# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Update rev $Author: michael $ $Revision: 1553 $ $Date: 2019-04-25 09:36:05 +0200 (Thu, 25 Apr 2019) $ $Id: plugin.py 1553 2019-04-25 07:36:05Z michael $ ''' # C0111 (Missing docstring) # C0103 (Invalid name) # C0301 (line too long) # W0603 (global statement) # W0141 (map, filter, etc.) # W0110 lambda with map,filter # W0403 Relative import # W1401 Anomalous backslash in string # C0302 too-many-lines # E401 multiple imports on one line # E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters) # pylint: disable=C0111,C0103,C0301,W0603,W0403,C0302,W0312 import re import time import os import traceback import json from itertools import cycle, izip import base64 from logging import NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL import logging from xml.dom.minidom import parse import binascii from enigma import getDesktop from Screens.Screen import Screen from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Screens.NumericalTextInputHelpDialog import NumericalTextInputHelpDialog # from Screens.InputBox import InputBox from Screens.VirtualKeyBoard import VirtualKeyBoard from Screens import Standby from Screens.HelpMenu import HelpableScreen from Screens.LocationBox import LocationBox from enigma import eTimer, eSize, ePoint # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611 from enigma import eDVBVolumecontrol, eConsoleAppContainer # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=E0611 # BgFileEraser = eBackgroundFileEraser.getInstance() # BgFileEraser.erase("blabla.txt") from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.Label import Label from Components.Button import Button from Components.Pixmap import Pixmap from Components.Sources.List import List from Components.ConfigList import ConfigListScreen from Components.config import config, ConfigSubsection, ConfigSelection, ConfigDirectory, \ getConfigListEntry, ConfigText, ConfigInteger, ConfigYesNo, ConfigOnOff, ConfigPassword from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor from Tools import Notifications from Tools.NumericalTextInput import NumericalTextInput from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_PLUGINS, SCOPE_CONFIG, SCOPE_CURRENT_SKIN, \ SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN from Tools.LoadPixmap import LoadPixmap from GlobalActions import globalActionMap # for muting from twisted.internet import reactor # @UnresolvedImport from twisted.internet.protocol import ReconnectingClientFactory # @UnresolvedImport from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver # @UnresolvedImport import FritzOutlookCSV import FritzLDIF from nrzuname import ReverseLookupAndNotifier from . import _, __ # @UnresolvedImport # pylint: disable=W0611,F0401 # import codecs # encode = lambda x : codecs.encode(x, "rot13") # decode = lambda x : codecs.decode(x, "rot13") # decode = encode = lambda x : ''.join(chr(ord(c)^ord(k)) for c,k in izip(x, cycle('secret key'))) def encode(x): return base64.encodestring(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ ord(k)) for c, k in izip(x, cycle('secret key')))).strip() def decode(x): return ''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ ord(k)) for c, k in izip(base64.decodestring(x), cycle('secret key'))) DESKTOP_WIDTH = getDesktop(0).size().width() DESKTOP_HEIGHT = getDesktop(0).size().height() # # this is pure magic. # It returns the first value, if HD (1280x720), # the second if SD (720x576), # else something scaled accordingly # if one of the parameters is -1, scale proportionally # def scaleH(y2, y1): if y2 == -1: y2 = y1 * 1280 / 720 elif y1 == -1: y1 = y2 * 720 / 1280 return scale(y2, y1, 1280, 720, DESKTOP_WIDTH) def scaleV(y2, y1): if y2 == -1: y2 = y1 * 720 / 576 elif y1 == -1: y1 = y2 * 576 / 720 return scale(y2, y1, 720, 576, DESKTOP_HEIGHT) def scale(y2, y1, x2, x1, x): return (y2 - y1) * (x - x1) / (x2 - x1) + y1 my_global_session = None config.plugins.FritzCall = ConfigSubsection() config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion = ConfigSelection(choices=[(None, _("not configured")), ("old", _("before 05.27")), ("05.27", "05.27, 05.28"), ("05.50", _("05.29 until below 6.35")), ("06.35", _("06.35 and newer"))], default=None) # config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion = ConfigSelection(choices = [(None, _("not configured")), ("old", _("before 05.27")), ("05.27", "05.27, 05.28"), ("05.50", _("05.29 until below 6.35")), ("06.35", _("06.35 and newer")), ("upnp", "Experimental")], default = None) # config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion = ConfigSelection(choices=[(None, _("not configured")), ("old", _("before 05.27")), ("05.27", "05.27, 05.28"), ("05.50", _("05.29 and newer"))], default=None) config.plugins.FritzCall.debug = ConfigSelection(choices=[ (str(NOTSET), _("nothing")), (str(DEBUG), "DEBUG"), (str(INFO), "INFO"), (str(WARNING), "WARNING"), (str(ERROR), "ERROR"), (str(CRITICAL), "CRITICAL")], default=str(ERROR)) # config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnCall = ConfigSelection(choices=[(None, _("no")), ("ring", _("on ring")), ("connect", _("on connect"))]) # config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnCall = ConfigSelection(choices=[(None, _("no")), ("ring", _("on ring"))]) config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnCall = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnOutgoingCall = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname = ConfigText(default="fritz.box", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.afterStandby = ConfigSelection(choices=[("none", _("show nothing")), ("inList", _("show as list")), ("each", _("show each call"))]) config.plugins.FritzCall.filter = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn = ConfigText(default="", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn.setUseableChars('0123456789,') config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList = ConfigYesNo(default=True) config.plugins.FritzCall.showBlacklistedCalls = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.showOutgoingCalls = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout = ConfigInteger(default=15, limits=(0, 65535)) config.plugins.FritzCall.lookup = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.internal = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebookName = ConfigText(default=_('Phonebook'), fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebookShowInternal = ConfigYesNo(default=True) config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.addcallers = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.enable = ConfigOnOff(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.username = ConfigText(default='BoxAdmin', fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.password = ConfigPassword(default="", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.extension = ConfigText(default='1', fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.extension.setUseableChars('0123456789') config.plugins.FritzCall.showType = ConfigYesNo(default=True) config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix = ConfigText(default="", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.setUseableChars('0123456789') config.plugins.FritzCall.connectionVerbose = ConfigSelection(choices=[("on", _("on")), ("failed", _("only failed")), ("off", _("off"))]) config.plugins.FritzCall.ignoreUnknown = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.reloadPhonebookTime = ConfigInteger(default=8, limits=(0, 99)) config.plugins.FritzCall.FritzExtendedSearchFaces = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.FritzExtendedSearchNames = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation = ConfigDirectory(default=resolveFilename(SCOPE_CONFIG)) config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSSID = ConfigText(default="FRITZ!Box Gastzugang", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSecure = ConfigYesNo(default=True) config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword = ConfigPassword(default=encode("guestguest!!!"), fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.useHttps = ConfigYesNo(default=False) guestWLANUptime = [(None, _('Not deactivating after time')), "15", "30", "45", "60", "90", "120", "180", "240", "300", "360", "480", "600", "720", "900", "1080", "1260"] config.plugins.FritzCall.guestUptime = ConfigSelection(choices=guestWLANUptime, default="30") countryCodes = [ ("0049", _("Germany")), ("0031", _("The Netherlands")), ("0033", _("France")), ("0039", _("Italy")), ("0041", _("Switzerland")), ("0043", _("Austria")), ("", _("Others")) ] config.plugins.FritzCall.country = ConfigSelection(choices=countryCodes) config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode = ConfigText(default="0049", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.setUseableChars('0123456789') FBF_ALL_CALLS = "." FBF_IN_CALLS = "1" FBF_MISSED_CALLS = "2" FBF_OUT_CALLS = "3" FBF_BLOCKED_CALLS = "4" fbfCallsChoices = { FBF_ALL_CALLS: _("All calls"), FBF_IN_CALLS: _("Incoming calls"), FBF_MISSED_CALLS: _("Missed calls"), FBF_OUT_CALLS: _("Outgoing calls") } config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls = ConfigSelection(choices=fbfCallsChoices) config.plugins.FritzCall.name = ConfigText(default="", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.number = ConfigText(default="", fixed_size=False) config.plugins.FritzCall.number.setUseableChars('0123456789') logger = logging.getLogger("FritzCall") logger.setLevel(int(config.plugins.FritzCall.debug.value)) fileHandler = logging.FileHandler('/tmp/FritzDebug.log', mode='w') fileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-26s %(funcName)s %(message)-15s', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) logger.addHandler(fileHandler) debug = logger.debug info = logger.info warn = logger.warn error = logger.error exception = logger.exception phonebook = None fritzbox = None avon = {} def initAvon(): avonFileName = resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/FritzCall/avon.dat") if os.path.exists(avonFileName): for line in open(avonFileName): line = line.decode("iso-8859-1").encode('utf-8') if line[0] == '#': continue parts = line.split(':') if len(parts) == 2: avon[parts[0].replace('-', '').replace('*', '').replace('/', '')] = parts[1] def resolveNumberWithAvon(number, countrycode): if not countrycode or not number or number[0] != '0': return "" countrycode = countrycode.replace('00', '+') if number[:2] == '00': normNumber = '+' + number[2:] elif number[:1] == '0': normNumber = countrycode + number[1:] else: # this should can not happen, but safety first return "" # debug('normNumer: ' + normNumber) for i in reversed(range(min(10, len(number)))): if normNumber[:i] in avon: return '[' + avon[normNumber[:i]].strip() + ']' return "" def handleReverseLookupResult(name): found = re.match("NA: ([^;]*);VN: ([^;]*);STR: ([^;]*);HNR: ([^;]*);PLZ: ([^;]*);ORT: ([^;]*)", name) if found: (name, firstname, street, streetno, zipcode, city) = (found.group(1), found.group(2), found.group(3), found.group(4), found.group(5), found.group(6) ) if firstname: name += ' ' + firstname if street or streetno or zipcode or city: name += ', ' if street: name += street if streetno: name += ' ' + streetno if (street or streetno) and (zipcode or city): name += ', ' if zipcode and city: name += zipcode + ' ' + city elif zipcode: name += zipcode elif city: name += city return name cbcInfos = {} def initCbC(): callbycallFileName = resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS, "Extensions/FritzCall/callbycall_world.xml") if os.path.exists(callbycallFileName): dom = parse(callbycallFileName) for top in dom.getElementsByTagName("callbycalls"): for cbc in top.getElementsByTagName("country"): code = cbc.getAttribute("code").replace("+", "00") cbcInfos[code] = cbc.getElementsByTagName("callbycall") else: error("[FritzCall] initCbC: callbycallFileName does not exist?!?!") def stripCbCPrefix(number, countrycode): if not countrycode: return number if number and number[:2] != "00" and countrycode in cbcInfos: for cbc in cbcInfos[countrycode]: if len(cbc.getElementsByTagName("length")) < 1 or len(cbc.getElementsByTagName("prefix")) < 1: warn("[FritzCall] stripCbCPrefix: entries for " + countrycode + " %s invalid") return number length = int(cbc.getElementsByTagName("length")[0].childNodes[0].data) prefix = cbc.getElementsByTagName("prefix")[0].childNodes[0].data # if re.match('^'+prefix, number): if number[:len(prefix)] == prefix: return number[length:] return number import FritzCallFBF # wrong-import-position # pylint: disable= class FritzAbout(Screen): def __init__(self, session): if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: textFieldWidth = scaleV(350, 250) width = 5 + 150 + 20 + textFieldWidth + 5 + 175 + 5 height = 5 + 175 + 5 + 25 + 5 self.skin = """ """ % ( width, height, # size (height - scaleV(150, 130)) / 2, # text vertical position textFieldWidth, scaleV(150, 130), # text height scaleV(24, 21), # text font size resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/fritz.png"), # 150x110 5 + 150 + 5 + textFieldWidth + 5, # qr code horizontal offset resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/website.png"), # 175x175 width - 40, # url width scaleV(24, 21) # url font size ) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ """ else: self.skin = """ """ Screen.__init__(self, session) self["aboutActions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions"], { "cancel": self.exit, "ok": self.exit, }, -2) self["text"] = Label( "FritzCall Plugin" + "\n\n" + "$Author: michael $"[1:-2] + "\n" + "$Revision: 1553 $"[1:-2] + "\n" + "$Date: 2019-04-25 09:36:05 +0200 (Thu, 25 Apr 2019) $"[1:23] + "\n" ) self["url"] = Label("http://wiki.blue-panel.com/index.php/FritzCall") self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setWindowTitle) def setWindowTitle(self): # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("About FritzCall")) def exit(self): self.close() from FritzCallFBF import FBF_dectActive, FBF_faxActive, FBF_rufumlActive, FBF_tamActive, FBF_wlanState # wrong-import-position # pylint: disable= class FritzMenu(Screen, HelpableScreen): def __init__(self, session): if not fritzbox or not fritzbox.information: return if config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "old" or config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.27": fontSize = scaleV(24, 21) # indeed this is font size +2 noButtons = 2 # reset, wlan if fritzbox.information[FBF_tamActive]: noButtons += 1 # toggle mailboxes width = max(DESKTOP_WIDTH - scaleH(500, 250), noButtons * 140 + (noButtons + 1) * 10) # boxInfo 2 lines, gap, internet 2 lines, gap, dsl/wlan each 1 line, gap, buttons height = 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 40 + 5 if fritzbox.information[FBF_tamActive] is not None: height += fontSize if fritzbox.information[FBF_dectActive] is not None: height += fontSize if fritzbox.information[FBF_faxActive] is not None: height += fontSize if fritzbox.information[FBF_rufumlActive] is not None: height += fontSize buttonsGap = (width - noButtons * 140) / (noButtons + 1) buttonsVPos = height - 40 - 5 varLinePos = 4 if fritzbox.information[FBF_tamActive] is not None: mailboxLine = """ """ % ( 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10, # position mailbox width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size mailbox fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button mailbox "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button mailbox noButtons * buttonsGap + (noButtons - 1) * 140, buttonsVPos, noButtons * buttonsGap + (noButtons - 1) * 140, buttonsVPos, ) varLinePos += 1 else: mailboxLine = "" if fritzbox.information[FBF_dectActive] is not None: dectLine = """ """ % ( 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10, # position dect width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size dect fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect ) varLinePos += 1 else: dectLine = "" if fritzbox.information[FBF_faxActive] is not None: faxLine = """ """ % ( 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10, # position dect width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size dect fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect ) varLinePos += 1 else: faxLine = "" if fritzbox.information[FBF_rufumlActive] is not None: rufumlLine = """ """ % ( 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10, # position dect width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size dect fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + varLinePos * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect ) varLinePos += 1 else: rufumlLine = "" self.skin = """ %s %s %s %s """ % ( width, height, # size 40, 5, # position information width - 2 * 40, 2 * fontSize, # size information fontSize - 2, 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10, # position internet width - 40, 2 * fontSize, # size internet fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button internet "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button internet 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10, # position dsl width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size dsl fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dsl "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dsl 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 3 * fontSize + 10, # position wlan width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size wlan fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 3 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button wlan "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 3 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button wlan mailboxLine, dectLine, faxLine, rufumlLine, buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, "skin_default/buttons/red.png", buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, buttonsGap + 140 + buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, "skin_default/buttons/green.png", buttonsGap + 140 + buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, ) Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_red"] = Button(_("Reset")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_green"] = Button(_("Toggle WLAN")) self._mailboxActive = False if fritzbox.information[FBF_tamActive] is not None: # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Toggle Mailbox")) self["menuActions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions", "NumberActions", "EPGSelectActions"], { "cancel": self._exit, "ok": self._exit, "red": self._reset, "green": self._toggleWlan, "yellow": (lambda: self._toggleMailbox(-1)), "0": (lambda: self._toggleMailbox(0)), "1": (lambda: self._toggleMailbox(1)), "2": (lambda: self._toggleMailbox(2)), "3": (lambda: self._toggleMailbox(3)), "4": (lambda: self._toggleMailbox(4)), "info": self._getInfo, }, -2) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "ColorActions", [("yellow", _("Toggle all mailboxes"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "NumberActions", [("0", _("Toggle 1. mailbox"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "NumberActions", [("1", _("Toggle 2. mailbox"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "NumberActions", [("2", _("Toggle 3. mailbox"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "NumberActions", [("3", _("Toggle 4. mailbox"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "NumberActions", [("4", _("Toggle 5. mailbox"))])) self["FBFMailbox"] = Label(_('Mailbox')) self["mailbox_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["mailbox_active"] = Pixmap() self["mailbox_active"].hide() else: self["menuActions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions", "EPGSelectActions"], { "cancel": self._exit, "ok": self._exit, "green": self._toggleWlan, "red": self._reset, "info": self._getInfo, }, -2) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("cancel", _("Quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("ok", _("Quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "ColorActions", [("green", _("Toggle WLAN"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "ColorActions", [("red", _("Reset"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "EPGSelectActions", [("info", _("Refresh status"))])) self["FBFInfo"] = Label(_('Getting status from FRITZ!Box Fon...')) self["FBFInternet"] = Label('Internet') self["internet_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["internet_active"] = Pixmap() self["internet_active"].hide() self["FBFDsl"] = Label('DSL') self["dsl_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["dsl_inactive"].hide() self["dsl_active"] = Pixmap() self["dsl_active"].hide() self["FBFWlan"] = Label('WLAN ') self["wlan_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["wlan_inactive"].hide() self["wlan_active"] = Pixmap() self["wlan_active"].hide() self._wlanActive = False if fritzbox.information[FBF_dectActive] is not None: self["FBFDect"] = Label('DECT') self["dect_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["dect_active"] = Pixmap() self["dect_active"].hide() if fritzbox.information[FBF_faxActive] is not None: self["FBFFax"] = Label('Fax') self["fax_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["fax_active"] = Pixmap() self["fax_active"].hide() if fritzbox.information[FBF_rufumlActive] is not None: self["FBFRufuml"] = Label(_('Call diversion')) self["rufuml_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["rufuml_active"] = Pixmap() self["rufuml_active"].hide() else: # not (config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "old" or config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.27") if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: fontSize = scaleV(24, 21) # indeed this is font size +2 noButtons = 2 width = max(DESKTOP_WIDTH - scaleH(500, 250), noButtons * 140 + (noButtons + 1) * 10) # boxInfo 2 lines, gap, internet 2 lines, gap, dsl/wlan/dect/fax/rufuml/gast each 1 line, gap height = 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 6 * fontSize + 10 + 40 + 5 buttonsGap = (width - noButtons * 140) / (noButtons + 1) buttonsVPos = height - 40 - 5 self.skin = """ """ % ( width, height, # size 40, 5, # position information width - 2 * 40, 2 * fontSize, # size information fontSize - 2, 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10, # position internet width - 40, 2 * fontSize, # size internet fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button internet "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button internet 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10, # position dsl width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size dsl fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dsl "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dsl 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 3 * fontSize + 10, # position wlan width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size wlan fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 3 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button wlan "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 3 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button wlan 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 4 * fontSize + 10, # position dect width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size dect fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 4 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 4 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button dect 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 5 * fontSize + 10, # position fax width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size fax fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 5 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button fax "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 5 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button fax 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 6 * fontSize + 10, # position rufuml width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size rufuml fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 6 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button rufuml "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 6 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button rufuml 40, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 7 * fontSize + 10, # position gast width - 40 - 20, fontSize, # size gast fontSize - 2, "skin_default/buttons/button_green_off.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 7 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button gast "skin_default/buttons/button_green.png", 20, 5 + 2 * fontSize + 10 + 7 * fontSize + 10 + (fontSize - 16) / 2, # position button gast buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, "skin_default/buttons/green.png", buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, 2 * buttonsGap + 140, buttonsVPos, "skin_default/buttons/yellow.png", 2 * buttonsGap + 140, buttonsVPos, ) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ """ else: self.skin = """ """ Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["menuActions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions", "EPGSelectActions"], { "cancel": self._exit, "ok": self._exit, "green": self._toggleWlan, "yellow": self._toggleGast, "red": self._reset, # no button, does not work "info": self._getInfo, }, -2) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("cancel", _("Quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("ok", _("Quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "ColorActions", [("green", _("Toggle WLAN"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "ColorActions", [("yellow", _("Toggle WLAN guest access"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "ColorActions", [("red", _("Reset"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["menuActions"], "EPGSelectActions", [("info", _("Refresh status"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_red"] = Button(_("Reset")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_green"] = Button(_("Toggle WLAN")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Activate WLAN guest access")) self["FBFInfo"] = Label(_('Getting status from FRITZ!Box Fon...')) self["FBFInternet"] = Label('Internet') self["internet_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["internet_inactive"].hide() self["internet_active"] = Pixmap() self["internet_active"].hide() self["FBFDsl"] = Label('DSL') self["dsl_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["dsl_inactive"].hide() self["dsl_active"] = Pixmap() self["dsl_active"].hide() self["FBFWlan"] = Label('WLAN ') self["wlan_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["wlan_inactive"].hide() self["wlan_active"] = Pixmap() self["wlan_active"].hide() self._wlanActive = False self["FBFDect"] = Label('DECT') self["dect_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["dect_inactive"].hide() self["dect_active"] = Pixmap() self["dect_active"].hide() self["FBFFax"] = Label('Fax') self["fax_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["fax_inactive"].hide() self["fax_active"] = Pixmap() self["fax_active"].hide() self["FBFRufuml"] = Label(_('Call redirection')) self["rufuml_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["rufuml_inactive"].hide() self["rufuml_active"] = Pixmap() self["rufuml_active"].hide() self["FBFGast"] = Label(_('Guest access')) self["gast_inactive"] = Pixmap() self["gast_inactive"].hide() self["gast_active"] = Pixmap() self["gast_active"].hide() self._guestActive = "" self._getInfo() self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setWindowTitle) def setWindowTitle(self): # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("FRITZ!Box Fon Status")) def _getInfo(self): if fritzbox: fritzbox.getInfo(self._fillMenu) self._fillMenu(fritzbox.information, True) def _fillMenu(self, status, refreshing=False): (boxInfo, upTime, ipAddress, wlanState, dslState, tamActive, dectActive, faxActive, rufumlActive, guestAccess) = status if wlanState: self._wlanActive = (wlanState[0] == '1') self._guestActive = guestAccess self._mailboxActive = False try: if "FBFInfo" not in self: # screen is closed already return if refreshing: self["FBFInfo"].setText(_("Refreshing...")) else: if boxInfo: self["FBFInfo"].setText(str(boxInfo)) else: self["FBFInfo"].setText('BoxInfo ' + _('Status not available')) if ipAddress: if upTime: self["FBFInternet"].setText(str('Internet ' + _('IP Address:') + ' ' + ipAddress + '\n' + _('Connected since') + ' ' + upTime)) else: self["FBFInternet"].setText(str('Internet ' + _('IP Address:') + ' ' + ipAddress)) self["internet_inactive"].hide() self["internet_active"].show() elif upTime: self["FBFInternet"].setText(str(_('Connected since') + ' ' + upTime)) self["internet_inactive"].hide() self["internet_active"].show() else: self["internet_active"].hide() self["internet_inactive"].show() if dslState: if dslState[0] == '5': self["dsl_inactive"].hide() self["dsl_active"].show() if dslState[2]: message = dslState[2] else: message = "DSL" if dslState[1]: message = message + ' ' + dslState[1] self["FBFDsl"].setText(str(message)) else: self["dsl_active"].hide() self["dsl_inactive"].show() else: self["FBFDsl"].setText('DSL ' + _('Status not available')) self["dsl_active"].hide() self["dsl_inactive"].hide() if wlanState: if wlanState[0] == '1': self["wlan_inactive"].hide() self["wlan_active"].show() message = 'WLAN' if wlanState[1] == '0': message += ' ' + _('not encrypted') elif wlanState[1] == '1': message += ' ' + _('encrypted') if wlanState[2]: if wlanState[2] == '0': message = message + ', ' + _('no device active') elif wlanState[2] == '1' or wlanState[2] == 'ein': message = message + ', ' + _('one device active') else: message = message + ', ' + wlanState[2] + ' ' + _('devices active') if len(wlanState) == 4: message = message + ", " + wlanState[3] self["FBFWlan"].setText(str(message)) else: self["wlan_active"].hide() self["wlan_inactive"].show() self["FBFWlan"].setText('WLAN') else: self["FBFWlan"].setText('WLAN ' + _('Status not available')) self["wlan_active"].hide() self["wlan_inactive"].hide() if fritzbox.information[FBF_tamActive] and "mailbox_active" in self: if not tamActive or tamActive[0] == 0: self._mailboxActive = False self["mailbox_active"].hide() self["mailbox_inactive"].show() self["FBFMailbox"].setText(_('No mailbox active')) else: self._mailboxActive = True message = '' for i in range(min(len(tamActive) - 1, 5)): if tamActive[i + 1]: message = message + str(i) + ',' if message: message = '(' + message[:-1] + ')' self["mailbox_inactive"].hide() self["mailbox_active"].show() if tamActive[0] == 1: self["FBFMailbox"].setText(str(_('One mailbox active') + ' ' + message)) else: self["FBFMailbox"].setText(str(tamActive[0]) + ' ' + _('mailboxes active') + ' ' + str(message)) if dectActive and "dect_inactive" in self: self["dect_inactive"].hide() self["dect_active"].show() if dectActive == 0: self["FBFDect"].setText(_('No DECT phone registered')) else: if dectActive == "ein" or dectActive == "1" or dectActive == 1: self["FBFDect"].setText(_('One DECT phone registered')) else: self["FBFDect"].setText(str(dectActive) + ' ' + _('DECT phones registered')) else: self["dect_active"].hide() self["dect_inactive"].show() self["FBFDect"].setText(_('DECT inactive')) if faxActive: self["fax_inactive"].hide() self["fax_active"].show() self["FBFFax"].setText(_('Software fax active')) else: self["fax_active"].hide() self["fax_inactive"].show() self["FBFFax"].setText(_('Software fax inactive')) if rufumlActive: self["rufuml_inactive"].hide() self["rufuml_active"].show() if rufumlActive == -1: # means no number available self["FBFRufuml"].setText(_('Call diversion active')) elif rufumlActive == 1: self["FBFRufuml"].setText(_('One call diversion active')) else: self["FBFRufuml"].setText(str(rufumlActive) + ' ' + _('call diversions active')) else: self["rufuml_active"].hide() self["rufuml_inactive"].show() self["FBFRufuml"].setText(_('No call diversion active')) if guestAccess: self["gast_inactive"].hide() self["gast_active"].show() self["FBFGast"].setText(str(_('Guest access on ') + guestAccess)) else: self["gast_active"].hide() self["gast_inactive"].show() self["FBFGast"].setText(_('Guest access not active')) if guestAccess and (guestAccess.find('WLAN') != -1 or guestAccess.find('WIFI') != -1): # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"].setText(_("Deactivate WLAN guest access")) else: # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"].setText(_("Activate WLAN guest access")) except KeyError: error("[FritzCallFBF] _fillMenu: " + traceback.format_exc()) def _toggleWlan(self, callback=None): self["FBFInfo"].setText(_("Setting...") + " WLAN") if self._wlanActive: info("[FritzMenu] toggleWlan off") if callback: fritzbox.changeWLAN('0', callback) else: fritzbox.changeWLAN('0', self._getInfo) else: info("[FritzMenu] toggleWlan on") if callback: fritzbox.changeWLAN('1', callback) else: fritzbox.changeWLAN('1', self._getInfo) def _toggleMailbox(self, which): debug("[FritzMenu]") if fritzbox.information[FBF_tamActive]: info("[FritzMenu] toggleMailbox off") fritzbox.changeMailbox(which, self._getInfo) def _toggleGast(self): self["FBFInfo"].setText(_("Setting...") + ' ' + _("Guest access")) if not self._wlanActive: self["FBFInfo"].setText(_("WLAN not active")) # self._toggleWlan(self._toggleGast) return fritzbox.changeGuestAccess(self._guestActive, self._getInfo) def _reset(self): fritzbox.reset() self._exit() def _exit(self): self.close() class FritzDisplayCalls(Screen, HelpableScreen): def __init__(self, session, text=""): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: self.width = DESKTOP_WIDTH * scaleH(75, 85) / 100 self.height = DESKTOP_HEIGHT * 0.75 dateFieldWidth = scaleH(180, 105) dirFieldWidth = 16 lengthFieldWidth = scaleH(55, 45) scrollbarWidth = scaleH(35, 35) entriesWidth = self.width - scaleH(40, 5) - 5 hereFieldWidth = entriesWidth - dirFieldWidth - 5 - dateFieldWidth - 5 - lengthFieldWidth - scrollbarWidth fieldWidth = entriesWidth - dirFieldWidth - 5 - 5 - scrollbarWidth fontSize = scaleV(22, 20) itemHeight = 2 * fontSize + 5 entriesHeight = self.height - scaleV(15, 10) - 5 - fontSize - 5 - 5 - 5 - 40 - 5 buttonGap = (self.width - 4 * 140) / 5 buttonV = self.height - 40 debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] width: " + str(self.width)) self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (%d,%d), size = (%d,%d), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the number, index 1 is date MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaBlend(pos = (%d,%d), size = (%d,%d), png = 2), # index 1 i direction pixmap MultiContentEntryText(pos = (%d,%d), size = (%d,%d), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 3), # index 2 is remote name/number MultiContentEntryText(pos = (%d,%d), size = (%d,%d), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 4), # index 3 is length of call MultiContentEntryText(pos = (%d,%d), size = (%d,%d), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 5), # index 4 is my number/name for number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", %d), gFont("Regular", %d)], "itemHeight": %d } """ % ( # scaleH(90, 75), scaleV(100, 78), # position self.width, self.height, # size self.width, # eLabel width scaleH(40, 5), scaleV(10, 5), # statusbar position self.width, fontSize + 5, # statusbar size scaleV(21, 21), # statusbar font size scaleV(10, 5) + 5 + fontSize + 5, # eLabel position vertical self.width, # eLabel width scaleH(40, 5), scaleV(10, 5) + 5 + fontSize + 5 + 5, # entries position entriesWidth, entriesHeight, # entries size 5 + dirFieldWidth + 5, fontSize + 5, dateFieldWidth, fontSize, # date pos/size 5, (itemHeight - dirFieldWidth) / 2, dirFieldWidth, dirFieldWidth, # dir pos/size 5 + dirFieldWidth + 5, 5, fieldWidth, fontSize, # caller pos/size 2 + dirFieldWidth + 2 + dateFieldWidth + 5, fontSize + 5, lengthFieldWidth, fontSize, # length pos/size 2 + dirFieldWidth + 2 + dateFieldWidth + 5 + lengthFieldWidth + 5, fontSize + 5, hereFieldWidth, fontSize, # my number pos/size fontSize - 4, fontSize, # fontsize itemHeight, # itemHeight buttonV - 5, # eLabel position vertical self.width, # eLabel width buttonGap, buttonV, "skin_default/buttons/red.png", # widget red 2 * buttonGap + 140, buttonV, "skin_default/buttons/green.png", # widget green 3 * buttonGap + 2 * 140, buttonV, "skin_default/buttons/yellow.png", # widget yellow 4 * buttonGap + 3 * 140, buttonV, "skin_default/buttons/blue.png", # widget blue buttonGap, buttonV, scaleV(22, 21), # widget red 2 * buttonGap + 140, buttonV, scaleV(22, 21), # widget green 3 * buttonGap + 2 * 140, buttonV, scaleV(22, 21), # widget yellow 4 * buttonGap + 3 * 140, buttonV, scaleV(22, 21), # widget blue ) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (50,24), size = (150,21), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the number, index 1 is date MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaBlend(pos = (5,5), size = (35,35), png = 2), # index 1 i direction pixmap MultiContentEntryText(pos = (50,0), size = (530,24), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 3), # index 2 is remote name/number MultiContentEntryText(pos = (220,24), size = (80,21), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 4), # index 3 is length of call MultiContentEntryText(pos = (320,24), size = (240,21), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 5), # index 4 is my number/name for number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 18), gFont("Regular", 16)], "itemHeight": 45 } """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (55,30), size = (200,25), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the number, index 1 is date MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaBlend(pos = (5,10), size = (35,35), png = 2), # index 1 i direction pixmap MultiContentEntryText(pos = (55,0), size = (760,30), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 3), # index 2 is remote name/number MultiContentEntryText(pos = (270,30), size = (100,25), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 4), # index 3 is length of call MultiContentEntryText(pos = (390,30), size = (400,25), font=1, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 5), # index 4 is my number/name for number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 20), gFont("Regular", 18)], "itemHeight": 55 } """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (5,0), size = (180,40), flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the number, index 1 is date MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaBlend(pos = (190,2), size = (35,35), png = 2), # index 1 i direction pixmap MultiContentEntryText(pos = (245,2), size = (600,40), flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 3), # index 2 is remote name/number MultiContentEntryText(pos = (860,0), size = (120,40), flags = RT_HALIGN_CENTER|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 4), # index 3 is length of call MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1000,0), size = (390,40), flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 5), # index 4 is my number/name for number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 28)], "itemHeight": 40 } """ else: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1100,0), size = (420,70), flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the number, index 1 is date MultiContentEntryPixmapAlphaBlend(pos = (5,10), size = (50,50), png = 2), # index 1 i direction pixmap MultiContentEntryText(pos = (80,0), size = (1000,70), flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 3), # index 2 is remote name/number MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1540,0), size = (200,70), flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 4), # index 3 is length of call MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1760,0), size = (740,70), flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 5), # index 4 is my number/name for number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 58)], "itemHeight": 70 } """ # debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] skin: " + self.skin) Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("All")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_red"] = Button(_("Missed")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Incoming")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_green"] = Button(_("Outgoing")) self["setupActions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions"], { "yellow": (lambda: self.display(FBF_ALL_CALLS)), "red": (lambda: self.display(FBF_MISSED_CALLS)), "blue": (lambda: self.display(FBF_IN_CALLS)), "green": (lambda: self.display(FBF_OUT_CALLS)), "cancel": self.ok, "ok": self.showEntry, }, -2) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("ok", _("Show details of entry"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("cancel", _("Quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("yellow", _("Display all calls"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("red", _("Display missed calls"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("blue", _("Display incoming calls"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("green", _("Display outgoing calls"))])) self["statusbar"] = Label(_("Getting calls from FRITZ!Box...")) self.list = [] self["entries"] = List(self.list) #======================================================================= # fontSize = scaleV(22, 18) # fontHeight = scaleV(24, 20) # self["entries"].l.setFont(0, gFont("Regular", fontSize)) # self["entries"].l.setItemHeight(fontHeight) #======================================================================= debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] '''%s'''", config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value) self.display(config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setWindowTitle) def setWindowTitle(self): # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("Phone calls")) def ok(self): self.close() def display(self, which=None): debug("[FritzDisplayCalls]") if which: config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value = which config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.save() else: which = config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls.value fritzbox.getCalls(self, lambda x: self.gotCalls(x, which), which) def gotCalls(self, listOfCalls, which): debug("[FritzDisplayCalls]") self.updateStatus(fbfCallsChoices[which] + " (" + str(len(listOfCalls)) + ")") callPngPath = "Extensions/FritzCall/images" if config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: callPngPath = callPngPath + "/MODERN" debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] callPngPath: %s", callPngPath) directout = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, callPngPath + "/callout.png")) directin = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, callPngPath + "/callin.png")) directfailed = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, callPngPath + "/callinfailed.png")) directrejected = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, callPngPath + "/callrejected.png")) def pixDir(param): if param == FBF_OUT_CALLS: direct = directout elif param == FBF_IN_CALLS: direct = directin elif param == FBF_MISSED_CALLS: direct = directfailed else: direct = directrejected return direct # debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] %s" %repr(listOfCalls)) self.list = [(number, date[:6] + ' ' + date[9:14], pixDir(direct), remote, length, here) for (number, date, direct, remote, length, here) in listOfCalls] # debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] %s" %repr(self.list)) self["entries"].setList(self.list) #======================================================================= # if len(self.list) > 1: # self["entries"].setIndex(1) #======================================================================= def updateStatus(self, text): if "statusbar" in self: self["statusbar"].setText(_("Getting calls from FRITZ!Box...") + ' ' + str(text)) def showEntry(self): debug("[FritzDisplayCalls]") cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() if cur: if cur[0]: # debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] %s" % (cur[0])) number = cur[0] fullname = phonebook.search(cur[0]) if fullname: # we have a name for this number name = fullname self.session.open(FritzOfferAction, self, number, name) elif cur[3]: name = cur[3] self.session.open(FritzOfferAction, self, number, name) else: # we don't fullname = resolveNumberWithAvon(number, config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if fullname: name = fullname self.session.open(FritzOfferAction, self, number, name) else: self.session.open(FritzOfferAction, self, number) else: # we do not even have a number... self.session.open(MessageBox, _("UNKNOWN"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) class FritzOfferAction(Screen): def __init__(self, session, parent, number, name=""): if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: # the layout will completely be recalculated in finishLayout self.skin = """ """ % ( DESKTOP_WIDTH, DESKTOP_HEIGHT, scaleV(25, 22), # set maximum size DESKTOP_WIDTH, DESKTOP_HEIGHT, # set maximum size 140, 40, "skin_default/buttons/red.png", 140, 40, "skin_default/buttons/green.png", 140, 40, "skin_default/buttons/yellow.png", 140, 40, scaleV(21, 21), 140, 40, scaleV(21, 21), 140, 40, scaleV(21, 21), ) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ """ else: self.skin = """ """ debug("[FritzOfferAction] %s, %s", __(number), __(name)) Screen.__init__(self, session) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_red"] = Button(_("Lookup")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_green"] = Button(_("Call")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Save")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button # self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Search")) self["FritzOfferActions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions"], { "red": self._lookup, "green": self._call, "yellow": self._add, "cancel": self._exit, "ok": self._exit, }, -2) self._session = session if config.plugins.FritzCall.internal.value and len(number) > 3 and number[0] == "0": number = number[1:] self._number = number self._name = name.replace("\n", ", ") self["text"] = Label(number + "\n\n" + name.replace(", ", "\n")) self._parent = parent self._lookupState = 0 self["key_red_p"] = Pixmap() self["key_green_p"] = Pixmap() self["key_yellow_p"] = Pixmap() self["FacePixmap"] = Pixmap() self.onLayoutFinish.append(self._finishLayout) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setWindowTitle) def setWindowTitle(self): # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("Do what?")) def _finishLayout(self): debug("[FritzOfferAction] number: %s/%s", __(self._number), __(self._name)) faceFile = findFace(self._number, self._name) picPixmap = LoadPixmap(faceFile) if not picPixmap: # that means most probably, that the picture is not 8 bit... Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Found picture\n\n%s\n\nBut did not load. Probably not PNG, 8-bit") % faceFile, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-sd.png")) elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-hd.png")) elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-fhd.png")) else: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-uhd.png")) picSize = picPixmap.size() self["FacePixmap"].instance.setPixmap(picPixmap) if config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: debug("skip layout manipulation") return noButtons = 3 buttonSize = (self["key_red_p"].instance.size().width(), self["key_red_p"].instance.size().height()) debug("[FritzOfferAction] buttonSize:" + repr(buttonSize)) # recalculate window size textSize = self["text"].getSize() textSize = (textSize[0] + 20, textSize[1] + 20) # don't know, why, but size is too small debug("[FritzOfferAction] textsize: " + repr(textSize)) textSize = eSize(*textSize) gapSizeH = scaleH(-1, 5) width = max(scaleH(-1, 545), noButtons * (buttonSize[0] + gapSizeH) + gapSizeH, picSize.width() + textSize.width() + 30) height = max(picSize.height() + 5, textSize.height() + 5, scaleV(-1, 136)) + 5 + buttonSize[1] + 5 buttonsGap = (width - noButtons * buttonSize[0]) / (noButtons + 1) buttonsVPos = height - buttonSize[1] - 5 wSize = (width, height) wSize = eSize(*wSize) # center the smaller vertically hGap = (width - picSize.width() - textSize.width()) / 3 picPos = (hGap, (height - 5 - buttonSize[1] - picSize.height()) / 2 + 5) textPos = (hGap + picSize.width() + hGap, (height - 5 - buttonSize[1] - 5 - textSize.height()) / 2 + 5) # resize screen self.instance.resize(wSize) # resize text self["text"].instance.resize(textSize) # resize pixmap self["FacePixmap"].instance.resize(picSize) self["FacePixmap"].instance.setPixmap(picPixmap) # move buttons buttonPos = (buttonsGap, buttonsVPos) self["key_red_p"].instance.move(ePoint(*buttonPos)) self["key_red"].instance.move(ePoint(*buttonPos)) buttonPos = (buttonsGap + buttonSize[0] + buttonsGap, buttonsVPos) self["key_green_p"].instance.move(ePoint(*buttonPos)) self["key_green"].instance.move(ePoint(*buttonPos)) buttonPos = (buttonsGap + buttonSize[0] + buttonsGap + buttonSize[0] + buttonsGap, buttonsVPos) self["key_yellow_p"].instance.move(ePoint(*buttonPos)) self["key_yellow"].instance.move(ePoint(*buttonPos)) # move text self["text"].instance.move(ePoint(*textPos)) # move pixmap self["FacePixmap"].instance.move(ePoint(*picPos)) # center window self.instance.move(ePoint((DESKTOP_WIDTH - wSize.width()) / 2, (DESKTOP_HEIGHT - wSize.height()) / 2)) def _setTextAndResize(self, message): self["text"].instance.resize(eSize(*(DESKTOP_WIDTH, DESKTOP_HEIGHT))) self["text"].setText(str(self._number) + "\n\n" + str(message)) self._finishLayout() def _lookup(self): phonebookLocation = config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value if self._lookupState == 0: self._lookupState = 1 self._setTextAndResize(_("Reverse searching...")) ReverseLookupAndNotifier(self._number, self._lookedUp, "UTF-8", config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) return if self._lookupState == 1 and os.path.exists(os.path.join(phonebookLocation, "PhoneBook.csv")): self._setTextAndResize(_("Searching in Outlook export...")) self._lookupState = 2 self._lookedUp(self._number, FritzOutlookCSV.findNumber(self._number, os.path.join(phonebookLocation, "PhoneBook.csv"))) # @UndefinedVariable return else: self._lookupState = 2 if self._lookupState == 2 and os.path.exists(os.path.join(phonebookLocation, "PhoneBook.ldif")): self._setTextAndResize(_("Searching in LDIF...")) self._lookupState = 0 FritzLDIF.FindNumber(self._number, open(os.path.join(phonebookLocation, "PhoneBook.ldif")), self._lookedUp) return else: self._lookupState = 0 self._lookup() def _lookedUp(self, number, name): name = handleReverseLookupResult(name) if not name: if self._lookupState == 1: name = _("No result from reverse lookup") elif self._lookupState == 2: name = _("No result from Outlook export") else: name = _("No result from LDIF") self._name = name self._number = number info("[FritzOfferAction]\n" + str(name.replace(", ", "\n"))) self._setTextAndResize(str(name.replace(", ", "\n"))) def _call(self): if fritzbox: debug("[FritzOfferAction] %s", self._number) self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Calling %s") % self._number, type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) fritzbox.dial(self._number) else: error("[FritzOfferAction] no fritzbox object?!?!") self.session.open(MessageBox, _("FRITZ!Box not available for calling"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def _add(self): debug("[FritzOfferAction] %s, %s", self._number, self._name) phonebook.FritzDisplayPhonebook(self._session).add(self._parent, self._number, self._name) self._exit() def _exit(self): self.close() OneHour = 60 * 60 * 1000 # OneHour = 1000 class FritzCallPhonebook(object): def __init__(self): debug("[FritzCallPhonebook]") # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! self.phonebook = {} if config.plugins.FritzCall.reloadPhonebookTime.value > 0: debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] start timer with " + repr(config.plugins.FritzCall.reloadPhonebookTime.value)) self.loop = eTimer() # newer OE versions don't have the callback try: self.loop_conn = self.loop.timeout.connect(self.reload) except AttributeError: self.loop.callback.append(self.reload) self.loop.start(config.plugins.FritzCall.reloadPhonebookTime.value * OneHour, False) self.reload() def reload(self): debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] " + time.ctime()) # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! self.phonebook = {} if not config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: return phonebookFilenameOld = os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "PhoneBook.txt") phonebookFilename = os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "PhoneBook.json") if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value: if os.path.exists(phonebookFilename): # read json debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] read " + phonebookFilename) try: for k, v in json.loads(open(phonebookFilename).read().decode("utf-8")).items(): # TODO if we change the value to a list of lines, we have to adapt this here self.phonebook[k.encode("utf-8")] = v.encode("utf-8") except (ValueError, UnicodeError, IOError) as e: error("[FritzCallPhonebook] Could not load %s: %s", phonebookFilename, str(e)) Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Could not load phonebook: %s") % (phonebookFilename + ": " + str(e)), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) # debug(repr(self.phonebook)) elif os.path.exists(phonebookFilenameOld): # read old format and dump to json debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] read " + phonebookFilenameOld) phonebookTxtCorrupt = False self.phonebook = {} for line in open(phonebookFilenameOld): # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] got line from Phonebook.txt: %s" % ___(line)) try: # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook have to be in utf-8! line = line.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: # this is just for the case, somebody wrote latin1 chars into PhoneBook.txt try: line = line.decode("iso-8859-1") debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] Fallback to ISO-8859-1 in %s", line) phonebookTxtCorrupt = True except UnicodeDecodeError: error("[FritzCallPhonebook] Could not parse internal Phonebook Entry %s", line) phonebookTxtCorrupt = True line = line.encode("utf-8") elems = line.split('#') if len(elems) == 2: try: # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] Adding '''%s''' with '''%s''' from internal phonebook!" % (__(elems[1].strip()), __(elems[0], False))) self.phonebook[elems[0]] = elems[1].strip() except ValueError: # how could this possibly happen?!?! error("[FritzCallPhonebook] Could not parse internal Phonebook Entry %s", line) phonebookTxtCorrupt = True else: error("[FritzCallPhonebook] Could not parse internal Phonebook Entry %s", line) phonebookTxtCorrupt = True if phonebookTxtCorrupt: # dump phonebook to PhoneBook.txt debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] dump Phonebook.txt") try: os.rename(phonebookFilenameOld, phonebookFilenameOld + ".bck") fNew = open(phonebookFilenameOld, 'w') # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook are utf-8! for (number, name) in self.phonebook.iteritems(): # Beware: strings in PhoneBook.txt have to be in utf-8! fNew.write(number + "#" + name.encode("utf-8")) fNew.close() except (IOError, OSError): error("[FritzCallPhonebook] error renaming or writing to %s", phonebookFilenameOld) os.rename(phonebookFilenameOld, phonebookFilenameOld + ".old") json.dump(self.phonebook, open(phonebookFilename, "w"), ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8", indent=0, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) if fritzbox: if config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value: debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value %s", repr(config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value)) fritzbox.loadFritzBoxPhonebook(self) else: debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value %s", repr(config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value)) fritzbox.phonebook = self #=============================================================================== # # # # read entries from Outlook export # # # # not reliable with coding yet # # # # import csv exported from Outlook 2007 with csv(Windows) # csvFilename = "/tmp/PhoneBook.csv" # if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value and os.path.exists(csvFilename): # try: # readOutlookCSV(csvFilename, self.add) # os.rename(csvFilename, csvFilename + ".done") # except ImportError: # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] CSV import failed" %line) #=============================================================================== #=============================================================================== # # # # read entries from LDIF # # # # import ldif exported from Thunderbird # ldifFilename = "/tmp/PhoneBook.ldif" # if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value and os.path.exists(ldifFilename): # try: # parser = MyLDIF(open(ldifFilename), self.add) # parser.parse() # os.rename(ldifFilename, ldifFilename + ".done") # except ImportError: # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] LDIF import failed" %line) #=============================================================================== def search(self, number, default=None, extended=True): # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] Searching for %s" %number) name = "" if not self.phonebook or not number: return name if config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value: prefix = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value if number[0] != '0': number = prefix + number # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] added prefix: %s" %number) elif number[:len(prefix)] == prefix and number[len(prefix):] in self.phonebook: # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] same prefix") name = self.phonebook[number[len(prefix):]] # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] result: %s" %name) else: prefix = "" if not name and number in self.phonebook: name = self.phonebook[number] if not name and default: name = default if not name and extended and config.plugins.FritzCall.FritzExtendedSearchNames.value: for k in range(len(number) - 1, 0, -1): # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] extended search: check: %s" %number[:k]) name = self.search(number[:k], default, False) if name: # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] search result for shortened number: %s" % name) break return name.replace(", ", "\n").strip() def add(self, number, name): ''' @param number: number of entry @param name: name of entry, has to be in utf-8 ''' debug("[FritzCallPhonebook]") name = name.replace("\n", ", ") # this is just for safety reasons. add should only be called with newlines converted into commas self.remove(number) self.phonebook[number] = name if number and number != 0: if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value: try: # name = name.strip() + "\n" # string = "%s#%s" % (number, name) # # Beware: strings in Phonebook.json have to be in utf-8! # f = open(os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "PhoneBook.txt"), 'a') # f.write(string) # f.close() phonebookFilename = os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "PhoneBook.json") # check whether PhoneBook.json exists, if not drop empty JSOn file if not os.path.isfile(phonebookFilename): json.dump({}, open(phonebookFilename, "w"), ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8", indent=0, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) info("[FritzCallPhonebook] empty Phonebook.json created") phonebookTmp = {} for k, v in json.loads(open(phonebookFilename).read().decode("utf-8")).items(): phonebookTmp[k.encode("utf-8")] = v.encode("utf-8") phonebookTmp[number] = name json.dump(phonebookTmp, open(phonebookFilename, "w"), ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8", indent=0, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) info("[FritzCallPhonebook] added %s with %s to Phonebook.json", number, name.strip()) return True except IOError: return False def remove(self, number): if number in self.phonebook: debug("[FritzCallPhonebook]") del self.phonebook[number] if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value: try: # phonebookFilename = os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "PhoneBook.json") # debug("[FritzCallPhonebook] remove entry in Phonebook.json") # fOld = open(phonebookFilename, 'r') # fNew = open(phonebookFilename + str(os.getpid()), 'w') # line = fOld.readline() # while line: # elems = line.split('#') # if len(elems) == 2 and elems[0] != number: # fNew.write(line) # line = fOld.readline() # fOld.close() # fNew.close() # # os.remove(phonebookFilename) # eBackgroundFileEraser.getInstance().erase(phonebookFilename) # os.rename(phonebookFilename + str(os.getpid()), phonebookFilename) phonebookFilename = os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "PhoneBook.json") # check whether PhoneBook.json exists, if not drop empty JSOn file if not os.path.isfile(phonebookFilename): json.dump({}, open(phonebookFilename, "w"), ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8", indent=0, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) info("[FritzCallPhonebook] empty Phonebook.json created") return True phonebookTmp = {} for k, v in json.loads(open(phonebookFilename).read().decode("utf-8")).items(): phonebookTmp[k.encode("utf-8")] = v.encode("utf-8") if number in phonebookTmp: del phonebookTmp[number] json.dump(phonebookTmp, open(phonebookFilename, "w"), ensure_ascii=False, encoding="utf-8", indent=0, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) info("[FritzCallPhonebook] removed %s from Phonebook.json", number) return True except (IOError, OSError): error("[FritzCallPhonebook] error removing %s from %s", number, phonebookFilename) return False class FritzDisplayPhonebook(Screen, HelpableScreen, NumericalTextInput): def __init__(self, session): if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: self.entriesWidth = DESKTOP_WIDTH * scaleH(75, 85) / 100 self.height = DESKTOP_HEIGHT * 0.75 numberFieldWidth = scaleH(220, 160) fieldWidth = self.entriesWidth - 5 - numberFieldWidth - 10 fontSize = scaleV(22, 18) fontHeight = scaleV(24, 20) buttonGap = (self.entriesWidth - 4 * 140) / 5 debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook] width: " + str(self.entriesWidth)) self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (%d,%d), size = (%d,%d), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 1), # index 0 is the name, index 1 is shortname MultiContentEntryText(pos = (%d,%d), size = (%d,%d), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT, text = 2), # index 2 is number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", %d)], "itemHeight": %d } """ % ( # scaleH(90, 75), scaleV(100, 73), # position self.entriesWidth, self.height, # size self.entriesWidth, # eLabel width scaleH(40, 5), scaleV(20, 5), # entries position self.entriesWidth - scaleH(40, 5), self.height - scaleV(20, 5) - 5 - 5 - 40, # entries size 0, 0, fieldWidth, scaleH(24, 20), # name pos/size fieldWidth + 5, 0, numberFieldWidth, scaleH(24, 20), # dir pos/size fontSize, # fontsize fontHeight, # itemHeight self.height - 40 - 5, # eLabel position vertical self.entriesWidth, # eLabel width buttonGap, self.height - 40, "skin_default/buttons/red.png", # ePixmap red 2 * buttonGap + 140, self.height - 40, "skin_default/buttons/green.png", # ePixmap green 3 * buttonGap + 2 * 140, self.height - 40, "skin_default/buttons/yellow.png", # ePixmap yellow 4 * buttonGap + 3 * 140, self.height - 40, "skin_default/buttons/blue.png", # ePixmap blue buttonGap, self.height - 40, scaleV(22, 21), # widget red 2 * buttonGap + 140, self.height - 40, scaleV(22, 21), # widget green 3 * buttonGap + 2 * 140, self.height - 40, scaleV(22, 21), # widget yellow 4 * buttonGap + 3 * 140, self.height - 40, scaleV(22, 21), # widget blue ) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (5,0), size = (400,25), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the name, index 1 is shortname MultiContentEntryText(pos = (415,0), size = (145,25), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 2), # index 2 is number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 18)], "itemHeight": 25 } """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (5,0), size = (500,30), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the name, index 1 is shortname MultiContentEntryText(pos = (520,0), size = (270,30), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 2), # index 2 is number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 20)], "itemHeight": 30 } """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (5,0), size = (980,40), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the name, index 1 is shortname MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1000,0), size = (390,40), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 2), # index 2 is number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 28)], "itemHeight": 40 } """ else: self.skin = """ {"template": [ MultiContentEntryText(pos = (20,0), size = (1900,70), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_LEFT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 1), # index 0 is the name, index 1 is shortname MultiContentEntryText(pos = (1950,0), size = (550,70), font=0, flags = RT_HALIGN_RIGHT|RT_VALIGN_CENTER, text = 2), # index 2 is number ], "fonts": [gFont("Regular", 58)], "itemHeight": 70 } """ # debug("[FritzDisplayCalls] skin: " + self.skin) Screen.__init__(self, session) NumericalTextInput.__init__(self) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_red"] = Button(_("Delete")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_green"] = Button(_("New")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Edit")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Search")) self["setupActions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions", "ColorActions"], { "red": self.delete, "green": self.add, "yellow": self.edit, "blue": self.mySearch, "cancel": self.exit, "ok": self.showEntry, }, -2) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("ok", _("Show details of entry"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("cancel", _("Quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("red", _("Delete entry"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("green", _("Add entry to phonebook"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("yellow", _("Edit selected entry"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("blue", _("Search (case insensitive)"))])) self["entries"] = List([]) debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook]") self.help_window = None self.sortlist = [] self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setWindowTitle) self.display() def setWindowTitle(self): # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("Phonebook")) def display(self, filterNumber=""): debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook]") self.sortlist = [] # Beware: strings in phonebook.phonebook are utf-8! sortlistHelp = sorted((name.lower(), name, number) for (number, name) in phonebook.phonebook.iteritems()) for (low, name, number) in sortlistHelp: if number == "01234567890": continue try: low = low.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: # this should definitely not happen try: low = low.decode("iso-8859-1") except UnicodeDecodeError: error("[FritzDisplayPhonebook] displayPhonebook/display: corrupt phonebook entry for %s", number) # self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Corrupt phonebook entry\nfor number %s\nDeleting.") %number, type = MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) phonebook.remove(number) continue else: if filterNumber: filterNumber = filterNumber.lower() if low.find(filterNumber) == -1: continue name = name.strip().decode("utf-8") number = number.strip().decode("utf-8") comma = name.find(',') if comma != -1: shortname = name[:comma] else: shortname = name number = number.encode("utf-8", "replace") name = name.encode("utf-8", "replace") shortname = shortname.encode('utf-8', 'replace') self.sortlist.append((name, shortname, number)) self["entries"].setList(self.sortlist) def showEntry(self): cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() if cur: debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook] %s", repr(cur)) number = cur[2] name = cur[0] self.session.open(FritzOfferAction, self, number, name) def delete(self): cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() if cur: debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook] %s", repr(cur)) self.session.openWithCallback( self.deleteConfirmed, MessageBox, _("Do you really want to delete entry for\n\n%(number)s\n\n%(name)s?") % {'number': str(cur[2]), 'name': str(cur[0]).replace(", ", "\n")} ) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("No entry selected"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def deleteConfirmed(self, ret): debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook]") # # if ret: delete number from sortlist, delete number from phonebook.phonebook and write it to disk # cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() if cur: if ret: # delete number from sortlist, delete number from phonebook.phonebook and write it to disk debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook] %s", repr(cur)) phonebook.remove(cur[2]) self.display() # else: # self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Not deleted."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("No entry selected"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def add(self, parent=None, number="", name=""): class AddScreen(Screen, ConfigListScreen): '''ConfiglistScreen with two ConfigTexts for Name and Number''' def __init__(self, session, parent, number="", name=""): if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: # # setup screen with two ConfigText and OK and ABORT button # noButtons = 2 width = max(scaleH(-1, 570), noButtons * 140) height = scaleV(-1, 100) # = 5 + 126 + 40 + 5; 6 lines of text possible buttonsGap = (width - noButtons * 140) / (noButtons + 1) buttonsVPos = height - 40 - 5 self.skin = """ """ % ( width, height, width - 5 - 5, height - 5 - 40 - 5, buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, "skin_default/buttons/red.png", buttonsGap + 140 + buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, "skin_default/buttons/green.png", buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, buttonsGap + 140 + buttonsGap, buttonsVPos, ) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ """ else: self.skin = """ """ Screen.__init__(self, session) self.session = session self.parent = parent # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_red"] = Button(_("Cancel")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_green"] = Button(_("OK")) self["setupActions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions"], { "cancel": self.cancel, "red": self.cancel, "green": self.add, "ok": self.add, }, -2) self.list = [] ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.list, session=session) self.name = name self.number = number config.plugins.FritzCall.name.value = name config.plugins.FritzCall.number.value = number self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Name"), config.plugins.FritzCall.name)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Number"), config.plugins.FritzCall.number)) self["config"].list = self.list self["config"].l.setList(self.list) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setWindowTitle) def setWindowTitle(self): if self.number != "": # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("Edit selected entry")) else: # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("Add entry to phonebook")) def add(self): # get texts from Screen # add (number,name) to sortlist and phonebook.phonebook and disk self.name = config.plugins.FritzCall.name.value self.number = config.plugins.FritzCall.number.value if not self.number or not self.name: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Entry incomplete."), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) return # add (number,name) to sortlist and phonebook.phonebook and disk # oldname = phonebook.search(self.number) # if oldname: # self.session.openWithCallback( # self.overwriteConfirmed, # MessageBox, # _("Do you really want to overwrite entry for %(number)s\n\n%(name)s\n\nwith\n\n%(newname)s?") # % { # 'number':self.number, # 'name': oldname, # 'newname':self.name.replace(", ","\n") # } # ) # self.close() # return phonebook.add(self.number, self.name) self.close() self.parent.display() def overwriteConfirmed(self, ret): if ret: phonebook.remove(self.number) phonebook.add(self.number, self.name) self.parent.display() def cancel(self): self.close() debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook]") if not parent: parent = self self.session.open(AddScreen, parent, number, name) def edit(self): debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook]") cur = self["entries"].getCurrent() if cur is None: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("No entry selected"), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: self.add(self, cur[2], cur[0]) def mySearch(self): debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook]") # self.help_window = self.session.instantiateDialog(NumericalTextInputHelpDialog, self) # self.help_window.show() # VirtualKeyboard instead of InputBox? self.session.openWithCallback(self.doSearch, VirtualKeyBoard, title=_("Search phonebook")) def doSearch(self, searchTerms): if not searchTerms: searchTerms = "" debug("[FritzDisplayPhonebook]: " + searchTerms) if self.help_window: self.session.deleteDialog(self.help_window) self.help_window = None self.display(searchTerms) def exit(self): self.close() phonebook = FritzCallPhonebook() class FritzCallSetup(Screen, ConfigListScreen, HelpableScreen): def __init__(self, session, args=None): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: self.width = scaleH(20 + 4 * (140 + 90) + 2 * (35 + 40) + 20, 4 * 140 + 2 * 35) width = self.width debug("[FritzCallSetup] width: " + str(self.width)) self.skin = """ """ % ( # (DESKTOP_WIDTH-width)/2, scaleV(100, 73), # position width, scaleV(560, 430), # size width, # eLabel width scaleH(40, 20), scaleV(10, 5), # consideration position scaleH(width - 80, width - 40), scaleV(25, 45), # consideration size scaleV(22, 20), # consideration font size scaleV(40, 50), # eLabel position vertical width, # eLabel width scaleH(40, 5), scaleV(60, 57), # config position scaleH(width - 80, width - 10), scaleV(453, 328), # config size scaleV(518, 390), # eLabel position vertical width, # eLabel width scaleH(20, 0), scaleV(525, 395), "skin_default/buttons/red.png", # pixmap red scaleH(20 + 140 + 90, 140), scaleV(525, 395), "skin_default/buttons/green.png", # pixmap green scaleH(20 + 2 * (140 + 90), 2 * 140), scaleV(525, 395), "skin_default/buttons/yellow.png", # pixmap yellow scaleH(20 + 3 * (140 + 90), 3 * 140), scaleV(525, 395), "skin_default/buttons/blue.png", # pixmap blue scaleH(20, 0), scaleV(525, 395), scaleV(21, 21), # widget red scaleH(20 + (140 + 90), 140), scaleV(525, 395), scaleV(21, 21), # widget green scaleH(20 + 2 * (140 + 90), 2 * 140), scaleV(525, 395), scaleV(21, 21), # widget yellow scaleH(20 + 3 * (140 + 90), 3 * 140), scaleV(525, 395), scaleV(21, 21), # widget blue scaleH(20 + 4 * (140 + 90), 4 * 140), scaleV(532, 402), "skin_default/buttons/key_info.png", # button information scaleH(20 + 4 * (140 + 90) + (35 + 40), 4 * 140 + 35), scaleV(532, 402), "skin_default/buttons/key_menu.png", # button menu ) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ """ else: self.skin = """ """ Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self.session = session self["consideration"] = Label(_("You need to enable the monitoring on your FRITZ!Box by dialing #96*5*!")) self.list = [] # Initialize Buttons # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_red"] = Button(_("Cancel")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_green"] = Button(_("OK")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Phone calls")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Phonebook")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_info"] = Button(_("About FritzCall")) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a button self["key_menu"] = Button(_("FRITZ!Box Fon Status")) self["setupActions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "OkCancelActions", "MenuActions", "EPGSelectActions"], { "red": self.cancel, "green": self.save, "yellow": self.displayCalls, "blue": self.displayPhonebook, "cancel": self.cancel, "ok": self.save, "menu": self.menu, "info": self.about, }, -2) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("red", _("quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("green", _("save and quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("yellow", _("display calls"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "ColorActions", [("blue", _("display phonebook"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("ok", _("save and quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "OkCancelActions", [("cancel", _("quit"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "MenuActions", [("menu", _("FRITZ!Box Fon Status"))])) # TRANSLATORS: keep it short, this is a help text self.helpList.append((self["setupActions"], "EPGSelectActions", [("info", _("About FritzCall"))])) ConfigListScreen.__init__(self, self.list, session=session) try: config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value) except binascii.Error: config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value = "" try: config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value = decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) except binascii.Error: config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value = "" # get new list of locations for Phonebook.json self.createSetup() self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.setWindowTitle) def setWindowTitle(self): # TRANSLATORS: this is a window title. self.setTitle(_("FritzCall Setup") + " (" + "$Revision: 1553 $"[1:-1] + "$Date: 2019-04-25 09:36:05 +0200 (Thu, 25 Apr 2019) $"[7:23] + ")") def keyLeft(self): ConfigListScreen.keyLeft(self) self.createSetup() def keyRight(self): ConfigListScreen.keyRight(self) self.createSetup() def createSetup(self): self.list = [] self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Call monitoring"), config.plugins.FritzCall.enable)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("FRITZ!Box FON address (Name or IP)"), config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("FRITZ!Box FON firmware version"), config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Show after Standby"), config.plugins.FritzCall.afterStandby)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Show only calls for specific MSN"), config.plugins.FritzCall.filter)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("MSN to show (separated by ,)"), config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Filter also list of calls"), config.plugins.FritzCall.filterCallList)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Mute on incoming call"), config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnCall)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Mute on outgoing calls"), config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnOutgoingCall)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Show Blocked Calls"), config.plugins.FritzCall.showBlacklistedCalls)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Show Outgoing Calls"), config.plugins.FritzCall.showOutgoingCalls)) # not only for outgoing: config.plugins.FritzCall.showOutgoingCalls.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Areacode to add to calls without one (if necessary)"), config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Timeout for Call Notifications (seconds)"), config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Country"), config.plugins.FritzCall.country)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.country.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Reverse Lookup Caller ID"), config.plugins.FritzCall.lookup)) config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value = config.plugins.FritzCall.country.value # else: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Countrycode (e.g. 0044 for UK, 0034 for Spain, etc.)"), config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value is not None: if config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.50" or config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "06.35"or config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "upnp": self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("User name Accessing FRITZ!Box"), config.plugins.FritzCall.username)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Password Accessing FRITZ!Box"), config.plugins.FritzCall.password)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Extension number to initiate call on"), config.plugins.FritzCall.extension)) # if config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.50" or config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "06.35": # self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Name of WLAN guest network"), config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSSID)) # self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Secure WLAN guest network"), config.plugins.FritzCall.guestSecure)) # self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Password of WLAN guest network"), config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword)) # self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Minutes of uptime of WLAN guest network"), config.plugins.FritzCall.guestUptime)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Read PhoneBook from FRITZ!Box"), config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("FRITZ!Box PhoneBook to read"), config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebookName)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "06.35": self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Show also internal numbers"), config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebookShowInternal)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Append type of number"), config.plugins.FritzCall.showType)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Append shortcut number"), config.plugins.FritzCall.showShortcut)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Append vanity name"), config.plugins.FritzCall.showVanity)) else: config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value = False self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Use internal PhoneBook"), config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value: if config.plugins.FritzCall.lookup.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Automatically add new Caller to PhoneBook"), config.plugins.FritzCall.addcallers)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("PhoneBook and Faces Location"), config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value or config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Reload interval for phonebooks (hours)"), config.plugins.FritzCall.reloadPhonebookTime)) if config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebook.value or config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value: self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Extended Search for names"), config.plugins.FritzCall.FritzExtendedSearchNames)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Extended Search for faces"), config.plugins.FritzCall.FritzExtendedSearchFaces)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Strip Leading 0"), config.plugins.FritzCall.internal)) # self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Default display mode for FRITZ!Box calls"), config.plugins.FritzCall.fbfCalls)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Display connection infos"), config.plugins.FritzCall.connectionVerbose)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Ignore callers with no phone number"), config.plugins.FritzCall.ignoreUnknown)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Log level"), config.plugins.FritzCall.debug)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Make it more skin friendly"), config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin)) self.list.append(getConfigListEntry(_("Use HTTPS to communicate with FRITZ!Box"), config.plugins.FritzCall.useHttps)) self["config"].list = self.list self["config"].l.setList(self.list) def save(self): # debug("[FritzCallSetup]" global fritzbox if self["config"].getCurrent()[1] == config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation: self.session.openWithCallback(self.LocationBoxClosed, LocationBox, _("PhoneBook and Faces Location"), currDir=config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value) if fritzbox and config.plugins.FritzCall.password.isChanged(): fritzbox.password = config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value = encode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) if fritzbox and config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.isChanged(): fritzbox.guestPassword = config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value = encode(config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value) for x in self["config"].list: # debug("Save " + repr(x[1].value)) x[1].save() if not config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("To enjoy more functionalities of your FRITZ!Box, configure the firmware version!"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=4) fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_dummy() config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value = False elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "old": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF() elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.27": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_05_27() elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.50": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_05_50() elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "06.35": # fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_06_35() # elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "upnp": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_upnp() else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("FRITZ!Box firmware version not configured! Please set it in the configuration."), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=0) phonebook.reload() logger.setLevel(int(config.plugins.FritzCall.debug.value)) if fritz_call: if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: fritz_call.connect() else: fritz_call.shutdown() self.close() def LocationBoxClosed(self, path): if path is not None: config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.setValue(path) def cancel(self): # debug("[FritzCallSetup]" config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value = encode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value = encode(config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value) for x in self["config"].list: x[1].cancel() self.close() def displayCalls(self): if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: if fritzbox and config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value: self.session.open(FritzDisplayCalls) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Cannot get calls from FRITZ!Box"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Plugin not enabled"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def displayPhonebook(self): if phonebook: if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: self.session.open(phonebook.FritzDisplayPhonebook) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Plugin not enabled"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("No phonebook"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def about(self): self.session.open(FritzAbout) def menu(self): if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: if fritzbox and fritzbox.information: self.session.open(FritzMenu) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: self.session.open(MessageBox, _("Plugin not enabled"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) standbyMode = False class FritzCallList(object): def __init__(self): self.callList = [] def add(self, event, date, number, caller, phone): debug("[FritzCallList] %s %s", number, caller) if len(self.callList) > 10: if self.callList[0] != "Start": self.callList[0] = "Start" del self.callList[1] self.callList.append((event, number, date, caller, phone)) def display(self): debug("[FritzCallList]") global standbyMode standbyMode = False # Standby.inStandby.onClose.remove(self.display) object does not exist anymore... # build screen from call list text = "\n" if not self.callList: # why is this happening at all?!?! text = _("no calls") debug("[FritzCallList] %s", text) return else: if self.callList[0] == "Start": text = text + _("Last 10 calls:\n") del self.callList[0] for call in self.callList: (event, number, date, caller, phone) = call if event == "RING": direction = "->" else: direction = "<-" # shorten the date information date = date[:6] + date[9:14] # our phone could be of the form "0123456789 (home)", then we only take "home" oBrack = phone.find('(') cBrack = phone.find(')') if oBrack != -1 and cBrack != -1: phone = phone[oBrack + 1:cBrack] # should not happen, for safety reasons if not caller: caller = _("UNKNOWN") # if we have an unknown number, show the number if caller == _("UNKNOWN") and number != "": caller = number else: # strip off the address part of the remote caller/callee, if there is any nl = caller.find('\n') if nl != -1: caller = caller[:nl] elif caller[0] == '[' and caller[-1] == ']': # that means, we've got an unknown number with a city added from avon.dat if (len(number) + 1 + len(caller) + len(phone)) <= 40: caller = number + ' ' + caller else: caller = number while (len(caller) + len(phone)) > 40: if len(caller) > len(phone): caller = caller[:-1] else: phone = phone[:-1] text = text + "%s %s %s %s\n" % (date, caller, direction, phone) debug("[FritzCallList] '%s %s %s %s'", date, caller, direction, phone) # display screen Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) self.callList = [] callList = FritzCallList() def findFace(number, name): # debug("[FritzCall] number/name: %s/%s" % (number, name)) if name: sep = name.find(',') if sep != -1: name = name[:sep] sep = name.find('\n') if sep != -1: name = name[:sep] else: name = _("UNKNOWN") # debug("[FritzCall] looking for: %s" %name) facesDir = os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "FritzCallFaces") # debug("[FritzCall] looking in: %s" %facesDir) facesFile = None if not os.path.isdir(facesDir): info("[FritzCall] findFace facesdir does not exist: %s", facesDir) else: files = os.listdir(facesDir) # debug("[FritzCall] listdir: %s" %repr(files)) myFiles = [f for f in files if re.match(re.escape(number) + r"\.[png|PNG]", f)] if not myFiles: myFiles = [f for f in files if re.match(re.escape(name) + r"\.[png|PNG]", f)] if not myFiles: sep = name.find(' (') if sep != -1: name = name[:sep] myFiles = [f for f in files if re.match(re.escape(name) + r"\.[png|PNG]", f)] if myFiles: # debug("[FritzCall] found: %s" %repr(myFiles)) facesFile = os.path.join(facesDir, myFiles[0]) if not facesFile and config.plugins.FritzCall.FritzExtendedSearchFaces.value: for k in range(len(number) - 1, 0, -1): # debug("[FritzCall] extended search: %s" %number[:k]) myFiles = [f for f in files if re.match(re.escape(number[:k]) + r"\.[png|PNG]", f)] if myFiles: facesFile = os.path.join(facesDir, myFiles[0]) break if not facesFile: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: facesFile = resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-sd.png") elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: facesFile = resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-hd.png") elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: facesFile = resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-fhd.png") else: facesFile = resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-uhd.png") info("[FritzCall] result: %s", __(facesFile)) return facesFile class MessageBoxPixmap(Screen): def __init__(self, session, text, number="", name="", timeout=-1): if not config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: self.skin = """ """ % ( # scaleH(350, 60), scaleV(175, 245), scaleV(25, 22), resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_SKIN, "skin_default/icons/input_info.png") ) debug("[FritzCall] MessageBoxPixmap number: %s", number) else: if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: self.skin = """ """ elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: self.skin = """ """ else: self.skin = """ """ Screen.__init__(self, session) # MessageBox.__init__(self, session, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=timeout) self["text"] = Label(text) self["InfoPixmap"] = Pixmap() self._session = session self._number = number self._name = name self._timerRunning = False self._timer = None self._timeout = timeout self._origTitle = None self._initTimeout() self.onLayoutFinish.append(self._finishLayout) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["OkCancelActions"], { "cancel": self._exit, "ok": self._exit, }, -2) def _finishLayout(self): debug("[FritzCall] MessageBoxPixmap/setInfoPixmap number: %s/%s", self._number, self._name) self.setTitle(_("New call")) faceFile = findFace(self._number, self._name) picPixmap = LoadPixmap(faceFile) if not picPixmap: # that means most probably, that the picture is not 8 bit... Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Found picture\n\n%s\n\nBut did not load. Probably not PNG, 8-bit") % faceFile, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR) if DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 720: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-sd.png")) elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1280: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-hd.png")) elif DESKTOP_WIDTH <= 1920: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-fhd.png")) else: picPixmap = LoadPixmap(resolveFilename(SCOPE_CURRENT_PLUGIN, "Extensions/FritzCall/images/no-face-error-uhd.png")) picSize = picPixmap.size() self["InfoPixmap"].instance.setPixmap(picPixmap) if config.plugins.FritzCall.advancedSkin.value: debug("skip layout manipulation") return # recalculate window size textSize = self["text"].getSize() textSize = (textSize[0] + 20, textSize[1] + 20) # don't know, why, but size is too small textSize = eSize(*textSize) width = max(scaleH(600, 280), picSize.width() + textSize.width() + 30) height = max(scaleV(300, 250), picSize.height() + 10, textSize.height() + 10) wSize = (width, height) wSize = eSize(*wSize) # center the smaller vertically hGap = (width - picSize.width() - textSize.width()) / 3 picPos = (hGap, (height - picSize.height()) / 2 + 1) textPos = (hGap + picSize.width() + hGap, (height - textSize.height()) / 2 + 1) # resize screen self.instance.resize(wSize) # resize text self["text"].instance.resize(textSize) # resize pixmap self["InfoPixmap"].instance.resize(picSize) self["InfoPixmap"].instance.setPixmap(picPixmap) # move text self["text"].instance.move(ePoint(*textPos)) # move pixmap self["InfoPixmap"].instance.move(ePoint(*picPos)) # center window self.instance.move(ePoint((DESKTOP_WIDTH - wSize.width()) / 2, (DESKTOP_HEIGHT - wSize.height()) / 2)) def _initTimeout(self): if self._timeout > 0: self._timer = eTimer() # newer OE versions don't have the callback try: self._timer_conn = self._timer.timeout.connect(self._timerTick) except AttributeError: self._timer.callback.append(self._timerTick) self.onExecBegin.append(self._startTimer) self._origTitle = None if self.execing: self._timerTick() else: self.onShown.append(self.__onShown) self._timerRunning = True else: self._timerRunning = False def __onShown(self): self.onShown.remove(self.__onShown) self._timerTick() def _startTimer(self): self._timer.start(1000) #=============================================================================== # def stopTimer(self): # if self._timerRunning: # del self._timer # self.setTitle(self._origTitle) # self._timerRunning = False #=============================================================================== def _timerTick(self): if self.execing: self._timeout -= 1 if self._origTitle is None: self._origTitle = self.instance.getTitle() self.setTitle(self._origTitle + " (" + str(self._timeout) + ")") if self._timeout == 0: self._timer.stop() self._timerRunning = False self._exit() def _exit(self): self.close() def runUserActionScript(event, date, number, caller, phone): # user exit # call FritzCallserAction.sh in the same dir as Phonebook.json with the following parameters: # event: "RING" (incomning) or "CALL" (outgoing) # date of event, format: "dd.mm.yy hh.mm.ss" # telephone number which is calling/is called # caller's name and address, format Name\n Street\n ZIP City # line/number which is called/which is used for calling userActionScript = os.path.join(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value, "FritzCallUserAction.sh") if os.path.exists(userActionScript) and os.access(userActionScript, os.X_OK): cmd = userActionScript + ' "' + event + '" "' + date + '" "' + number + '" "' + caller + '" "' + phone + '"' info("[FritzCall] calling: %s", cmd) eConsoleAppContainer().execute(cmd) userActionList = [runUserActionScript] def registerUserAction(fun): #=========================================================================== # other plugins can register a function, which is then called for each displayed call # it must take the arguments event,date,number,caller,phone # # example: # def FritzCallEvent(event,date,number,caller,phone): # ...... # # try: # from Plugins.Extensions.FritzCall.plugin import registerUserAction as FritzCallRegisterUserAction # FritzCallRegisterUserAction(FritzCallEvent) # except: # print "import of FritzCall failed" #=========================================================================== info("[FritzCall] register: %s", fun.__name__) userActionList.append(fun) mutedOnConnID = None def notifyCall(event, date, number, caller, phone, connID): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 if Standby.inStandby is None or config.plugins.FritzCall.afterStandby.value == "each": if event == "RING": text = _("Incoming Call on %(date)s at %(time)s from\n---------------------------------------------\n%(number)s\n%(caller)s\n---------------------------------------------\nto: %(phone)s") % {'date': date[:8], 'time': date[9:], 'number': number, 'caller': caller, 'phone': phone} else: text = _("Outgoing Call on %(date)s at %(time)s to\n---------------------------------------------\n%(number)s\n%(caller)s\n---------------------------------------------\nfrom: %(phone)s") % {'date': date[:8], 'time': date[9:], 'number': number, 'caller': caller, 'phone': phone} info("[FritzCall]\n%s", text) # Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBoxPixmap, text, number=number, name=caller, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) elif config.plugins.FritzCall.afterStandby.value == "inList": # # if not yet done, register function to show call list global standbyMode if not standbyMode: standbyMode = True Standby.inStandby.onHide.append(callList.display) # @UndefinedVariable # add text/timeout to call list callList.add(event, date, number, caller, phone) info("[FritzCall] added to callList") else: # this is the "None" case info("[FritzCall] standby and no show") for fun in userActionList: info("[FritzCall] call user action: %s", fun.__name__) fun(event, date, number, caller, phone) #=============================================================================== # We need a separate class for each invocation of reverseLookup to retain # the necessary data for the notification #=============================================================================== countries = {} reverselookupMtime = 0 class FritzReverseLookupAndNotifier(object): def __init__(self, event, number, caller, phone, date, connID): ''' Initiate a reverse lookup for the given number in the configured country @param event: CALL or RING @param number: number to be looked up @param caller: caller including name and address @param phone: Number (and name) of or own phone @param date: date of call ''' info("[FritzReverseLookupAndNotifier] reverse Lookup for %s!", number) self.event = event self.number = number self.caller = caller self.phone = phone self.date = date self.connID = connID if number[0] != "0": self.notifyAndReset(number, caller) return ReverseLookupAndNotifier(number, self.notifyAndReset, "UTF-8", config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) def notifyAndReset(self, number, caller): ''' this gets called with the result of the reverse lookup @param number: number @param caller: name and address of remote. it comes in with name, address and city separated by commas ''' info("[FritzReverseLookupAndNotifier] got: " + caller) self.number = number #=============================================================================== # if not caller and os.path.exists(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value + "/PhoneBook.csv"): # caller = FritzOutlookCSV.findNumber(number, config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value + "/PhoneBook.csv") #@UndefinedVariable # debug("[FritzReverseLookupAndNotifier] got from Outlook csv: " + caller) #=============================================================================== #=============================================================================== # if not caller and os.path.exists(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value + "/PhoneBook.ldif"): # caller = FritzLDIF.findNumber(number, open(config.plugins.FritzCall.phonebookLocation.value + "/PhoneBook.ldif")) # debug("[FritzReverseLookupAndNotifier] got from ldif: " + caller) #=============================================================================== name = handleReverseLookupResult(caller) if name: self.caller = name.replace(", ", "\n") if self.number != 0 and config.plugins.FritzCall.addcallers.value: info("[FritzReverseLookupAndNotifier] add to phonebook") phonebook.add(self.number, self.caller) else: name = resolveNumberWithAvon(self.number, config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) if not name: self.caller = _("UNKNOWN") else: self.caller = name notifyCall(self.event, self.date, self.number, self.caller, self.phone, self.connID) # kill that object... class FritzProtocol(LineReceiver): # pylint: disable=W0223 def __init__(self): info("[FritzProtocol] " + "$Revision: 1553 $"[1:-1] + "$Date: 2019-04-25 09:36:05 +0200 (Thu, 25 Apr 2019) $"[7:23] + " starting") global mutedOnConnID mutedOnConnID = None self.number = '0' self.caller = None self.phone = None self.date = '0' self.event = None self.connID = None def resetValues(self): debug("[FritzProtocol]") self.number = '0' self.caller = None self.phone = None self.date = '0' self.event = None self.connID = None def notifyAndReset(self): notifyCall(self.event, self.date, self.number, self.caller, self.phone, self.connID) self.resetValues() # def pauseEnigma2(self): # debug("") # getPage("").addCallback(self.pauseEnigma2_cb).addErrback(self.pauseEnigma2_eb) # # def pauseEnigma2_cb(self, result): # debug(repr(result)) # # def pauseEnigma2_eb(self, result): # debug(repr(result)) def lineReceived(self, line): debug("[FritzProtocol] %s", line) # 15.07.06 00:38:54;CALL;1;4;;; # 15.07.06 00:38:58;DISCONNECT;1;0; # 15.07.06 00:39:22;RING;0;;; # 15.07.06 00:39:27;DISCONNECT;0;0; anEvent = line.split(';') (self.date, self.event) = anEvent[0:2] self.connID = anEvent[2] filtermsns = config.plugins.FritzCall.filtermsn.value.split(",") filtermsns = [i.strip() for i in filtermsns] debug("Filtermsns: %s", filtermsns) if config.plugins.FritzCall.ignoreUnknown.value: if self.event == "RING": if not anEvent[3]: debug("[FritzProtocol] call from unknown phone; skipping") return elif not anEvent[5]: debug("[FritzProtocol] call to unknown phone; skipping") return # debug("[FritzProtocol] Volcontrol dir: %s" % dir(eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance())) # debug("[FritzCall] unmute on connID: %s?" %self.connID) global mutedOnConnID phone = anEvent[4] debug("Phone: %s", phone) if Standby.inStandby is None and not mutedOnConnID: if not (config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and phone not in filtermsns): info("[FritzCall] check mute") if (self.event == "RING" and config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnCall.value) or (self.event == "CALL" and config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnOutgoingCall.value): info("[FritzCall] mute on connID: %s", self.connID) mutedOnConnID = self.connID # eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().volumeMute() # with this, we get no mute icon... if not eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().isMuted(): globalActionMap.actions["volumeMute"]() # self.pauseEnigma2() if self.event == "DISCONNECT"and (config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnCall.value or config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnOutgoingCall.value) and mutedOnConnID == self.connID: debug("[FritzCall] unmute on connID: %s!", self.connID) mutedOnConnID = None # eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().volumeUnMute() if eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().isMuted(): globalActionMap.actions["volumeMute"]() # self.pauseEnigma2() # not supported so far, because, taht would mean muting on EVERY connect, regardless of RING or CALL or filter active #======================================================================= # elif self.event == "CONNECT" and config.plugins.FritzCall.muteOnCall.value == "connect": # debug("[FritzCall] mute on connID: %s" % self.connID) # mutedOnConnID = self.connID # # eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().volumeMute() # with this, we get no mute icon... # if not eDVBVolumecontrol.getInstance().isMuted(): # globalActionMap.actions["volumeMute"]() #======================================================================= elif self.event == "RING" or (self.event == "CALL" and config.plugins.FritzCall.showOutgoingCalls.value): if self.event == "RING": number = anEvent[3] else: number = anEvent[5] if fritzbox and fritzbox.blacklist and not config.plugins.FritzCall.showBlacklistedCalls.value: if self.event == "RING": if number in fritzbox.blacklist[0]: info("[FritzProtocol] phone: '''%s''' blacklisted number: '''%s'''", phone, number) return else: if number in fritzbox.blacklist[1]: info("[FritzProtocol] phone: '''%s''' blacklisted number: '''%s'''", phone, number) return info("[FritzProtocol] phone: '''%s''' number: '''%s'''", phone, number) if not (config.plugins.FritzCall.filter.value and phone not in filtermsns): debug("[FritzProtocol] no filter hit") if phone: phonename = phonebook.search(phone) # do we have a name for the number of our side? if phonename: self.phone = "%s (%s)" % (phone, phonename) else: self.phone = phone else: self.phone = _("UNKNOWN") if not number: debug("[FritzProtocol] no number") self.number = _("number suppressed") self.caller = _("UNKNOWN") else: if config.plugins.FritzCall.internal.value and len(number) > 3 and number[0] == "0": debug("[FritzProtocol] strip leading 0") self.number = number[1:] else: self.number = number if self.event == "CALL" and self.number[0] != '0': # should only happen for outgoing debug("[FritzProtocol] add local prefix") self.number = config.plugins.FritzCall.prefix.value + self.number # strip CbC prefixes if self.event == "CALL": number = stripCbCPrefix(self.number, config.plugins.FritzCall.countrycode.value) info("[FritzProtocol] phonebook.search: %s", self.number) self.caller = phonebook.search(self.number) info("[FritzProtocol] phonebook.search result: %s", self.caller) if not self.caller: if config.plugins.FritzCall.lookup.value: FritzReverseLookupAndNotifier(self.event, self.number, self.caller, self.phone, self.date, self.connID) return # reverselookup is supposed to handle the message itself else: self.caller = _("UNKNOWN") self.notifyAndReset() class FritzClientFactory(ReconnectingClientFactory): def __init__(self): self.hangup_ok = False # self.initialDelay = 20 # self.maxDelay = 30 self.maxRetries = 5 def startedConnecting(self, connector): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 #======================================================================= # if not config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value: # Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("FRITZ!Box firmware version not configured! Please set it in the configuration."), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=0) #======================================================================= if config.plugins.FritzCall.connectionVerbose.value == "on": info("[FRITZ!FritzClientFactory]") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Connecting to FRITZ!Box..."), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=2) def buildProtocol(self, addr): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 global fritzbox if config.plugins.FritzCall.connectionVerbose.value == "on": info("[FRITZ!FritzClientFactory]") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Connected to FRITZ!Box!"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=4) self.resetDelay() # initDebug() initCbC() initAvon() try: decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) except binascii.Error: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("There might be a problem with your FritzCall %spassword.\nCheck in the configuration.") % "", type=MessageBox.TYPE_WARNING) config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value = encode(config.plugins.FritzCall.password.value) config.plugins.FritzCall.password.save() try: decode(config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value) except binascii.Error: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("There might be a problem with your FritzCall %spassword.\nCheck in the configuration.") % _("guest "), type=MessageBox.TYPE_WARNING) config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value = encode(config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.value) config.plugins.FritzCall.guestPassword.save() if not config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("To enjoy more functionalities of your FRITZ!Box, configure the firmware version!"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=4) fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_dummy() config.plugins.FritzCall.fritzphonebook.value = False elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "old": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF() elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.27": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_05_27() elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "05.50": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_05_50() elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "06.35": # fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_06_35() # elif config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value == "upnp": fritzbox = FritzCallFBF.FritzCallFBF_upnp() else: fritzbox = None Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("FRITZ!Box firmware version not configured! Please set it in the configuration."), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=0) phonebook.reload() return FritzProtocol() def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): global fritzbox if not self.hangup_ok and config.plugins.FritzCall.connectionVerbose.value != "off": warn("[FRITZ!FritzClientFactory] - clientConnectionLost") Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Connection to FRITZ!Box! lost\n (%s)\nretrying...") % reason.getErrorMessage(), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason) fritzbox = None def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): global fritzbox if config.plugins.FritzCall.connectionVerbose.value != "off": Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Connecting to FRITZ!Box failed\n (%s)\nretrying...") % reason.getErrorMessage(), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=config.plugins.FritzCall.timeout.value) ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason) fritzbox = None class FritzCall(object): def __init__(self): self.dialog = None self.desc = None if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: self.connect() def connect(self): self.abort() if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: fact = FritzClientFactory() self.desc = (fact, reactor.connectTCP(config.plugins.FritzCall.hostname.value, 1012, fact)) # @UndefinedVariable # pylint: disable=E1101 def shutdown(self): self.abort() def abort(self): if self.desc is not None: self.desc[0].hangup_ok = True self.desc[0].stopTrying() self.desc[1].disconnect() self.desc = None def displayCalls(session, servicelist=None): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: if fritzbox and config.plugins.FritzCall.fwVersion.value: session.open(FritzDisplayCalls) else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get calls from FRITZ!Box"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Plugin not enabled"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def displayPhonebook(session, servicelist=None): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 if phonebook: if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: session.open(phonebook.FritzDisplayPhonebook) else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Plugin not enabled"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("No phonebook"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def displayFBFStatus(session, servicelist=None): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613 if config.plugins.FritzCall.enable.value: if fritzbox and fritzbox.information: session.open(FritzMenu) else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Cannot get infos from FRITZ!Box yet\nStill initialising or wrong firmware version"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) else: Notifications.AddNotification(MessageBox, _("Plugin not enabled"), type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO) def main(session, **kwargs): # @UnusedVariable pylint: disable=W0613 session.open(FritzCallSetup) fritz_call = None def autostart(reason, **kwargs): global fritz_call # ouch, this is a hack if "session" in kwargs: global my_global_session my_global_session = kwargs["session"] return info("[FRITZ!Call]") if reason == 0: if not fritz_call: fritz_call = FritzCall() elif reason == 1: fritz_call.shutdown() fritz_call = None def Plugins(**kwargs): # @UnusedVariable # pylint: disable=W0613,C0103 what = _("Display FRITZ!box-Fon calls on screen") what_calls = _("Phone calls") what_phonebook = _("Phonebook") what_status = _("FRITZ!Box Fon Status") return [PluginDescriptor(name="FritzCall", description=what, where=PluginDescriptor.WHERE_PLUGINMENU, icon="plugin.png", fnc=main), PluginDescriptor(name=what_calls, description=what_calls, where=PluginDescriptor.WHERE_EXTENSIONSMENU, fnc=displayCalls), PluginDescriptor(name=what_phonebook, description=what_phonebook, where=PluginDescriptor.WHERE_EXTENSIONSMENU, fnc=displayPhonebook), PluginDescriptor(name=what_status, description=what_status, where=PluginDescriptor.WHERE_EXTENSIONSMENU, fnc=displayFBFStatus), PluginDescriptor(where=[PluginDescriptor.WHERE_SESSIONSTART, PluginDescriptor.WHERE_AUTOSTART], fnc=autostart)]