import os import netifaces as ni from re import sub, compile as re_compile from struct import pack from socket import inet_ntoa from Components.Console import Console from Components.PluginComponent import plugins from Plugins.Plugin import PluginDescriptor class Network: def __init__(self): self.ifaces = {} self.configuredNetworkAdapters = [] self.NetworkState = 0 self.DnsState = 0 self.nameservers = [] self.ethtool_bin = "/usr/sbin/ethtool" self.console = Console() self.linkConsole = Console() self.restartConsole = Console() self.deactivateInterfaceConsole = Console() self.activateInterfaceConsole = Console() self.resetNetworkConsole = Console() self.dnsConsole = Console() self.pingConsole = Console() self.config_ready = None self.friendlyNames = {} self.lan_interfaces = [] self.wlan_interfaces = [] self.remoteRootFS = None self.getInterfaces() def onRemoteRootFS(self): if self.remoteRootFS is None: from Components import Harddisk for parts in Harddisk.getProcMounts(): if parts[1] == '/' and parts[2] == 'nfs': self.remoteRootFS = True break else: self.remoteRootFS = False return self.remoteRootFS def isBlacklisted(self, iface): return iface in ('lo', 'wifi0', 'wmaster0', 'sit0', 'tun0', 'tap0', 'sys0', 'p2p0', 'wg0', 'tunl0') def getInterfaces(self, callback=None): self.configuredInterfaces = [] for device in self.getInstalledAdapters(): self.getAddrInet(device, callback) # helper function def regExpMatch(self, pattern, string): if string is None: return None try: return except AttributeError: return None # helper function to convert ips from a sring to a list of ints def convertIP(self, ip): return [int(n) for n in ip.split('.')] def getAddrInet(self, iface, callback): data = {'up': False, 'dhcp': False, 'preup': False, 'predown': False, "dns-nameservers": []} try: if os.path.exists('/sys/class/net/%s/operstate' % iface): data['up'] = int(open('/sys/class/net/%s/flags' % iface).read().strip(), 16) & 1 == 1 if data['up'] and iface not in self.configuredInterfaces: self.configuredInterfaces.append(iface) nit = ni.ifaddresses(iface) data['ip'] = self.convertIP(nit[ni.AF_INET][0]['addr']) # ipv4 data['netmask'] = self.convertIP(nit[ni.AF_INET][0]['netmask']) data['bcast'] = self.convertIP(nit[ni.AF_INET][0]['broadcast']) data['mac'] = nit[ni.AF_LINK][0]['addr'] # mac data['gateway'] = self.convertIP(ni.gateways()['default'][ni.AF_INET][0]) # default gw except (KeyError, ValueError, IOError): data['dhcp'] = True data['ip'] = [0, 0, 0, 0] data['netmask'] = [0, 0, 0, 0] data['gateway'] = [0, 0, 0, 0] if iface in self.ifaces: self.ifaces[iface].update(data) else: self.ifaces[iface] = data self.loadNetworkConfig(iface, callback) def writeNetworkConfig(self): self.configuredInterfaces = [] with open('/etc/network/interfaces', 'w') as fp: fp.write("# automatically generated by enigma2\n# do NOT change manually!\n\n") fp.write("auto lo\n") fp.write("iface lo inet loopback\n\n") for ifacename, iface in self.ifaces.items(): if iface['up']: fp.write("auto " + ifacename + "\n") self.configuredInterfaces.append(ifacename) if iface['dhcp']: fp.write("iface " + ifacename + " inet dhcp\n") fp.write("udhcpc_opts -T1 -t9\n") if not iface['dhcp']: fp.write("iface " + ifacename + " inet static\n") if 'ip' in iface: print("[] ip: ", tuple(iface['ip'])) fp.write(" address %d.%d.%d.%d\n" % tuple(iface['ip'])) fp.write(" netmask %d.%d.%d.%d\n" % tuple(iface['netmask'])) if 'gateway' in iface: fp.write(" gateway %d.%d.%d.%d\n" % tuple(iface['gateway'])) if "configStrings" in iface: fp.write(iface["configStrings"]) if iface["preup"] and "configStrings" not in iface: fp.write(iface["preup"]) if iface["predown"] and "configStrings" not in iface: fp.write(iface["predown"]) if "dns-nameservers" in iface and iface["dns-nameservers"]: fp.write(" dns-nameservers") for nameserver in iface["dns-nameservers"]: fp.write(" %d.%d.%d.%d" % tuple(nameserver)) fp.write("\n") fp.write("\n") self.configuredNetworkAdapters = self.configuredInterfaces def loadNetworkConfig(self, iface, callback=None): interfaces = [] # parse the interfaces-file try: with open('/etc/network/interfaces', 'r') as fp: interfaces = fp.readlines() except (ValueError, IOError) as er: print("[] interfaces - opening failed", er) ifaces = {} currif = "" for i in interfaces: split = i.strip().split(' ') if split[0] == "iface": currif = split[1] if currif == iface: # read information only for available interfaces if currif not in ifaces: ifaces[currif] = {} if len(split) == 4 and split[3] == "dhcp": ifaces[currif]["dhcp"] = True else: ifaces[currif]["dhcp"] = False if split[0] == "address": ifaces[currif]["address"] = list(map(int, split[1].split('.'))) if "ip" in self.ifaces[currif]: if self.ifaces[currif]["ip"] != ifaces[currif]["address"] and ifaces[currif]["dhcp"] is False: self.ifaces[currif]["ip"] = list(map(int, split[1].split('.'))) if split[0] == "netmask": ifaces[currif]["netmask"] = list(map(int, split[1].split('.'))) if "netmask" in self.ifaces[currif]: if self.ifaces[currif]["netmask"] != ifaces[currif]["netmask"] and ifaces[currif]["dhcp"] is False: self.ifaces[currif]["netmask"] = list(map(int, split[1].split('.'))) if split[0] == "gateway": ifaces[currif]["gateway"] = list(map(int, split[1].split('.'))) if "gateway" in self.ifaces[currif]: if self.ifaces[currif]["gateway"] != ifaces[currif]["gateway"] and ifaces[currif]["dhcp"] is False: self.ifaces[currif]["gateway"] = list(map(int, split[1].split('.'))) if split[0] == "pre-up": if "preup" in self.ifaces[currif]: self.ifaces[currif]["preup"] = i if split[0] in ("pre-down", "post-down"): if "predown" in self.ifaces[currif]: self.ifaces[currif]["predown"] = i if split[0] == "dns-nameservers": for dnsip in split[1:]: if dnsip: dns_ip = self.convertIP(dnsip) if dns_ip != [0, 0, 0, 0] and dns_ip not in self.ifaces[currif]["dns-nameservers"]: self.ifaces[currif]["dns-nameservers"].append(dns_ip) for ifacename, iface in ifaces.items(): if ifacename in self.ifaces: self.ifaces[ifacename]["dhcp"] = iface["dhcp"] if not self.console.appContainers: # save configured interfacelist self.configuredNetworkAdapters = self.configuredInterfaces # load nameservers only once self.loadNameserverConfig() print("[Network] read configured interface: ", ifaces) # remove any password before info is printed to the debug log safe_ifaces = self.ifaces.copy() for intf in safe_ifaces: if 'preup' in safe_ifaces[intf] and safe_ifaces[intf]['preup']: safe_ifaces[intf]['preup'] = sub(' -k "\S*" ', ' -k ********* ', safe_ifaces[intf]['preup']) print("[Network] self.ifaces after loading: ", safe_ifaces) self.config_ready = True self.msgPlugins() if callback is not None: callback(True) def loadNameserverConfig(self): self.nameservers = [] try: with open('/etc/resolv.conf', 'r') as fp: resolv = fp.readlines() except (ValueError, IOError) as er: print("[] resolv.conf - opening failed", er) else: ipRegexp = "[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}" nameserverPattern = re_compile("nameserver +" + ipRegexp) ipPattern = re_compile(ipRegexp) for line in resolv: if self.regExpMatch(nameserverPattern, line): ip = self.regExpMatch(ipPattern, line) if ip: convertIP = self.convertIP(ip) if convertIP != [0, 0, 0, 0] and convertIP not in self.nameservers: self.nameservers.append(convertIP) print("[] nameservers from resolv.conf: ", self.nameservers) def getInstalledAdapters(self): return [x for x in os.listdir('/sys/class/net') if not self.isBlacklisted(x)] def getConfiguredAdapters(self): return self.configuredNetworkAdapters def getNumberOfAdapters(self): return len(self.ifaces) def getFriendlyAdapterName(self, x): if x in self.friendlyNames.keys(): return self.friendlyNames.get(x, x) self.friendlyNames[x] = self.getFriendlyAdapterNaming(x) return self.friendlyNames.get(x, x) # when we have no friendly name, use adapter name def getFriendlyAdapterNaming(self, iface): name = None if self.isWirelessInterface(iface): if iface not in self.wlan_interfaces: name = _("WLAN connection") if len(self.wlan_interfaces): name += " " + str(len(self.wlan_interfaces) + 1) self.wlan_interfaces.append(iface) else: if iface not in self.lan_interfaces: if iface == "eth1": name = _("VLAN connection") else: name = _("LAN connection") if len(self.lan_interfaces) and not iface == "eth1": name += " " + str(len(self.lan_interfaces) + 1) self.lan_interfaces.append(iface) return name def getFriendlyAdapterDescription(self, iface): if not self.isWirelessInterface(iface): return _('Ethernet network interface') moduledir = self.getWlanModuleDir(iface) if moduledir: name = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(moduledir)) if name.startswith('ath') or name.startswith('carl'): name = 'Atheros' elif name.startswith('rt2') or name.startswith('rt3') or name.startswith('rt5') or name.startswith('rt6') or name.startswith('rt7'): name = 'Ralink' elif name.startswith('zd'): name = 'Zydas' elif name.startswith('rtl') or name.startswith('r8'): name = 'Realtek' elif name.startswith('smsc'): name = 'SMSC' elif name.startswith('peg'): name = 'Pegasus' elif name.startswith('rn'): name = 'RNDIS' elif name.startswith('mw') or name.startswith('libertas'): name = 'Marvel' elif name.startswith('p5'): name = 'Prism' elif name.startswith('as') or name.startswith('ax'): name = 'ASIX' elif name.startswith('dm'): name = 'Davicom' elif name.startswith('mcs'): name = 'MosChip' elif name.startswith('at'): name = 'Atmel' elif name.startswith('iwm'): name = 'Intel' elif name.startswith('brcm') or name.startswith('bcm'): name = 'Broadcom' elif os.path.isdir('/tmp/bcm/' + iface): name = 'Broadcom' else: name = _('Unknown') return name + ' ' + _('wireless network interface') def getAdapterName(self, iface): return iface def getAdapterList(self): return list(self.ifaces.keys()) def getAdapterAttribute(self, iface, attribute): print("[Network] Getting attribute: ", attribute, " for adapter: ", iface) if self.ifaces.get(iface, {}).get('up', False) and self.ifaces.get(iface, {}).get('ip', [0, 0, 0, 0]) == [0, 0, 0, 0]: self.getAddrInet(iface, None) return self.ifaces.get(iface, {}).get(attribute) def setAdapterAttribute(self, iface, attribute, value): print("[Network] setting for adapter: ", iface, " attribute: ", attribute, " to value: ", value) if iface in self.ifaces: self.ifaces[iface][attribute] = value def removeAdapterAttribute(self, iface, attribute): if iface in self.ifaces and attribute in self.ifaces[iface]: del self.ifaces[iface][attribute] def getNameserverList(self, iface=None): servers = [] if iface: servers = self.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "dns-nameservers") or [] if servers: servers = servers[:] if not servers: servers = self.nameservers[:] if len(servers) < 2: servers.extend([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) servers = servers[:2] print("[Network] get %s nameserver list: %s" % (iface, servers)) return servers def getIfaceNameservers(self, iface): dns_servers = self.getAdapterAttribute(iface, "dns-nameservers") or [] servers = dns_servers[:] return servers def getNameservers(self): servers = self.nameservers[:] return servers def clearNameservers(self): self.nameservers = [] def addNameserver(self, nameserver): if nameserver not in self.nameservers: self.nameservers.append(nameserver) def removeNameserver(self, nameserver): if nameserver in self.nameservers: self.nameservers.remove(nameserver) def removeNameserverIndex(self, index): if index < len(self.nameservers): self.nameservers.pop(index) def changeNameserver(self, oldnameserver, newnameserver): if oldnameserver in self.nameservers: self.nameservers[self.nameservers.index(oldnameserver)] = newnameserver def resetNetworkConfig(self, mode='lan', callback=None): self.commands = [] self.commands.append("/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop") for iface in self.ifaces.keys(): if iface != 'eth0' or not self.onRemoteRootFS(): self.commands.append("/sbin/ip addr flush dev " + iface + " scope global") self.commands.append("/etc/init.d/networking stop") self.commands.append("killall -9 udhcpc") self.commands.append("rm /var/run/udhcpc*") self.resetNetworkConsole.eBatch(self.commands, self.resetNetworkFinishedCB, [mode, callback], debug=True) def resetNetworkFinishedCB(self, extra_args): (mode, callback) = extra_args if not self.resetNetworkConsole.appContainers: self.writeDefaultNetworkConfig(mode, callback) def writeDefaultNetworkConfig(self, mode='lan', callback=None): fp = open('/etc/network/interfaces', 'w') fp.write("# automatically generated by enigma2\n# do NOT change manually!\n\n") fp.write("auto lo\n") fp.write("iface lo inet loopback\n\n") if mode == 'wlan': fp.write("auto wlan0\n") fp.write("iface wlan0 inet dhcp\n") if mode == 'wlan-mpci': fp.write("auto ath0\n") fp.write("iface ath0 inet dhcp\n") if mode == 'lan': fp.write("auto eth0\n") fp.write("iface eth0 inet dhcp\n") fp.write("\n") fp.close() self.commands = [] if mode == 'wlan': self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down") self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig ath0 down") self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up") if mode == 'wlan-mpci': self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down") self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 down") self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig ath0 up") if mode == 'lan': self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up") self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig wlan0 down") self.commands.append("/sbin/ifconfig ath0 down") self.commands.append("/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start") self.resetNetworkConsole.eBatch(self.commands, self.resetNetworkFinished, [mode, callback], debug=True) def resetNetworkFinished(self, extra_args): (mode, callback) = extra_args if not self.resetNetworkConsole.appContainers: if callback is not None: callback(True, mode) def checkNetworkState(self, statecallback): self.NetworkState = 0 self.pingConsole = Console() for server in ("", "", ""): self.pingConsole.ePopen(("/bin/ping", "/bin/ping", "-c", "1", server), self.checkNetworkStateFinished, statecallback) def checkNetworkStateFinished(self, result, retval, extra_args): (statecallback) = extra_args if self.pingConsole is not None: if retval == 0: self.pingConsole = None statecallback(self.NetworkState) else: self.NetworkState += 1 if not self.pingConsole.appContainers: statecallback(self.NetworkState) def restartNetwork(self, callback=None): self.config_ready = False self.msgPlugins() self.commands = [] self.commands.append("/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop") for iface in self.ifaces.keys(): if iface != 'eth0' or not self.onRemoteRootFS(): self.commands.append(("/sbin/ifdown", "/sbin/ifdown", iface)) self.commands.append("/sbin/ip addr flush dev " + iface + " scope global") self.commands.append("/etc/init.d/networking stop") self.commands.append("killall -9 udhcpc") self.commands.append("rm /var/run/udhcpc*") self.commands.append("/etc/init.d/networking start") self.commands.append("/etc/init.d/avahi-daemon start") self.restartConsole.eBatch(self.commands, self.restartNetworkFinished, callback, debug=True) def restartNetworkFinished(self, extra_args): (callback) = extra_args if callback is not None: callback(True) def getLinkState(self, iface, callback): self.linkConsole.ePopen((self.ethtool_bin, self.ethtool_bin, iface), self.getLinkStateFinished, callback) def getLinkStateFinished(self, result, retval, extra_args): (callback) = extra_args if not self.linkConsole.appContainers: callback(result) def stopPingConsole(self): if self.pingConsole is not None: self.pingConsole.killAll() def stopLinkStateConsole(self): self.linkConsole.killAll() def stopDNSConsole(self): if self.dnsConsole is not None: self.dnsConsole.killAll() def stopRestartConsole(self): self.restartConsole.killAll() def stopGetInterfacesConsole(self): self.console.killAll() def stopDeactivateInterfaceConsole(self): self.deactivateInterfaceConsole.killAll() def stopActivateInterfaceConsole(self): self.activateInterfaceConsole.killAll() def checkforInterface(self, iface): return self.getAdapterAttribute(iface, 'up') def checkDNSLookup(self, statecallback): self.DnsState = 0 self.dnsConsole = Console() for server in ("", "", ""): self.dnsConsole.ePopen(("/usr/bin/nslookup", "/usr/bin/nslookup", server), self.checkDNSLookupFinished, statecallback) def checkDNSLookupFinished(self, result, retval, extra_args): (statecallback) = extra_args if self.dnsConsole is not None: if retval == 0: self.dnsConsole = None statecallback(self.DnsState) else: self.DnsState += 1 if not self.dnsConsole.appContainers: statecallback(self.DnsState) def deactivateInterface(self, ifaces, callback=None): self.config_ready = False self.msgPlugins() commands = [] def buildCommands(iface): commands.append(("/sbin/ifdown", "/sbin/ifdown", "-f", iface)) commands.append(("/sbin/ip", "/sbin/ip", "addr", "flush", "dev", iface, "scope", "global")) # wpa_supplicant sometimes doesn't quit properly on SIGTERM if os.path.exists('/var/run/wpa_supplicant/' + iface): commands.append("wpa_cli -i" + iface + " terminate") if isinstance(ifaces, (list, tuple)): for iface in ifaces: if iface != 'eth0' or not self.onRemoteRootFS(): buildCommands(iface) else: if ifaces == 'eth0' and self.onRemoteRootFS(): if callback is not None: callback(True) return buildCommands(ifaces) self.deactivateInterfaceConsole.eBatch(commands, self.deactivateInterfaceFinished, (ifaces, callback), debug=True) def deactivateInterfaceFinished(self, extra_args): (ifaces, callback) = extra_args if not self.deactivateInterfaceConsole.appContainers: if callback is not None: callback(True) def activateInterface(self, iface, callback=None): if self.config_ready: self.config_ready = False self.msgPlugins() if iface == 'eth0' and self.onRemoteRootFS(): if callback is not None: callback(True) return commands = [] commands.append(("/sbin/ifup", "/sbin/ifup", iface)) self.activateInterfaceConsole.eBatch(commands, self.activateInterfaceFinished, callback, debug=True) def activateInterfaceFinished(self, extra_args): callback = extra_args if not self.activateInterfaceConsole.appContainers: if callback is not None: callback(True) def sysfsPath(self, iface): return '/sys/class/net/' + iface def isWirelessInterface(self, iface): if iface in self.wlan_interfaces: return True if os.path.isdir(self.sysfsPath(iface) + '/wireless'): return True # r871x_usb_drv on kernel 2.6.12 is not identifiable over /sys/class/net/'ifacename'/wireless so look also inside /proc/net/wireless device = re_compile('[a-z]{2,}[0-9]*:') ifnames = [] fp = open('/proc/net/wireless', 'r') for line in fp: try: ifnames.append([:-1]) except AttributeError: pass if iface in ifnames: return True return False def getWlanModuleDir(self, iface=None): devicedir = self.sysfsPath(iface) + '/device' if not os.path.isdir(devicedir): return None moduledir = devicedir + '/driver/module' if os.path.isdir(moduledir): return moduledir # identification is not possible over default moduledir for x in os.listdir(devicedir): # rt3070 on kernel 2.6.18 registers wireless devices as usb_device (e.g. 1-1.3:1.0) and identification is only possible over /sys/class/net/'ifacename'/device/1-xxx if x.startswith("1-"): moduledir = devicedir + '/' + x + '/driver/module' if os.path.isdir(moduledir): return moduledir # rt73, zd1211b, r871x_usb_drv on kernel 2.6.12 can be identified over /sys/class/net/'ifacename'/device/driver, so look also here moduledir = devicedir + '/driver' if os.path.isdir(moduledir): return moduledir return None def detectWlanModule(self, iface=None): if not self.isWirelessInterface(iface): return None devicedir = self.sysfsPath(iface) + '/device' if os.path.isdir(devicedir + '/ieee80211'): return 'nl80211' moduledir = self.getWlanModuleDir(iface) if moduledir: module = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(moduledir)) if module in ('ath_pci', 'ath5k'): return 'madwifi' if module in ('rt73', 'rt73'): return 'ralink' if module == 'zd1211b': return 'zydas' if module == 'brcm-systemport': return 'brcm-wl' return 'wext' def calc_netmask(self, nmask): cidr_range = range(0, 32) cidr = int(nmask) if cidr not in cidr_range: print("[Network] cidr invalid: %d" % cidr) return None else: nm = ((1 << cidr) - 1) << (32 - cidr) netmask = str(inet_ntoa(pack('>L', nm))) return netmask def msgPlugins(self): if self.config_ready is not None: for p in plugins.getPlugins(PluginDescriptor.WHERE_NETWORKCONFIG_READ): p(reason=self.config_ready) def hotplug(self, event): interface = event['INTERFACE'] if self.isBlacklisted(interface): return action = event['ACTION'] if action == "add": print("[Network] Add new interface: ", interface) self.getAddrInet(interface, None) elif action == "remove": print("[Network] Removed interface: ", interface) try: del self.ifaces[interface] except KeyError: pass iNetwork = Network() def waitForNetwork(timeout=10): while timeout > 0: gws = ni.gateways() if 'default' in gws and len(gws['default']) > 0: print("[waitForNetwork] Online, reload interface data") iNetwork.getInterfaces() break else: timeout -= 1 print("[waitForNetwork] Not online yet (%d)" % (timeout))