{ "contributors": [ { "login": "kacrandall", "name": "Keith Crandall" }, { "login": "ewersSaucedo", "name": "Christine Ewers-Saucedo" } ], "creator": { "login": "kcranston", "name": "Karen Cranston" }, "decisions": [ { "SHA": "", "comments": "Galkinia", "compactRefText": "Benny K. K. Chan, 2013", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 0, "name": "Fig. 2 (Benny K. K. Chan, 2013)", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/1937240x-00002134", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Benny K. K. Chan, Hsiu-Chin Lin, Yi-Yang Chen, 2013, 'Biodiversity and host specificity of coral barnacles of Galkinia (Cirripedia: Pyrgomatidae) in Taiwan, with descriptions of six new species', Journal of Crustacean Biology, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 392-431", "ot:studyYear": 2013, "studyID": "ot_645", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Pollicipes", "compactRefText": "R.J. Van Syoc, 2010", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 1, "name": "Fig. 4 (16S) (R.J. Van Syoc, 2010)", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2010.04.024", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "R.J. Van Syoc, J.N. Fernandes, D.A. Carrison, R.K. Grosberg, 2010, 'Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Pollicipes (Crustacea: Cirripedia), a Tethyan relict', Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 392, no. 1-2, pp. 193-199", "ot:studyYear": 2010, "studyID": "ot_651", "treeID": "tree2" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Chthamalidae", "compactRefText": "Wares, 2009", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 2, "name": "Fig. 2 (Wares, 2009)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Chthamalidae", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0005567", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Wares, John P., M. Sabrina Pankey, Fabio Pitombo, Liza G\u00f3mez Daglio, Yair Achituv. 2009. A \u201cshallow phylogeny\u201d of shallow barnacles (Chthamalus). PLoS ONE 4 (5): e5567.", "ot:studyYear": 2009, "studyID": "pg_2919", "treeID": "tree6749" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Conopea", "compactRefText": "Dana Carrison-Stone, 2013", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 3, "name": "Figure 1 (Dana Carrison-Stone, 2013)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Conopea", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.270.3736", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Dana Carrison-Stone, Robert Van Syoc, Gary Williams, Brian Simison, 2013, 'Two new species of the gorgonian inhabiting barnacle, Conopea (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Thoracica), from the Gulf of Guinea', ZooKeys, vol. 270, pp. 1-20", "ot:studyYear": 2013, "studyID": "ot_619", "treeID": "tree8" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Heterosaccus, larval data (Rhizocephala)", "compactRefText": "Henrik Glenner, 2008", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 4, "name": "Bayesian tree (Henrik Glenner, 2008)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Heterosaccus", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15659801.2008.10639616", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Henrik Glenner, Philip Francis Thomsen, Alexey V. Rybakov, Bella S. Galil, Jens T. Hoeg, 2008, 'The Phylogeny of Rhizocephalan Parasites of the Genus Heterosaccus using Molecular and Larval Data (Cirripedia: Rhizocephala; Sacculinidae)', Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 223-238", "ot:studyYear": 2008, "studyID": "ot_75", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Polysacus", "compactRefText": "Glenner H, 2003", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 5, "name": "Fig. 1F (Glenner H, 2003)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Sacculinidae", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1651/C-2361", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Glenner H, L\u00fctzen J, Takahashi T (2003) Molecular and morphological evidence for a monophyletic clade of asexually reproducing rhizocephala: Polyascus, new genus (cirripedia). Journal of Crustacean Biology 23, 548-557.", "ot:studyYear": 2003, "studyID": "ot_98", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Bryozobiinae", "compactRefText": "Robert J. Van Syoc, 2010", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 6, "name": "Fig. 24 (Robert J. Van Syoc, 2010)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Bryozobiinae", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jembe.2010.04.011", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Robert J. Van Syoc, William A. Newman, 2010, 'Morphology and evolutionary ecology of a sponge-barnacle symbiosis: Four new genera of barnacles (Archaeobalanidae, Bryozobiinae)', Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 392, no. 1-2, pp. 65-88", "ot:studyYear": 2010, "studyID": "ot_632", "treeID": "tree2" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Coral barnacles", "compactRefText": "O. Mokady, 1999", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 7, "name": "Fig. 4B (O. Mokady, 1999)", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/pl00006560", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "O. Mokady, Y. Loya, Y. Achituv, E. Geffen, D. Graur, S. Rozenblatt, I. Brickner, 1999, 'Speciation Versus Phenotypic Plasticity in Coral Inhabiting Barnacles: Darwin's Observations in an Ecological Context', Journal of Molecular Evolution, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 367-375", "ot:studyYear": 1999, "studyID": "ot_620", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Pyrgomatidae coral barnacles", "compactRefText": "Maria Celia Machel Defrance Malay, 2014", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 8, "name": "RAxML tree (Maria Celia Machel Defrance Malay, 2014)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Pyrgomatidae", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bij.12315", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Maria Celia Machel Defrance Malay, Fran\u00e7ois Michonneau, 2014, 'Phylogenetics and morphological evolution of coral-dwelling barnacles (Balanomorpha: Pyrgomatidae)', Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, pp. n/a-n/a", "ot:studyYear": 2014, "studyID": "ot_163", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Pyrgomatidae", "compactRefText": "Ling Ming Tsang, 2014", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 9, "name": "Fig. 2 (Ling Ming Tsang, 2014)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Pyrgomatidae", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2014.03.002", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Ling Ming Tsang, Ka Hou Chu, Yoko Nozawa, Benny Kwok Kan Chan, 2014, 'Morphological and host specificity evolution in coral symbiont barnacles (Balanomorpha: Pyrgomatidae) inferred from a multi-locus phylogeny', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 77, pp. 11-22", "ot:studyYear": 2014, "studyID": "ot_644", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Pyrgomatidae", "compactRefText": "N. Simon-Blecher, 2007", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 10, "name": "Fig. 2 (N. Simon-Blecher, 2007)", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2007.03.026", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "N. Simon-Blecher, D. Huchon, Y. Achituv, 2007, 'Phylogeny of coral-inhabiting barnacles (Cirripedia; Thoracica; Pyrgomatidae) based on 12S, 16S and 18S rDNA analysis', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 1333-1341", "ot:studyYear": 2007, "studyID": "ot_640", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Tetraclitidae", "compactRefText": "Ling Ming Tsang, 2015", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 11, "name": "Fig. 2 (Ling Ming Tsang, 2015)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Tetraclitidae", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2014.09.015", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Ling Ming Tsang, Ka Hou Chu, Yair Achituv, Benny Kwok Kan Chan, 2015, 'Molecular phylogeny of the acorn barnacle family Tetraclitidae (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha: Tetraclitoidea): Validity of shell morphology and arthropodal characteristics in the systematics of Tetraclitid barnacles', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 82, pp. 324-329", "ot:studyYear": 2015, "studyID": "ot_643", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Coronuloidea, turtle and whale barnacles", "compactRefText": "Ryota Hayashi, 2013", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 12, "name": "Fig. 1a (Ryota Hayashi, 2013)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Coronuloidea", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2012.12.018", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Ryota Hayashi, Benny K.K. Chan, Noa Simon-Blecher, Hiromi Watanabe, Tamar Guy-Haim, Takahiro Yonezawa, Yaniv Levy, Takuho Shuto, Yair Achituv. 2013. Phylogenetic position and evolutionary history of the turtle and whale barnacles (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha: Coronuloidea). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 67(1):9-14.", "ot:studyYear": 2013, "studyID": "pg_2921", "treeID": "tree6749" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Balanomorpha", "compactRefText": "P\u00e9rez-Losada, 2014", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 13, "name": "Bayesian (P\u00e9rez-Losada, 2014)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Sessilia", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2014.09.013", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "P\u00e9rez-Losada, M., H\u00f8eg, J. T., Simon-Blecher, N., Achituv, Y., Jones, D., & Crandall, K. A. (2014). Molecular phylogeny, systematics and morphological evolution of the acorn barnacles (Thoracica: Sessilia: Balanomorpha). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 81, 147-158.", "ot:studyYear": 2014, "studyID": "pg_2923", "treeID": "tree6751" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Taiwanese Acrothoracica", "compactRefText": "Benny K.K. CHAN, 2013", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 14, "name": "Fig. 7A (16S rDNA) (Benny K.K. CHAN, 2013)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Acrothoracica", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3694.3.3", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Benny K.K. CHAN, Chi Chiu CHEANG, I-Han CHEN, Gregory A. KOLBASOV, 2013, '

Acrothoracican barnacles (Lithoglyptida) in Taiwan, including the taxonomic status of Balanodytes taiwanus Utinomi, 1950 and cryptic diversity of Auritoglyptes bicornis (Aurivillius, 1892)

', Zootaxa, vol. 3694, no. 3, p. 221", "ot:studyYear": 2013, "studyID": "ot_646", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Akentrogonida, larval structure", "compactRefText": "Henrik Glenner, 2010", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 15, "name": "Bayesian tree (Henrik Glenner, 2010)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Akentrogonida", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.exppara.2009.09.019", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Henrik Glenner, Jens T. H\u00f8eg, Jesper Stenderup, Alexey V. Rybakov, 2010, 'The monophyletic origin of a remarkable sexual system in akentrogonid rhizocephalan parasites: A molecular and larval structural study', Experimental Parasitology, vol. 125, no. 1, pp. 3-12", "ot:studyYear": 2010, "studyID": "ot_71", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "deep sea Antarctic barnacles", "compactRefText": "Linse, 2013", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 16, "name": "Untitled (tree6752) (Linse, 2013)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Thoracica", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2012.11.006", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Linse, Katrin, Jennifer A. Jackson, Elaine Fitzcharles, Chester J. Sands, John S. Buckeridge. 2013. Phylogenetic position of Antarctic Scalpelliformes (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 73:99-116.", "ot:studyYear": 2013, "studyID": "pg_2922", "treeID": "tree6752" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Phylogenetic placement of hydrothermal vent barnacles", "compactRefText": "Santiago Herrera, 2015", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 17, "name": "TREE1 (Santiago Herrera, 2015)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Thoracica", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mec.13054", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Santiago Herrera, Hiromi Watanabe, Timothy M. Shank, 2015, 'Evolutionary and biogeographical patterns of barnacles from deep-sea hydrothermal vents', Molecular Ecology, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 673-689", "ot:studyYear": 2015, "studyID": "ot_618", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Sponge barnacles", "compactRefText": "David\u00a0John Rees, 2014", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 18, "name": "Fig. 4 (David\u00a0John Rees, 2014)", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2014.05.030", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "David\u00a0John Rees, Christoph Noever, Jens\u00a0Thorvald H\u00f8eg, Anders Ommundsen, Henrik Glenner, 2014, 'On the Origin of a Novel Parasitic-Feeding Mode within Suspension-Feeding Barnacles', Current Biology, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1429-1434", "ot:studyYear": 2014, "studyID": "ot_634", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Pedunculata focused on sexual systems information.", "compactRefText": "Yusa, 2012", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 19, "name": "Fig. 2 Bayesian consensus (Yusa, 2012)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Pedunculata", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2011.1554", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Yusa, Y., M. Yoshikawa, J. Kitaura, M. Kawane, Y. Ozaki, S. Yamato, J. T. Hoeg. 2012. Adaptive evolution of sexual systems in pedunculate barnacles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 279 (1730): 959-966.", "ot:studyYear": 2012, "studyID": "pg_2918", "treeID": "tree6755" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Acrothoracica", "compactRefText": "Hsiu-Chin Lin, 2016", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 20, "name": "RAXML best tree (Lin, [no year])", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Acrothoracica", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2016.03.016", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Hsiu-Chin Lin, Gregory A. Kobasov, Benny K.K. Chan, 2016, 'Phylogenetic relationships of Darwin\u2019s \u201cMr. Arthrobalanus\u201d: The burrowing barnacles (Cirripedia: Acrothoracica)', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution", "ot:studyYear": 2016, "studyID": "ot_652", "treeID": "tree4" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "New Rhizocephala phylogeny", "compactRefText": "H\u00f8eg, 2020", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 21, "name": "Fig. 3 (composite phylogeny) (H\u00f8eg, 2020)", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz140", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "H\u00f8eg, J. T., Noever, C., Rees, D. A., Crandall, K. A., & Glenner, H. (2020). A new molecular phylogeny-based taxonomy of parasitic barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Rhizocephala). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 190(2), 632\u2013653. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlz140\n", "ot:studyYear": 2020, "studyID": "ot_2032", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Rhizocephala, life history strategies for parasitic barnacles", "compactRefText": "Glenner, 2006", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 22, "name": "Fig. 2 (Glenner, 2006)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Rhizocephala", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2006.06.004", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Glenner, Henrik, Martin Bay Hebsgaard. 2006. Phylogeny and evolution of life history strategies of the Parasitic Barnacles (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Rhizocephala). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 41 (3): 528-538.", "ot:studyYear": 2006, "studyID": "ot_74", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Rhizocephala", "compactRefText": "H\u00f8eg, 2016", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 23, "name": "TREE1 (H\u00f8eg, 2016)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Rhizocephala", "ot:studyPublication": "http://www.springer.com/us/", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "H\u00f8eg, JT., Jensen P., Rees D., and Glenner, H. Parasitic barnacles and molecular data in crustacean phylogeny. In: Parasitic Crustacea: State of Knowledge and Future Trends. Edited by Nico Smit and Neil Bruce (Springer press). (2016).", "ot:studyYear": 2016, "studyID": "ot_639", "treeID": "tree1" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Thoracica", "compactRefText": "Hsiu-Chin Lin, 2015", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 24, "name": "Bayesian MCC (Hsiu-Chin Lin, 2015)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Thoracica", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2015.04.026", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Hsiu-Chin Lin, Jens T. H\u00f8eg, Yoichi Yusa, Benny K.K. Chan, 2015, 'The origins and evolution of dwarf males and habitat use in thoracican barnacles', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 91, pp. 1-11", "ot:studyYear": 2015, "studyID": "ot_615", "treeID": "Tr76459" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Cirripedia", "compactRefText": "Marcos P\u00e9rez-Losada, 2008", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 25, "name": "Untitled (tree6745) (Marcos P\u00e9rez-Losada, 2008)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Thoracica", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2007.10.004", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Marcos P\u00e9rez-Losada, Margaret Harp, Jens T. H\u00f8eg, Yair Achituv, Diana Jones, Hiromi Watanabe, Keith A. Crandall. 2008. The tempo and mode of barnacle evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46(1):328-346.", "ot:studyYear": 2008, "studyID": "pg_2917", "treeID": "tree6745" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "Thecostraca overall phylogenetic picture.", "compactRefText": "P\u00e9rez-Losada, 2009", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 26, "name": "Untitled (tree6603) (P\u00e9rez-Losada, 2009)", "ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName": "Thecostraca", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1741-7007-7-15", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "P\u00e9rez-Losada, M, H\u00f8eg JT, Crandall KA. 2009. Remarkable convergent evolution in specialized parasitic Thecostraca (Crustacea). BMC Biology 7: 15.", "ot:studyYear": 2009, "studyID": "pg_2842", "treeID": "tree6603" }, { "SHA": "", "comments": "New taxonomy for barnacles", "compactRefText": "Chan, 2021", "decision": "INCLUDED", "defaultSortOrder": 27, "name": "Untitled (tree1) (Chan, 2021)", "ot:studyPublication": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa160", "ot:studyPublicationReference": "Chan, B. K. K., Dreyer, N., Gale, A. S., Glenner, H., Ewers-Saucedo, C., P\u00e9rez-Losada, M., \u2026 H\u00f8eg, J. T. (2021). The evolutionary diversity of barnacles, with an updated classification of fossil and living forms. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa160\n", "ot:studyYear": 2021, "studyID": "ot_2033", "treeID": "tree1" } ], "description": "barnacles - collection from clade workshop", "name": "barnacles", "queries": [] }