic.at_xpath("IP6_ULA").text, :mac => mac, :vm => nil, :vnet => nil, :vrouter => row[:oid], } end end end end end # re-do list of VM IDs error = false counters_vrouter = counters[:vrouter][row[:oid]] vms_elem = vrouter_doc.root.at_xpath("VMS").remove vms_new_elem = vrouter_doc.create_element("VMS") vrouter_doc.root.add_child(vms_new_elem) counters_vrouter[:vms].each do |id| id_elem = vms_elem.at_xpath("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error( "VM #{id} is missing from VRouter #{row[:oid]} VM id list") error = true else id_elem.remove end vms_new_elem.add_child(vrouter_doc.create_element("ID")).content = id.to_s end vms_elem.xpath("ID").each do |id_elem| log_error( "VM #{id_elem.text} is in VRouter #{row[:oid]} VM id list, "<< "but it should not") error = true end if (error) vrouters_fix[row[:oid]] = vrouter_doc.root.to_s end end @db.transaction do vrouters_fix.each do |id, body| @db[:vrouter_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => body) end end log_time() ######################################################################## # Hosts # # HOST/HOST_SHARE/MEM_USAGE # HOST/HOST_SHARE/CPU_USAGE # HOST/HOST_SHARE/RUNNING_VMS # HOST/VMS/ID ######################################################################## # Create a new empty table where we will store the new calculated values @db.run "CREATE TABLE host_pool_new (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " << "name VARCHAR(128), body MEDIUMTEXT, state INTEGER, " << "last_mon_time INTEGER, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, " << "owner_u INTEGER, group_u INTEGER, other_u INTEGER, " << "cid INTEGER);" # Calculate the host's xml and write them to host_pool_new @db.transaction do @db[:host_pool].each do |row| host_doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} hid = row[:oid] counters_host = counters[:host][hid] rvms = counters_host[:rvms].size cpu_usage = (counters_host[:cpu]*100).to_i mem_usage = counters_host[:memory]*1024 # rewrite running_vms host_doc.root.xpath("HOST_SHARE/RUNNING_VMS").each {|e| if e.text != rvms.to_s log_error( "Host #{hid} RUNNING_VMS has #{e.text} \tis\t#{rvms}") e.content = rvms end } # re-do list of VM IDs vms_elem = host_doc.root.at_xpath("VMS").remove vms_new_elem = host_doc.create_element("VMS") host_doc.root.add_child(vms_new_elem) counters_host[:rvms].each do |id| id_elem = vms_elem.at_xpath("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error( "VM #{id} is missing from Host #{hid} VM id list") else id_elem.remove end vms_new_elem.add_child(host_doc.create_element("ID")).content = id.to_s end vms_elem.xpath("ID").each do |id_elem| log_error( "VM #{id_elem.text} is in Host #{hid} VM id list, "<< "but it should not") end host_doc.root.xpath("HOST_SHARE/PCI_DEVICES/PCI").each do |pci| if !pci.at_xpath("VMID").nil? vmid = pci.at_xpath("VMID").text.to_i if vmid != -1 && !counters_host[:rvms].include?(vmid) log_error("VM #{vmid} has a PCI device assigned in host #{hid}, but it should not. Device: #{pci.at_xpath('DEVICE_NAME').text}") pci.at_xpath("VMID").content = "-1" end end end # rewrite cpu host_doc.root.xpath("HOST_SHARE/CPU_USAGE").each {|e| if e.text != cpu_usage.to_s log_error( "Host #{hid} CPU_USAGE has #{e.text} "<< "\tis\t#{cpu_usage}") e.content = cpu_usage end } # rewrite memory host_doc.root.xpath("HOST_SHARE/MEM_USAGE").each {|e| if e.text != mem_usage.to_s log_error("Host #{hid} MEM_USAGE has #{e.text} "<< "\tis\t#{mem_usage}") e.content = mem_usage end } row[:body] = host_doc.root.to_s # commit @db[:host_pool_new].insert(row) end end # Rename table @db.run("DROP TABLE host_pool") @db.run("ALTER TABLE host_pool_new RENAME TO host_pool") log_time() ######################################################################## # Marketplace # # MARKETPLACE/MARKETPLACEAPPS/ID ######################################################################## # App # # MARKETPLACEAPP/MARKETPLACE_ID # MARKETPLACEAPP/MARKETPLACE # MARKETPLACEAPP/ORIGIN_ID ######################################################################## marketplace = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid, name FROM marketplace_pool") do |row| marketplace[row[:oid]] = {:name => row[:name], :apps => []} end apps_fix = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM marketplaceapp_pool") do |row| doc = Document.new(row[:body]) market_id = doc.root.get_text('MARKETPLACE_ID').to_s.to_i market_name = doc.root.get_text('MARKETPLACE') #################################################################### # TODO, BUG: this code will only work for a standalone oned. # In a federation, the image ID will refer to a different image # in each zone #################################################################### origin_id = doc.root.get_text('ORIGIN_ID').to_s.to_i if origin_id >= 0 && doc.root.get_text('STATE').to_s.to_i == 2 # LOCKED counters[:image][origin_id][:app_clones].add(row[:oid]) end #################################################################### ##################################################################### if market_id != -1 market_entry = marketplace[market_id] if market_entry.nil? log_error("Marketplace App #{row[:oid]} has marketplace #{market_id}, but it does not exist. The app is probably unusable, and needs to be deleted manually:\n"<< " * The DB entry can be deleted with the command:\n"<< " DELETE FROM marketplaceapp_pool WHERE oid=#{row[:oid]};\n"<< " * Run fsck again.\n", false) else if market_name != market_entry[:name] log_error("Marketplace App #{row[:oid]} has a wrong name for marketplace #{market_id}, #{market_name}. It will be changed to #{market_entry[:name]}") doc.root.each_element('MARKETPLACE') do |e| e.text = market_entry[:name] end apps_fix[row[:oid]] = doc.root.to_s end market_entry[:apps] << row[:oid] end end end if !db_version[:is_slave] @db.transaction do apps_fix.each do |id, body| @db[:marketplaceapp_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => body) end end elsif !apps_fix.empty? log_msg("^ Marketplace App errors need to be fixed in the master OpenNebula") end log_time() markets_fix = {} @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body FROM marketplace_pool") do |row| market_id = row[:oid] doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} apps_elem = doc.root.at_xpath("MARKETPLACEAPPS") apps_elem.remove if !apps_elem.nil? apps_new_elem = doc.create_element("MARKETPLACEAPPS") doc.root.add_child(apps_new_elem) error = false marketplace[market_id][:apps].each do |id| id_elem = apps_elem.at_xpath("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? error = true log_error( "Marketplace App #{id} is missing from Marketplace #{market_id} "<< "app id list") else id_elem.remove end apps_new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("ID")).content = id.to_s end apps_elem.xpath("ID").each do |id_elem| error = true log_error( "Marketplace App #{id_elem.text} is in Marketplace #{market_id} "<< "app id list, but it should not") end zone_elem = doc.root.at_xpath("ZONE_ID") if (zone_elem.nil? || zone_elem.text == "-1") error = true log_error("Marketplace #{market_id} has an invalid ZONE_ID. Will be set to 0") if (zone_elem.nil?) zone_elem = doc.root.add_child(doc.create_element("ZONE_ID")) end zone_elem.content = "0" end if (error) markets_fix[row[:oid]] = doc.root.to_s end end if !db_version[:is_slave] @db.transaction do markets_fix.each do |id, body| @db[:marketplace_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => body) end end elsif !markets_fix.empty? log_msg("^ Marketplace errors need to be fixed in the master OpenNebula") end log_time() ######################################################################## # Image # # IMAGE/RUNNING_VMS # IMAGE/VMS/ID # # IMAGE/CLONING_OPS # IMAGE/CLONES/ID # IMAGE/APP_CLONES/ID # # IMAGE/CLONING_ID # # IMAGE/STATE ######################################################################## # Create a new empty table where we will store the new calculated values @db.run "CREATE TABLE image_pool_new (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(128), body MEDIUMTEXT, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, owner_u INTEGER, group_u INTEGER, other_u INTEGER, UNIQUE(name,uid) );" @db.transaction do @db[:image_pool].each do |row| doc = Document.new(row[:body]) oid = row[:oid] persistent = ( doc.root.get_text('PERSISTENT').to_s == "1" ) current_state = doc.root.get_text('STATE').to_s.to_i counters_img = counters[:image][oid] rvms = counters_img[:vms].size n_cloning_ops = counters_img[:clones].size + counters_img[:app_clones].size # rewrite running_vms doc.root.each_element("RUNNING_VMS") {|e| if e.text != rvms.to_s log_error("Image #{oid} RUNNING_VMS has #{e.text} \tis\t#{rvms}") e.text = rvms end } # re-do list of VM IDs vms_elem = doc.root.elements.delete("VMS") vms_new_elem = doc.root.add_element("VMS") counters_img[:vms].each do |id| id_elem = vms_elem.elements.delete("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error("VM #{id} is missing from Image #{oid} VM id list") end vms_new_elem.add_element("ID").text = id.to_s end vms_elem.each_element("ID") do |id_elem| log_error("VM #{id_elem.text} is in Image #{oid} VM id list, but it should not") end if ( persistent && rvms > 0 ) n_cloning_ops = 0 counters_img[:clones] = Set.new counters_img[:app_clones] = Set.new end # Check number of clones doc.root.each_element("CLONING_OPS") { |e| if e.text != n_cloning_ops.to_s log_error("Image #{oid} CLONING_OPS has #{e.text} \tis\t#{n_cloning_ops}") e.text = n_cloning_ops end } # re-do list of Images cloning this one clones_elem = doc.root.elements.delete("CLONES") clones_new_elem = doc.root.add_element("CLONES") counters_img[:clones].each do |id| id_elem = clones_elem.elements.delete("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error("Image #{id} is missing from Image #{oid} CLONES id list") end clones_new_elem.add_element("ID").text = id.to_s end clones_elem.each_element("ID") do |id_elem| log_error("Image #{id_elem.text} is in Image #{oid} CLONES id list, but it should not") end # re-do list of Apps cloning this one clones_elem = doc.root.elements.delete("APP_CLONES") clones_new_elem = doc.root.add_element("APP_CLONES") counters_img[:app_clones].each do |id| id_elem = clones_elem.elements.delete("ID[.=#{id}]") if id_elem.nil? log_error("Marketplace App #{id} is missing from Image #{oid} APP_CLONES id list") end clones_new_elem.add_element("ID").text = id.to_s end clones_elem.each_element("ID") do |id_elem| log_error("Marketplace App #{id_elem.text} is in Image #{oid} APP_CLONES id list, but it should not") end # Check state state = current_state if persistent if ( rvms > 0 ) state = 8 # USED_PERS elsif ( n_cloning_ops > 0 ) state = 6 # CLONE elsif ( current_state == 8 || current_state == 6 ) # rvms == 0 && n_cloning_ops == 0, but image is in state # USED_PERS or CLONE state = 1 # READY end else if ( rvms > 0 || n_cloning_ops > 0 ) state = 2 # USED elsif ( current_state == 2 ) # rvms == 0 && n_cloning_ops == 0, but image is in state # USED state = 1 # READY end end doc.root.each_element("STATE") { |e| if e.text != state.to_s log_error("Image #{oid} has STATE #{IMAGE_STATES[e.text.to_i]} \tis\t#{IMAGE_STATES[state]}") e.text = state end } row[:body] = doc.root.to_s # commit @db[:image_pool_new].insert(row) end end # Rename table @db.run("DROP TABLE image_pool") @db.run("ALTER TABLE image_pool_new RENAME TO image_pool") log_time() ######################################################################## # VNet # # LEASES ######################################################################## @db.fetch("SELECT oid,body,pid FROM network_pool WHERE pid<>-1") do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} parent_vnet = doc.root.at_xpath("PARENT_NETWORK_ID").text.to_i if (row[:pid] != parent_vnet) # TODO end doc.root.xpath("AR_POOL/AR").each do |ar| parent_ar_e = ar.at_xpath("PARENT_NETWORK_AR_ID") if !(parent_ar_e.nil? || parent_ar_e.text == "") parent_ar = parent_ar_e.text.to_i if counters[:vnet][parent_vnet][:ar_leases][parent_ar].nil? log_error( "VNet #{row[:oid]} is using parent "<< "VNet #{parent_vnet}, AR #{parent_ar}, "<< "but the AR does not exist", false) end # MAC first_mac = mac_s_to_i(ar.at_xpath("MAC").text) # IP first_ip = nil if (!ar.at_xpath("IP").nil?) first_ip = IPAddr.new(ar.at_xpath("IP").text.strip, Socket::AF_INET) end # IP6 global_prefix = nil if !ar.at_xpath("GLOBAL_PREFIX").nil? global_prefix = ip6_prefix_s_to_i( ar.at_xpath("GLOBAL_PREFIX").text) end ula_prefix = nil if !ar.at_xpath("ULA_PREFIX").nil? ula_prefix = ip6_prefix_s_to_i( ar.at_xpath("ULA_PREFIX").text) end link_prefix = nil type = ar.at_xpath("TYPE").text if ( type == "IP6" || type == "IP4_6" ) link_prefix = 0xfe80000000000000 end # Parent vnet has a lease for each address of this reservation ar.at_xpath("SIZE").text.to_i.times do |index| lease = { :ip => nil, :ip6_global => nil, :ip6_link => nil, :ip6_ula => nil, :mac => nil, :vm => nil, :vnet => row[:oid], :vrouter => nil } #MAC mac = (first_mac & 0xFFFF00000000) + (((first_mac & 0xFFFFFFFF) + index) % 0x100000000) lease[:mac] = mac_i_to_s(mac) # IP if (!first_ip.nil?) lease[:ip] = IPAddr.new(first_ip.to_i + index, Socket::AF_INET).to_s end # IP6 ip6_suffix = mac_to_ip6_suffix(mac) if (!global_prefix.nil?) lease[:ip6_global] = IPAddr.new( (global_prefix << 64) | ip6_suffix, Socket::AF_INET6 ).to_s end if (!ula_prefix.nil?) lease[:ip6_ula] = IPAddr.new( (ula_prefix << 64) | ip6_suffix, Socket::AF_INET6 ).to_s end if (!link_prefix.nil?) lease[:ip6_link] = IPAddr.new( (link_prefix << 64) | ip6_suffix, Socket::AF_INET6 ).to_s end counters[:vnet][parent_vnet][ :ar_leases][parent_ar][mac] = lease end end end end # Create a new empty table where we will store the new calculated values @db.run "CREATE TABLE network_pool_new (oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(128), body MEDIUMTEXT, uid INTEGER, gid INTEGER, owner_u INTEGER, group_u INTEGER, other_u INTEGER, pid INTEGER, UNIQUE(name,uid));" @db.transaction do @db[:network_pool].each do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} oid = row[:oid] used_leases = doc.root.at_xpath("USED_LEASES").text.to_i new_used_leases = 0 counter_no_ar = counters[:vnet][row[:oid]][:no_ar_leases] counters[:vnet][row[:oid]][:ar_leases].each do |ar_id, counter_ar| net_ar = doc.root.at_xpath("AR_POOL/AR[AR_ID=#{ar_id}]") if (net_ar.nil?) # TODO shouldn't happen? end # MAC first_mac = mac_s_to_i(net_ar.at_xpath("MAC").text) # IP first_ip = nil if !net_ar.at_xpath("IP").nil? first_ip_st = net_ar.at_xpath("IP").text if (first_ip_st != first_ip_st.strip) log_error("VNet #{oid} AR #{ar_id} "<< "IP \"#{first_ip_st}\" contains whitespaces") first_ip_st.strip! net_ar.at_xpath("IP").content = first_ip_st end first_ip = IPAddr.new(first_ip_st, Socket::AF_INET) end # IP6 global_prefix = nil if !net_ar.at_xpath("GLOBAL_PREFIX").nil? global_prefix = ip6_prefix_s_to_i( net_ar.at_xpath("GLOBAL_PREFIX").text) end ula_prefix = nil if !net_ar.at_xpath("ULA_PREFIX").nil? ula_prefix = ip6_prefix_s_to_i( net_ar.at_xpath("ULA_PREFIX").text) end link_prefix = nil type = net_ar.at_xpath("TYPE").text if ( type == "IP6" || type == "IP4_6" ) link_prefix = 0xfe80000000000000 end # Allocated leases allocated_e = net_ar.at_xpath("ALLOCATED") allocated = allocated_e.nil? ? "" : allocated_e.text leases = allocated.scan(/(\d+) (\d+)/) new_leases = [] leases.each do |lease_str| index = lease_str[0].to_i binary_magic = lease_str[1].to_i lease = { :ip => nil, :ip6_global => nil, :ip6_link => nil, :ip6_ula => nil, :mac => nil, :vm => nil, :vnet => nil, :vrouter => nil } # MAC mac = (first_mac & 0xFFFF00000000) + (((first_mac & 0xFFFFFFFF) + index) % 0x100000000) lease[:mac] = mac_i_to_s(mac) # IP if (!first_ip.nil?) lease[:ip] = IPAddr.new(first_ip.to_i + index, Socket::AF_INET).to_s end # IP6 ip6_suffix = mac_to_ip6_suffix(mac) if (!global_prefix.nil?) lease[:ip6_global] = IPAddr.new( (global_prefix << 64) | ip6_suffix, Socket::AF_INET6 ).to_s end if (!ula_prefix.nil?) lease[:ip6_ula] = IPAddr.new( (ula_prefix << 64) | ip6_suffix, Socket::AF_INET6 ).to_s end if (!link_prefix.nil?) lease[:ip6_link] = IPAddr.new( (link_prefix << 64) | ip6_suffix, Socket::AF_INET6 ).to_s end # OID lease_oid = binary_magic & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF lease_obj = "" if (binary_magic & VM_BIN != 0) lease[:vm] = lease_oid lease_obj = "VM" elsif (binary_magic & NET_BIN != 0) lease[:vnet] = lease_oid lease_obj = "VNet" else #(binary_magic & VROUTER_BIN != 0) lease[:vrouter] = lease_oid lease_obj = "VRouter" end counter_lease = counter_ar[mac] counter_ar.delete(mac) if counter_lease.nil? counter_lease = counter_no_ar[mac] counter_no_ar.delete(mac) end if counter_lease.nil? if(lease[:vm] != HOLD) log_error( "VNet #{oid} AR #{ar_id} has leased #{lease_to_s(lease)} "<< "to #{lease_obj} #{lease_oid}, but it is actually free") else new_leases << lease_str end else if counter_lease != lease # Things that can be fixed if (counter_lease[:vm] != lease[:vm] || counter_lease[:vnet] != lease[:vnet] || counter_lease[:vrouter] != lease[:vrouter]) new_lease_obj = "" new_lease_oid = 0 new_binary_magic = 0 if !counter_lease[:vm].nil? new_lease_obj = "VM" new_lease_oid = counter_lease[:vm].to_i new_binary_magic = (VM_BIN | (new_lease_oid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) elsif !counter_lease[:vnet].nil? new_lease_obj = "VNet" new_lease_oid = counter_lease[:vnet].to_i new_binary_magic = (NET_BIN | (new_lease_oid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) else #if !counter_lease[:vrouter].nil? new_lease_obj = "VRouter" new_lease_oid = counter_lease[:vrouter].to_i new_binary_magic = (VROUTER_BIN | (new_lease_oid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) end if (lease[:vm] == HOLD) log_error( "VNet #{oid} AR #{ar_id} has lease "<< "#{lease_to_s(lease)} on hold, but it is "<< "actually used by "<< "#{new_lease_obj} #{new_lease_oid}") else log_error( "VNet #{oid} AR #{ar_id} has leased #{lease_to_s(lease)} "<< "to #{lease_obj} #{lease_oid}, but it is "<< "actually used by "<< "#{new_lease_obj} #{new_lease_oid}") end lease_str[1] = new_binary_magic.to_s end # Things that can't be fixed [:ip, :ip6_global, :ip6_link, :ip6_ula].each do |key| if (counter_lease[key] != lease[key]) log_error( "VNet #{oid} AR #{ar_id} has a wrong "<< "lease for "<< "#{lease_obj} #{lease_oid}. #{key.to_s.upcase} "<< "does not match: "<< "#{counter_lease[key]} != #{lease[key]}. "<< "This can't be fixed", false) end end end new_leases << lease_str end end counter_ar.each do |mac, counter_lease| index = ((mac & 0xFFFFFFFF) - (first_mac & 0xFFFFFFFF) ) % 0x100000000 new_lease_obj = "" new_lease_oid = 0 new_binary_magic = 0 if !counter_lease[:vm].nil? new_lease_obj = "VM" new_lease_oid = counter_lease[:vm].to_i new_binary_magic = (VM_BIN | (new_lease_oid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) elsif !counter_lease[:vnet].nil? new_lease_obj = "VNet" new_lease_oid = counter_lease[:vnet].to_i new_binary_magic = (NET_BIN | (new_lease_oid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) else #if !counter_lease[:vrouter].nil? new_lease_obj = "VRouter" new_lease_oid = counter_lease[:vrouter].to_i new_binary_magic = (VROUTER_BIN | (new_lease_oid & 0xFFFFFFFF)) end log_error("VNet #{oid} AR #{ar_id} does not have a lease "<< "for #{mac_i_to_s(mac)}, but it is in use by "<< "#{new_lease_obj} #{new_lease_oid}") new_leases << [index.to_s, new_binary_magic.to_s] end new_used_leases += new_leases.size if new_leases.size > 0 allocated_e.content = " #{new_leases.join(" ")}" else allocated_e.remove if !allocated_e.nil? end end if (new_used_leases != used_leases) log_error("VNet #{oid} has #{used_leases} used leases, "<< "but it is actually #{new_used_leases}") doc.root.at_xpath("USED_LEASES").content = new_used_leases.to_s end counter_no_ar.each do |mac, counter_lease| log_error("VM #{counter_lease[:vm]} has a lease from "<< "VNet #{oid}, but it could not be matched to any AR", false) end vn_mad_e = doc.root.at_xpath("VN_MAD") if vn_mad_e.nil? log_error("VNet #{oid} VN_MAD element is missing", false) else vn_mad = vn_mad_e.text vn_mad_tmpl_e = doc.root.at_xpath("TEMPLATE/VN_MAD") if (vn_mad_tmpl_e.nil? || vn_mad_tmpl_e.text != vn_mad) log_error("VNet #{oid} VN_MAD element is missing from the TEMPLATE") doc.root.at_xpath("TEMPLATE").add_child( doc.create_element("VN_MAD")).content = vn_mad end end row[:body] = doc.root.to_s # commit @db[:network_pool_new].insert(row) end end # Rename table @db.run("DROP TABLE network_pool") @db.run("ALTER TABLE network_pool_new RENAME TO network_pool") log_time() ######################################################################## # Users # # USER QUOTAS ######################################################################## # This block is not needed for now =begin @db.transaction do @db.fetch("SELECT oid FROM user_pool") do |row| found = false @db.fetch("SELECT user_oid FROM user_quotas WHERE user_oid=#{row[:oid]}") do |q_row| found = true end if !found log_error("User #{row[:oid]} does not have a quotas entry") @db.run "INSERT INTO user_quotas VALUES(#{row[:oid]},'#{row[:oid]}');" end end end =end @db.run "ALTER TABLE user_quotas RENAME TO old_user_quotas;" @db.run "CREATE TABLE user_quotas (user_oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, body MEDIUMTEXT);" @db.transaction do # oneadmin does not have quotas @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM old_user_quotas WHERE user_oid=0") do |row| @db[:user_quotas].insert(row) end @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM old_user_quotas WHERE user_oid>0") do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} calculate_quotas(doc, "uid=#{row[:user_oid]}", "User") @db[:user_quotas].insert( :user_oid => row[:user_oid], :body => doc.root.to_s) end end @db.run "DROP TABLE old_user_quotas;" log_time() ######################################################################## # Groups # # GROUP QUOTAS ######################################################################## # This block is not needed for now =begin @db.transaction do @db.fetch("SELECT oid FROM group_pool") do |row| found = false @db.fetch("SELECT group_oid FROM group_quotas WHERE group_oid=#{row[:oid]}") do |q_row| found = true end if !found log_error("Group #{row[:oid]} does not have a quotas entry") @db.run "INSERT INTO group_quotas VALUES(#{row[:oid]},'#{row[:oid]}');" end end end =end @db.run "ALTER TABLE group_quotas RENAME TO old_group_quotas;" @db.run "CREATE TABLE group_quotas (group_oid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, body MEDIUMTEXT);" @db.transaction do # oneadmin does not have quotas @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM old_group_quotas WHERE group_oid=0") do |row| @db[:group_quotas].insert(row) end @db.fetch("SELECT * FROM old_group_quotas WHERE group_oid>0") do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} calculate_quotas(doc, "gid=#{row[:group_oid]}", "Group") @db[:group_quotas].insert( :group_oid => row[:group_oid], :body => doc.root.to_s) end end @db.run "DROP TABLE old_group_quotas;" log_time() ######################################################################## # VM Templates # # TEMPLATE/OS/BOOT ######################################################################## templates_fix = {} @db.transaction do @db[:template_pool].each do |row| doc = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} boot = doc.root.at_xpath("TEMPLATE/OS/BOOT") if boot.nil? || boot.text.downcase.match(/fd|hd|cdrom|network/).nil? next end # Note: this code assumes that disks are ordered in the same order as # their target, and may break boot order if the target is not left # completely to oned. # If, for example, the third disk ends with target="vda", # boot="hd" should be updated to boot="disk2", but it is not devs = [] hd_i = 0 cdrom_i = 0 network_i = 0 error = false boot.text.split(",").each do |dev| dev.downcase! case dev when "hd", "cdrom" index = nil if dev == "hd" index = hd_i hd_i += 1 else index = cdrom_i cdrom_i += 1 end id = get_disk_id(dev, index, doc) if id.nil? log_error("VM Template #{row[:oid]} OS/BOOT contains deprecated format \"#{boot.content}\", but DISK ##{index} of type #{dev} could not be found to fix it automatically", false) error = true end devs.push("disk#{id}") when "network" devs.push("nic#{network_i}") network_i += 1 when "fd" log_error("VM Template #{row[:oid]} OS/BOOT contains deprecated format \"#{boot.content}\", but \"fd\" is not supported anymore and can't be fixed automatically", false) error = true else log_error("VM Template #{row[:oid]} OS/BOOT contains deprecated format \"#{boot.content}\", but it can't be parsed to be fixed automatically", false) error = true end end if error next end new_boot = devs.join(",") log_error("VM Template #{row[:oid]} OS/BOOT contains deprecated format \"#{boot.content}\", is was updated to #{new_boot}") boot.content = new_boot templates_fix[row[:oid]] = doc.root.to_s end end @db.transaction do templates_fix.each do |id, body| @db[:template_pool].where(:oid => id).update(:body => body) end end log_time() log_total_errors() return true end def log_error(message, repaired=true) @errors += 1 if repaired @repaired_errors += 1 else @unrepaired_errors += 1 end if !repaired message = "[UNREPAIRED] " + message end log_msg(message) end def log_msg(message) @log_file ||= File.open(LOG, "w") puts message @log_file.puts(message) @log_file.flush end def log_total_errors() puts log_msg "Total errors found: #{@errors}" log_msg "Total errors repaired: #{@repaired_errors}" log_msg "Total errors unrepaired: #{@unrepaired_errors}" puts "A copy of this output was stored in #{LOG}" end def calculate_quotas(doc, where_filter, resource) oid = doc.root.at_xpath("ID").text.to_i # VM quotas cpu_used = 0 mem_used = 0 vms_used = 0 sys_used = 0 # VNet quotas vnet_usage = {} # Image quotas img_usage = {} @db.fetch("SELECT body FROM vm_pool WHERE #{where_filter} AND state<>6") do |vm_row| vmdoc = Nokogiri::XML(vm_row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} # VM quotas vmdoc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/CPU").each { |e| # truncate to 2 decimals cpu = (e.text.to_f * 100).to_i cpu_used += cpu } vmdoc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/MEMORY").each { |e| mem_used += e.text.to_i } vmdoc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/DISK").each { |e| type = "" e.xpath("TYPE").each { |t_elem| type = t_elem.text.upcase } size = 0 if !e.at_xpath("SIZE").nil? size = e.at_xpath("SIZE").text.to_i end if ( type == "SWAP" || type == "FS") sys_used += size else if !e.at_xpath("CLONE").nil? clone = (e.at_xpath("CLONE").text.upcase == "YES") target = nil if clone target = e.at_xpath("CLONE_TARGET").text if !e.at_xpath("CLONE_TARGET").nil? else target = e.at_xpath("LN_TARGET").text if !e.at_xpath("LN_TARGET").nil? end if !target.nil? && target == "SYSTEM" sys_used += size if !e.at_xpath("DISK_SNAPSHOT_TOTAL_SIZE").nil? sys_used += e.at_xpath("DISK_SNAPSHOT_TOTAL_SIZE").text.to_i end end end end } vms_used += 1 # VNet quotas vmdoc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/NIC/NETWORK_ID").each { |e| vnet_usage[e.text] = 0 if vnet_usage[e.text].nil? vnet_usage[e.text] += 1 } # Image quotas vmdoc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/DISK/IMAGE_ID").each { |e| img_usage[e.text] = 0 if img_usage[e.text].nil? img_usage[e.text] += 1 } end @db.fetch("SELECT body FROM vrouter_pool WHERE #{where_filter}") do |vrouter_row| vrouter_doc = Nokogiri::XML(vrouter_row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} # VNet quotas vrouter_doc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/NIC").each { |nic| net_id = nil nic.xpath("NETWORK_ID").each do |nid| net_id = nid.text end floating = false nic.xpath("FLOATING_IP").each do |floating_e| floating = (floating_e.text.upcase == "YES") end if !net_id.nil? && floating vnet_usage[net_id] = 0 if vnet_usage[net_id].nil? vnet_usage[net_id] += 1 end } end # VM quotas vm_elem = nil doc.root.xpath("VM_QUOTA/VM").each { |e| vm_elem = e } if vm_elem.nil? doc.root.xpath("VM_QUOTA").each { |e| e.remove } vm_quota = doc.root.add_child(doc.create_element("VM_QUOTA")) vm_elem = vm_quota.add_child(doc.create_element("VM")) vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("CPU")).content = "-1" vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("CPU_USED")).content = "0" vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("MEMORY")).content = "-1" vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("MEMORY_USED")).content = "0" vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("VMS")).content = "-1" vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("VMS_USED")).content = "0" vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("SYSTEM_DISK_SIZE")).content = "-1" vm_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("SYSTEM_DISK_SIZE_USED")).content = "0" end vm_elem.xpath("CPU_USED").each { |e| # Because of bug http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/1567 the element # may contain a float number in scientific notation. # Check if the float value or the string representation mismatch, # but ignoring the precision cpu_used = (cpu_used / 100.0) different = ( e.text.to_f != cpu_used || ![sprintf('%.2f', cpu_used), sprintf('%.1f', cpu_used), sprintf('%.0f', cpu_used)].include?(e.text) ) cpu_used_str = sprintf('%.2f', cpu_used) if different log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: CPU_USED has #{e.text} \tis\t#{cpu_used_str}") e.content = cpu_used_str end } vm_elem.xpath("MEMORY_USED").each { |e| if e.text != mem_used.to_s log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: MEMORY_USED has #{e.text} \tis\t#{mem_used}") e.content = mem_used.to_s end } vm_elem.xpath("VMS_USED").each { |e| if e.text != vms_used.to_s log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: VMS_USED has #{e.text} \tis\t#{vms_used}") e.content = vms_used.to_s end } vm_elem.xpath("SYSTEM_DISK_SIZE_USED").each { |e| if e.text != sys_used.to_s log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: SYSTEM_DISK_SIZE_USED has #{e.text} \tis\t#{sys_used}") e.content = sys_used.to_s end } # VNet quotas net_quota = nil doc.root.xpath("NETWORK_QUOTA").each { |e| net_quota = e } if net_quota.nil? net_quota = doc.root.add_child(doc.create_element("NETWORK_QUOTA")) end net_quota.xpath("NETWORK").each { |net_elem| vnet_id = net_elem.at_xpath("ID").text leases_used = vnet_usage.delete(vnet_id) leases_used = 0 if leases_used.nil? net_elem.xpath("LEASES_USED").each { |e| if e.text != leases_used.to_s log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: VNet #{vnet_id}\tLEASES_USED has #{e.text} \tis\t#{leases_used}") e.content = leases_used.to_s end } } vnet_usage.each { |vnet_id, leases_used| log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: VNet #{vnet_id}\tLEASES_USED has 0 \tis\t#{leases_used}") new_elem = net_quota.add_child(doc.create_element("NETWORK")) new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("ID")).content = vnet_id new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("LEASES")).content = "-1" new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("LEASES_USED")).content = leases_used.to_s } # Image quotas img_quota = nil doc.root.xpath("IMAGE_QUOTA").each { |e| img_quota = e } if img_quota.nil? img_quota = doc.root.add_child(doc.create_element("IMAGE_QUOTA")) end img_quota.xpath("IMAGE").each { |img_elem| img_id = img_elem.at_xpath("ID").text rvms = img_usage.delete(img_id) rvms = 0 if rvms.nil? img_elem.xpath("RVMS_USED").each { |e| if e.text != rvms.to_s log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: Image #{img_id}\tRVMS has #{e.text} \tis\t#{rvms}") e.content = rvms.to_s end } } img_usage.each { |img_id, rvms| log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: Image #{img_id}\tRVMS has 0 \tis\t#{rvms}") new_elem = img_quota.add_child(doc.create_element("IMAGE")) new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("ID")).content = img_id new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("RVMS")).content = "-1" new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("RVMS_USED")).content = rvms.to_s } # Datastore quotas ds_usage = {} @db.fetch("SELECT body FROM image_pool WHERE #{where_filter}") do |img_row| img_doc = Nokogiri::XML(img_row[:body],nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} img_doc.root.xpath("DATASTORE_ID").each { |e| ds_usage[e.text] = [0,0] if ds_usage[e.text].nil? ds_usage[e.text][0] += 1 img_doc.root.xpath("SIZE").each { |size| ds_usage[e.text][1] += size.text.to_i } img_doc.root.xpath("SNAPSHOTS/SNAPSHOT/SIZE").each { |size| ds_usage[e.text][1] += size.text.to_i } } end ds_quota = nil doc.root.xpath("DATASTORE_QUOTA").each { |e| ds_quota = e } if ds_quota.nil? ds_quota = doc.root.add_child(doc.create_element("DATASTORE_QUOTA")) end ds_quota.xpath("DATASTORE").each { |ds_elem| ds_id = ds_elem.at_xpath("ID").text images_used,size_used = ds_usage.delete(ds_id) images_used = 0 if images_used.nil? size_used = 0 if size_used.nil? ds_elem.xpath("IMAGES_USED").each { |e| if e.text != images_used.to_s log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: Datastore #{ds_id}\tIMAGES_USED has #{e.text} \tis\t#{images_used}") e.content = images_used.to_s end } ds_elem.xpath("SIZE_USED").each { |e| if e.text != size_used.to_s log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: Datastore #{ds_id}\tSIZE_USED has #{e.text} \tis\t#{size_used}") e.content = size_used.to_s end } } ds_usage.each { |ds_id, array| images_used,size_used = array log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: Datastore #{ds_id}\tIMAGES_USED has 0 \tis\t#{images_used}") log_error("#{resource} #{oid} quotas: Datastore #{ds_id}\tSIZE_USED has 0 \tis\t#{size_used}") new_elem = ds_quota.add_child(doc.create_element("DATASTORE")) new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("ID")).content = ds_id new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("IMAGES")).content = "-1" new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("IMAGES_USED")).content = images_used.to_s new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("SIZE")).content = "-1" new_elem.add_child(doc.create_element("SIZE_USED")).content = size_used.to_s } end def mac_s_to_i(mac) return nil if mac.empty? return mac.split(":").map {|e| e.to_i(16).to_s(16).rjust(2,"0")}.join("").to_i(16) end def mac_i_to_s(mac) mac_s = mac.to_s(16).rjust(12, "0") return "#{mac_s[0..1]}:#{mac_s[2..3]}:#{mac_s[4..5]}:"<< "#{mac_s[6..7]}:#{mac_s[8..9]}:#{mac_s[10..11]}" end def ip6_prefix_s_to_i(prefix) return nil if prefix.empty? return prefix.split(":", 4).map {|e| e.to_i(16).to_s(16).rjust(4, "0")}.join("").to_i(16) end # Copied from AddressRange::set_ip6 in AddressRange.cc def mac_to_ip6_suffix(mac_i) mac = [ mac_i & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, (mac_i & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32 ] mlow = mac[0] eui64 = [ 4261412864 + (mlow & 0x00FFFFFF), ((mac[1]+512)<<16) + ((mlow & 0xFF000000)>>16) + 0x000000FF ] return (eui64[1] << 32) + eui64[0] end def lease_to_s(lease) return lease[:ip].nil? ? lease[:mac].to_s : lease[:ip].to_s end # Returns the ID of the # disk of a type # Params: # +type+:: type name of the disk, can be “hd” or “cdrom” # +doc+:: Nokogiri::XML::Node describing the VM template def get_disk_id(type, index, doc) found_i = -1 doc.root.xpath("TEMPLATE/DISK").each_with_index do |disk, disk_i| id = disk.at_xpath("IMAGE_ID") if ! id.nil? image = get_image_from_id(id.content) else image = get_image_from_name(disk) end next if image.nil? if is_image_type_matching?(image, type) found_i += 1 if (found_i == index) return disk_i end end end return nil end # Returns a Nokogiri::XML::Node describing an image # Params: # +id+:: ID of the image def get_image_from_id(id) row = @db.fetch("SELECT body from image_pool where oid=#{id}").first # No image found, so unable to get image TYPE return nil if row.nil? image = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body], nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} return image end # Returns a Nokogiri::XML::Node describing an image # Params: # +disk+:: Nokogiri::XML::Node describing a disk used by a template def get_image_from_name(disk) name = disk.at_xpath("IMAGE").content # always defined uid = disk.at_xpath("IMAGE_UID") uname = disk.at_xpath("IMAGE_UNAME") if ! name.nil? and (! uid.nil? or ! uname.nil?) if uid.nil? uid = get_user_id(uname.content) else uid = uid.content end return nil if uid.nil? row = @db.fetch("SELECT body from image_pool where name=\"#{name}\" and uid=#{uid}").first # No image found, so unable to get image TYPE return nil if row.nil? image = Nokogiri::XML(row[:body], nil,NOKOGIRI_ENCODING){|c| c.default_xml.noblanks} return image end return nil end # Returns the ID of a user name # Params: # +name+:: name of a user def get_user_id(name) row = @db.fetch("SELECT uid from user_pool WHERE name=\"#{name}\"").first return nil if row.nil? return row[:uid] end # Check if an image type match the type used in template BOOT # Params: # +image_type+:: doc # +wanted_type+:: string type extracted from VM template BOOT def is_image_type_matching?(image, wanted_type) return false if image.nil? || image.at_xpath("IMAGE/TYPE").nil? img_type = OpenNebula::Image::IMAGE_TYPES[image.at_xpath("IMAGE/TYPE").text.to_i] if wanted_type == "hd" return img_type == "OS" || img_type == "DATABLOCK" else return img_type == "CDROM" end end end