--- version: '3' services: orcpub: image: orcpub/orcpub:latest environment: PORT: 8890 EMAIL_SERVER_URL: '' EMAIL_ACCESS_KEY: '' EMAIL_SECRET_KEY: '' EMAIL_SERVER_PORT: 587 # Email address to send from, will default to 'no-reply@orcpub.com' EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: '' # Email address to send errors to EMAIL_ERRORS_TO: '' EMAIL_SSL: 'FALSE' EMAIL_TLS: 'FALSE' # Datomic connection string - Make sure the matches the DATOMIC_PASSWORD below DATOMIC_URL: datomic:free://datomic:4334/orcpub?password= # The secret used to hash your password in the browser, 20+ characters recommended SIGNATURE: '' depends_on: - datomic restart: always datomic: image: orcpub/datomic:latest environment: ADMIN_PASSWORD: # Must match the in the DATOMIC_URL above. DATOMIC_PASSWORD: volumes: - ./data:/data - ./logs:/logs restart: always web: image: nginx:alpine ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" volumes: - ./deploy/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf - ./deploy/snakeoil.crt:/etc/nginx/snakeoil.crt - ./deploy/snakeoil.key:/etc/nginx/snakeoil.key - ./deploy/homebrew/:/usr/share/nginx/html/homebrew/ depends_on: - orcpub restart: always