# Node-RED for PAC Control ### 1.1.4 October 21, 2020 * Message Queue improvements: * Added a device option for when the mesage queue is full: "When full, message queue should [drop-old | reject-new] messages." * Existing device configurations will be set to "reject-new", which was the existing behavior. New device configurations will be set to the default of "drop-old". * Don't add warnings to the log when the message queue is full. * Stop showing the queue count in each node. It was too confusing, since it only reflected the count when the node was last updated. ### 1.1.3 October 19, 2020 * Don't flood the log with identical error messages coming from a single node. This mostly helps with an ongoing issue, such as an offline device or a misconfigured node. ### 1.1.2 October 2, 2020 * Improved error messages for a few common certificate problems. ### 1.1.1 May 27, 2020 * Removed the "Public Key" option from the communication settings. The name was incorrect and it was never supported. * Add Groov RIO support for CA certs being in the system's store * Fix #1: A msg.payload of null will result in crash * Documentation fixes and improvements. ### 1.1.0 May 18, 2018 * The nodes now support both _groov_ EPIC and SNAP PAC controllers running a PAC Control strategy. ### 1.0.1 October 17, 2016 * Read node: * Added option to specify on which ```msg``` property that the response will be placed. * Added option to allow the topic to be set within the Read node. * Read and Write nodes: * SSL certificate files can now be specified by just a filename, not only a full path. If using just a filename, it will load from a directory named 'certs' inside the Node-RED user's directory. For example, _/home/user/.node-red/certs/filename.crt_. * Added a timeout of 30 seconds. This affects the nodes once they're connected to the PAC. ### 1.0.0 July 21, 2016 * Initial Release