OpenOrienteering Orienteering map Software for drawing orienteering maps OpenOrienteering::AboutDialog About %1 <a %1>All about licenses, copyright notices, conditions and disclaimers.</a> The OpenOrienteering developers in alphabetical order: (project initiator) A free software for drawing orienteering maps For the moment, we use this existing translation instead of the previous one. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the <a %1>GNU General Public License (GPL), version&nbsp;3</a>, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (GPL), version&nbsp;3, for <a %1>more details</a>. For contributions, thanks to: OpenOrienteering::AbstractHomeScreenWidget Open most recently used file Show tip of the day OpenOrienteering::ActionGridBar Show remaining items OpenOrienteering::AreaSymbolSettings mm² Minimum size: Fills Line fill Pattern fill mm Single line Parallel lines Line spacing: Single row Pattern interval: Pattern offset: Row offset: Parallel rows Row spacing: Fill rotation Angle: adjustable per object Element drawing at boundary Clip elements at the boundary. Draw elements if the center is inside the boundary. Draw elements if any point is inside the boundary. Draw elements if all points are inside the boundary. Area settings Pattern fill %1 Line fill %1 No fill selected Area color: Line offset: Line color: Line width: OpenOrienteering::AutosaveDialog Autosaved file %n bytes File saved by the user File recovery File %1 was not properly closed. At the moment, there are two versions: Save the active file to remove the conflicting version. OpenOrienteering::ColorDialog Edit map color Edit Spot color printing Defines a spot color: Screen frequency: lpi Undefined Screen angle: Mixture of spot colors (screens and overprint): % Knockout: erases lower colors CMYK Calculate from spot colors Calculate from RGB color Custom process color: Cyan Magenta Yellow Black RGB Calculate from CMYK color Custom RGB color: Red Green Blue #RRGGBB Color usage in symbols Desktop Professional printing Color usage Name - unnamed - Warning OpenOrienteering::ColorDropDown - none - OpenOrienteering::ColorListWidget Name Opacity Spot color CMYK RGB K.o. New Delete Duplicate Move Up Move Down Help Double-click a color value to open a dialog. Confirmation The map contains symbols with this color. Deleting it will remove the color from these objects! Do you really want to do that? %1 (duplicate) Future replacement for COLOR_NAME + " (Duplicate)", for better localization. (Duplicate) Double click to define the color Click to select the name and click again to edit. %1 (%2°, %3 lpi) OpenOrienteering::ColorWheelDialog Select OpenOrienteering::CombinedSymbolSettings &Number of parts: - Private line symbol - - Private area symbol - Edit private symbol... Combination settings Change from public to private symbol Take the old symbol as template for the private symbol? Symbol %1: OpenOrienteering::ConfigureGridDialog Configure grid Show grid Snap to grid Choose... All lines Horizontal lines Vertical lines Alignment Align with magnetic north Align with grid north Align with true north Additional rotation (counter-clockwise): Positioning meters in terrain millimeters on map Horizontal spacing: Vertical spacing: Horizontal offset: Vertical offset: Unit: measurement unit Line color: Display: Choose grid line color m meters mm millimeters Origin at: %1 paper coordinates origin projected coordinates origin OpenOrienteering::CutHoleTool <b>Click or drag</b>: Start drawing the hole. OpenOrienteering::CutTool Error The split line must end on the area boundary! Start and end of the split line are at different parts of the object! Start and end of the split line are at the same position! <b>Click</b> on a line: Split it into two. <b>Drag</b> along a line: Remove this line part. <b>Click or Drag</b> at an area boundary: Start a split line. Splitting holes of area objects is not supported yet! OpenOrienteering::CutoutTool <b>%1</b>: Clip the whole map. <b>%1+Click or drag</b>: Select the objects to be clipped. <b>%1</b>: Clip the selected objects. OpenOrienteering::DetermineFontSizeDialog Letter: A "A" is the default letter which is used for determining letter height. Height: OpenOrienteering::DistributePointsSettingsDialog Distribute points evenly along path Number of points per path: Also place objects at line end points Rotation settings Align points with direction of line Additional rotation angle (counter-clockwise): OpenOrienteering::DrawCircleTool From center Draw circle starting from center <b>Click</b>: Start a circle or ellipse. <b>Drag</b>: Draw a circle. Hold %1 to start drawing from the center. <b>Click</b>: Finish the circle. <b>Drag</b>: Draw an ellipse. OpenOrienteering::DrawFreehandTool <b>Drag</b>: Draw a path. OpenOrienteering::DrawLineAndAreaTool <b>Dash points on.</b> <b>%1+Click</b>: Snap or append to existing objects. <b>%1+Click</b>: Pick direction from existing objects. <b>%1+%2</b>: Segment azimuth and length. <b>%1+Click</b>: Snap to existing objects. <b>%1</b>: Fixed angles. <b>%1</b>: Undo last point. OpenOrienteering::DrawPathTool Finish Close Snap Snap to existing objects Angle Using constrained angles Info Show segment azimuth and length Dash Drawing dash points Undo Abort <b>Length:</b> %1 m <b>Click</b>: Start a straight line. <b>Drag</b>: Start a curve. <b>%1+Drag</b>: Follow existing objects. <b>Click</b>: Draw a straight line. <b>Drag</b>: Draw a curve. <b>Right or double click</b>: Finish the path. <b>%1</b>: Close the path. OpenOrienteering::DrawPointGPSTool Touch the map to finish averaging <b>Click</b>: Finish setting the object. OpenOrienteering::DrawPointTool Snap Snap to existing objects Angle Using constrained angles Reset Reset rotation <b>Angle:</b> %1° <b>%1</b>: Fixed angles. <b>Click</b>: Create a point object. <b>Drag</b>: Create an object and set its orientation. <b>%1, 0</b>: Reset rotation. OpenOrienteering::DrawRectangleTool Finish Snap Snap to existing objects Line snap Snap to previous lines Dash Drawing dash points Undo Abort <b>Click or Drag</b>: Start drawing a rectangle. <b>%1</b>: Snap to previous lines. <b>Click</b>: Set a corner point. <b>Right or double click</b>: Finish the rectangle. OpenOrienteering::DrawTextTool Snap Snap to existing objects <b>%1</b>: Finish editing. <b>%1+%2</b>: Cancel editing. <b>Click</b>: Create a text object with a single anchor. <b>Drag</b>: Create a text box. OpenOrienteering::EditLineTool Snap Snap to existing objects Toggle curve Toggle between curved and flat segment <b>%1</b>: Free movement. <b>%1+Click</b> on segment: Toggle between straight and curved. OpenOrienteering::EditPointTool Snap Snap to existing objects Point / Angle Modify points or use constrained angles Toggle dash Toggle dash points <b>%1</b>: Finish editing. <b>%1</b>: Keep opposite handle positions. Actually, this means: "Keep the opposite handle's position. " <b>%1+Click</b> on point: Delete it; on path: Add a new dash point; with <b>%2</b>: Add a normal point. <b>%1+Click</b> on point: Delete it; on path: Add a new point; with <b>%2</b>: Add a dash point. <b>%1+Click</b> on point to switch between dash and normal point. OpenOrienteering::EditTool <b>Coordinate offset:</b> %1, %2 mm <b>Distance:</b> %3 m <b>%1</b>: Fixed angles. <b>%1</b>: Snap to existing objects. <b>Click</b>: Select a single object. <b>Drag</b>: Select multiple objects. <b>%1+Click</b>: Toggle selection. <b>%1</b>: Delete selected objects. OpenOrienteering::EditorSettingsPage High quality map display (antialiasing) Antialiasing makes the map look much better, but also slows down the map display High quality text display in map (antialiasing), slow Click tolerance: mm millimeters Snap distance (%1): Stepping of fixed angle mode (%1): Symbol icon size: Action button size: When selecting an object, automatically select its symbol, too Zoom away from cursor when zooming out Drawing tools: set last point on finishing with right click Templates: keep settings of closed templates User input: Ignore display touch Edit tool: Retain old shape Reset outer curve handles Keep outer curve handles Action on deleting a curve point with %1: Rectangle tool: Radius of helper cross: Preview the width of lines with helper cross Editor OpenOrienteering::Exporter Could not write file: %1 Cannot save file %1: %2 OpenOrienteering::FillTool Warning The map area is large. Use of the fill tool may be very slow. Do you want to use it anyway? Error The clicked area is not bounded by lines or areas, cannot fill this area. The clicked position is not free, cannot use the fill tool there. Failed to create the fill object. <b>Click</b>: Fill area with active symbol. The area to be filled must be bounded by lines or areas, other symbols are not taken into account. OpenOrienteering::GPSDisplay GPS is disabled in the device settings. Open settings now? Yes No OpenOrienteering::GdalImageReader Failed to read image data: %1 Unsupported raster data: %1 OpenOrienteering::GdalSettingsPage Import Options Import with GDAL/OGR: Clip layers Use GDAL for GPX GPX Templates Hatch areas Baseline view Export Options Create a layer for each symbol Configuration Parameter Value GDAL GDAL/OGR OpenOrienteering::GeneralSettingsPage Appearance Language: Screen Pixels per inch: Program start Saving files Retain compatibility with Mapper %1 Save information for automatic recovery Recovery information saving interval: min unit minutes File import and export 8-bit encoding: More... Save undo/redo history Default General Notice The program must be restarted for the language change to take effect! Open translation Translation files (*.qm) The selected file is not a valid translation. %1 x %2 Primary screen resolution in pixels: Primary screen size in inches (diagonal): OpenOrienteering::Georeferencing UTM UTM coordinate reference system UTM coordinates UTM Zone (number north/south) Gauss-Krueger, datum: Potsdam Gauss-Krueger coordinate reference system Gauss-Krueger coordinates Zone number (1 to 119) Zone number for Gauss-Krueger coordinates by EPSG code as in: The CRS is specified by EPSG code EPSG @code@ coordinates Don't translate @code@. It is placeholder. Local coordinates EPSG code Custom PROJ.4 PROJ.4 specification Specification PROJ.4 specification Map scale specification invalid or missing. Invalid grid scale factor: %1 Invalid auxiliary scale factor: %1 Unknown CRS specification language: %1 Unsupported geographic CRS specification: %1 Local OpenOrienteering::GeoreferencingDialog Map Georeferencing Lookup... m Declination: Projected coordinates Status: Geographic coordinates Show reference point in: valid <a href="%1">OpenStreetMap</a> | <a href="%2">World of O Maps</a> Online declination lookup Map coordinate reference system - local - Reference point &Pick on map (Datum: WGS84) mm X x coordinate Y y coordinate E west / east N north / south N north E east Map north Show scale factors Scale compensation Combined scale factor: The combined scale factor is the ratio between a length on the ground and the corresponding length on the curved earth model. It is applied as a factor to ground distances to get grid plane distances. Auxiliary scale factor: The auxiliary scale factor is the ratio between a length in the curved earth model and the corresponding length on the ground. It is applied as a factor to ground distances to get curved earth model distances. &Coordinate reference system: Map coordinates: Geographic coordinates: On CRS changes, keep: Grivation: The magnetic declination for the reference point %1° %2° will now be retrieved from <a href="%3">%3</a>. Do you want to continue? Declination change The declination has been changed. Do you want to rotate the map content accordingly, too? Scale factor change The scale factor has been changed. Do you want to stretch/shrink the map content accordingly, too? Local coordinates: Loading... %1 scale factor value locked Could not parse data. Declination value not found. The online declination lookup failed: %1 %1 ° degree value OpenOrienteering::GeoreferencingTool <b>Click</b>: Set the reference point. <b>Right click</b>: Cancel. OpenOrienteering::HomeScreenController Welcome to OpenOrienteering Mapper! OpenOrienteering::HomeScreenWidgetDesktop Activities Create a new map ... Open map ... Touch mode Settings About %1 As in 'About OpenOrienteering Mapper' Help Exit Recent maps Open most recently used file on start Clear list Tip of the day Show tip of the day Previous Next OpenOrienteering::HomeScreenWidgetMobile Help Examples About Mapper OpenOrienteering::IconPropertiesWidget PNG All files (*.*) Default icon px Preview width: Save... Copy to custom icon Custom icon Width: Load... Clear %1 px Save symbol icon ... Error Failed to save the image: %1 Load symbol icon ... Cannot open file: %1 %2 OpenOrienteering::ImportExport Error while loading a symbol of type %1 at line %2 column %3. Symbol ID '%1' not unique at line %2 column %3. Error while loading a symbol of type %1 at line %2 column %3: %4 Error while loading an object of type %1. Malformed symbol ID '%1' at line %2 column %3. Error while loading an object of type %1 at %2:%3: %4 Unable to find symbol for object at %1:%2. OpenOrienteering Mapper OCAD OCAD version %1 Could not parse the coordinates. Expected %1 coordinates, found %2. Error while loading the printing configuration at %1:%2: %3 Error while loading the undo/redo steps at %1:%2: %3 No such option: %1 No such import / export option Geospatial vector data Cannot find a vector data export driver named '%1' IOF Data Standard 3.0 KML OpenOrienteering::Importer Cannot open file %1: %2 Found an object without symbol. Dropped %n irregular object(s). Error during symbol post-processing. Template "%1" has been loaded from the map's directory instead of the relative location to the map file where it was previously. Failed to load template '%1', reason: %2 Georeferencing mismatch: Warnings when loading template '%1': %2 At least one template file could not be found. Click the red template name(s) in the Templates -> Template setup window to locate the template file name(s). Unsupported obsolete file format version. Please use program version v%1 or older to load and update the file. Invalid file format version. Unsupported old file format version. Please use an older program version to load and update the file. Unsupported file format. Unsupported new file format version. Some map features will not be loaded or saved by this version of the program. OpenOrienteering::KmzGroundOverlayExport For KML/KMZ export, the map must be georeferenced. Unknown error %1 already exists. OpenOrienteering::LineSymbolSettings Line settings Line width: mm Line color: Minimum line length: Line cap: flat round square pointed Line join: miter bevel Line is dashed Show at least one mid symbol Minimum mid symbol count: Minimum mid symbol count when closed: Dash length: Dashed line Break length: Dashes grouped together: none 2 3 4 In-group break length: Half length of first and last dash Mid symbols placement: Center of dashes Center of dash groups Center of gaps Mid symbols Mid symbols per spot: Mid symbol distance: Borders Different borders on left and right sides Left border: Right border: Cap length at start: Cap length at end: Offset at start: Offset at end: Start symbol Mid symbol End symbol Dash symbol Enable border lines Distance between spots: Distance from line end: Suppress the dash symbol at line start and line end Scale the dash symbol at corners Border width: Border color: Border shift: Border is dashed Border dash length: Border break length: OpenOrienteering::MainWindow Cannot open file: %1 %2 Invalid file type. &New Information When you select the "OK" button, the editor will ignore touch input. Continue with touch input Create a new map &Open... Open an existing file Open &recent &Save Save &as... Ctrl+Shift+S Settings... Close Close this file E&xit Exit the application &File General Open &Manual Show the help file for this application &About %1 Show information about this application About &Qt Show information about Qt &Help Do you want to remove the autosaved version? The file has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? When you want to have touch input disabled, you must use another pointing device to select the "OK" button. Unsaved file Warning The symbol set import generated warnings. The selected map scale is 1:%1, but the chosen symbol set has a nominal scale of 1:%2. Do you want to scale the symbols to the selected scale? Crash warning It seems that %1 crashed the last time this file was opened:<br /><tt>%2</tt><br /><br />Really retry to open it? Autosaving... Autosaving failed! All maps All files Open file You must close the current file before you can open another one. Opening %1 Error Cannot open file: %1 File format not recognized. The file has been modified. Do you want to discard your changes? &%1 %2 This map is being saved as a "%1" file. Information may be lost. Press Yes to save in this format. Press No to choose a different format. Save file File could not be saved: There was a problem in determining the file format. Please report this as a bug. OpenOrienteering::MainWindowController Error Cannot export the map as "%1" because the format is unknown. Cannot export the map as "%1" because saving as %2 (.%3) is not supported. OpenOrienteering::Map Question The scale of the imported data is 1:%1 which is different from this map's scale of 1:%2. Rescale the imported data? Error default part New color Import... Symbol replacement was canceled. Import the data anyway? OpenOrienteering::MapColor Registration black (all printed colors) OpenOrienteering::MapCoord Coordinates are out-of-bounds. OpenOrienteering::MapEditorController Undo Undo the last step Redo Redo the last step Cu&t C&opy &Paste Zoom in Zoom out Toggle fullscreen mode Set custom zoom factor... Symbol window Show/Hide the symbol window Color window Show/Hide the color window Replace the symbols with those from another map file Scale all symbols... Scale the whole symbol set Change map scale... Change the map scale and adjust map objects and symbol sizes Map notes... Template setup window Show/Hide the template window Open template... Show whole map Edit objects Set point objects Draw paths Draw circles and ellipses Write text Duplicate Switch symbol Fill / Create border Switch dash direction Connect paths Cut object Measure lengths and areas Cut away from area Merge area holes Enable touch cursor Enable GPS display Enable GPS distance rings Set point object at GPS position Set temporary marker at GPS position Create temporary path at GPS position Clear temporary GPS markers Enable compass display Align map with north Add new part... Rename current part... Remove current part Merge all parts Import... &Edit &View &Tools Sy&mbols M&ap &Templates Drawing Paint on template Editing in progress The map is currently being edited. Please finish the edit operation before saving. Map saved Show grid Configure grid... Hatch areas Baseline view Hide all templates Replace symbol set... Georeferencing... Rotate map... Rotate the whole map Reopen template... Tag editor Show/Hide the tag editor window Draw rectangles Draw free-handedly Fill bounded areas Delete Cut free form hole Cut round hole Cut rectangular hole Rotate pattern Unify areas Intersect areas Area XOr Distribute points along path Map coordinates Projected coordinates Latitude/Longitude (Dec) Latitude/Longitude (DMS) Display coordinates as... Cut hole Ctrl+A Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+I G E L S P O Ctrl+R F T D Ctrl+G Ctrl+F Ctrl+D C R Z K H M U N Ctrl+M Simple &course Select all Select nothing Invert selection Move to my location Symbol set ID... Edit the symbol set ID Load CRT file... Assign new symbols by cross-reference table Copy position Copy position to clipboard. View Map parts Editing Advanced editing Select symbol Hide top bar Show top bar 1x zoom 2x zoom Error Cannot export the map as "%1" because saving as %2 (.%3) is not supported. Cannot save file %1: %2 Warning The map export generated warnings. The map import generated warnings. X &KMZ Keep my location on screen Clip area Erase area Toolbars Export Print / Export is not available in this program version! No undo steps available. An internal error occurred, sorry! There are no objects in clipboard which could be pasted! Set custom zoom factor Zoom factor: Symbols Colors Symbol set ID Edit the symbol set ID: Scale all symbols Scale to percentage: Map notes Cancel OK Templates Tag Editor No symbol selected Keep it short. Should not be much longer per line than the longest word in the original. Multiple symbols selected Keep it short. Should not be much longer per line than the longest word in the original. Place point objects on the map. Select a point symbol to be able to use this tool. Draw polygonal and curved lines. Select a line, area or combined symbol to be able to use this tool. Draw circles and ellipses. Draw paths free-handedly. Fill bounded areas. Set the direction of area fill patterns or point objects. Select an area object with rotatable fill pattern or a rotatable point object to activate this tool. Resulting symbol: %1 %2. Select at least two area or path objects activate this tool. Unify overlapping objects. Remove all parts which are not overlaps with the first selected object. Remove overlapped parts of the first selected object. Remove all parts which overlap the first selected object. Merge area holes together, or merge holes with the object boundary to cut out this part. Select one area object with holes to activate this tool. Create a cutout of some objects or the whole map. Select a closed path object as cutout shape to activate this tool. Cut away some objects or everything in a limited area. Places evenly spaced point objects along an existing path object Select at least one path object and a single point symbol to activate this tool. Merging holes failed. Clear temporary markers Are you sure you want to delete all temporary GPS markers? This cannot be undone. Merge this part with Move selected objects to Enter the name of the map part: Switched to map part '%1'. Merge map parts Do you want to move all objects from map part "%1" to "%2", and to remove "%1"? Do you want to move all objects to map part "%1", and to remove all other map parts? Nothing to import. Question The scale of the imported data is 1:%1 which is different from this map's scale of 1:%2. Rescale the imported data? Draw rectangles. Print... &Image &PDF Clear undo / redo history Clear the undo / redo history to reduce map file size. Pan Overprinting simulation Edit lines Convert to curves Simplify path &Export as... Write text on the map. Select a text symbol to be able to use this tool. Select at least one object to activate this tool. Switch the direction of symbols on line objects. Select at least one line object to activate this tool. Connect endpoints of paths which are close together. Select at least one line or area object to activate this tool. Cut a hole into the selected area object. Select a single area object to activate this tool. Turn paths made of straight segments into smooth bezier splines. Select a path object to activate this tool. Reduce the number of points in path objects while trying to retain their shape. Select at least one object and a fitting, different symbol to activate this tool. Object selection Measure Unification failed. Intersection failed. Difference failed. XOr failed. Do you want to remove map part "%1" and all its objects? Importable files All files Cannot import the selected file because its file format is not supported. Rotate objects Scale objects Cut %n object(s) Past tense. Displayed when an Edit > Cut operation is completed. Copied %n object(s) Pasted %n object(s) Deletes the selected objects. Duplicate the selected objects. Rotate the selected objects. Scale the selected objects. Cut the selected objects into smaller parts. Switches the symbol of the selected objects to the selected symbol. Fill the selected lines or create a border for the selected areas. Duplicated %n object(s) No objects were selected because there are no objects with the selected symbols. Background drawing OpenOrienteering::MapEditorTool <b>%1</b>: Abort. More: %1, %2 More: %1 More: %1, %2, %3 OpenOrienteering::MapFindFeature &Find... Find &next Find objects &Find next Find &all Query editor OpenOrienteering::MapPrinter - Map - Processing separations of page %1... Processing page %1... Canceled Error Finished OpenOrienteering::MapSymbolTranslation Text source: Map (%1) undefined language Translation (%1) Before editing, the stored text will be replaced with the current translation. Do you want to continue? After modifying the stored text, the translation may no longer be found. Do you want to continue? OpenOrienteering::MapWidget %1x Zoom factor %1x mm millimeters m meters Error Empty map! Start by defining some colors: Select Symbols -> Color window to open the color dialog and define the colors there. No symbols! Now define some symbols: Right-click in the symbol bar and select "New symbol" to create one. Ready to draw! Start drawing or load a base map. To load a base map, click Templates -> Open template... Hint: Hold the middle mouse button to drag the map, zoom using the mouse wheel, if available. OpenOrienteering::MeasureWidget Boundary length: Length: Area: No object selected. %1 objects selected. The selected object is not a path. mm millimeters m meters mm² square millimeters square meters This object is too small. The minimimum area is %1 %2. mm² Note: Boundary length and area are correct only if there are no self-intersections and holes are used as such. This line is too short. The minimum length is %1 %2. mm OpenOrienteering::NewMapDialog Create new map Choose the scale and symbol set for the new map. Scale: 1 : Symbol sets: Only show symbol sets matching the selected scale Create Empty symbol set Load symbol set from a file... All symbol set files All files OpenOrienteering::ObjectQuery is Very short label is not Very short label contains Very short label Search Very short label Text Very short label and Very short label or Very short label not Very short label Symbol Very short label invalid Very short label OpenOrienteering::OcdFileExport Encoding '%1' is not available. Check the settings. OCD files of version %1 are not supported! Coordinates are adjusted to fit into the OCAD 8 drawing area (-2 m ... 2 m). Some coordinates remain outside of the OCAD 8 drawing area. They might be unreachable in OCAD. The georeferencing cannot be saved in OCD version 8. The map contains more than 24 spot colors which is not supported by OCD version 8. The map contains more than 256 colors which is not supported by OCD version 8. Invalid spot color. In area symbol "%1", skipping a fill pattern. In line symbol "%1", cannot represent cap/join combination. In line symbol "%1", neglecting the dash grouping. In line symbol "%1", the number of dashes in a group has been reduced to 2. In line symbol "%1", cannot export the borders correctly. In text symbol %1: custom character spacing is set,its implementation does not match OCAD's behavior yet In text symbol %1: ignoring underlining In text symbol %1: ignoring kerning In text symbol %1: exporting only %2 custom tabulator positions In combined symbol %1: Unsupported subsymbol at index %2. Unable to export fill pattern shift for an area object Unable to save correct position of missing template: "%1" Unable to export template: file type of "%1" is not supported yet Cannot save custom positioning of template '%1'. Text truncated at '|'): %1 Could not translate coordinate reference system '%1:%2'. OpenOrienteering::OcdFileImport In line symbol %1 '%2': %3 In text symbol %1 '%2': %3 Could not load the coordinate reference system '%1'. Unable to import symbol %1.%2 "%3": %4 Unsupported type "%1". Unsupported line style '%1'. The dash pattern cannot be imported correctly. The dash pattern's end length (%1 mm) cannot be imported correctly. Using %2 mm. The dash pattern's end gap (%1 mm) cannot be imported correctly. Using %2 mm. Unsupported framing line style '%1'. Skipped secondary point symbol. Suppressing dash symbol at line ends. Justified alignment is not supported. Vertical alignment '%1' is not supported. Ignoring custom weight (%1). Custom character spacing may be incorrect. Ignoring custom word spacing (%1 %). Ignoring custom indents (%1/%2). Ignoring text framing (mode %1). Line text symbols are not yet supported. Marking the symbol as hidden. Encoding '%1' is not available. Check the settings. In area symbol %1 '%2': %3 Color "%1" is imported as special color "Registration black". - main line - double line - framing The border of this symbol could not be loaded. Skipping unsupported reference to point symbol '%1.%2'. Unable to load object Unable to import rectangle object Not importing text symbol, couldn't figure out path' (npts=%1): %2 Trying to import a text object with unknown coordinate format Invalid data. Support for OCD version %1 files is experimental. OCD files of version %1 are not supported! Color id not found: %1, ignoring this color OpenOrienteering::OgrFileExport Failed to create dataset: %1 Failed to create layer: %2 The map is not georeferenced. Local georeferencing only. Failed to properly export the georeferencing info. Local georeferencing only. The %1 driver requires valid georefencing info. Failed to create feature in layer: %1 Failed to create layer %1: %2 Failed to create name field: %1 OpenOrienteering::OgrFileImport Unable to setup "%1" SRS for GDAL: %2 Point Line Area Text Unable to load layer %1. Unable to load %n objects, reason: %1 Empty geometry. Can't determine the coordinate transformation: %1 Failed to transform the coordinates. Unknown or unsupported geometry type. Not enough coordinates. Cannot use this spatial reference: %1 The geospatial data has no suitable spatial reference. OpenOrienteering::OgrTemplate Invalid template configuration. OpenOrienteering::PaintOnTemplateFeature Template file exists: '%1' OpenOrienteering::PaintOnTemplateSettingsPage Traditional Paint on template color preset entry name. Confetti Hybrid Paint on template color preset entry name. Guacamole Full Paint on template color preset entry name. Add color... Remove Move Up Move Down Available palette presets Custom string Activate preset Copy Paste Paint on template OpenOrienteering::PaintOnTemplateTool <b>Click and drag</b>: Paint. <b>Right click and drag</b>: Erase. Color selection Erase Filled area Solid Pattern OpenOrienteering::PanTool <b>Drag</b>: Move the map. OpenOrienteering::PercentageDelegate % OpenOrienteering::PointSymbolEditorTool <b>Click</b>: Add a coordinate. <b>%1+Click</b>: Change the selected coordinate. OpenOrienteering::PointSymbolEditorWidget Always oriented to north (not rotatable) Elements Point Line Area Center all elements Current element Diameter <b>a</b>: mm Inner color: Outer width <b>b</b>: Outer color: Line width: Line color: Line cap: flat round square Line join: miter bevel Line closed Area color: Coordinates: X Y Curve start Center by coordinate average [Midpoint] Unknown OpenOrienteering::PointSymbolSettings Point symbol OpenOrienteering::PrintProgressDialog Printing PrintWidget An error occurred during processing. PrintWidget OpenOrienteering::PrintTool <b>Drag</b>: Move the map, the print area or the area's borders. <b>Drag</b>: Move the print area. <b>Drag</b>: Move the map. <b>Drag</b>: Move the print area's border. <b>Drag</b>: Move the print area's borders. OpenOrienteering::PrintWidget Show templates Show grid Page orientation: Printer: Portrait Landscape Page format: Copies: Left: Top: Width: Height: Preview... Single page Custom area Map area: Center print area mm Properties Page overlap: Options Resolution: Print in different scale: Template appearance may differ. Simulate overprinting Save world file Default Device CMYK Color mode: Print Export... PDF export Image export Save to PDF dpi No tiles 256x256 pixel 512x512 pixel Tiles: KMZ export The map contains transparent elements which require the raster mode. Not supported on Android. Failed to prepare the preview. Print Preview Progress Warning A non-standard view mode is activated. Are you sure to print / export the map like this? KMZ KML Failed to save the image: %1 PNG BMP TIFF JPEG Failed to prepare the PDF export. PDF An error occurred during printing. Export map ... All files (*.*) Failed to prepare the printing. Printing Progress Error Vector graphics Raster graphics Color separations Mode: Failed to prepare the image. Not enough memory. Failed to save the image. Does the path exist? Do you have sufficient rights? Exported successfully to %1 Failed to finish the PDF export. Canceled. The print job could not be stopped. Successfully created print job The map area is empty. Output canceled. OpenOrienteering::ReopenTemplateDialog Reopen template Drag items from the left list to the desired spot in the right list to reload them. Closed templates: Clear list Active templates: - Map - OpenOrienteering::RotateMapDialog Rotate map Angle (counter-clockwise): Rotation parameters Rotate around: Map coordinate system origin Rotation center point Georeferencing reference point Rotation center point Other point, Rotation center point X: x coordinate Y: y coordinate Options Adjust georeferencing reference point Adjust georeferencing declination Rotate non-georeferenced templates OpenOrienteering::RotatePatternTool <b>Angle:</b> %1° <b>%1</b>: Fixed angles. <b>Drag</b>: Set the direction of area fill patterns or point objects. OpenOrienteering::RotateTool <b>Rotation:</b> %1° <b>%1</b>: Fixed angles. <b>Click</b>: Set the center of rotation. <b>Drag</b>: Rotate the selected objects. OpenOrienteering::ScaleMapDialog Change map scale Scaling parameters Scaling center: New scale: Map coordinate system origin Scaling center point Georeferencing reference point Scaling center point Other point, Scaling center point X: x coordinate Y: y coordinate Options Scale symbol sizes Scale map object positions Adjust georeferencing reference point Scale non-georeferenced templates OpenOrienteering::ScaleTool <b>Scaling:</b> %1% <b>Click</b>: Set the scaling center. <b>%1</b>: Switch to individual object scaling. <b>Drag</b>: Scale the selected objects. OpenOrienteering::SelectCRSDialog Select coordinate reference system Same as map Local From template file Geographic coordinates (WGS84) Status: valid OpenOrienteering::SensorsSettingsPage Location: Source: Serial port (NMEA): Sensors Default Position source NMEA (Qt) Position source NMEA (OpenOrienteering) Position source Windows Position source; product name, do not translate literally. GeoClue Position source; product name, do not translate literally. Core Location Position source; product name, do not translate literally. OpenOrienteering::SettingsDialog Settings OpenOrienteering::SimpleCourseDialog Event and course details Event name: Course name: First code number: OpenOrienteering::SimpleCourseExport Unnamed event Unnamed course For this course export, a single line object must be selected. OpenOrienteering::StorageLocation '%1' is located in app storage. The files will be removed when uninstalling the app. '%1' is not writable. Changes cannot be saved. Extra permissions are required to access '%1'. '%1' is not a valid storage location. OpenOrienteering::StretchMapDialog Change scale factor Scaling parameters Scaling center: Map coordinate system origin Scaling center point Georeferencing reference point Scaling center point Other point, Scaling center point X: x coordinate Y: y coordinate Options Adjust georeferencing reference point Scale non-georeferenced templates OpenOrienteering::SymbolDropDown - none - OpenOrienteering::SymbolDropDownDelegate - None - OpenOrienteering::SymbolPropertiesWidget Number: Edit Name: Description: Helper symbol (not shown in finished map) General Icon Warning Description OpenOrienteering::SymbolRenderWidget For symbols with description, press F1 while the tooltip is visible to show it New symbol Point Line Area Text Combined Edit Duplicate Delete Scale... Copy Paste Show custom icons Select symbols Enable drag and drop Error An internal error occurred, sorry! There are no symbols in clipboard which could be pasted! Select all objects with this symbol Add all objects with this symbol to selection Remove all objects with this symbol from selection Hide objects with this symbol Protect objects with this symbol Add all objects with selected symbols to selection Remove all objects with selected symbols from selection Hide objects with selected symbols Protect objects with selected symbols Invert selection F1 Shortcut for displaying the symbol's description Select all Select unused Sort symbols Sort by number Sort by primary color Sort by primary color priority Scale to percentage: Confirmation The map contains objects with the symbol "%1". Deleting it will delete those objects and clear the undo history! Do you really want to do that? Select all objects with selected symbols Switch symbol of selected objects Fill / Create border for selected objects Scale symbols OpenOrienteering::SymbolReplacementDialog Replace symbol set Configure how the symbols should be replaced, and which. Import all new symbols, even if not used as replacement Delete original symbols which are unused after the replacement Delete unused colors after the replacement Symbol mapping: Keep the symbols' hidden / protected states of the old symbol set Match replacement symbols by symbol number Original Edit the symbol set ID: Replacement Match by symbol name Assign new symbols Pattern Clear replacements Open CRT file... Save CRT file... Symbol mapping CRT file There are multiple replacements for symbol %1. Cannot open file: %1 %2 Cannot save file: %1 %2 The cross reference table has been modified. Do you want to save your changes? - None - Choose map file to load symbols from Error Cannot load symbol set, aborting. Warning The symbol set import generated warnings. The chosen symbol set has a scale of 1:%1, while the map scale is 1:%2. Do you really want to choose this set? OpenOrienteering::SymbolSettingDialog Symbol settings Template: <b>Template:</b> (none) Open... Center template... bounding box on origin center of gravity on origin Select background color The quick brown fox takes the routechoice to jump over the lazy dog 1234567890 - unnamed - OpenOrienteering::SymbolToolTip No description! OpenOrienteering::TagSelectWidget Relation Key Comparison Value Add Row Remove Row Move Up Move Down %n object(s) selected Invalid query OpenOrienteering::TagsWidget Key Value Help Key exists The key "%1" already exists and must not be used twice. OpenOrienteering::Template Find the moved template file All files (*.*) Error No such file. Is the format of the file correct for this template type? Not enough free memory. OpenOrienteering::TemplateAdjustActivity Template adjustment Error Failed to calculate adjustment! OpenOrienteering::TemplateAdjustAddTool <b>Click</b>: Set the template position of the pass point. <b>Click</b>: Set the map position of the pass point. OpenOrienteering::TemplateAdjustDeleteTool <b>Click</b>: Delete pass points. OpenOrienteering::TemplateAdjustMoveTool <b>Drag</b>: Move pass points. OpenOrienteering::TemplateAdjustWidget Pass points: New Move Delete Template X Template Y Map X Map Y Error Apply pass points Help Apply && clear all Clear all OpenOrienteering::TemplateImage Not enough free memory (image size: %1x%2 pixels) Georeferencing not found Format not supported Select the coordinate reference system of the georeferenced image. Select the coordinate reference system of the coordinates in the world file OpenOrienteering::TemplateImageOpenDialog Opening %1 Image size: Specify how to position or scale the image: World file GeoTIFF no georeferencing information Georeferenced (%1) Meters per pixel: Scanned with dpi Template scale: 1 : Cancel Open OpenOrienteering::TemplateListWidget Show Opacity Group Filename Sketch GPS Open... Duplicate Add template... Remove Move Up Move Down Import and remove Help Move by hand Positioning... Template files All files Adjust... Error Don't scale Scale by nominal map scale ratio (%1 %) Georeferenced Cannot open template %1: %2 File format not recognized. Vectorize lines Failed to load template. Does the file exist and is it valid? Cannot load map file, aborting. Warning The map import generated warnings. Scale by current template scaling (%1 %) Template import How shall the symbols of the imported template map be scaled? The template will be invisible in the overprinting simulation. Switch to normal view? Cannot change the georeferencing state. - Map - OpenOrienteering::TemplateMap Failed to transform the coordinates. Cannot load map file, aborting. OpenOrienteering::TemplateMoveTool <b>Drag</b> to move the current template OpenOrienteering::TemplatePlaceholder Unknown file format OpenOrienteering::TemplatePositionDockWidget Positioning X: Y: X-Scale: Y-Scale: Rotation: Shear: OpenOrienteering::TemplatePositioningDialog Track scaling and positioning Coordinate system Real Map m meters One coordinate unit equals: Position track at given coordinates Position track at view center OpenOrienteering::TemplateTrack Track Route Waypoint This template must be loaded with GDAL/OGR. Opening track ... Load the track in georeferenced or non-georeferenced mode? Positions the track according to the map's georeferencing settings. These are not configured yet, so they will be shown as the next step. Georeferenced Non-georeferenced Projects the track using an orthographic projection with center at the track's coordinate average. Allows adjustment of the transformation and setting the map georeferencing using the adjusted track position. Error The path is empty, there is nothing to import! Question Should the waypoints be imported as a line going through all points? Import problems %n path object(s) could not be imported (reason: missing coordinates). OpenOrienteering::TextObjectAlignmentDockWidget Alignment Left Center Right Top Baseline Bottom OpenOrienteering::TextSymbolSettings Text settings Font family: Font size: A First capital letter of the local alphabet mm pt Text color: bold italic underlined Text style: % Line spacing: Paragraph spacing: Character spacing: Kerning Symbol icon text: Framing OCAD compatibility settings Framing color: Line framing Width: Shadow framing Left/Right Offset: Top/Down Offset: OCAD compatibility enabled Line width: Line color: Position: Line below paragraphs Distance from baseline: Custom tabulator positions Add custom tabulator OpenOrienteering::UTMZoneEdit Calculate OpenOrienteering::UndoManager Error Cannot undo because the last undo step became invalid. This can for example happen if you change the symbol of an object to another and then delete the old symbol. Confirmation Undoing this step will go beyond the point where the file was loaded. Are you sure? Cannot redo because the first redo step became invalid. This can for example happen if you delete the symbol of an object you have drawn. OpenOrienteering::UnitOfMeasurement %1° degree %1 m meter mm millimeters m meters ° degrees OpenOrienteering::Util Error Failed to locate the help files. Failed to locate the help browser ("Qt Assistant"). Failed to launch the help browser ("Qt Assistant"). See more... This "See more" is displayed as a link to the manual in What's-this tooltips. Internal error detected! Please report this issue. Version: %1 Location: %2 OpenOrienteering::XMLFileExporter Older versions of Mapper do not support multiple map parts. To save the map in compatibility mode, you must first merge all map parts. OpenOrienteering::XMLFileImporter Unsupported element: %1 (line %2 column %3) Some coordinates were out of bounds for printing. Map content was adjusted. unknown Parts of this file cannot be read by this version of Mapper. Minimum required version: %1 Error at line %1 column %2: %3 Some invalid characters had to be removed. Unknown error Unsupported or invalid georeferencing specification '%1': %2 Inconsistent declination/grivation detected. Resolved by automatic adjustment of the declination to %1°. Could not set knockout property of color '%1'. Expected %1 colors, found %2. Spot color %1 not found while processing %2 (%3). Expected %1 symbols, found %2. Expected %1 map parts, found %2.