1.5 - 2014-12-19:
    * Updated PyQt to 5.3.2 and Python to 3.4.2
    * Implemented Search box in column filter dialog
    * Export to mobile
    * New options for sorting items in left-side tree panel and in column filter dialog
    * Improved reference editor, possible for adding icons to period
    * Improved main menu panel
    * New options on installation: enable check updates and associate *.db files
    * Added Italian translations (by Teroknor)
    * Added Polish translations (by Nazzy)

1.4.9 - 2014-09-05:
    * Added Czech translations (by fri)
    * Fixed debian package for Ubuntu 14.04
    * Fixed commission field processing

1.4.8 - 2014-08-06:
    * Added German translations (by Detlev Vogel)
    * Added Greek translations (by geogeo)
    * Added new status for coins - Ordered

1.4.7 - 2014-03-07:
    * Added Portuguese translations (by Pedro Albuquerque)
    * Fixed few bugs reported by users

1.4.6 - 2014-01-09:
    * Fixed bugs reported by users

1.4.5 - 2013-06-06:
    * Added Custom_1 report template
    * Implemented importing from Numizmatik_Ru
    * Updated importing from Cabinet to version
    * Store column sorting
    * Implemented adding custom icons to references item 
    * Fixed clear date fields
    * Improved filtering and sorting
    * Improved DB structure (moved preview images to separate table)
    * Added remembering count of selected checkboxes on image view page
    * Added storing size of reference editor, report preview, settings dialogs
    * Moved image side length configuration parameter from collection to global settings
    * Fixed free format in price fields. Fixed calculating commission in sale part
    * Improved TreeView scrolling
    * Improved checking collection version

1.4.4 - 2013-04-02:
    * Added Hungarian translations (by Zalán Csúszó)
    * Fixed references editors
    * Added Check for updates menu command
    * Show country flag icon in cross-reference editor combo box
    * Updated Numismaster template
    * Fixed parser for

1.4.3 - 2013-03-05:
    * dmg package for MacOS is available
    * Updated icon
    * Added Ukranian translations (by Alex Shilyaev)
    * Updated Spanish translations (by Carlos Rosi)
    * Added sorting in references
    * Fixed sorting in cbr template
    * Importing from CoinCollector command available only on Windows
    * Refactored setup script. Updated for MacOS
    * Updated pyfirebirdsql to 0.7.2

1.4.2 - 2013-02-15:
    * Debian package for Linux is available
    * Added Clear all filter command to menu and toolbox
    * Added Numismater report template
    * Fixed showing end of lines in some fields on Edit coin dialog
    * Fixed password functionality
    * Moved export buttons to left of toolbar in Preview report dialog
    * Updated auctions (molotok, Wolmar) parsers
    * Fixed detecting application resources path
    * Updated creating default folders and files (reference and demo.db)
    * Added Python setup script
    * Minor chages for porting to Linux
    * Refactord project folders

1.4.1 - 2013-01-31:
    * Fixed critical bug with opening main window

1.4 - 2013-01-31:
    * Rollback to PyQt 4.8.6 (
    * Implemented generation reports
    * Implemented export customized list
    * Added the ability to enter any data in numerical fields
    * Fixed automatic update check
    * Added Vacuum command
    * Changed the default file name when saving images of coins to a file
    * Fixed a possible error opening the file specified in the URL field
    * Fixed a possible error when creating a new collection
    * Updated the application menu - added some commonly used items

1.3.1 - 2012-12-05 (minor bug fixing):
    * Fixed saving column sizes
    * Added buttons for openning URL and selecting local file
    * Fixed selecting values from reference dialog in edit mode
    * Fixed problem with editing negative commission
    * Fixed formating collection description and other text fields (design, subject, etc)
    * Collection file can be passed as command line argument
    * Updated Russian references
    * Removing temprary files (images) after closing application
    * Updating CrossReference dialog for protect adding/deleting entries before selecting parent
    * Fixed translations
    * Default value for Status is Demo
    * Updated code style for PEP8

1.3 - 2012-11-23:
    * Refactored format of database to improve performance
    * Added new fields: Quantity, URL, Barcode.
    * Added automatic check for updates
    * Implemented import from Collection Studio 3.65. To import, you must first export the existing collection to a format XML Table using the menu Collection Studio: _Tools_> _Export..._.
    * Added the ability to protect data on the collection with password
    * Improved import from CoinManage
    * Added button "Revert to default" in the Settings dialog to restore the names of all the coin fields to its original values.
    * Fixed calculation of negative commissions for editing information on the purchase/sale of the coins.
    * Fixed detection of the current language in the Settings dialog.
    * Fixed filling references, depending on the country of data collection.
    * Esc key in the edit coin dialog closes dialog.
    * Double click on the lists tab bar create a new list.
    * Added displaying a progress bar when removing coins.
    * Improved English translation.
    * Improved look of the Settings dialog.

1.2.4 - 2012-11-09:
    * Updated localization for money and number fields
    * Fixed selection disappearing after some navigation
    * Fixed auction parsing, updated commissions
    * Updated additional libraries and software
    * Fixed deploying Tcl/Tk

1.2.3 - 2012-03-14 (beta):
    * Fixed importing from Cabinet
    * Fixed creating missed default application folders
    * Minor update of Description dialog

1.2.2 - 2012-03-10 (beta):
    * Fixed data corruption on multi-editing with tree view filter
    * Added progress for multi-editing through tree panel
    * Fixed commission values in details panel
    * Added SaveAll button when inserted many records from clipboard

1.2.1 - 2012-02-14 (beta):
    * Fixed DB timestamps
    * Minor UI improvements

1.2 - 2012-01-28 (beta):
    * Added Spanish translation (by Carlos Rosi)
    * Added collection description form
    * Fixed adding coins through left-side tree view
    * Fixed selecting columns in list view
    * Updated Python to 3.2.2

1.1 - 2012-01-03 (beta):
    * Implemented importing from Numizmat 2.1, Cabinet,
      CoinsCollector 2.6 and CoinManage 2011
    * Added customization dialog for left-side tree view
    * Fixed copying filters when cloning a list
    * Translated Status field values in the list
    * Fixed multiple image updating when coin details is updated
    * Numeric fields now use thousand delimeters
    * Added dialog for editing all references
    * Transparent background of coin images now is replaced to white
    * Other minor improvements
    * Added custom application icon

1.0 - 2011-11-30 (beta):
    * Minor improvements
    * Updated demo collections
    * Updated DB structure
    * Fixed bugs
    * Fixed license (GPLv3)
    * Updated PyQt to 4.8.6
    * Fixed translations

0.9 - 2011-10-31 (alpha):
    * Initial release