#!/usr/bin/env python3 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import base64 import hashlib import hmac import json import os import re import threading import time import traceback import urllib.parse import requests import tomli from utils_env import get_file_path link_reg = re.compile(r"(.+)<\s?/a>") bold_reg = re.compile(r"\s*(.+)\s*<\s?/b>") list_reg = re.compile(r"^(\d+\.|-)\s.+$") def html2md(content: str) -> str: content = "\n".join( map(lambda x: x if list_reg.fullmatch(x) else x + "\n", content.split("\n")) ) return bold_reg.sub(r"### **\1**", link_reg.sub(r"[\2](\1)", content)) # 原先的 print 函数和主线程的锁 _print = print mutex = threading.Lock() # 定义新的 print 函数 def print(text, *args, **kw): """使输出有序进行,不出现多线程同一时间输出导致错乱的问题。""" with mutex: _print(text, *args, **kw) # 通知服务 # fmt: off push_config = { 'HITOKOTO': False, # 启用一言(随机句子) 'BARK_PUSH': '', # bark IP 或设备码,例:https://api.day.app/DxHcxxxxxRxxxxxxcm 'BARK_ARCHIVE': '', # bark 推送是否存档 'BARK_GROUP': '', # bark 推送分组 'BARK_SOUND': '', # bark 推送声音 'BARK_ICON': '', # bark 推送图标 'CONSOLE': True, # 控制台输出 'DD_BOT_SECRET': '', # 钉钉机器人的 DD_BOT_SECRET 'DD_BOT_TOKEN': '', # 钉钉机器人的 DD_BOT_TOKEN 'DEER_KEY': '', # PushDeer 的 {{pushkey}} 'FSKEY': '', # 飞书机器人的 FSKEY 'GOBOT_URL': '', # go-cqhttp # 推送到个人QQ: # 群: 'GOBOT_QQ': '', # go-cqhttp 的推送群或用户 # GOBOT_URL 设置 /send_private_msg 时填入 user_id=个人QQ # /send_group_msg 时填入 group_id=QQ群 'GOBOT_TOKEN': '', # go-cqhttp 的 access_token 'GOTIFY_URL': '', # gotify 地址,如 https://push.example.de:8080 'GOTIFY_TOKEN': '', # gotify 的消息应用 token 'GOTIFY_PRIORITY': 0, # 推送消息优先级,默认为 0 'IGOT_PUSH_KEY': '', # iGot 聚合推送的 IGOT_PUSH_KEY 'PUSH_KEY': '', # server 酱的 PUSH_KEY,兼容旧版与 Turbo 版 'PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN': '', # push+ 微信推送的用户令牌 'PUSH_PLUS_USER': '', # push+ 微信推送的群组编码 'QMSG_KEY': '', # qmsg 酱的 QMSG_KEY 'QMSG_TYPE': '', # qmsg 酱的 QMSG_TYPE 'QYWX_AM': '', # 企业微信应用 'QYWX_KEY': '', # 企业微信机器人 'TG_BOT_TOKEN': '', # tg 机器人的 TG_BOT_TOKEN,例:1407203283:AAG9rt-6RDaaX0HBLZQq0laNOh898iFYaRQ 'TG_USER_ID': '', # tg 机器人的 TG_USER_ID,例:1434078534 'TG_API_HOST': '', # tg 代理 api 'TG_PROXY_AUTH': '', # tg 代理认证参数 'TG_PROXY_HOST': '', # tg 机器人的 TG_PROXY_HOST 'TG_PROXY_PORT': '', # tg 机器人的 TG_PROXY_PORT } notify_function = [] # fmt: on # 首先读取 面板变量 或者 github action 运行变量 for k in push_config: if v := os.getenv(k): push_config[k] = v # 读取配置文件中的变量 (会覆盖环境变量) CONFIG_PATH = os.getenv("NOTIFY_CONFIG_PATH") or get_file_path("notify.toml") if os.path.exists(CONFIG_PATH): print(f"通知配置文件存在:{CONFIG_PATH}。") try: for k, v in dict(tomli.load(open(CONFIG_PATH, "rb"))).items(): if k in push_config: push_config[k] = v except tomli.TOMLDecodeError: print( f"错误:配置文件 {CONFIG_PATH} 格式不对,请学习 https://toml.io/cn/v1.0.0\n错误信息:\n{traceback.format_exc()}" ) elif CONFIG_PATH: print(f"{CONFIG_PATH} 配置的通知文件不存在,请检查文件位置或删除对应环境变量!") def bark(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 bark 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("BARK_PUSH"): print("bark 服务的 BARK_PUSH 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("bark 服务启动") if push_config.get("BARK_PUSH").startswith("http"): url = ( f'{push_config.get("BARK_PUSH").rstrip("/")}/' f"{urllib.parse.quote_plus(title)}/{urllib.parse.quote_plus(content)}" ) else: url = ( f'https://api.day.app/{push_config.get("BARK_PUSH")}/' f"{urllib.parse.quote_plus(title)}/{urllib.parse.quote_plus(content)}" ) bark_params = { "BARK_ARCHIVE": "isArchive", "BARK_GROUP": "group", "BARK_SOUND": "sound", "BARK_ICON": "icon", } if params := "".join( f"{bark_params.get(pair[0])}={pair[1]}&" for pair in filter( lambda pairs: pairs[0].startswith("BARK_") and pairs[0] != "BARK_PUSH" and pairs[1] and bark_params.get(pairs[0]), push_config.items(), ) ): url = f"{url}?" + params.rstrip("&") response = requests.get(url, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("code") == 200: print("bark 推送成功!") elif json_data.get("code") == 400: print("bark 推送失败!找不到 Key 对应的 DeviceToken。") else: print(f"bark 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data}") def console(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 控制台 推送消息。""" print(f"{title}\n\n{content}") def dingding_bot(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 钉钉机器人 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("DD_BOT_SECRET") or not push_config.get("DD_BOT_TOKEN"): print("钉钉机器人 服务的 DD_BOT_SECRET 或者 DD_BOT_TOKEN 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("钉钉机器人 服务启动") timestamp = str(round(time.time() * 1000)) secret_enc = push_config.get("DD_BOT_SECRET").encode("utf-8") string_to_sign = f'{timestamp}\n{push_config.get("DD_BOT_SECRET")}' string_to_sign_enc = string_to_sign.encode("utf-8") hmac_code = hmac.new( secret_enc, string_to_sign_enc, digestmod=hashlib.sha256 ).digest() sign = urllib.parse.quote_plus(base64.b64encode(hmac_code)) url = ( f"https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?" f'access_token={push_config.get("DD_BOT_TOKEN")}×tamp={timestamp}&sign={sign}' ) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"} json = { "msgtype": "markdown", "markdown": {"text": html2md(content), "title": title}, } response = requests.post(url, json=json, headers=headers, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("errcode") == 0: print("钉钉机器人 推送成功!") else: print(f"钉钉机器人 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data}") def pushdeer(title: str, content: str) -> None: """通过 PushDeer 推送消息""" if not push_config.get("DEER_KEY"): print("PushDeer 服务的 DEER_KEY 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("PushDeer 服务启动") data = { "text": title, "desp": content, "type": "markdown", "pushkey": push_config.get("DEER_KEY"), } url = "https://api2.pushdeer.com/message/push" response = requests.post(url, data=data, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("content").get("result"): print("PushDeer 推送成功!") else: print(f"PushDeer 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data}") def feishu_bot(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 飞书机器人 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("FSKEY"): print("飞书 服务的 FSKEY 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("飞书 服务启动") url = f'https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/{push_config.get("FSKEY")}' data = {"msg_type": "text", "content": {"text": f"{title}\n\n{content}"}} response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("StatusCode") == 0: print("飞书 推送成功!") else: print(f"飞书 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data}") def go_cqhttp(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 go_cqhttp 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("GOBOT_URL") or not push_config.get("GOBOT_QQ"): print("go-cqhttp 服务的 GOBOT_URL 或 GOBOT_QQ 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("go-cqhttp 服务启动") url = ( f'{push_config.get("GOBOT_URL")}?' f'access_token={push_config.get("GOBOT_TOKEN")}&{push_config.get("GOBOT_QQ")}&' f"message=标题:{title}\n内容:{content}" ) response = requests.get(url, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("status") == "ok": print("go-cqhttp 推送成功!") else: print(f"go-cqhttp 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data}") def gotify(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 gotify 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("GOTIFY_URL") or not push_config.get("GOTIFY_TOKEN"): print("gotify 服务的 GOTIFY_URL 或 GOTIFY_TOKEN 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("gotify 服务启动") url = f'{push_config.get("GOTIFY_URL")}/message?token={push_config.get("GOTIFY_TOKEN")}' data = { "title": title, "message": content, "priority": push_config.get("GOTIFY_PRIORITY"), } response = requests.post(url, data=data, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("id"): print("gotify 推送成功!") else: print("gotify 推送失败!") def iGot(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 iGot 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("IGOT_PUSH_KEY"): print("iGot 服务的 IGOT_PUSH_KEY 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("iGot 服务启动") url = f'https://push.hellyw.com/{push_config.get("IGOT_PUSH_KEY")}' data = {"title": title, "content": content} headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} response = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("ret") == 0: print("iGot 推送成功!") else: print(f'iGot 推送失败!错误信息:{json_data.get("errMsg")}') def serverJ(title: str, content: str) -> None: """通过 serverJ 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("PUSH_KEY"): print("serverJ 服务的 PUSH_KEY 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("serverJ 服务启动") data = {"text": title, "desp": content.replace("\n", "\n\n")} if push_config.get("PUSH_KEY").index("SCT") != -1: url = f'https://sctapi.ftqq.com/{push_config.get("PUSH_KEY")}.send' else: url = f'https://sc.ftqq.com/${push_config.get("PUSH_KEY")}.send' response = requests.post(url, data=data, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("errno") == 0 or json_data.get("code") == 0: print("serverJ 推送成功!") elif json_data.get("code") == 40001: print("serverJ 推送失败!PUSH_KEY 错误。") else: print(f'serverJ 推送失败!错误码:{json_data.get("message")}') def pushplus_bot(title: str, content: str) -> None: """通过 push+ 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN"): print("PUSHPLUS 服务的 PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("PUSHPLUS 服务启动") url = "http://www.pushplus.plus/send" data = { "token": push_config.get("PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN"), "title": title, "content": content, "topic": push_config.get("PUSH_PLUS_USER"), } body = json.dumps(data).encode(encoding="utf-8") headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} response1 = requests.post(url, data=body, headers=headers, timeout=15) json_data1 = response1.json() if json_data1.get("code") == 200: print("PUSHPLUS 推送成功!") elif json_data1.get("code") == 600: url2 = "http://pushplus.hxtrip.com/send" headers["Accept"] = "application/json" response2 = requests.post(url2, data=body, headers=headers, timeout=15).json() json_data2 = response2.json() if json_data2.get("code") == 200: print("PUSHPLUS(hxtrip) 推送成功!") elif json_data2.get("code") == 600: print("PUSHPLUS 推送失败!PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN 错误。") else: print(f"PUSHPLUS(hxtrip) 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data2}") else: print(f"PUSHPLUS 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data1}") def qmsg_bot(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 qmsg 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("QMSG_KEY") or not push_config.get("QMSG_TYPE"): print("qmsg 的 QMSG_KEY 或者 QMSG_TYPE 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("qmsg 服务启动") url = f'https://qmsg.zendee.cn/{push_config.get("QMSG_TYPE")}/{push_config.get("QMSG_KEY")}' payload = {"msg": f'{title}\n\n{content.replace("----", "-")}'.encode("utf-8")} response = requests.post(url, params=payload, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("code") == 0: print("qmsg 推送成功!") else: print(f'qmsg 推送失败!错误信息:{json_data.get("reason")}') def wecom_app(title: str, content: str) -> None: """通过 企业微信 APP 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("QYWX_AM"): print("QYWX_AM 未设置!!\n取消推送") return QYWX_AM_AY = re.split(",", push_config.get("QYWX_AM")) if 4 < len(QYWX_AM_AY) > 5: print("QYWX_AM 设置错误!!\n取消推送") return print("企业微信 APP 服务启动") corpid = QYWX_AM_AY[0] corpsecret = QYWX_AM_AY[1] touser = QYWX_AM_AY[2] agentid = QYWX_AM_AY[3] try: media_id = QYWX_AM_AY[4] except IndexError: media_id = "" wx = WeCom(corpid, corpsecret, agentid) # 如果没有配置 media_id 默认就以 text 方式发送 if not media_id: message = title + "\n\n" + content result = wx.send_text(message, touser) else: result = wx.send_mpnews(title, content, media_id, touser) if result == "ok": print("企业微信推送成功!") else: print(f"企业微信推送失败!错误信息:{result}") class WeCom: def __init__(self, corpid, corpsecret, agentid): self.CORPID = corpid self.CORPSECRET = corpsecret self.AGENTID = agentid def get_access_token(self): url = "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/gettoken" values = {"corpid": self.CORPID, "corpsecret": self.CORPSECRET} response = requests.post(url, params=values, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() return json_data.get("access_token") def send_text(self, message, touser="@all"): send_url = ( "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=" + self.get_access_token() ) send_values = { "touser": touser, "msgtype": "text", "agentid": self.AGENTID, "text": {"content": message}, "safe": "0", } send_msgs = bytes(json.dumps(send_values), "utf-8") response = requests.post(send_url, send_msgs, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() return json_data.get("errmsg") def send_mpnews(self, title, message, media_id, touser="@all"): send_url = ( "https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token=" + self.get_access_token() ) send_values = { "touser": touser, "msgtype": "mpnews", "agentid": self.AGENTID, "mpnews": { "articles": [ { "title": title, "thumb_media_id": media_id, "author": "Author", "content_source_url": "", "content": message.replace("\n", "
"), "digest": message, } ] }, } send_msgs = bytes(json.dumps(send_values), "utf-8") response = requests.post(send_url, send_msgs, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() return json_data.get("errmsg") def wecom_bot(title: str, content: str) -> None: """通过 企业微信机器人 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("QYWX_KEY"): print("企业微信机器人 服务的 QYWX_KEY 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("企业微信机器人服务启动") url = f"https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key={push_config.get('QYWX_KEY')}" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"} data = {"msgtype": "text", "text": {"content": f"{title}\n\n{content}"}} response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, timeout=15) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("errcode") == 0: print("企业微信机器人 推送成功!") else: print(f"企业微信机器人 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data}") def telegram_bot(title: str, content: str) -> None: """使用 telegram 机器人 推送消息。""" if not push_config.get("TG_BOT_TOKEN") or not push_config.get("TG_USER_ID"): print("tg 服务的 bot_token 或者 user_id 未设置!!\n取消推送") return print("tg 服务启动") if push_config.get("TG_API_HOST"): url = f"https://{push_config.get('TG_API_HOST')}/bot{push_config.get('TG_BOT_TOKEN')}/sendMessage" else: url = ( f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{push_config.get('TG_BOT_TOKEN')}/sendMessage" ) headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} payload = { "chat_id": str(push_config.get("TG_USER_ID")), "text": f"{title}\n\n{content}", "disable_web_page_preview": "true", "parse_mode": "HTML", } proxies = None if push_config.get("TG_PROXY_HOST") and push_config.get("TG_PROXY_PORT"): if push_config.get("TG_PROXY_AUTH") is not None and "@" not in push_config.get( "TG_PROXY_HOST" ): push_config["TG_PROXY_HOST"] = ( push_config.get("TG_PROXY_AUTH") + "@" + push_config.get("TG_PROXY_HOST") ) proxy_str = f'http://{push_config.get("TG_PROXY_HOST")}:{push_config.get("TG_PROXY_PORT")}' proxies = {"http": proxy_str, "https": proxy_str} response = requests.post( url=url, headers=headers, params=payload, proxies=proxies, timeout=15 ) json_data = response.json() if json_data.get("ok"): print("tg 推送成功!") elif json_data.get("error_code") == 400: print("tg 推送失败!请主动给 bot 发送一条消息并检查接收用户 TG_USER_ID 是否正确。") elif json_data.get("error_code") == 401: print("tg 推送失败!TG_BOT_TOKEN 填写错误。") else: print(f"tg 推送失败!响应数据:{json_data}") def one() -> str: """ 获取一条一言。 :return: """ try: url = "https://v1.hitokoto.cn/" res = requests.get(url).json() return res["hitokoto"] + " ----" + res["from"] except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError): return "" if push_config.get("BARK_PUSH"): notify_function.append(bark) if push_config.get("CONSOLE"): notify_function.append(console) if push_config.get("DD_BOT_TOKEN") and push_config.get("DD_BOT_SECRET"): notify_function.append(dingding_bot) if push_config.get("DEER_KEY"): notify_function.append(pushdeer) if push_config.get("FSKEY"): notify_function.append(feishu_bot) if push_config.get("GOBOT_URL") and push_config.get("GOBOT_QQ"): notify_function.append(go_cqhttp) if push_config.get("GOTIFY_URL") and push_config.get("GOTIFY_TOKEN"): notify_function.append(gotify) if push_config.get("IGOT_PUSH_KEY"): notify_function.append(iGot) if push_config.get("PUSH_KEY"): notify_function.append(serverJ) if push_config.get("PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN"): notify_function.append(pushplus_bot) if push_config.get("QMSG_KEY") and push_config.get("QMSG_TYPE"): notify_function.append(qmsg_bot) if push_config.get("QYWX_AM"): notify_function.append(wecom_app) if push_config.get("QYWX_KEY"): notify_function.append(wecom_bot) if push_config.get("TG_BOT_TOKEN") and push_config.get("TG_USER_ID"): notify_function.append(telegram_bot) def excepthook(args, /): if issubclass(args.exc_type, requests.exceptions.RequestException): print( f"网络异常,请检查你的网络连接、推送服务器和代理配置,该错误和账号配置无关。信息:{str(args.exc_type)}, {args.thread.name}" ) elif issubclass(args.exc_type, json.JSONDecodeError): print( f"推送返回值非 json 格式,请检查网址和账号是否填写正确。信息:{str(args.exc_type)}, {args.thread.name}" ) else: global default_hook default_hook(args) default_hook = threading.excepthook threading.excepthook = excepthook def send(title: str, content: str) -> None: if not content: print(f"{title} 推送内容为空!") return hitokoto = push_config.get("HITOKOTO") content += "\n\n> " + one() if hitokoto else "" ts = [ threading.Thread(target=mode, args=(title, content), name=mode.__name__) for mode in notify_function ] [t.start() for t in ts] [t.join() for t in ts] def main(): send("title", "content") if __name__ == "__main__": main()