import re from os import path, makedirs, remove, rename, symlink, mkdir, listdir, unlink from datetime import datetime from time import time, sleep from enigma import eTimer, eConsoleAppContainer from . import _, PluginLanguageDomain from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.Button import Button from Components.config import config, configfile, ConfigLocations, ConfigNumber, ConfigSubsection, ConfigYesNo from Components.Console import Console from Components.FileList import MultiFileSelectList from Components.Label import Label from Components.Pixmap import MultiPixmap from Components.PluginComponent import plugins from Components.ScrollLabel import ScrollLabel from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo import Components.Task from Screens.Screen import Screen from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox from Tools.Directories import resolveFilename, SCOPE_PLUGINS config.softcammanager = ConfigSubsection() config.softcammanager.softcams_autostart = ConfigLocations(default="") config.softcammanager.softcamtimerenabled = ConfigYesNo(default=False) config.softcammanager.softcamtimer = ConfigNumber(default=6) config.softcammanager.showinextensions = ConfigYesNo(default=False) softcamautopoller = None def updateExtensions(configElement): plugins.clearPluginList() plugins.readPluginList(resolveFilename(SCOPE_PLUGINS)) config.softcammanager.showinextensions.addNotifier(updateExtensions, initial_call=False) def SoftcamAutostart(reason, session=None, **kwargs): """called with reason=1 to during shutdown, with reason=0 at startup?""" global softcamautopoller if reason == 0: link = "/etc/init.d/softcam" print("[SoftcamAutostart] config.misc.softcams.value=%s" % (config.misc.softcams.value)) if path.exists(link) and config.misc.softcams.value != "None": scr = "softcam.%s" % config.misc.softcams.value unlink(link) symlink(scr, link) cmd = "%s %s" % (link, "start") print("[SoftcamAutostart][command]Executing %s" % cmd) eConsoleAppContainer().execute(cmd) else: print("[SoftcamManager] AutoStart Enabled") if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck"): remove("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") softcamautopoller = SoftcamAutoPoller() softcamautopoller.start() elif reason == 1: # Stop Poller if softcamautopoller is not None: softcamautopoller.stop() softcamautopoller = None def spinnerSkin(skinName): imagePath = "%s/images/" % path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)) softcamSpinner = ','.join([imagePath + "busy%d.png" % x for x in range(1, 25) if path.exists(imagePath + "busy%d.png" % x)]) return [""" """, 484, 150, 460, 60, 20, ] class VIXSoftcamManager(Screen): skin = [""" self["list"].instance.setItemHeight(%d) """, 560, 400, # screen 0, 0, 140, 40, #colors 140, 0, 140, 40, 280, 0, 140, 40, 420, 0, 140, 40, 0, 0, 140, 40, 20, 140, 0, 140, 40, 20, 280, 0, 140, 40, 20, 420, 0, 140, 40, 20, 0, 45, 35, 25, # menu key 40, 45, 35, 25, # info key 40, 110, 170, 20, 22, # lab1 225, 110, 240, 100, # list 40, 215, 170, 30, 22, # lab2 225, 216, 240, 100, 20, # activecam 25, ] def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Softcam manager")) self["lab1"] = Label(_("Select:")) self["lab2"] = Label(_("Active:")) self["activecam"] = Label() self.onChangedEntry = [] self.sentsingle = "" self.selectedFiles = config.softcammanager.softcams_autostart.value self.defaultDir = "/usr/softcams/" self.emlist = MultiFileSelectList(self.selectedFiles, self.defaultDir, showDirectories=False) self["list"] = self.emlist self["myactions"] = ActionMap(["ColorActions", "OkCancelActions", "DirectionActions", "TimerEditActions", "MenuActions"], { "ok": self.keyStart, "cancel": self.close, "red": self.close, "green": self.keyStart, "yellow": self.getRestartPID, "blue": self.changeSelectionState, "log": self.showLog, # KEY_INFO "menu": self.createSetup, }, -1) self["key_red"] = Button(_("Close")) self["key_green"] = Button("") self["key_yellow"] = Button("") self["key_blue"] = Button(_("Autostart")) self["key_menu"] = StaticText(_("MENU")) self["key_info"] = StaticText(_("INFO")) self.currentactivecam = "" self.activityTimer = eTimer() self.activityTimer.timeout.get().append(self.getActivecam) self.Console = Console() self.showActivecam() if not self.selectionChanged in self["list"].onSelectionChanged: self["list"].onSelectionChanged.append(self.selectionChanged) def createSummary(self): from Screens.PluginBrowser import PluginBrowserSummary return PluginBrowserSummary def createSetup(self): from Screens.Setup import Setup, 'vixsoftcammanager', 'SystemPlugins/ViX', PluginLanguageDomain) def selectionChanged(self): cams = [] if path.exists("/usr/softcams/"): cams = listdir("/usr/softcams") SystemInfo["CCcamInstalled"] = False SystemInfo["OScamInstalled"] = False SystemInfo["NcamInstalled"] = False for softcam in cams: if softcam.lower().startswith("cccam"): SystemInfo["CCcamInstalled"] = True elif softcam.lower().startswith("oscam"): SystemInfo["OScamInstalled"] = True elif softcam.lower().startswith("ncam"): SystemInfo["NcamInstalled"] = True selcam = "" if cams: current = self["list"].getCurrent()[0] selcam = current[0] print("[SoftcamManager] Selectedcam: " + str(selcam)) if self.currentactivecam.find(selcam) < 0: self["key_green"].setText(_("Start")) else: self["key_green"].setText(_("Stop")) if self.currentactivecam.find(selcam) < 0: self["key_yellow"].setText(" ") else: self["key_yellow"].setText(_("Restart")) if current[2] is True: self["key_blue"].setText(_("Disable startup")) else: self["key_blue"].setText(_("Enable startup")) self.saveSelection() desc = _("Active:") + " " + self["activecam"].text for cb in self.onChangedEntry: cb(selcam, desc) def changeSelectionState(self): cams = [] if path.exists("/usr/softcams/"): cams = listdir("/usr/softcams") if cams: self["list"].changeSelectionState() self.selectedFiles = self["list"].getSelectedList() def saveSelection(self): self.selectedFiles = self["list"].getSelectedList() config.softcammanager.softcams_autostart.value = self.selectedFiles def showActivecam(self): scanning = _("Wait please while scanning\nfor softcam's...") self["activecam"].setText(scanning) self.activityTimer.start(10) def getActivecam(self): self.activityTimer.stop() active = [] for x in self["list"].list: active.append(x[0][0]) activelist = ",".join(active) if activelist: self.Console.ePopen("ps.procps -C " + activelist + " | grep -v 'CMD' | sed 's/= 0: filewrite = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning.tmp", "w") fileread = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning") filewrite.writelines([l for l in fileread.readlines() if startselectedcam not in l]) fileread.close() filewrite.close() rename("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning.tmp", "/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning") elif data.find(startselectedcam) < 0: fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning", "a") line = startselectedcam + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() else: fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning", "w") line = startselectedcam + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + startselectedcam) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Starting " + startselectedcam + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("/usr/softcams/" + startselectedcam + " start") else: if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck"): file = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") data = file.close() if data.find(startselectedcam) >= 0: output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Initialised timed check for " + stopselectedcam + "\n") output.close() fileread = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") filewrite = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck.tmp", "w") filewrite.writelines([l for l in fileread.readlines() if startselectedcam not in l]) fileread.close() filewrite.close() rename("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck.tmp", "/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + startselectedcam) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Starting " + startselectedcam + "\n") output.close() if startselectedcam.lower().startswith("hypercam"): self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + startselectedcam + " -c /etc/hypercam.cfg") elif startselectedcam.lower().startswith("oscam"): # print("[SoftcamManager][VIXStartCam] ePopen start command selectedCam=%s" % startselectedcam) self.Console.ePopen("rm -rf /tmp/.ncam /tmp/*.pid* /tmp/ncam.* /tmp/*.ncam /tmp/status.*") self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + startselectedcam + " -b") elif startselectedcam.lower().startswith("ncam"): self.Console.ePopen("rm -rf /tmp/.oscam /tmp/*.pid* /tmp/oscam.* /tmp/*.oscam /tmp/status.*") self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + startselectedcam + " -b") elif startselectedcam.lower().startswith("gbox"): self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + startselectedcam) sleep(3) self.Console.ePopen("start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --exec /usr/bin/gbox") else: self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + startselectedcam) self.activityTimer.start(1) def updatepix(self): self.activityTimer.stop() maxcount = 120 if startselectedcam.lower().startswith("cccam") else 25 if self.count < maxcount: # timer on screen self["connect"].setPixmapNum(self.count % 24) self.activityTimer.start(120) # cycle speed self.count += 1 else: self.hide() self.close() def delTimer(self): del self.activityTimer class VIXStopCam(Screen): skin = None def __init__(self, session, selectedcam): Screen.__init__(self, session) global stopselectedcam stopselectedcam = selectedcam Screen.setTitle(self, _("Softcam stopping...")) if is None: = spinnerSkin("VIXStopCam") self["connect"] = MultiPixmap() self["lab1"] = Label(_("Please wait while stopping\n") + selectedcam + "...") self.Console = Console() self.activityTimer = eTimer() self.activityTimer.timeout.get().append(self.updatepix) self.onShow.append(self.getStopPID) self.onClose.append(self.delTimer) def getStopPID(self): if stopselectedcam.endswith(".sh"): self.curpix = 0 self.count = 0 self["connect"].setPixmapNum(0) print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping " + stopselectedcam) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Stopping " + stopselectedcam + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("/usr/softcams/" + stopselectedcam + " stop") if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning"): remove("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning") if path.exists("/etc/SoftcamsAutostart"): file = open("/etc/SoftcamsAutostart") data = file.close() finddata = data.find(stopselectedcam) if data.find(stopselectedcam) >= 0: print("[SoftcamManager] Temporarily disabled timed check for " + stopselectedcam) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Temporarily disabled timed check for " + stopselectedcam + "\n") output.close() fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck", "a") line = stopselectedcam + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() self.activityTimer.start(1) else: # print("[SoftcamManager][VIXStopCam] ePopen start command selectedCam=%s" % stopselectedcam) self.Console.ePopen("pidof " + stopselectedcam, self.startShow) def startShow(self, result, retval, extra_args): if retval == 0: self.count = 0 self["connect"].setPixmapNum(0) stopcam = result print("[SoftcamManager][startShow] stopcam=%s" % stopcam) if path.exists("/etc/SoftcamsAutostart"): file = open("/etc/SoftcamsAutostart") data = file.close() finddata = data.find(stopselectedcam) if data.find(stopselectedcam) >= 0: print("[SoftcamManager] Temporarily disabled timed check for " + stopselectedcam) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Temporarily disabled timed check for " + stopselectedcam + "\n") output.close() fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck", "a") line = stopselectedcam + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping " + stopselectedcam + " PID " + stopcam.replace("\n", "")) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Stopping " + stopselectedcam + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("kill -9 " + stopcam.replace("\n", "")) self.activityTimer.start(1) def updatepix(self): self.activityTimer.stop() if self.count < 25: # timer on screen self["connect"].setPixmapNum(self.count % 24) self.activityTimer.start(120) # cycle speed self.count += 1 else: self.hide() self.close() def delTimer(self): del self.activityTimer class VIXSoftcamLog(Screen): skin = [""" """, 560, 400, 0, 0, 560, 400, 14, ] def __init__(self, session): self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) self.setTitle(_("Logs")) if path.exists("/var/volatile/tmp/cam.check.log"): file = open("/var/volatile/tmp/cam.check.log") softcamlog = file.close() else: softcamlog = "" self["list"] = ScrollLabel(str(softcamlog)) self["setupActions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.cancel, "ok": self.cancel, "up": self["list"].pageUp, "down": self["list"].pageDown }, -2) def cancel(self): self.close() class SoftcamAutoPoller: """Automatically Poll SoftCam""" def __init__(self): # Init Timer if not path.exists("/usr/softcams"): mkdir("/usr/softcams", 0o755) if not path.exists("/etc/scce"): mkdir("/etc/scce", 0o755) if not path.exists("/etc/tuxbox/config"): mkdir("/etc/tuxbox/config", 0o755) if not path.islink("/var/tuxbox"): symlink("/etc/tuxbox", "/var/tuxbox") if not path.exists("/usr/keys"): mkdir("/usr/keys", 0o755) if not path.islink("/var/keys"): symlink("/usr/keys", "/var/keys") if not path.islink("/etc/keys"): symlink("/usr/keys", "/etc/keys") if not path.islink("/var/scce"): symlink("/etc/scce", "/var/scce") self.timer = eTimer() def start(self): if self.softcam_check not in self.timer.callback: self.timer.callback.append(self.softcam_check) self.timer.startLongTimer(1) def stop(self): if self.softcam_check in self.timer.callback: self.timer.callback.remove(self.softcam_check) self.timer.stop() def softcam_check(self): now = int(time()) if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamRuningCheck.tmp"): remove("/tmp/SoftcamRuningCheck.tmp") if config.softcammanager.softcams_autostart: Components.Task.job_manager.AddJob(self.createCheckJob()) if config.softcammanager.softcamtimerenabled.value: # print "[SoftcamManager] Timer Check Enabled" output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Timer Check Enabled\n") output.close() self.timer.startLongTimer(config.softcammanager.softcamtimer.value * 60) else: output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Timer Check Disabled\n") output.close() # print "[SoftcamManager] Timer Check Disabled" softcamautopoller.stop() def createCheckJob(self): job = Components.Task.Job(_("SoftcamCheck")) task = Components.Task.PythonTask(job, _("Checking softcams...")) = self.JobStart task.weighting = 1 return job def JobStart(self): self.autostartcams = config.softcammanager.softcams_autostart.value self.Console = Console() if path.exists("/tmp/cam.check.log"): if path.getsize("/tmp/cam.check.log") > 40000: fh = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "rb+"), 2) data = # rewind fh.write(data) fh.truncate() fh.close() if path.exists("/etc/CCcam.cfg"): f = open("/etc/CCcam.cfg", "r") logwarn = "" for line in f.readlines(): if line.find("LOG WARNINGS") != -1: parts = line.strip().split() logwarn = parts[2] if logwarn.find(":") >= 0: logwarn = logwarn.replace(":", "") if logwarn == "": logwarn = parts[3] else: logwarn = "" if path.exists(logwarn): if path.getsize(logwarn) > 40000: fh = open(logwarn, "rb+"), 2) data = # rewind fh.write(data) fh.truncate() fh.close() f.close() for softcamcheck in self.autostartcams: softcamcheck = softcamcheck.replace("/usr/softcams/", "") softcamcheck = softcamcheck.replace("\n", "") if softcamcheck.endswith(".sh"): if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck"): file = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") data = file.close() else: data = "" if data.find(softcamcheck) < 0: if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning"): file = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning") data = file.close() if data.find(softcamcheck) < 0: fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning", "a") line = softcamcheck + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " start") else: fileout = open("/tmp/SoftcamsScriptsRunning", "w") line = softcamcheck + "\n" fileout.write(line) fileout.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " start") else: if path.exists("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck"): file = open("/tmp/SoftcamsDisableCheck") data = file.close() else: data = "" if data.find(softcamcheck) < 0: import process p = process.ProcessList() softcamcheck_process = str(p.named(softcamcheck)).strip("[]") if softcamcheck_process != "": if path.exists("/tmp/frozen"): remove("/tmp/frozen") if path.exists("/tmp/status.html"): remove("/tmp/status.html") if path.exists("/tmp/index.html"): remove("/tmp/index.html") print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " already running") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " running OK\n") output.close() if softcamcheck.lower().startswith("oscam") or softcamcheck.lower().startswith("ncam"): if path.exists("/tmp/status.html"): remove("/tmp/status.html") camconf = port = "" if softcamcheck.lower().startswith("oscam"): if path.exists("/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf"): camconf = "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.conf" elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("ncam"): if path.exists("/etc/tuxbox/config/ncam.conf"): camconf = "/etc/tuxbox/config/ncam.conf" if not camconf: print("[SoftcamManager] oscam.conf or ncam.conf not defined") return f = open(camconf, "r") for line in f.readlines(): if line.find("httpport") != -1: port = re.sub("\D", "", line) f.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Checking if " + softcamcheck + " is frozen") if port == "": port = "16000" self.Console.ePopen("wget -T 1" + port + "/status.html -O /tmp/status.html &> /tmp/frozen") sleep(2) f = open("/tmp/frozen") frozen = f.close() if frozen.find("Unauthorized") != -1 or frozen.find("Authorization Required") != -1 or frozen.find("Forbidden") != -1 or frozen.find("Connection refused") != -1 or frozen.find("100%") != -1 or path.exists("/tmp/status.html"): print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is responding like it should") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " is responding like it should\n") output.close() else: print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...\n") output.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping " + softcamcheck) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStopping: " + softcamcheck + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 " + softcamcheck) sleep(1) if softcamcheck.lower().startswith("oscam"): self.Console.ePopen("ps.procps | grep softcams | grep -v grep | awk 'NR==1' | awk '{print $5}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $4}' > /tmp/oscamRuningCheck.tmp") sleep(2) file = open("/tmp/oscamRuningCheck.tmp") elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("ncam"): self.Console.ePopen("ps.procps | grep softcams | grep -v grep | awk 'NR==1' | awk '{print $5}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $4}' > /tmp/ncamRuningCheck.tmp") sleep(2) file = open("/tmp/ncamRuningCheck.tmp") cccamcheck_process = file.close() cccamcheck_process = cccamcheck_process.replace("\n", "") if cccamcheck_process.lower().find("cccam") != -1: try: print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping ", cccamcheck_process) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStopping: " + cccamcheck_process + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 /usr/softcams/" + str(cccamcheck_process)) except: pass print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStarting: " + softcamcheck + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " -b") sleep(10) elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("cccam"): if path.exists("/tmp/index.html"): remove("/tmp/index.html") allow = "no" port = "" f = open("/etc/CCcam.cfg", "r") for line in f.readlines(): if line.find("ALLOW WEBINFO") != -1: if not line.startswith("#"): parts = line.replace("ALLOW WEBINFO", "") parts = parts.replace(":", "") parts = parts.replace(" ", "") parts = parts.strip().split() if parts[0].startswith("yes"): allow = parts[0] if line.find("WEBINFO LISTEN PORT") != -1: port = re.sub("\D", "", line) f.close() if allow.lower().find("yes") != -1: print("[SoftcamManager] Checking if " + softcamcheck + " is frozen") if port == "": port = "16001" self.Console.ePopen("wget -T 1" + port + " -O /tmp/index.html &> /tmp/frozen") sleep(2) f = open("/tmp/frozen") frozen = f.close() if frozen.find("Unauthorized") != -1 or frozen.find("Authorization Required") != -1 or frozen.find("Forbidden") != -1 or frozen.find("Connection refused") != -1 or frozen.find("100%") != -1 or path.exists("/tmp/index.html"): print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is responding like it should") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": ' + softcamcheck + ' is responding like it should\n") output.close() else: print("[SoftcamManager] " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": " + softcamcheck + " is frozen, Restarting...\n") output.close() print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 " + softcamcheck) sleep(1) print("[SoftcamManager] Starting " + softcamcheck) self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck) elif allow.lower().find("no") != -1: print("[SoftcamManager] Telnet info not allowed, can not check if frozen") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Webinfo info not allowed, can not check if frozen,\n\tplease enable 'ALLOW WEBINFO: YES'\n") output.close() else: print("[SoftcamManager] Webinfo info not setup, please enable 'ALLOW WEBINFO= YES'") output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Telnet info not setup, can not check if frozen,\n\tplease enable 'ALLOW WEBINFO: YES'\n") output.close() elif softcamcheck_process == "": print("[SoftcamManager] Couldn't find " + softcamcheck + " running, Starting " + softcamcheck) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": Couldn't find " + softcamcheck + " running, Starting " + softcamcheck + "\n") output.close() if softcamcheck.lower().startswith("oscam") or softcamcheck.lower().startswith("ncam"): self.Console.ePopen("ps.procps | grep softcams | grep -v grep | awk 'NR==1' | awk '{print $5}'| awk -F'[/]' '{print $4}' > /tmp/softcamRuningCheck.tmp") sleep(2) file = open("/tmp/softcamRuningCheck.tmp") cccamcheck_process = cccamcheck_process = cccamcheck_process.replace("\n", "") file.close() if cccamcheck_process.find("cccam") >= 0 or cccamcheck_process.find("CCcam") >= 0: try: print("[SoftcamManager] Stopping ", cccamcheck_process) output = open("/tmp/cam.check.log", "a") now = output.write(now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + ": AutoStopping: " + cccamcheck_process + "\n") output.close() self.Console.ePopen("killall -9 /usr/softcams/" + str(cccamcheck_process)) except: pass self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck + " -b") sleep(10) remove("/tmp/softcamRuningCheck.tmp") elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("sbox"): self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck) sleep(7) elif softcamcheck.lower().startswith("gbox"): self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck) sleep(3) self.Console.ePopen("start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --exec /usr/bin/gbox") else: self.Console.ePopen("ulimit -s 1024;/usr/softcams/" + softcamcheck)