# Asphalt Minimal and flat dark UI for Sublime Text 3 + custom syntax highlighting Colour Scheme. *** #### Key features * 5 UI colour variations * Custom UI icons (bottom panels, buttons, sidebar icons, etc.) * Sidebar folder/files icons support (ST3 build 3062+), standard icons (bonus: JSON file type icon and .tmPreference) * Custom syntax highlighting colour scheme * Retina display support *** Asphalt takes inspiration from the great work of (in alphabetical order): * [itsthatguy's Theme - Itg.Flat](https://github.com/itsthatguy/theme-itg-flat), * [kkga's Theme - Spacegray](https://github.com/kkga/spacegray), * [yabatadesign's Theme - Afterglow](http://yabatadesign.github.io/afterglow-theme/). Asphalt Syntax Colour Scheme derived and extended from: * [chriskempson's Base16](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) *** ## UI Colour Variations #### Asphalt (default) ![Asphalt](_screenshots_/Asphalt.png) Red on grey colour variation (default) [full size image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt/master/_screenshots_/Asphalt.png) #### Asphalt Orange ![Asphalt Orange](_screenshots_/Asphalt-orange.png) Orange on grey colour variation [full size image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt/master/_screenshots_/Asphalt-orange.png) #### Asphalt Green ![Asphalt Green](_screenshots_/Asphalt-green.png) Green on grey colour variation [full size image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt/master/_screenshots_/Asphalt-green.png) #### Asphalt Blue ![Asphalt Blue](_screenshots_/Asphalt-blue.png) Blue on grey colour variation [full size image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt/master/_screenshots_/Asphalt-blue.png) #### Asphalt Monochrome ![Asphalt Monochrome](_screenshots_/Asphalt-monochrome.png) Greyscale only colour variation [full size image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt/master/_screenshots_/Asphalt-monochrome.png) *** *The font used in the screenshots is [__Inconsolata-dz__](http://nodnod.net/2009/feb/12/adding-straight-single-and-double-quotes-inconsola/).* *** ### How to Install #### Via Package Control The easiest way to install is using [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/). * Open `Command Palette` using menu item `Tools -> Command Palette...`, or `Cmd+Shift+P` (OS X) `Ctrl+Shift+P` (Win/Linux) * Type `Package Control: Install Package` * Search `Theme - Asphalt` #### Manual You can also install the theme manually: 1. [Get the .zip](https://github.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt/archive/master.zip) 2. Unzip and rename the folder to `Theme - Asphalt` 3. Copy the folder into `Packages` directory, which you can find using the menu item `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...` or 1. Open your ST `Packages` directory, found under `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages...` menu 2. Clone the repo with this command: ``` git clone https://github.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt "Theme - Asphalt" ``` *** ### How to Activate Activate this theme and color scheme by modifying your user preferences file, found under `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User` menu. Once User's settings are opened, just add the following code *(Restart Sublime Text after activating the theme)*. **Important: Don't forget to double-check for missing or trailing commas in preference file before saving the file!** #### Default setup ```json { "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Asphalt/Asphalt.tmTheme", "theme": "Asphalt.sublime-theme", } ``` *** #### Alternative colour variations ```json { "theme": "Asphalt-monochrome.sublime-theme", "theme": "Asphalt-green.sublime-theme", "theme": "Asphalt-blue.sublime-theme", "theme": "Asphalt-orange.sublime-theme", } ``` *** #### Additional settings *("setting_name": "default value", // "alternative value" )* Enable/Disable Sidebar icons ```json { "theme_asphalt_hide_sidebar_icons": false, // true } ``` ![Sidebar Icons](_screenshots_/sidebar_icons.png) *** Enable tab scrolling via mousewheel ```json { "theme_asphalt_mouse_tabs_switch": false, // true } ``` Enable dirty tabs indicator ```json { "theme_asphalt_show_dirty_tabs": false, // true } ``` ![Dirty Tabs](_screenshots_/dirty_tabs.png) *** Enable previous entries selection dropdown for input fields and close button for bottom panels ```json { "theme_asphalt_show_input_dropdowon": false, // true "theme_asphalt_show_panel_close": false, // true } ``` ![Bottom Panel Extras](_screenshots_/bottom_panel_extras.png) *** Higher or lower padding for entries in sidebar ```json { "theme_asphalt_sidebar_big": false, // true "theme_asphalt_sidebar_small": false, // true } ``` ![Sidebar Sizes](_screenshots_/sidebar_heights.png) *** Brighter colour for text in statusbar ```json { "theme_asphalt_status_bar_brighter": false, // true } ``` Taller or smaller tabs ```json { "theme_asphalt_tabs_big": false, // true "theme_asphalt_tabs_small": false, // true } ``` ![Tab Sizes](_screenshots_/tab_heights.png) *** ### License [MIT & WTFPL](https://github.com/Orlmente/Theme-Asphalt/blob/master/LICENSE)