- NINJA HACKER ACADEMY (NHA) is written as a training challenge where GOAD was written as a lab with a maximum of vulns. - You should find your way in to get domain admin on the 2 domains (academy.ninja.lan and ninja.hack) - Starting point is on srv01 : - Flags are disposed on each machine, try to grab all. Be careful all the machines are up to date with defender enabled. - Some exploits needs to modify path so this lab is not very multi-players compliant (unless you do it as a team ;)) - Obviously do not cheat by looking at the passwords and flags in the recipe files, the lab must start without user to full compromise. - Install : ```bash ./goad.sh -t install -l NHA -p virtualbox -m docker ``` - Once install finish disable vagrant user to avoid using it : ```bash ./goad.sh -t disablevagrant -l NHA -p virtualbox -m docker ``` - Now do a reboot of all the machine to avoid unintended secrets stored : ```bash ./goad.sh -t stop -l NHA -p virtualbox -m docker ./goad.sh -t start -l NHA -p virtualbox -m docker ``` And you are ready to play ! :) - If you need to re-enable vagrant ```bash ./goad.sh -t enablevagrant -l NHA -p virtualbox -m docker ``` - If you want to create a write up of the chall, no problem, have fun. Please ping me on X (@M4yFly) or Discord, i will be happy to read it :) Hint: No bruteforce, if not in rockyou do not waste your time and your cpu/gpu cycle.