##################################################### # configuration for AP for OSS Spinnaker ##################################################### ##################################################### # Set the installSpinnaker flag to false installSpinnaker: false ##################################################### # Redis configuration # Set it to false if external redis is used installRedis: true ##################################################### # kubernetes services can be exposed to a web-UI based 3 modes # ClusterIP or LoadBalancer or NodePort # For OES UI, OES Gate k8sServiceType: ClusterIP # Variables that can be accessed across all charts global: # Common gate for both spin and oes services commonGate: enabled: false # Set to true if RBAC is enabled in Spinnaker spinnakerRBAC: false # Set to true to expose oes-ui, oes-gate services over ingress createIngress: true # Autopilot UI url configuration oesUI: host: << AUTOPILOT UI URL Example autopilot.opsmx.net >> # Autopilot Gate url configuration oesGate: host: << AUTOPILOT GATE URL Example autopilot-gate.opsmx.net >> ##################################################### # Set it to false if own LDAP is to be configured installOpenLdap: true # ldap configuration used in oes-gate, oes-platform and spinnaker gate for authentication and authorization # Change the below settings based on your LDAP server ldap: enabled: true url: ldaps://xxx.opsmx.net:636 managerDn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org managerPassword: opsmxadmin123 groupSearchBase: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=org groupSearchFilter: member={0} groupRoleAttributes: cn userDnPattern: cn={0},dc=example,dc=org ##################################################### # Dashboard Service dashboard: config: # By default spinnakerLink is {{ .Values.global.spinDeck.protocol }}://{{ .Values.global.spinDeck.host }} # If spinnaker is exposed on Load balancer instead of ingress, set this value to external IP of spinnaker UI spinnakerLink: << SPINNAKER DECK URL Example spinaker.opsmx.net >> ##################################################### # AP supports agent based deployments to remote clusters forwarder: enabled: false ##################################################### # OES Gate Service gate: config: ##################################################### # SAML AUthentication # keytool -genkey -v -keystore oessaml.jks -alias saml -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 # oessaml.jks and oesmetadata.xml are mounted as secrets, create them as follows # kubectl create secret generic oesmetadataxml --from-file=oesmetadata.xml # kubectl create secret generic oessamljks --from-file=oessaml.jks # kubectl create secret generic samljks-password --from-literal password=changeit saml: enabled: false userSource: gate # Groups will be obtained from SAML keyStore: /opt/spinnaker/saml/oessaml.jks # The key in this secret must be oessaml.jks keyStorePassword: changeit keyStoreAliasName: saml metadataUrl: /opt/spinnaker/saml/oesmetadata.xml # The key in this secret must be oesmetadata.xml redirectProtocol: https redirectHostname: oes-gate.ryzon7-gitops.opsmx.org # OES gate host name redirectBasePath: / issuerId: ryzonoesgate jksSecretName: oessamljks metadataSecretName: oesmetadataxml ##################################################### # OAUTH2 Authentication for GitHub oauth2: enabled: false client: clientId: #CLIENT_ID clientSecret: #CLIENT_SECRET_ID accessTokenUri: https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token userAuthorizationUri: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize scope: user-email resource: userInfoUri: https://api.github.com/user userInfoMapping: email: email firstName: firstname lastName: name username: login provider: GITHUB ##################################################### # Platform Service platform: config: # groups defined here will have superAdmin priviledges in AP adminGroups: admin # Source of groups for authorization # Supported sources:- ldap, file, gate. In general, use "gate" for SAML userSource: ldap ##################################################### # Sapor (Security Audit Policy Onboarding & Release) Service sapor: config: spinnakerImages: OSS spinnaker: # true if authentication is enabled in Spinnaker authnEnabled: true # encryption key needed for sapor to startup encrypt: enabled: false