| manifest load | "Update Trunk image" [MCMcmUpdater default doUpdate: false] on: Warning do: [:ex | ex resume: true]. "Disable underscore as assignment, allowing underscores in method names." Scanner allowUnderscoreAsAssignment: false. manifest := #( squeak 'FFI' 0 ('FFI-Pools' 'FFI-Kernel') squeak 'FFI' "Split up because of how extension methods are loaded" 1 ('FFI-Libraries' 'FFI-Tools' 'FFI-Callbacks' 'FFI-Tests' 'FFI-PoolsTests' 'FFI-CallbacksTests') squeak 'VMMaker' 6 ('CogPools-ISAs' 'BytecodeSets.spur' 'VMMaker.oscog' 'VMMakerUI' 'Cog' 'CogTools' 'ImageFormat' 'FileAttributesPlugin.oscog') squeaksource3 'MethodMassage' 3 ('MethodMassage' 'MethodMassageCompatibility') squeaksource 'AioPlugin' 7 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-AioPlugin.oscog') squeaksource 'Alien' 0 ('Alien-Core' 'Alien-Tests-Core' 'Alien-Win32') squeaksource3 'FreeTypePlus' "more recent than on squeaksource" 5 ('FreeTypeConstants' "'FreeType'") squeaksource 'FreetypePlugin' 8 ('Freetype-Plugin') squeaksource 'OSProcess' 4 ('OSProcess') squeaksource 'OSProcessPlugin' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog') squeaksource 'rb' 5 ('AST-Core' 'AST-Semantic' 'AST-Tests-Core' 'AST-Tests-Semantic' 'Refactoring-Changes' 'Refactoring-Core' 'Refactoring-Environment' 'Refactoring-Tests-Changes' 'Refactoring-Tests-Core' 'Refactoring-Tests-Environment' 'Refactoring-Squeak-Platform' 'Refactoring-Critics' 'Refactoring-Spelling') squeaksource 'Speech' "This for the Klatt speech synthesiser, but seems to be AWOL" 2 ('SharedPool-Speech' ) squeaksource 'XDCP' 9 ('VMConstruction-Plugins-XDisplayControlPlugin.oscog' ) squeaksource 'Balloon3D' 9 ('Balloon3D-Constants' 'Balloon3D-Plugins' ) squeaksource 'Cryptography' 9 ('CryptographyPlugins' ) squeaksource3 'AndreasSystemProfiler' 9 ('AndreasProfiler') squeaksource 'Printf' 5 ('Printf') squeaksource 'VectorEnginePlugin' 9 ('VectorEnginePlugin') squeaksource 'dbus' 9 ('DBus-Plugin') squeaksource 'Rome' 9 ('Rome-Base' 'Rome-PluginCanvas' 'Rome-Plugin') squeaksource 'GStreamer' 9 ('GStreamer-Plugins') ). load := Array streamContents: [:s | manifest groupsDo: [:installerSymbol :project :order :packages | | installer | installer := Installer perform: installerSymbol. installer project: project. installer packages addAll: packages. s nextPut: order -> installer]]. load := (load sorted: [:a :b | a key <= b key]) collect: [:ea | ea value]. load do: [:installer | installer installQuietly]. self currentWorld findATranscript: nil. Project uiManager edit: (FileDirectory default fileNamed: 'Workspace.text') contentsOfEntireFile label: 'Overview' shouldStyle: false. #('VM Simulation' 'Source Generation' 'Slang Test' 'In-image Compilation') reverseDo: [:nickname| | label | label := nickname, ' Workspace'. Project uiManager edit: (FileDirectory default fileNamed: label, '.text') contentsOfEntireFile label: label shouldStyle: true]. Utilities appendToCommonRequests: '-\VMMaker generateConfiguration\VMMaker generateAllConfigurationsUnderVersionControl\VMClass openCogMultiWindowBrowser\VMClass openObjectMemoriesInterpretersBrowser\VMClass openSpurMultiWindowBrowser' withCRs. CodeHolder useMultiWindowBrowsers: true. #('Cog' 'CogTools' 'VMMaker') do: [:pkg| (PackageInfo named: pkg) classes do: [:c| c organization sortCategories. c class organization sortCategories]]. (Smalltalk classNamed: #StackInterpreter) withAllSubclasses do: [:sic| sic reorganizeAsISeeFit]. Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true