The target system or system component satisfied all the conditions of the rule. The Rule had failed, but was then fixed (possibly by a tool that can automatically apply remediation, or possibly by the human auditor). The Rule was checked, but the output from the checking engine is simply information for auditors or administrators; it is not a compliance category. This status value is designed for Rule elements whose main purpose is to extract information from the target rather than test the target. The target system or system component did not satisfy at least one condition of the rule. The checking engine could not complete the evaluation, therefore the status of the target's compliance with the rule is not certain. This could happen, for example, if a testing tool was run with insufficient privileges and could not gather all of the necessary information. The testing tool encountered some problem and the result is unknown. For example, a result of 'unknown' might be given if the testing tool was unable to interpret the output of the checking engine (the output has no meaning to the testing tool). The Rule was not evaluated by the checking engine. This status is designed for Rule elements that have no check elements or that correspond to an unsupported checking system. It may also correspond to a status returned by a checking engine if the checking engine does not support the indicated check code. The Rule was not selected in the evaluation. This may be caused by the rule not being selected by default in the benchmark or by the profile unselecting it. The Rule was not applicable to the target of the test. For example, the Rule might have been specific to a different version of the target OS, or it might have been a test against a platform feature that was not installed. ID:

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unknown (N/A) <br> Remediation description:
Shell script Ansible snippet Puppet snippet Anaconda snippet script Remediation :   (show)


with profile
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