_Note: Please transform `- [ ]` into `- (NA)` in the description when things are not applicable_ ### Related issues ### Description ### Motivation & Context ### Types of change - Bug fix (non-breaking which fixes an issue) - New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality) - Refactoring (non-breaking change) - Breaking change (fix or feature that would change existing functionality) ### Live previews - ### Checklist #### Contribution - [ ] I have read the [contributing guidelines](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/Orange-Boosted-Bootstrap/blob/main/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) #### Accessibility - [ ] My change follows accessibility good practices; I have at least run axe #### Design - [ ] My change respects the design guidelines defined in [Orange Design System](https://oran.ge/dsweb) - [ ] My change is compatible with a responsive display #### Development - [ ] My change follows the [developer guide](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/Orange-Boosted-Bootstrap/wiki/Developer-guide) - [ ] I have added JavaScript unit tests to cover my changes - [ ] I have added SCSS unit tests to cover my changes #### Documentation - [ ] My change introduces changes to the documentation and/or I have updated the documentation accordingly ### Checklist (for Core Team only) - [ ] My change introduces changes to the migration guide - [ ] My new component is well displayed in [Storybook](https://deploy-preview-{your_pr_number}--boosted.netlify.app/storybook) - [ ] My new component is compatible with RTL - [ ] Manually run [BrowserStack tests](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/Orange-Boosted-Bootstrap/actions/workflows/browserstack.yml) - [ ] Manually test browser compatibility with BrowserStack (Chrome >= 60, Firefox >= 60 (+ ESR), Edge, Safari >= 12, iOS Safari, Chrome & Firefox on Android) - [ ] Code review - [ ] Design review - [ ] A11y review #### After the merge - [ ] Manually launch [Percy tests](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/Orange-Boosted-Bootstrap/actions/workflows/percy.yml)